1,617 research outputs found

    Information technology of developing test kits based on software requirements

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    The article presents an advanced information technology of developing test kits based on software requirements using regulated cascading decision charts, providing the increase of coverage completeness by the projected test kits of software requirements and the accuracy of the tests themselves. The article presents an advanced information technology of developing test kits based on software requirements using regulated cascading decision charts, providing the increase of coverage completeness by the projected test kits of software requirements and the accuracy of the tests themselves

    A Model of Optimal Allocation of Resources to R&D: Further Results. I

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    We provide further analysis of two-country endogenous growth model considered in Aseev, et.al., 2002. to solve a suitably defined infinite horizon dynamic optimization problem an appropriate version of the Pontryagin maximum principle is applied. The properties of optimal controls and the corresponding optimal trajectories are characterized by means of a qualitative analysis of the solutions of the Hamiltonian system arising through the implementation of the Pontryagin maximum principle

    On the dependence of the lower thermospheric wind regime on the solar cycle

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    The lower thermosphere occupies the intermediate position between the overlying thermospheric layers, for which direct correlation of its parameters with solar variety variations is well established, and the underlying ones, where this correlation is mainly of an indirect character. Therefore, for understanding the mechanism of solar terrestrial correlation it is important to investigate the dependence of different atmospheric parameters in the lower troposphere, and of wind regime parameters in particular, on the solar activity. Several series of observations were used which include the results of meteor radar wind velocity measurements carried out in Obninsk complemented by the data obtained using the same technique at Jodrell Bank from 1953 to 1958 and in Kharkov from 1960 to 1963. The interannual variations of values averaged over these periods for prevailing wind velocities and semidiurnal harmonic amplitudes and also results for some months are presented. These results are discussed

    Large Scale Winter Time Disturbances in Meteor Winds over Central and Eastern Europe

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    Daily zonal wind data of the four pre-MAP-winters 1978/79 to 1981/82 obtained over Central Europe and Eastern Europe by the radar meteor method were studied. Available temperature and satellite radiance data of the middle and upper stratosphere were used for comparison, as well as wind data from Canada. The existence or nonexistence of coupling between the observed large scale zonal wind disturbances in the upper mesopause region (90 to 100 km) and corresponding events in the stratosphere are discussed

    Comparative analysis of migration policy in Russia under the reigns of Catherine II and Alexander III

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    This article is devoted to the social and political development of the Russian Empire under Catherine II and Alexander III. The issue of migration policy and its relationship with the economic, demographic and social indicators of the country was the purpose of this comparative study. The authors also analyze the challenges of socialization and education of human resources during the analyzed historical periods. The achievement of the main goal of the research was accompanied by a number of difficulties associated with gaps in statistical data. It was especially true for the reign of Catherine II, when the process of systematization of state documentation was in stage of formation. In these regards, the systematic work of various researchers using the retrospective method and the method of comparative analysis formed the methodological basis of the article. Despite certain restrictions related to the size of the article and the number of data used for research, it was possible to achieve the goal and reflect the main aspects of the policies of both sovereigns. As the result of the given research it was revealed that the effective migration policy of Catherine II led to the growth of the economy by attracting human resources to strategically important regions of the country. It allowed increasing development indicators, primarily in the field of agriculture and industry. The migration policy of Alexander III was more restrained and was one of the factors influencing the economy. The authors conclude that reigns of both Catherine II and Alexander III were accompanied by rapid growth of the country's economy due to the migration policies

    A study of phase separation processes in presence of dislocations in binary systems subjected to irradiation

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    Dislocation-assisted phase separation processes in binary systems subjected to irradiation effect are studied analytically and numerically. Irradiation is described by athermal atomic mixing in the form of ballistic flux with spatially correlated stochastic contribution. While studying the dynamics of domain size growth we have shown that the dislocation mechanism of phase decomposition delays the ordering processes. It is found that spatial correlations of the ballistic flux noise cause segregation of dislocation cores in the vicinity of interfaces effectively decreasing the interface width. A competition between regular and stochastic components of the ballistic flux is discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure

    Modeling hydrodynamics of the flushing fluid intermittent flow in the hydraulic system of the diamond bit

