242 research outputs found

    Conflict-Free Coloring Made Stronger

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    In FOCS 2002, Even et al. showed that any set of nn discs in the plane can be Conflict-Free colored with a total of at most O(logn)O(\log n) colors. That is, it can be colored with O(logn)O(\log n) colors such that for any (covered) point pp there is some disc whose color is distinct from all other colors of discs containing pp. They also showed that this bound is asymptotically tight. In this paper we prove the following stronger results: \begin{enumerate} \item [(i)] Any set of nn discs in the plane can be colored with a total of at most O(klogn)O(k \log n) colors such that (a) for any point pp that is covered by at least kk discs, there are at least kk distinct discs each of which is colored by a color distinct from all other discs containing pp and (b) for any point pp covered by at most kk discs, all discs covering pp are colored distinctively. We call such a coloring a {\em kk-Strong Conflict-Free} coloring. We extend this result to pseudo-discs and arbitrary regions with linear union-complexity. \item [(ii)] More generally, for families of nn simple closed Jordan regions with union-complexity bounded by O(n1+α)O(n^{1+\alpha}), we prove that there exists a kk-Strong Conflict-Free coloring with at most O(knα)O(k n^\alpha) colors. \item [(iii)] We prove that any set of nn axis-parallel rectangles can be kk-Strong Conflict-Free colored with at most O(klog2n)O(k \log^2 n) colors. \item [(iv)] We provide a general framework for kk-Strong Conflict-Free coloring arbitrary hypergraphs. This framework relates the notion of kk-Strong Conflict-Free coloring and the recently studied notion of kk-colorful coloring. \end{enumerate} All of our proofs are constructive. That is, there exist polynomial time algorithms for computing such colorings

    Dynamic Windows Scheduling with Reallocation

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    We consider the Windows Scheduling problem. The problem is a restricted version of Unit-Fractions Bin Packing, and it is also called Inventory Replenishment in the context of Supply Chain. In brief, the problem is to schedule the use of communication channels to clients. Each client ci is characterized by an active cycle and a window wi. During the period of time that any given client ci is active, there must be at least one transmission from ci scheduled in any wi consecutive time slots, but at most one transmission can be carried out in each channel per time slot. The goal is to minimize the number of channels used. We extend previous online models, where decisions are permanent, assuming that clients may be reallocated at some cost. We assume that such cost is a constant amount paid per reallocation. That is, we aim to minimize also the number of reallocations. We present three online reallocation algorithms for Windows Scheduling. We evaluate experimentally these protocols showing that, in practice, all three achieve constant amortized reallocations with close to optimal channel usage. Our simulations also expose interesting trade-offs between reallocations and channel usage. We introduce a new objective function for WS with reallocations, that can be also applied to models where reallocations are not possible. We analyze this metric for one of the algorithms which, to the best of our knowledge, is the first online WS protocol with theoretical guarantees that applies to scenarios where clients may leave and the analysis is against current load rather than peak load. Using previous results, we also observe bounds on channel usage for one of the algorithms.Comment: 6 figure

    How Unsplittable-Flow-Covering helps Scheduling with Job-Dependent Cost Functions

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    Generalizing many well-known and natural scheduling problems, scheduling with job-specific cost functions has gained a lot of attention recently. In this setting, each job incurs a cost depending on its completion time, given by a private cost function, and one seeks to schedule the jobs to minimize the total sum of these costs. The framework captures many important scheduling objectives such as weighted flow time or weighted tardiness. Still, the general case as well as the mentioned special cases are far from being very well understood yet, even for only one machine. Aiming for better general understanding of this problem, in this paper we focus on the case of uniform job release dates on one machine for which the state of the art is a 4-approximation algorithm. This is true even for a special case that is equivalent to the covering version of the well-studied and prominent unsplittable flow on a path problem, which is interesting in its own right. For that covering problem, we present a quasi-polynomial time (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm that yields an (e+ϵ)(e+\epsilon)-approximation for the above scheduling problem. Moreover, for the latter we devise the best possible resource augmentation result regarding speed: a polynomial time algorithm which computes a solution with \emph{optimal }cost at 1+ϵ1+\epsilon speedup. Finally, we present an elegant QPTAS for the special case where the cost functions of the jobs fall into at most logn\log n many classes. This algorithm allows the jobs even to have up to logn\log n many distinct release dates.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figur

