272 research outputs found

    Los sistemas lacustres de la Cuenca terciaria del Duero

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    El registro sedimentari0 de la Depresión terciaria del Duero se divide en tres ciclos: Cretácico superior-Paleoceno, Eoceno-Mioceno inferior y Mioceno medio-Mioceno superior. Los medios lacustres se sitúan en las zonas centrales de la cuenca, rodeados de orlas aluviales marginales, coincidiendo la mayor acumulación lacustre con el eje de subsidencia Burgos-Baltanás-Aranda de Duero. En el ciclo Eoceno-Mioceno inferior 10s sistemas lacustres están mejor desarrollados en la cuenca de Almazán, donde se han reconocido dos grandes subambientes: 1) Orla fluvio-lacustre y 2) Zonas lacustres internas someras; estas últimas caracterizadas por una asociación de facies carbonatada y otra pantanoso-lacustre. En el ciclo Mioceno medio-Mioceno superior los sistemas lacustres están mejor desarrollados que en el anterior. Se han diferenciado los siguientes grupos de asociaciones de facies: 1) Orla fluvio-lacustre. 2) Llanuras lutiticas. 3) Zonas lacustres marginales, en las que se diferencian dos asociaciones de facies, una relacionada con el influjo directo de terrigenos (a. deltaica) y otra alejada del mismo (a. calizo-margosa). 4) Zonas lacustres someras internas, en las que se reconocen una asociación carbonatada y otra evaporitica que representa etapas correlativas a balances hídricos negativos enla cuenca

    Estudio de la idoneidad de un nuevo hormigón estructural fabricado con áridos ligeros reforzados con fibra de carbono sinterizados a partir de residuos

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    The suitability of three new lightweight aggregates containing carbon fiber residues (CAs) as components in structural lightweight concrete has been studied. Prismatic concrete specimens were prepared using these CAs as a coarse fraction. Additional specimens of normal-weight aggregate, commercial lightweight aggregate and mortar were prepared for comparison. The CA-concrete samples (CACs) have yielded compressive strength values between 35 and 55 MPa as well as low density and thermal conductivity results. Furthermore, the CACs have displayed the highest ratios of mechanical strength over density and the thermal conductivity, which means that there is a better balance between their mechanical and physical properties than in the other samples studied. These results indicate that the new CAs could have great potential for use in structural lightweight concrete, also complying with the principles of the Circular Economy.Este estudio pretende comprobar la idoneidad de unos novedosos áridos ligeros sinterizados con residuos de fibra de carbono (CAs) en la fabricación de hormigón ligero estructural. Se prepararon probetas prismáticas de hormigón, utilizando estos CAs como fracción gruesa, comparándose a su vez con probetas fabricadas con un árido convencional, un árido ligero comercial y mortero. Las muestras de hormigón con los áridos CA (en adelante CAC) han dado lugar a valores de resistencia a compresión entre 35 y 55 MPa, así como a resultados bajos de densidad y conductividad térmica, mostrando además las ratios más altas al relacionar estos tres parámetros. Esto indicaría por tanto un mejor equilibrio entre las propiedades mecánicas y físicas que los obtenidos en las otras muestras estudiadas. Estos resultados apuntan a que los nuevos CAs podrían tener un gran potencial para su uso en hormigón ligero estructural, cumpliendo además los principios de la Economía Circular

    Intensity-based image registration using multiple distributed agents

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    Image registration is the process of geometrically aligning images taken from different sensors, viewpoints or instances in time. It plays a key role in the detection of defects or anomalies for automated visual inspection. A multiagent distributed blackboard system has been developed for intensity-based image registration. The images are divided into segments and allocated to agents on separate processors, allowing parallel computation of a similarity metric that measures the degree of likeness between reference and sensed images after the application of a transform. The need for a dedicated control module is removed by coordination of agents via the blackboard. Tests show that additional agents increase speed, provided the communication capacity of the blackboard is not saturated. The success of the approach in achieving registration, despite significant misalignment of the original images, is demonstrated in the detection of manufacturing defects on screen-printed plastic bottles and printed circuit boards

