183 research outputs found

    Evolution of salinity and water table level of the phreatic coastal aquifer of the Emilia Romagna region (Italy)

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    The coastal aquifers of the Mediterranean region are highly susceptible to seawater intrusion due to a combination of challenges such as land subsidence, high aquifer permeability, urbanization, drainage, and an unsustainable use of water during the dry summer months. The present study is focused on a statistical analysis of groundwater data to evaluate the spatial changes of water level and electrical conductivity in the coastal phreatic aquifer of the Emilia-Romagna (Northeast Italy) for the period from 2009 to 2018. Data from 35 wells distributed across the entire regional coastal area are used to establish a temporal trend, as well as correlations between salinity, water table level, and rainfall. Water table and salinity distribution maps for the entire study area are discussed regarding surface geology and water management. Most of the wells are in the beach wedge sand unit, which allows for easy connectivity between groundwater and surface water. Surface water and groundwater salinization are enhanced along the surface water bodies connected to the sea. The lowest water table level occurs in the western and northern parts of the study area, because of the semiconfined behavior of the aquifer. Only in the northernmost, close to the Po River, and in the southernmost parts of the study area does the groundwater remain fresh for the whole period considered due to river aquifer recharge. In the rest of the region, the thickness of freshwater lenses, where present, is less than 4.5 m. The existence of a water table level below sea level and high saline water at the bottom of the aquifer in most of the study area suggest that the aquifer is in unstable hydrodynamic conditions and groundwater quality is not fit for human consumption or for irrigation. This study is the first to provide a regional overview of the state of groundwater level and salinization within the coastal aquifer of the Emilia-Romagna Region; it also suggests that, overall, the salinization trend has slightly decreased from 2009 to 2018

    Physiotherapy management of nociplastic pain: A Delphi study of Italian specialists

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    Background and Purpose: Nociplastic pain due to central sensitization (CS) is common in people suffering from chronic pain, but no clinical practice guideline is available in rehabilitative settings for patients' management. The aim of this study is to achieve expert consensus on physiotherapy competencies in the management of people with nociplastic pain and suspected CS mechanisms. Methods: A web-based Delphi process was employed. Experts in the rehabilitation field were recruited following pre-defined eligibility criteria. Following completion of three Delphi rounds, the final list of competencies was generated. Results: In all, 23 participants were recruited. They all completed Round 1 (23/23, 100%), twenty Round 2 and Round 3 (20/23, 87%). Following Round 1, seven areas were identified by the panel as crucial for CS physiotherapy management; 19 competencies out of 40 reached the consensus between experts, and nine additional competencies were added to Round 2 following literary review. Round 2 identified the agreement for all the 29 competencies. During Round 3, all the experts confirmed the final list generated through the consensus process. Discussion: An agreement between experts was found for the final list of competencies that a physiotherapist should implement every time it approaches people with suspected CS mechanisms. Further research is needed to support the clinical utility of our findings and their applicability in daily practice

    Structural control on carbon emissions at the Nirano mud volcanoes – Italy

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    The Nirano Salse in Italy is a well-studied site where natural gas seepage (NGS) and other hydrocarbon fluids and gases are emitted at the earth's surface. A novel integrated approach is applied to define a comprehensive structural interpretation of the gas seepage and flow dynamic in the mud volcano system of the Nirano Salse Regional Nature Reserve (Modena, Northern Apennines). The paper investigates the relationship between gas emissions and local structures, particularly faults and fractures, in the shallow subsurface (down to 500–600 m depth) to understand the control that structures have on fluid ascent from deep leaky hydrocarbon traps. We performed continuous monitoring of mud levels within vents; carried out geological surveys to characterize the main stratigraphic and structural discontinuities; measured the carbon emissions (CH4 and CO2) seepage both from volcanoes and the surrounding soil by a portable gas fluxmeter; and integrated the results with available geophysical surveys. The authors argue that the transgressive Pleistocene-Pliocene Argille Azzurre Formation hides the complex and highly structured pre-Pliocene geology of the area, in which faults and fractures act as pathways for deep fluid ascent. The emissions are aligned along a NE-SW trend at the intersection of a NE-SW fracture system and NW-SE-oriented normal faults, which are both associated to the local tensional stress field of a likely left-lateral strike-slip transfer structure or in the extrados of a fold. By examining both natural gas macroseepage and diffuse flux, it is shown that local structures control the fluid ascent and contribute to the emission of hydrocarbon gases and fluids at the Earth's surface. Understanding the structural control of carbon emissions at the Nirano Salse is also important for evaluating the carbon budget at the site, particularly in areas where there are detectable surface emissions. The study has implications for geologic, environmental, and economic issues, including hydrocarbon exploration, hazard assessment, and impact on the atmospheric carbon budget. Furthermore, the outcomes have an important implication to evaluate the potential for dangerous abrupt mud eruptions, and the site safety in proximity to the mud volcanoes