    Perfect periodic scheduling for binary tree routing in wireless networks

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    In this paper we tackle the problem of coordinating transmission of data across a Wireless Mesh Network. The single task nature of mesh nodes imposes simultaneous activation of adjacent nodes during transmission. This makes the coordinated scheduling of local mesh node traffic with forwarded traffic across the access network to the Internet via the Gateway notoriously difficult. Moreover, with packet data the nature of the coordinated transmission schedule has a big impact upon both the data throughput and energy consumption. Perfect Periodic Scheduling, in which each demand is itself serviced periodically, provides a robust solution. In this paper we explore the properties of Perfect Periodic Schedules with modulo arithmetic using the Chinese Remainder Theorem. We provide a polynomial time, optimisation algorithm, when the access network routing tree has a chain or binary tree structure. Results demonstrate that energy savings and high throughput can be achieved simultaneously. The methodology is generalisable

    A General Buffer Scheme for the Windows Scheduling Problem

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    Broadcasting is an efficient alternative to unicast for delivering popular on-demand media requests. Broadcasting schemes that are based on windows scheduling algorithms provide a way to satisfy all requests with both low bandwidth and low latency. Consider a system of n pages that need to be scheduled (transmitted) on identical channels an infinite number of times. Time is slotted, and it takes one time slot to transmit each page. In the windows scheduling problem (WS) each page i, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, is associated with a request window wi. In a feasible schedule for WS, page i must be scheduled at least once in any window of wi time slots. The objective function is to minimize the number of channels required to schedule all the pages. The main contribution of this paper is the design of a general buffer scheme for the windows scheduling problem such that any algorithm for WS follows this scheme. As a result, this scheme can serve as a tool to analyze and/or exhaust all possible WS-algorithms. The buffer scheme is based on modelling the system as a nondeterministic finite state machine in which any directed cycle corresponds to a legal schedule and vice-versa. Since WS is NP-hard, w

    Computing a maximum clique in geometric superclasses of disk graphs

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    In the 90's Clark, Colbourn and Johnson wrote a seminal paper where they proved that maximum clique can be solved in polynomial time in unit disk graphs. Since then, the complexity of maximum clique in intersection graphs of d-dimensional (unit) balls has been investigated. For ball graphs, the problem is NP-hard, as shown by Bonamy et al. (FOCS '18). They also gave an efficient polynomial time approximation scheme (EPTAS) for disk graphs. However, the complexity of maximum clique in this setting remains unknown. In this paper, we show the existence of a polynomial time algorithm for a geometric superclass of unit disk graphs. Moreover, we give partial results toward obtaining an EPTAS for intersection graphs of convex pseudo-disks

    Elastic and Raman scattering of 9.0 and 11.4 MeV photons from Au, Dy and In

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    Monoenergetic photons between 8.8 and 11.4 MeV were scattered elastically and in elastically (Raman) from natural targets of Au, Dy and In.15 new cross sections were measured. Evidence is presented for a slight deformation in the 197Au nucleus, generally believed to be spherical. It is predicted, on the basis of these measurements, that the Giant Dipole Resonance of Dy is very similar to that of 160Gd. A narrow isolated resonance at 9.0 MeV is observed in In.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figure

    The Minimum Backlog Problem

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    We study the minimum backlog problem (MBP). This online problem arises, e.g., in the context of sensor networks. We focus on two main variants of MBP. The discrete MBP is a 2-person game played on a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E). The player is initially located at a vertex of the graph. In each time step, the adversary pours a total of one unit of water into cups that are located on the vertices of the graph, arbitrarily distributing the water among the cups. The player then moves from her current vertex to an adjacent vertex and empties the cup at that vertex. The player's objective is to minimize the backlog, i.e., the maximum amount of water in any cup at any time. The geometric MBP is a continuous-time version of the MBP: the cups are points in the two-dimensional plane, the adversary pours water continuously at a constant rate, and the player moves in the plane with unit speed. Again, the player's objective is to minimize the backlog. We show that the competitive ratio of any algorithm for the MBP has a lower bound of Ω(D)\Omega(D), where DD is the diameter of the graph (for the discrete MBP) or the diameter of the point set (for the geometric MBP). Therefore we focus on determining a strategy for the player that guarantees a uniform upper bound on the absolute value of the backlog. For the absolute value of the backlog there is a trivial lower bound of Ω(D)\Omega(D), and the deamortization analysis of Dietz and Sleator gives an upper bound of O(DlogN)O(D\log N) for NN cups. Our main result is a tight upper bound for the geometric MBP: we show that there is a strategy for the player that guarantees a backlog of O(D)O(D), independently of the number of cups.Comment: 1+16 pages, 3 figure