106 research outputs found

    Fiabilidad diagnóstica comparativa de la mielografía y de la tomografía axial computarizada en la hernia discal lumbar

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    Un grupo de 137 pacientes con hernia discal lumbar fue estudiado retrospectivamente , contrastando los hallazgos quirúrgicos con los proporcionado s por la mielografía y la tomografía axial computarizada (TAC), con objeto de comparar la fiabilidad de ambas técnicas de diagnóstico. La hernia discal correspondió al nivel L5-S1 en 76 pacientes y al L4-L5 en 61. Preoperatoriamente se había efectuado una TAC lumbar en 99 paciente s y una mielografía en 77. En 39 casos se efectuaron ambas exploraciones. La fiabilidad diagnóstica cuantificada por el porcentaje de resultados "verdaderos positivos" fue similar en ambas exploraciones, elevándose al 89% y 90% para la TAC y la mielografía respectivamente . De los 39 paciente s a quiene s se le s practicó ambas exploraciones, en 12 (39%) de ellos no existía concordancia en el diagnóstico. No se registraron "falsos negativos" con la TAC. Como conclusión, ambas técnicas diagnósticas tienen una alta y similar fiabilidad para detectar hernias discale s a nivel lumbar. No obstante, las ventajas que aporta la TAC respecto a la mielografía en cuanto a confort para el pacient e y ausencia de reaccione s adversas hac e que esta técnica sea considerada como el método diagnóstico de elección. La mielografía queda relegada a casos con imágene s dudosas con la TAC.In orde r to compar e the diagnosti c accurac y of CT sca n and myelo - graphy, a series of 137 patients with herniated lumbar disc was retrospectively analyzed matching the surgical findings with the images obtained by both diagnostic techniques. Ther e wer e 7 6 herniate d disc s a t th e L5-S1 leve l an d 6 1 a t th e L4-L5. Preoperatively, 99 patients wer e assessed by CT scan and 77 by mielography. In 39 cases, both technique s wer e performed. The diagnosti c accuracy, quantified by the percentage of "true positive" results wa s similar in both techniques: 89% in CT scan and 90% in mielography . In 12 of the 39 patients explore d by bot h CT scan and myelo - graphy, the results wer e discordant. "False negative" case s wer e not found using CT scan. In conclusion, both CT scan and myelography provide equal high diagnosti c accuracy for lumbar herniated disc. However, CT scan has become the primary diagnostic tool because of several advantages, such as the confort for the patients and the lack of adverse reactions

    Corneal Equilibrium Flux as a Function of Corneal Surface Oxygen Tension

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    [EN] Purpose Oxygen is essential for aerobic mammalian cell physiology. Oxygen tension (PO2) should reach a minimum at some position within the corneal stroma, and oxygen flux should be zero, by definition, at this point as well. We found the locations and magnitudes of this ¿corneal equilibrium flux¿ (xmin) and explored its physiological implications. Methods We used an application of the Monod kinetic model to calculate xmin for normal human cornea as anterior surface PO2 changes from 155 to 20 mmHg. Results We find that xmin deepens, broadens, and advances from 1.25 ¿m above the endothelial¿aqueous humor surface toward the epithelium (reaching a position 320 ¿m above the endothelial¿aqueous humor surface) as anterior corneal surface PO2 decreases from 155 to 20 mmHg. Conclusions Our model supports an anterior corneal oxygen flux of 9 ¿L O2 · cm¿2 · h¿1 and an epithelial oxygen consumption of approximately 4 ¿L O2 · cm¿2 · h¿1. Only at the highest anterior corneal PO2 does our model predict that oxygen diffuses all the way through the cornea to perhaps reach the anterior chamber. Of most interest, corneal oxygen consumption should be supported down to a corneal surface PO2 of 60 to 80 mmHg but declines below this range. We conclude that the critical oxygen tension for hypoxia induced corneal swelling is more likely this range rather than a fixed value.Compañ Moreno, V.; Aguilella-Arzo, M.; Weissman, BA. (2017). Corneal Equilibrium Flux as a Function of Corneal Surface Oxygen Tension. Optometry and Vision Science. 94(6):672-679. doi:10.1097/OPX.0000000000001083S67267994