    The Ncoa7 locus regulates V-ATPase formation and function, neurodevelopment and behaviour

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    Members of the Tre2/Bub2/Cdc16 (TBC), lysin motif (LysM), domain catalytic (TLDc) protein family are associated with multiple neurodevelopmental disorders, although their exact roles in disease remain unclear. For example, nuclear receptor coactivator 7 (NCOA7) has been associated with autism, although almost nothing is known regarding the mode-of-action of this TLDc protein in the nervous system. Here we investigated the molecular function of NCOA7 in neurons and generated a novel mouse model to determine the consequences of deleting this locus in vivo. We show that NCOA7 interacts with the cytoplasmic domain of the vacuolar (V)-ATPase in the brain and demonstrate that this protein is required for normal assembly and activity of this critical proton pump. Neurons lacking Ncoa7 exhibit altered development alongside defective lysosomal formation and function; accordingly, Ncoa7 deletion animals exhibited abnormal neuronal patterning defects and a reduced expression of lysosomal markers. Furthermore, behavioural assessment revealed anxiety and social defects in mice lacking Ncoa7. In summary, we demonstrate that NCOA7 is an important V-ATPase regulatory protein in the brain, modulating lysosomal function, neuronal connectivity and behaviour; thus our study reveals a molecular mechanism controlling endolysosomal homeostasis that is essential for neurodevelopment

    ModelFLOWs-app: data-driven post-processing and reduced order modelling tools

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    This article presents an innovative open-source software named ModelFLOWs-app, written in Python, which has been created and tested to generate precise and robust hybrid reduced order models (ROMs) fully data-driven. By integrating modal decomposition and deep learning methods in diverse ways, the software uncovers the fundamental patterns in dynamic systems. This acquired knowledge is then employed to enrich the comprehension of the underlying physics, reconstruct databases from limited measurements, and forecast the progression of system dynamics. These hybrid models combine experimental and numerical database, and serve as accurate alternatives to numerical simulations, effectively diminishing computational expenses, and also as tools for optimization and control. The ModelFLOWs-app software has demonstrated in a wide range of applications its great capability to develop reliable data-driven hybrid ROMs, highlighting its potential in understanding complex non-linear dynamical systems and offering valuable insights into various applications. This article presents the mathematical background, review some examples of applications and introduces a short tutorial of ModelFLOWs-app

    Premiers résultats concernant le site des Jardins de Saint-Benoît (Saint-Laurent-de-la-Cabrerisse, Aude), pôle religieux et funéraire des Corbières

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    Un projet immobilier est à l’origine de la découverte et de la fouille du site des Jardins de Saint-Benoît à Saint-Laurent-de-la-Cabrerisse (Aude). Il a livré un vaste cimetière, enserrant les vestiges d’une église à chevet plat. Les sépultures étudiées, de formes et d’architectures variées, témoignent de la longue durée de fonctionnement du pôle funéraire. En effet, celui-ci semble apparaître avant la fin du VIIIe siècle et perdurer jusqu’au bas Moyen Âge, période durant laquelle l’église est presque entièrement démantelée et le cimetière abandonné. La genèse du site souffre de nombreuses lacunes documentaires. Bien qu’il soit fait mention d’une fondation monastique sur le territoire de la commune (Sancti Laurentii), le bâtiment mis au jour pourrait également correspondre à l’église Saint-Benoît ou à un autre édifice cultuel, dont aucune mention ne nous serait parvenue. De même, ses modalités d’abandon demeurent incertaines. On peut toutefois évoquer le rôle éventuel de l’épidémie de peste noire de la seconde moitié du XIVe siècle, qui est la cause attestée du décès de plusieurs individus

    Robot object manipulation using stereoscopic vision and conformal geometric algebra

