169 research outputs found

    Structure of Supergiant Shells in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    Nine supergiant shells (SGSs) have been identified in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) based on H-alpha images, and twenty-three SGSs have been reported based on HI 21-cm line observations, but these sets do not always identify the same structures. We have examined the physical structure of the optically identified SGSs using HI channel maps and P-V diagrams to analyze the gas kinematics. There is good evidence for seven of the nine optically identified SGSs to be true shells. Of these seven H-alpha SGSs, four are the ionized inner walls of HI SGSs, while three are an ionized portion of a larger and more complex HI structure. All of the H-alpha SGSs are identified as such because they have OB associations along the periphery or in the center, with younger OB associations more often found along the periphery. After roughly 12 Myrs, if no new OB associations have been formed a SGS will cease to be identifiable at visible wavelengths. Thus, the presence and location of ionizing sources is the main distinction between shells seen only in HI and those also seen in H-alpha. Based on our analysis, H-alpha observations alone cannot unambiguously identify SGSs, especially in distant galaxies.Comment: 26 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Supplemen

    The First Orbital Period for a Dwarf Nova in a Globular Cluster: V101 in M5

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    We report the first orbital period determination for a Dwarf Nova (DN) in a glubular cluster: V101 in M5 has a period of 5.796 +- 0.036 hours. We derived this period from I-band photometry acquired with the Calypso Observatory High Resolution Camera operating with tip-tilt adaptive optics correction. Observations from the South African Astronomical Observatory in the V-band were also analyzed and exhibit a periodic signal of the same period. This orbital period suggests that V101 has a secondary of mid to late K spectral type with Mv = +8.2 +- 0.5. The predicted spectral type is consistent with previous spectral observations in quiescence which show a fairly red continuum. From the observed minimum brightness of V = 22.5, we derive a distance modulus of (m - M)v = 14.3 +- 0.5 to the DN which supports V101's membership in the globular cluster M5. Measurement of the ellipsoidality effect indicates that the orbital plane of the V101 system is moderately inclined, but not enough to exhibit eclipses.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures, 3 table

    Correlation between the Extraordinary Hall Effect and Resistivity

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    We study the contribution of different types of scattering sources to the extraordinary Hall effect. Scattering by magnetic nano-particles embedded in normal-metal matrix, insulating impurities in magnetic matrix, surface scattering and temperature dependent scattering are experimentally tested. Our new data, as well as previously published results on a variety of materials, are fairly interpreted by a simple modification of the skew scattering model

    An X-ray absorption analysis of the high-velocity system in NGC 1275

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    We present an X-ray absorption analysis of the high-velocity system (HVS) in NGC 1275 using results from a deep 200 ks Chandra observation. We are able to describe the morphology of the HVS in more detail than ever before. We present an HST image for comparison, and note close correspondence between the deepest X-ray absorption and the optical absorption. A column density map of the HVS shows an average column density NH of 1x10^21 cm^-2 with a range from ~5x10^20 to 5x10^21 cm^-2. From the NH map we calculate a total mass for the absorbing gas in the HVS of (1.32+-0.05)x10^9 solar masses at solar abundance. 75 per cent of the absorbing mass is contained in the four regions of deepest absorption. We examine temperature maps produced by spectral fitting and find no direct evidence for shocked gas in the HVS. Using deprojection methods and the depth of the observed absorption, we are able to put a lower limit on the distance of the HVS from the nucleus of 57 kpc, showing that the HVS is quite separate from the body of NGC 1275.Comment: 6 pages, 5 colour figures, accepted by MNRA

    Spitzer 24 um Images of Planetary Nebulae

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    Spitzer MIPS 24 um images were obtained for 36 Galactic planetary nebulae (PNe) whose central stars are hot white dwarfs (WDs) or pre-WDs with effective temperatures of ~100,000 K or higher. Diffuse 24 um emission is detected in 28 of these PNe. The eight non-detections are angularly large PNe with very low H-alpha surface brightnesses. We find three types of correspondence between the 24 um emission and H-alpha line emission of these PNe: six show 24 um emission more extended than H-alpha emission, nine have a similar extent at 24 um and H-alpha, and 13 show diffuse 24 um emission near the center of the H-alpha shell. The sizes and surface brightnesses of these three groups of PNe and the non-detections suggest an evolutionary sequence, with the youngest ones being brightest and the most evolved ones undetected. The 24 um band emission from these PNe is attributed to [O IV] 25.9 um and [Ne V] 24.3 um line emission and dust continuum emission, but the relative contributions of these three components depend on the temperature of the central star and the distribution of gas and dust in the nebula.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, to appear in the Astronomical Journal, September issue. Relace previous file; two references are added and typos are correcte

    Discovery of an M8.5 Dwarf With Proper Motion mu=2.38 arcsec/yr

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    We report the discovery of LSR1826+3014, a very faint (V=19.36) star with a very large proper motion (mu=2.38 arcsec/yr). A low resolution red spectrum reveals that LSR1826+3014 is an ultra-cool red dwarf with spectral type M8.5 V and with a radial velocity v_rad=+77+/-10 km/s. LSR1826+3014 is thus the faintest red dwarf ever discovered with a proper motion larger than 2 arcsec/yr. Optical and infrared photometry suggest that the star is at a distance d=13.9+/-3.5 pc from the Sun, which implies it is moving relative to the local standard of rest with a total velocity of 175+/-25 km/s. Numerical integration of its orbit suggests that LSR1826+3014 is on a halo-like galactic orbit.Comment: 12 pages, including 1 table and 3 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Deep optical observations of the interaction of the SS 433 microquasar jet with the W 50 radio continuum shell

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    Four mosaics of deep, continuum-subtracted, CCD images have been obtained over the extensive galactic radio continuum shell, W 50, which surrounds the remarkable stellar system SS 433. Two of these mosaics in the Halpha+[N II] and [O III] 5007 A emission lines respectively cover a field of ~2.3 x 2.5 degr^2 which contains all of W 50 but at a low angular resolution of 5 arcsec. The third and fourth mosaics cover the eastern (in [O III] 5007 A) and western (in Halpha+[N II]) filamentary nebulosity respectively but at an angular resolution of 1 arcsec. These observations are supplemented by new low dispersion spectra and longslit, spatially resolved echelle spectra. The [O III] 5007 A images show for the first time the distribution of this emission in both the eastern and western filaments while new Halpha+[N II] emission features are also found in both of these regions. Approaching flows of faintly emitting material from the bright eastern filaments of up 100 km/s in radial velocity are detected. The present observations also suggest that the heliocentric systemic radial velocity of the whole system is 56+-2 km/s. Furthermore, very deep imagery and high resolution spectroscopy of a small part of the northern radio ridge of W 50 has revealed for the first time the very faint optical nebulosity associated with this edge. It is suggested that patchy foreground dust along the ~5 kpc sightline is inhibiting the detection of all of the optical nebulosity associated with W 50. The interaction of the microquasar jets of SS 433 with the W 50 shell is discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for pubication in MNRA