    Modeling Corneal Oxygen with Scleral Gas Permeable Lens Wear

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    [EN] Purpose. The main goal of this current work is to use an updated calculation paradigm, and updated boundary conditions, toprovidetheoreticalguidelinestoassisttheclinicianwhosegoalistoimprovehisorherscleralgaspermeable(GP)contact lens wearing patients¿ anterior corneal oxygen supply. Methods. Our model uses a variable value of corneal oxygen consumption developed through Monod equations that disallows negative oxygen tensions within the stroma to predict oxygen tension at the anterior corneal surface of scleral GP contact lens wearing eyes, and to describe oxygen tension and flux profiles, for various boundary conditions, through the lens, tears, and cornea. We use several updated tissue and boundary parameters in our model. Tear exchange with GP scleral lenses is considered nonexistent in this model. Results. The majority of current scleral GP contact lenses should produce some levels of corneal hypoxia under open eye conditions.Onlylensesproducingthethinnestoftearvaultsshouldresultinanteriorcornealsurfaceoxygentensionsgreaterthana presumed critical oxygen tension of 100 mmHg. We also find that corneal oxygen tension and flux are each more sensitive to modification in tear vault than to changes in lens oxygen permeability, within the ranges of current clinical manipulation. Conclusions. Our study suggests that clinicians would be prudent to prescribe scleral GP lenses manufactured from higher oxygen permeability materials and especially to fit without excessive corneal clearance. (Optom Vis Sci 2016;93:00Y00Compañ Moreno, V.; Aguilella-Arzo, M.; Edrington, TB.; Weissman, BA. (2016). Modeling Corneal Oxygen with Scleral Gas Permeable Lens Wear. Optometry and Vision Science. 93(11):1339-1348. doi:10.1097/OPX.0000000000000988S13391348931

    On-line tools to improve the presentation skills of scientific results

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    [EN] In experimental sciences and engineering it is essential to communicate and present the results effectively. The authors have participated in several educational innovation projects since 2016, aimed at developing of materials to improve the communication skills of scientific results. An exhaustive and updated compilation of the international rules that constitute the basis for the writted and oral scientific presentations was carried out. The good teaching practices in these fields were also identified. The results of those previous projects have shown the need to incorporate web questionnaires and other interactive content into the educational program. These are adapted to the demands of the students and provide a training feeback. In this contribution, the new materials that are being developed within the innovation project UV-SFPIE_PID19-1096780, funded by the University of Valencia, are presented. They are devoted to facilitate the acquisition of communication skills of scientific results. In particular, these tools combine ICT self-learning environments with traditional classroom teaching (blended learning). The project methodology includes educational data mining aimed at identifying the most effective materials and activities to achieve its objectives. The aim of these mixed learning tools is to facilitate the acquisition by the students of the necessary skills of oral and written communication, improve their presentation skills and, consequently, also their employability as university graduates.This work has been supported by the University of Valencia through project SFPIE_PID19-1096780.Campos-Taberner, M.; Gilabert, M.; Manzanares, J.; Mafé, S.; Cervera, J.; García-Haro, F.; Martínez, B.... (2020). On-line tools to improve the presentation skills of scientific results. IATED. 4907-4910. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2020.1342S4907491

    Tossal de la Vila (la Serra d’en Galceran, Castellón). Un asentamiento en la transición del Bronce Final al Hierro Antiguo. Primeros resultados de las campañas 2012-2014

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    Se presentan los primeros resultados de las excavaciones efectuadas en el asentamiento del Tossal de la Vila. En el yacimiento se han localizado ocupaciones pertenecientes a los siglos VIII y principios del VII ANE, cuya finalización van asociadas a un incendio, lo que ha permitido recuperar un registro material notable. Posteriormente, en el siglo X de la Era se establece sobre los restos antiguos un emplazamiento militar de época islámica, que afecta desigualmente los restos anteriores. En este trabajo se presentan los primeros datos sobre la ocupación del Bronce Final-Hierro Antiguo.We present the results of excavations carried out in the Tossal de la Vila settlement. At the site, we have identified human occupations of the VIII century and the beginning of the VII BC, finished by fire, which has permitted the recovery of a notable inventory of archaeological material. Later, in the tenth century, an Islamic military emplacement was established over the ancient remains. In this work, we present the first results about the first occupation of the final of the Bronze Age and the beginning of the old-iron age

    Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) do also cast neutrophil extracellular traps against the apicomplexan parasite Neospora caninum

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    Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) are web-like structures composed of nuclear DNA decorated with histones and cytoplasmic peptides which antiparasitic properties have not previously been investigated in cetaceans. Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) were isolated from healthy bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), and stimulated with Neospora caninum tachyzoites and the NETs-agonist zymosan. In vitro interactions of PMN with the tachyzoites resulted in rapid extrusion of NETs. For the demonstration and quantification of cetacean NETs, extracellular DNA was stained by using either Sytox Orange® or Pico Green®. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and fluorescence analyses demonstrated PMN-derived release of NETs upon exposure to tachyzoites of N. caninum. Co-localization studies of N. caninum induced cetacean NETs proved the presence of DNA adorned with histones (H1, H2A/H2B, H3, H4), neutrophil elastase (NE), myeloperoxidase (MPO) and pentraxin (PTX) confirming the molecular properties of mammalian NETosis. Dolphin-derived N. caninum-NETosis were efficiently suppressed by DNase I and diphenyleneiodonium (DPI) treatments. Our results indicate that cetacean-derived NETs represent an ancient, conserved and relevant defense effector mechanism of the host innate immune system against N. caninum and probably other related neozoan parasites circulating in the marine environment

