407 research outputs found

    Ten Simple Rules for organizing a non–real-time web conference

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    The present work describes the 100% virtual ATIDES (Avances en Tecnologı ´as, Innovacio ´n y Desafı ´os de la Educacio ´n Superior) conference that was held between October 15 and 31, 2018, sponsored by Universitat Jaume I (UJI), Spain. Online conferences like this have been the subject of some controversy in the field of education over the last decade. Indeed, we have found a few texts that are against them. One of these is [1], whose authors claim that “interaction is not enough” to ensure efficient simulation of face-to-face contact. However, the Canadian academic community (for instance, the Centre for Distance Education at Athabasca University) is a strong advocate of online conferences (see [2,3]). Among other advantages, this kind of conference is “family-friendly,” i.e., they break barriers for researchers with family obligations [4], in particular many women [5]. In addition, these conferences overcome the drawback of parallel sessions at face-to-face conferences, at which participants must choose certain talks and miss others. Anderson and Anderson [6] even put forward environmental and economic arguments: “Transportation is a major contributor of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.” On the other hand, Abdullah [7] and Kear, Chetwynd, and Jefferis [8] look at the matter from another point of view that is also important: Social presence at online conferences

    Child t-shirt size data set from 3D body scanner anthropometric measurements and a questionnaire

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    [EN] A dataset of a fit assessment study in children is presented. Anthropometric measurements of 113 children were obtained using a 3D body scanner. Children tested a t-shirt of different sizes and a different model for boys and girls, and their fit was assessed by an expert. This expert labeled the fit as 0 (correct), ¿1 (if the garment was small for that child), or 1 (if the garment was large for that child) in an ordered factor called Size-fit. Moreover, the fit was numerically assessed from 1 (very poor fit) to 10 (perfect fit) in a variable called Expert evaluation. This data set contains the differences between the reference mannequin of the evaluated size and the child¿s anthropometric measurements for 27 variables. Besides these variables, in the data set, we can also find the gender, the size evaluated, and the size recommended by the expert, including if an intermediate, but nonexistent size between two consecutive sizes would have been the right size. In total, there are 232 observations. The analysis of these data can be found in Pierola et al. (2016) [2].This work has been partially supported by Grants DPI2013-47279-C2-1-R and DPI2013-47279-C2-2-R.Pierola, A.; Epifanio, I.; Alemany Mut, MS. (2017). Child t-shirt size data set from 3D body scanner anthropometric measurements and a questionnaire. Data in Brief. 11:311-315. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2017.02.025S3113151

    Nivat's conjecture holds for sums of two periodic configurations

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    Nivat's conjecture is a long-standing open combinatorial problem. It concerns two-dimensional configurations, that is, maps Z2A\mathbb Z^2 \rightarrow \mathcal A where A\mathcal A is a finite set of symbols. Such configurations are often understood as colorings of a two-dimensional square grid. Let Pc(m,n)P_c(m,n) denote the number of distinct m×nm \times n block patterns occurring in a configuration cc. Configurations satisfying Pc(m,n)mnP_c(m,n) \leq mn for some m,nNm,n \in \mathbb N are said to have low rectangular complexity. Nivat conjectured that such configurations are necessarily periodic. Recently, Kari and the author showed that low complexity configurations can be decomposed into a sum of periodic configurations. In this paper we show that if there are at most two components, Nivat's conjecture holds. As a corollary we obtain an alternative proof of a result of Cyr and Kra: If there exist m,nNm,n \in \mathbb N such that Pc(m,n)mn/2P_c(m,n) \leq mn/2, then cc is periodic. The technique used in this paper combines the algebraic approach of Kari and the author with balanced sets of Cyr and Kra.Comment: Accepted for SOFSEM 2018. This version includes an appendix with proofs. 12 pages + references + appendi