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    Purpose. To study the effect produced by the intermittent flushing on hydrodynamic processes in the hydraulic system of a diamond bit. Methods. Mathematical modeling methods and CFD experiment. Findings. A mathematical model of hydrodynamic processes in the flushing ports of the drill bit hydraulic system in conditions of drilling with intermittent flushing is presented. Numerical study of hydrodynamic processes for symmetric intermittent flushing was conducted. The velocity and pressure fields in the flow of the drilling fluid (water) in the ports were obtained. It was shown that pressure changes significantly in the flow with formation of low pressure zones and low intensity vortex during the pause in feeding. Analysis of the obtained effects shows that the use of intermittent flushing allows to control the hydrodynamic processes and influence the diamond drill bit operation. Originality. Hydrodynamics of intermittent flow of the flushing fluid in the hydraulic system of drill bits was investigated for the first time ever. The obtained results are the basis to theoretical substantiation of technological effects during drilling with intermittent flushing, such as improving bottom hole cleaning from slurry and increasing drilling speed. Practical implications. The results of the study are important for developing a technique and technology of diamond drilling with intermittent flushing.Цель. Исследование влияния прерывистой промывке на гидродинамические процессы в гидравлической системе алмазной буровой коронки. Методика. Методы математического моделирования с использованием CFD эксперимента. Результаты. Представлена математическая модель гидродинамических процессов в промывочных каналах гидравлической системы буровой коронки при бурении с прерывистой промывкой. Выполнено численное исследование процессов гидродинамики для симметричной прерывистой промывки. Получены поля скорости и давления в потоке промывочной жидкости (воды) в каналах, показано существенное изменение давления в потоке с образованием зон пониженного давления, а также возникновение слабоинтенсивного вихревого течения в период паузы в подаче. Анализ полученных эффектов показывает, что использование прерывистой промывки позволяет управлять гидродинамическими процессами и оказывать влияние на работу алмазной буровой коронки. Научная новизна. Впервые исследована гидродинамика прерывистого потока промывочной жидкости в гидравлической системе буровых коронок. Полученные результаты являются основой для теоретического обоснования технологических эффектов при бурении с прерывистой промывкой: улучшения очистки забоя от шлама и увеличения скорости бурения. Практическая значимость. Результаты исследования представляют интерес для развития техники и технологий алмвзного бурения с прерывистой промывкой.Мета. Дослідження впливу переривчастої промивки на гідродинамічні процеси в гідравлічній системі алмазної бурової коронки. Методика. Методи математичного моделювання з використанням CFD експерименту. Результати. Представлено математичну модель гідродинамічних процесів у промивальних каналах гідравлічної системи алмазної бурової коронки при бурінні з переривчастою промивкою. Виконано чисельне дослідження процесів гідродинаміки для симетричної промивки. Отримані поля швидкості та тиску у потоці промивальної рідини (вода) в каналах, показано істотна зміна тиску в потоці з утворенням зон зниженого тиску, а також виникнення слабоінтенсивної вихрової течії під час паузи в подачі. Аналіз отриманих ефектів показує, що використання переривчастої промивки дозволяє керувати гідродинамічними процесами та впливати на роботу алмазної бурової коронки. Наукова новизна. Вперше досліджено гідродинаміку переривчастого потоку промивальної рідини в гідравлічній системі алмазних бурових коронок. Отримані результати є основою для теоретичного обґрунтування технологічних ефектів при бурінні з переривчастою промивкою: покращення очистки вибою свердловини від шламу та збільшення швидкості буріння. Практична значимість. Результати дослідження представляють інтерес для розвитку техніки та технології алмазного буріння з переривчастою промивкою.Авторы выражают благодарность сотрудникам механико-математического факультета Днепровского национального университета им. О. Гончара за консультации при подготовке работы

    Information Management in the Application of BIM in Construction. The Roles and Functions of the Participants of the Construction Process

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    AbstractOne of the effective tools to improve the quality of construction, expenditure control and logistics management is the use of BIM-technology in the construction process.A necessary step for the mass application of BIM-technologies in construction is the use of valuation techniques and information models to formulate requirements to them