    Influencia del tipo y dosis de hidrogel en las propiedades hidrofísicas de tres suelos forestales de distinta textura

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    [ES] Los hidrogeles o polímeros hidroabsorbentes son productos muy empleados en restauración forestal y paisajística que pueden tener un efecto variable según la naturaleza textural del suelo sobre el que se aplican. Sin embargo, su uso práctico se suele realizar independientemente de esta propiedad edáfica, lo que impide su optimización. Para estudiar la relación entre dosis de hidrogel y textura, se han escogido tres productos comerciales y se han ensayado a dos dosis (0,01% y 0,1%) en tres tipos de suelos forestales de la provincia de Valencia: franco-arcillo-arenoso (franco), franco-arcilloso (arcilloso) y areno-francoso (arenoso) (USDA). Se han obtenido las correspondientes curvas deliberación de agua para los puntos de presión de 0, 10, 30, 100 y 300 kPa. Los resultados indican el diferente comportamiento hidrofísico del suelo en función de los factores ensayados. Los suelos arenoso y franco, muestran una mayor liberación de agua de algunos tratamientos respecto al control para bajas presiones, mientras que en el suelo más arcilloso las diferencias son muy leves, siendo el efecto del hidrogel significativo para mayores tensiones. En general, existe proporcionalidad entre la dosis aplicada y el comportamiento del suelo con hidrogel, siendo aconsejable la dosis mayor, aun-que no se han medido los posibles efectos del aumento de volumen.Este trabajo ha sido posible gracias a la financiación de la Conselleria de Empresa, Universidad y Ciencia de la Generalitat Valenciana a través del proyecto de I+D GV06/128: Influencia del diseño de tubos protectores en la magnitud del aporte hídrico por condensación e interceptación en repoblaciones forestales en la provincia de Valencia. La Universidad Politécnica de Valencia ha contribuido a través del Programa de Apoyo a la Investigación y Desarrollo 2007.Campo García, ADD.; Aguilella, A.; Lidón, A.; Segura Orenga, G. (2008). Influencia del tipo y dosis de hidrogel en las propiedades hidrofísicas de tres suelos forestales de distinta textura. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales. 25:137-143. https://doi.org/10.31167/csef.v0i25.9673S1371432

    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus E protein transports calcium ions and activates the NLRP3 inflammasome

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) envelope (E) protein is a viroporin involved in virulence. E protein ion channel (IC) activity is specifically correlated with enhanced pulmonary damage, edema accumulation and death. IL-1β driven proinflammation is associated with those pathological signatures, however its link to IC activity remains unknown. In this report, we demonstrate that SARS-CoV E protein forms protein–lipid channels in ERGIC/Golgi membranes that are permeable to calcium ions, a highly relevant feature never reported before. Calcium ions together with pH modulated E protein pore charge and selectivity. Interestingly, E protein IC activity boosted the activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome, leading to IL-1β overproduction. Calcium transport through the E protein IC was the main trigger of this process. These findings strikingly link SARS-CoV E protein IC induced ionic disturbances at the cell level to immunopathological consequences and disease worsening in the infected organism

    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Envelope Protein Ion Channel Activity Promotes Virus Fitness and Pathogenesis

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    Deletion of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) envelope (E) gene attenuates the virus. E gene encodes a small multifunctional protein that possesses ion channel (IC) activity, an important function in virus-host interaction. To test the contribution of E protein IC activity in virus pathogenesis, two recombinant mouse-adapted SARSCoVs, each containing one single amino acid mutation that suppressed ion conductivity, were engineered. After serial infections, mutant viruses, in general, incorporated compensatory mutations within E gene that rendered active ion channels. Furthermore, IC activity conferred better fitness in competition assays, suggesting that ion conductivity represents an advantage for the virus. Interestingly, mice infected with viruses displaying E protein IC activity, either with the wild-type E protein sequence or with the revertants that restored ion transport, rapidly lost weight and died. In contrast, mice infected with mutants lacking IC activity, which did not incorporate mutations within E gene during the experiment, recovered from disease and most survived. Knocking down E protein IC activity did not significantly affect virus growth in infected mice but decreased edema accumulation, the major determinant of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) leading to death. Reduced edema correlated with lung epithelia integrity and proper localization of Na+ /K+ ATPase, which participates in edema resolution. Levels of inflammasome-activated IL-1b were reduced in the lung airways of the animals infected with viruses lacking E protein IC activity, indicating that E protein IC function is required for inflammasome activation. Reduction of IL-1b was accompanied by diminished amounts of TNF and IL-6 in the absence of E protein ion conductivity. All these key cytokines promote the progression of lung damage and ARDS pathology. In conclusion, E protein IC activity represents a new determinant for SARS-CoV virulence