10 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKProduktivitas ternak ruminansia, khususnya ternak sapi yang rendah sehubungan dengan ketersediaan dan akses terhadap pakan berkualitas yang kurang, dan minimnya pengetahuan tentang cara pembudidayaan hijauan khususnya legum pohon merupakan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh peternak di kelompok Tani Rukun Makmur, Tangkit, Jambi. Disamping beternak, para peternak juga melakukan kegiatan pertanian yang didominasi oleh tanaman sayuran. Tujuan kegiatan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat (PPM) ini untuk mengenalkan potensi Indigofera zollingeriana sebagai hijauan pakan ternak berkualitas dan pemberian bibit / benih I. zollingeriana ke peternak di kelompok Tani Rukun Makmur, Tangkit, Jambi. Metode yang dipakai dalam pencapaian tujuan adalah pendidikan masyarakat melalui penyuluhan. Solusi yang ditawarkan meliputi: 1) peningkatan pengetahuan peternak tentang pakan hijauan berkualitas dan cara budidayanya dalam lahan usaha tani sayuran melalui penyuluhan, dan 2) introduksi dan pemberian benih dan bibit. Kegiatan PPM yang meliputi penyuluhan dan penanaman bibit Indigofera berjalan lancar. Pelaksanaan penyuluhan terjadi di lapangan bersamaan dengan penanaman seluruh bibit yang diberikan. Hasil kegiatan pendampingan, peternak juga melakukan pembibitan dari benih yang diberikan. Kegiatan PPM ini diliput oleh media televisi lokal untuk disiarkan sekaligus sebagai ajang promosi bagi kelompok Tani Rukun Makmur yang menggeluti usaha penggemukan sapi. Kata kunci: Introduksi; Indigofera zollingeriana; pakan berkualitas; pendidikan masyarakat ABSTRACTThe low productivity of ruminants, especially cattle, is related to the availability and access to poor quality feed, and the lack of knowledge about how to cultivate forages, especially tree legumes, is a problem faced by farmers in the Rukun Makmur Farmer Group, Tangkit, Jambi. Besides raising livestock, the farmers also carry out agricultural activities which are dominated by vegetable crops.The purpose of this community service (PPM) activity was to introduce the potential of Indigofera zollingeriana as high-quality forage for livestock and provide I. zollingeriana seeds and seedlings to farmers in the Rukun Makmur Farmer group, Tangkit, Jambi. The method used in achieving the goals was community education through outreach activity. The solutions offered include: 1) improving farmers’ knowledge about quality forage and how to cultivate it in vegetable farming fields through outreach activity, and 2) introduction and provision of seeds and seedlings. The activities which included outreach activity and planting of Indigofera seedlings went right. The outreach activity took place in the field at the same time aplanting all the seedlingsas given. As a result of mentoring activities, farmers also carried out nurseries from the seeds provided. This outreach activity was broadcasted by local television media and a promotional event for the Rukun Makmur Farmer group, which has cattle fattening business. Keywords: high quality forage; Indigofera zollingeriana; introduction; community educatio

    Preferensi Pakan, Tingkah Laku Makan dan Kebutuhan Nutrien Rusa Sambar (Cervus unicolor) dalam Usaha Penangkaran di Provinsi Jambi

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    This experiment was conducted to study feed preference, eating behaviour, feed intake, feed digestibility as well as determination of protein and energy requirement for maintenance. This experiment was conducted at Wisata Angsana Garden and Animal Nutrition Laboratory of Animal Husbandry Faculty, Jambi University. One male and two female of Sambar deers with body weight ± 140 kg were used in this experiment. The animals were kept in free stall of 30x15 m. The experiment was divided into three steps: feed preference, eating behaviour and determination of maintenance requirement. The results indicated that Sambar deers preferred Asystasia spp leaf, Hyampeacne amplexicaulis, Axonopus compresus and Cynodon dactylon grasses. Over 12 hours, Sambar deers had eating activity of 319.45±19.35 minutes, rumination activity of 266.85±13.67 minutes, with a total rumination period of 8.16±0.43 and rumination cycles of 30.63±0.79 times per periode. Sambar deers had intake and digestibility of dry matter, crude protein, organic matter, crude fiber, and energy 2.43 kg, 0.66 kg, 2.15 kg, 0.37 kg, 9703.08 kkal GE per day and 74.38±5.22; 77.35±4.61; 87.87±2.47; 51.36±9.91; 67.89±6.54%, respectively. Sambar deers required protein and energy for maintenance as much as 0.44 kg per day or 3.17 g per kg BW and energy 5062.85 kkal DE per day or 36.16 kkal DE per kg BW. Key words: feed preference, eating behaviour, nutrient requirement, Sambar dee