    Mid-IR spectra of pre-main sequence Herbig stars : an explanation for the non-detections of water lines

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    The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7-2011 under grant agreement No. 284405.Context. The mid-IR detection rate of water lines in disks around Herbig stars disks is about 5%, while it is around 50% for disks around T Tauri stars. The reason for this is still unclear. Aims. In this study, we want to find an explanation for the different detection rates between low mass and high mass pre-main-sequence stars in the mid-IR regime. Methods. We ran disk models with stellar parameters adjusted to spectral types B9 through M2, using the radiation thermo-chemical disk modelling code ProDiMo. We explored also a small parameter space around a standard disk model, considering dust-to-gas mass ratio, disk gas mass, mixing coefficient for dust settling, flaring index, dust maximum size, and size power law distribution index. We produced convolved spectra at the resolution of Spitzer, IRS, JWST MIRI, and VLT VISIR spectrographs. We applied random noise derived from typical Spitzer spectra for a direct comparison with observations. Results. The strength of the mid-IR water lines correlates directly with the luminosity of the central star. The models show that it is possible to suppress the water emission; however, current observations are not sensitive enough to detect mid-IR lines in disks for most of the explored parameters. The presence of noise in the spectra, combined with the high continuum flux (noise level is proportional to the continuum flux), is the most likely explanation for the non-detections towards Herbig stars. Conclusions. Mid-IR spectra with resolution higher than 20 000 are needed to investigate water in protoplanetary disks. Intrinsic differences in disk structure, such as inner gaps, gas-to-dust ratio, dust size and distribution, and inner disk scale height, between Herbig and T Tauri star disks are able to explain a lower water detection rate in disks around Herbig stars.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Phase I and pharmacokinetic study of brostallicin (PNU-166196), a new DNA minor-groove binder, administered intravenously every 3 weeks to adult patients with metastatic cancer

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    PURPOSE: Brostallicin (PNU-166196) is a cytotoxic agent that binds to the minor groove of DNA with significant antitumor activity in preclinical studies. This trial was designed to determine the maximum tolerated dose, the toxicity profile, and the pharmacokinetics of Brostallicin in cancer patients. Experimental Design: Patients were treated with escalating doses of Brostallicin ranging from 0.85 to 15 mg/m(2) administered as a 10-min i.v. infusion every 3 weeks. Blood samples for pharmacokinetic analysis were collected during the first and second course, and analyzed by liquid-chromatography with tandem-mass spectrometric detection. RESULTS: Twenty-seven evaluable patients received a total of 73 courses. Grade 4 neutropenia was the only dose-limiting toxicity at 12.5 mg/m(2), whereas grade 4 thrombocytopenia (1 patient) and grade 4 neutropenia (2 patients) were the dose-limiting toxicities at 15 mg/m(2). Other side effects, including thrombocytopenia and nausea, were generally mild. The maximum tolerated dose was defined at 10 mg/m(2). The clearance and terminal half-life of Brostallicin were dose-independent, with mean (+/-SD) values of 9.33 +/- 2.38 liters/h/m(2) and 4.69 +/- 1.88 h, respectively. There was no significant accumulation of Brostallicin with repeated administration. Significant relationships were observed between systemic exposure to Brostallicin and neutrophil counts at nadir. One partial response was observed in a patient with a gastrointestinal stromal tumor. CONCLUSION: Brostallicin was found to be well tolerated, with neutropenia being the principal toxicity. The recommended dose for additional evaluation in this schedule is 10 mg/m(2)