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    Abstract. This paper uses geometric algebra to formulate, in a single framework, the kinematics of a three finger robotic hand, a binocular robotic head, and the interactions between 3D objects, all of which are seen in stereo images. The main objective is the formulation of a kinematic control law to close the loop between perception and actions, which allows to perform a smooth visually guided object manipulation

    The Absolute Line Quadric and Camera Autocalibration

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    We introduce a geometrical object providing the same information as the absolute conic: the absolute line quadric (ALQ). After the introduction of the necessary exterior algebra and Grassmannian geometry tools, we analyze the Grassmannian of lines of P^3 from both the projective and Euclidean points of view. The exterior algebra setting allows then to introduce the ALQ as a quadric arising very naturally from the dual absolute quadric. We fully characterize the ALQ and provide clean relationships to solve the inverse problem, i.e., recovering the Euclidean structure of space from the ALQ. Finally we show how the ALQ turns out to be particularly suitable to address the Euclidean autocalibration of a set of cameras with square pixels and otherwise varying intrinsic parameters, providing new linear and non-linear algorithms for this problem. We also provide experimental results showing the good performance of the techniques

    Antioxidant activity and characterization of whey protein-based beverages: Effect of shelf life and gastrointestinal transit on bioactivity

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    Whey proteins can exhibit antioxidant activity. The objectives of this study were to formulate model whey based beverages with well-established antioxidants (plant polyphenols, vitamins and astaxanthin) to investigate (1) the antioxidant shelf life over a 24-week period and (2) the antioxidant activity after upper gastrointestinal transit. Pilot scale processing (pasteurization, ultra-high temperature or spray drying) was used to prepare beverages which were representative of current product formats. In vitro gastrointestinal digestion of test samples was performed using the standardised INFOGEST method and antioxidant activity of samples was determined using ABTS, FRAP and ORAC. Results from the antioxidant shelf life study provided evidence that powder products functionality was preserved. Whey beverages (pasteurised or spray dried) increased or maintained antioxidant activity during gastrointestinal transit. Combination of whey with additional antioxidant ingredients increased the bioactivity of formulated products; however, this greater bioactivity was altered after gastrointestinal transit, depending on processing type and antioxidant methodology. Industrial relevance: Whey protein-based antioxidant beverages could benefit the elderly consumer to meet their increased protein requirements and boost their antioxidant status. Consumer's acceptance for whey protein-based beverages often improves with clear formulations. This work generated whey protein-based UHT beverages with greater stability and clarity than pasteurised formulations. A novel combination of plant and marine antioxidants increased antioxidant activity of whey protein-based formulations. Furthermore, to suit export markets this work generated spray dried whey protein formulations that did not alter antioxidant potentialThis work was funded by the Irish Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, FIRM 13F354-WheyGSH and 15F604-TOMI). A. R. Corrochano was in receipt of a Teagasc Walsh Fellowship. E. Arranz also received funding from Enterprise Ireland (MF2018-0151) and the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 71365

    Deficiency of the zinc finger protein ZFP106 causes motor and sensory neurodegeneration

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    Acknowledgements We are indebted to Jim Humphries, JennyCorrigan, LizDarley, Elizabeth Joynson, Natalie Walters, Sara Wells and the whole necropsy, histology, genotyping and MLC ward 6 teams at MRC Harwell for excellent technical assistance. We thank the staff of the WTSI Illumina Bespoke Team for the RNA-seq data, the Sanger Mouse Genetics Project for the initial mouse characterization and Dr David Adams for critical reading of the manuscript. We also thank KOMP for the mouse embryonic stem cells carrying the knockout first promoter-less allele (tm1a(KOMP)Wtsi) within Zfp016. Conflict of Interest statement. None declared. Funding This work was funded by the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) to A.A.-A. and a Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA) project grant to A.A.-A. and EMCF. D.L.H.B. is a Wellcome Trust Senior Clinical Scientist Fellow and P.F. is a MRC/MNDA Lady Edith Wolfson Clinician Scientist Fellow. Funding to pay the Open Access publication charges for this article was provided by the MRC grant number: MC_UP_A390_1106.Peer reviewedPublisher PD