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    Storage period is one of the factors which affect the physical and chemical quality of the stored material. This study aimed to determine the effect of storage period on the chemical quality of livestock concentrate biscuits con- taining Indigofera and sengon. Four periods of storage period were arranged in a completely randomized design which was repeated 5 times. The storage period consisted of 0, 7, 14 and 21 days. The chemical qualities observed in- cluded moisture and ash content, crude protein and crude fiber. The results showed that storage period significantly reduced the moisture content of concentrate biscuit, while the ash content, crude protein and crude fiber were not affected by storage period. It was concluded that the concentrate biscuits containing Indigofera and sengon could be stored for up to 21 days with good chemical quality

    Penggunaan probiotik dari kulit nenas sebagai sumber pakan tambahan untuk Ternak Ruminansia: The Used of Probiotics From Pineapple Peels (Ananas Comosus) As A Source of Feed Supplements For Ruminants

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi probiotik asal dari  kulit nanas yang ditambahkan ke dalam  mineral blok sebagai suplementasi dalam ransum. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan dua tahap: Tahap pertama isolasi bakteri asal kulit nanas.Tahap kedua adalah pembuatan mineral blok yang berisikan probiotik disusunlah 4 macam komposisi minerail blok plus probiotik lalu di analisa secara invitro dan uji daya tahan penyimpanan mineral blok-plus. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), dengan 4 perlakuan dan 6 ulangan. Analisis data dikerjakan menurut program SAS. Peubah yang diamati adalah total produksi gas, KCBK, KCBO sampel secara invitro. Hasil isolasi yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah pada kulit nanas terdapat bakteri positif dengan jumlah koloni bakterinya sebanyak = 2, 92 x 10 10 . Jumlah koloni bakteri dalam I gram mineral blok adalah 1,72 x 10 6  , ketahanan bakteri dalam mineral blok pada penyimpanan seminggu 1,97 x 10 10 (pengenceran sepuluh) dan penyimpanan  1 bulan dengan jumlah koloni sebanyak 1,52 x 1010 pada pengenceran tujuh serta ketahanan bakteri dalam mineral blok hingga 1,5 bulan pada pengenceran lima adalah 1, 45 x 10 9 cfu  sampai 107. Hasil analisis ragam menunjukkan bahwa   perbedaan perlakuan mineral blok-plus  tidak nyata (P>0.05) berpengaruh terhadap nilai KcBK, KcBO dan Total Produksi gas. Total produksi gas yang dihasilkan berkisar(109,00 – 152,83 ml), KcBK mineral blok-plus berkisar 63.58 – 66.33% dan KcBO berkisar 71.02 –72.79%. Dari hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa Penggunaan probiotik sebesar 0,5% dalam mineral blok sebagai suplemen pakan ternak ruminansia sudah dapat memberikan hasil yang bai


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    This study was aimed  to evaluate  Albizia falcataria with condensed tannin content in the diets on gas production and ruminal fermentation parameters. A completely randomized design (CRD) with fours treatment and five replications had applied in this study. The treatment in this study was fours combined of Brachiaria mutica and Albizia falcataria namely; R0: 60% Brachiaria mutica (BM) + 0% Albizia falcataria (AF) + 40% concentrate (CON), R1: 50% BM + 10% AF + 40% CON, R2: 40% BM + 20% AF + 40% CON and R3: 30% BM + 30% AF + 40% CON. The concentrate formulated using feed ingredients consists of 58% rice bran, 15% soybean cake meal, 30% corn, 1% salt, and 1% multi-vitamin minerals. The Diets samples were  incubated at 39oC. The volume of gas and CH4 were recorded manually at 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, and 48 h post-incubation. Dry matter digestibility (DMD), organic matter digestibility (OMD), pH, N-ammonia (N-NH3), protozoa count, and microbial protein production (MP) were measured at 48 h post-incubation. The study showed that increased use of AF decreases (P<0.05) total gas, CH4, percentage of CH4, and increases the potency reduction of CH4. There is a negative correlation (R2= 0.81) between tannin condensed levels and CH4 production. Concentration N-NH3 and protozoa count was significantly (P<0.05) lower with the use of AF in treatment of R1, R2, R3 than R0 (without AF). As well as significantly (P<0.05) increased MP production. The study had concluded that the use of AF in the diet of R3 (30% BM : 30% AF) as a forage source reduced methane gas and N-NH3 by 62.31% and 25.73%, increasing MP, and without retarded the activity of rumen microbes