    Spatial distribution of micrometre‐scale porosity and permeability across the damage zone of a reverse‐reactivated normal fault in a tight sandstone : Insights from the Otway Basin, SE Australia

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    This research forms part of a PhD project supported by the Australian Research Council [Discovery Project DP160101158] and through an Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship. Dave Healy acknowledges the support of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC, UK) through the award NE/N003063/1 ‘Quantifying the Anisotropy of Permeability in Stressed Rock’. This study was also funded by scholarships from the Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia and the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association. We thank Gordon Holm for preparing thin sections and Colin Taylor for carrying out particle size measurements and mercury injection capillary pressure analyses. Aoife McFadden and David Kelsey from Adelaide Microscopy, Braden Morgan, and Sophie Harland are acknowledged for their assistance with laboratory work. Field assistants James Hall, Rowan Hansberry, and Lachlan Furness are also gratefully acknowledged for their assistance with sample collection. Discussions with Ian Duddy on the mineralogy of the Eumeralla Formation are also greatly appreciated. This forms TRaX record 416.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    RIGED-RA project - Restoration and management of Coastal Dunes in the Northern Adriatic Coast, Ravenna Area - Italy

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    Coastal dunes play an important role in protecting the coastline. Unfortunately, in the last decades dunes have been removed or damaged by human activities. In the Emilia- Romagna region significant residual dune systems are found only along Ravenna and Ferrara coasts. In this context, the RIGED-RA project "Restoration and management of coastal dunes along the Ravenna coast" (2013-2016) has been launched with the aims to identify dynamics, erosion and vulnerability of Northern Adriatic coast and associated residual dunes, and to define intervention strategies for dune protection and restoration. The methodology is based on a multidisciplinary approach that integrates the expertise of several researchers and investigates all aspects (biotic and abiotic), which drive the dune-beach system. All datasets were integrated to identify test sites for applying dune restoration. The intervention finished in April 2016; evolution and restoration efficiency will be assessed

    Consistent dust and gas models for protoplanetary disks IV. A panchromatic view of protoplanetary disks

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    Context. Consistent modeling of protoplanetary disks requires the simultaneous solution of both continuum and line radiative transfer, heating and cooling balance between dust and gas and, of course, chemistry. Such models depend on panchromatic observations that can provide a complete description of the physical and chemical properties and energy balance of protoplanetary systems. Along these lines, we present a homogeneous, panchromatic collection of data on a sample of 85 T Tauri and Herbig Ae objects for which data cover a range from X-rays to centimeter wavelengths. Datasets consist of photometric measurements, spectra, along with results from the data analysis such as line fluxes from atomic and molecular transitions. Additional properties resulting from modeling of the sources such as disk mass and shape parameters, dust size, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) properties are also provided for completeness. Aim. The purpose of this data collection is to provide a solid base that can enable consistent modeling of the properties of protoplanetary disks. To this end, we performed an unbiased collection of publicly available data that were combined to homogeneous datasets adopting consistent criteria. Targets were selected based on both their properties and the availability of data. Methods. Data from more than 50 different telescopes and facilities were retrieved and combined in homogeneous datasets directly from public data archives or after being extracted from more than 100 published articles. X-ray data for a subset of 56 sources represent an exception as they were reduced from scratch and are presented here for the first time. Results. Compiled datasets, along with a subset of continuum and emission-line models are stored in a dedicated database and distributed through a publicly accessible online system. All datasets contain metadata descriptors that allow us to track them back to their original resources. The graphical user interface of the online system allows the user to visually inspect individual objects but also compare between datasets and models. It also offers to the user the possibility to download any of the stored data and metadata for further processing