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    A prisão civil, entendida como meio coercitivo de pagamento, é norma contida no inciso LXVII do artigo 5º da Constituição Federal que consagra em nosso ordenamento jurídico a proibição da prisão civil por dívida, com a ressalva das hipóteses do responsável pelo inadimplemento, voluntário e inescusável, de obrigação alimentícia e do depositário infiel. Contudo, o Supremo Tribunal Federal editou a Súmula Vinculante nº 25, segundo a qual “é ilícita a prisão civil de depositário infiel, qualquer que seja a modalidade do depósito”. As etapas até que se chegasse à fórmula atualmente consagrada é o que será visto a seguir

    Actas del congreso virtual: Avances en tecnologías, innovación y desafío de la educación superior ATIDES 2016.

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    ls entorns virtuals (educació a distància, e-Learning, blended Learning, laboratoris virtuals...), la globalització universitària (mobilitat virtual, educació global i multicultural, convenis interuniversitaris), cursos a distància massius i oberts (Massive Open Online Courses, MOOC), noves tecnologies en educació, l'espai europeu d'educació superior i els programes de mobilitat a partir de la Declaració de Bolonya, les experiències innovadores en educació, l'evaluació de competències i planificació de ECTS, l'acreditació de la qualitat, els aspectes legals i econòmics de l'educació, la regulació jurídica del dret a l'educació, l'educació i gènere... són alguns dels desafiaments que tracta la publicació

    Separation Assurance and Scheduling Coordination in the Arrival Environment

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    Separation assurance (SA) automation has been proposed as either a ground-based or airborne paradigm. The arrival environment is complex because aircraft are being sequenced and spaced to the arrival fix. This paper examines the effect of the allocation of the SA and scheduling functions on the performance of the system. Two coordination configurations between an SA and an arrival management system are tested using both ground and airborne implementations. All configurations have a conflict detection and resolution (CD&R) system and either an integrated or separated scheduler. Performance metrics are presented for the ground and airborne systems based on arrival traffic headed to Dallas/ Fort Worth International airport. The total delay, time-spacing conformance, and schedule conformance are used to measure efficiency. The goal of the analysis is to use the metrics to identify performance differences between the configurations that are based on different function allocations. A surveillance range limitation of 100 nmi and a time delay for sharing updated trajectory intent of 30 seconds were implemented for the airborne system. Overall, these results indicate that the surveillance range and the sharing of trajectories and aircraft schedules are important factors in determining the efficiency of an airborne arrival management system. These parameters are not relevant to the ground-based system as modeled for this study because it has instantaneous access to all aircraft trajectories and intent. Creating a schedule external to the CD&R and the scheduling conformance system was seen to reduce total delays for the airborne system, and had a minor effect on the ground-based system. The effect of an external scheduler on other metrics was mixed

    Actas del Congreso Virtual Avances en Tecnologías, Innovación y Desafíos de la Educación Superior ATIDES 2018

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    Actes del Congres Virtual Avances en Tecnologías, Innovación y Desafíos de la Educación Superior ATIDES 201

    The Relationship between Knowing Sign Language and Quality of Life among Italian People Who Are Deaf: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Deafness is a medical condition with important relational implications. This conditioncould affect well-being and self-esteem and cause social anxiety. Sign language is not only a simplemimic but can be considered as a different kind of communication that could be protective for thosewho have learned it. However, some people do not use sign language because they think it canbe marginalizing. The present study aimed to compare the quality of life (QoL) between peoplewho learned Italian sign language as their first language with those who had never learned it orlearned it later. This cross-sectional study involved 182 deaf Italian adults (70.3% females) who wererecruited from Ente Nazionale Sordi (ENS) and by the main online deafness groups. The presentresults suggest that the deaf condition does not seem to significantly affect the dimensions of QoLpertaining to satisfaction and self-esteem, while it could have an effect on preventing high levels of social anxiety and in particular, the group who learned Italian sign language showed significantlyless social anxiety than those who had never learned it