    Hubungan Kecukupan dan Mineral Pakan dengan Tingkat Kebuntingan Sapi Bali dan Perbedaannya Antar Wilayah Dataran Tinggi, Sedang dan Rendah di Provinsi Jambi

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the close relationship between feed adequacy and forage minerals with the pregnancy rate of Bali cattle in Jambi Province and to analyze differences in feed and mineral adequacy and the success of pregnancy in Bali cattle between high, medium and lowland areas in Jambi Province. The research method used in this research is survey and laboratory, with Stratified Random Sampling sampling technique, namely the highland area is represented by Kerinci Regency, the medium-land area is represented by Tebo Regency and the lowland area is represented by Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency. To analyze the close relationship between feed adequacy and feed minerals with pregnancy rates for Bali cattle in Jambi Province, Pearson Correlation, Kendall's tau_b, and Spearman's rho analysis were used. To analyze the differences in the adequacy of feed and mineral feed and the pregnancy rate of Bali cattle between high, medium and lowland areas in Jambi Province, the average difference test was used. The adequacy of cattle feed in the highlands, medium and lowlands in Jambi Province averaged 107.04% ± 6.91. Bali cattle pregnancy rate in the highlands, medium and low in Jambi Province is an average of 74.60 ± 25.60. This study concludes that the pregnancy rate of Bali cattle varies between high, medium and lowland areas in Jambi Province with an average of good categories. There is a significant correlation between the mineral content of feed in the form of Zn and Se and P with the pregnancy rate of Bali cattle in Jambi Province. There is a significant relationship between blood mineral content in the form of Zn, Se and Mg with the pregnancy rate of Bali cattle in Jambi Provinc

    Evaluasi Suplementasi Indigofera Zollingeriana sebagai Sumber Green Protein Concentrate terhadap Produksi Gas Metan, Amonia dan Sintesis Protein Mikroba Rumen

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    The use of protein with low-cost, high quality, low methane, and ammonia emissions are a prerequisite as a protein source in ruminant. However, the European Commission has prohibited protein derived from fish meals for ruminant feeds. So encouraging efforts to explore the other protein sources to be most important. Most of the high protein legumes grow in tropical areas such as Indonesia and have the potential as an alternative protein source in ruminant feed, including Indigofera zollingeriana (25-27% protein content). But many browse legumes with high protein are a heterogeneous group of plants, with variable secondary metabolic content and rumen degradable protein. The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the characteristics fermentation of IZ as green protein supplement on in vitro methane, ammonia and microbial protein production. The experiment was a completely randomized design with four different level supplementation of Indigofera zollengeriana (IZ) as green protein concentrate and five replications. The treatment diets were R0; basal diet (60% forage + 40% concentrate) + 0% IZ, R1; R0 + 10% IZ, R2; R0 + 20% IZ, and R3; R0 + 30% IZ. The experiment result showed that supplemenatation of IZ was significant effects (P<0.05) to increase total gas, ammonia (N-NH3), total volatile fatty acid (TVFA), and metabolizable energy (ME) and significant effect (P<0.05) to decrease of methane and methane percentage. Supplementation IZ at a level of 10% was significantly higher for dry matter digestibility (DMD), organic matter digestibility (OMD), and microbial protein production (PPM) than diets treatment of R0, R2, and R3. The experiment concluded that Supplementation of I. zollingeriana (IZ) was able to reduce the methane gas production. Protein characteristics of IZ have easily degradable by rumen microbe showed the ammonia production was linearly increasing by 45.66% for each increasing level of IZ supplementation. Microbial protein production was higher (184.33 mg/ml) obtained of IZ supplementation up to 10% (R1). The experiment suggests doing protected protein of IZ when be used as a protein source in ruminant diets

    Valorisation of citrus processing waste: A review

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