658 research outputs found

    A statistical standard siren measurement of the Hubble constant from the LIGO/Virgo gravitational wave compact object merger GW190814 and dark energy survey galaxies

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    Artículo escrito por un elevado número de autores, sólo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, los autores pertenecientes a la UAM y el nombre del grupo de colaboración, si lo hubiereWe present a measurement of the Hubble constant H 0 using the gravitational wave (GW) event GW190814, which resulted from the coalescence of a 23 M o˙ black hole with a 2.6 M o˙ compact object, as a standard siren. No compelling electromagnetic counterpart has been identified for this event; thus our analysis accounts for thousands of potential host galaxies within a statistical framework. The redshift information is obtained from the photometric redshift (photo-z) catalog from the Dark Energy Survey. The luminosity distance is provided by the LIGO/Virgo gravitational wave sky map. Since this GW event has the second-smallest localization volume after GW170817, GW190814 is likely to provide the best constraint on cosmology from a single standard siren without identifying an electromagnetic counterpart. Our analysis uses photo-z probability distribution functions and corrects for photo-z biases. We also reanalyze the binary black hole GW170814 within this updated framework. We explore how our findings impact the H 0 constraints from GW170817, the only GW merger associated with a unique host galaxy. From a combination of GW190814, GW170814, and GW170817, our analysis yields uniform between. The addition of GW190814 and GW170814 to GW170817 improves the 68% HDI from GW170817 alone by ∼18%, showing how well-localized mergers without counterparts can provide a significant contribution to standard siren measurements, provided that a complete galaxy catalog is available at the location of the eventThe DES Data Management System is supported by the NSF under Grant Numbers AST-1138766 and AST-1536171. The DES participants from Spanish institutions are partially supported by MINECO under grants AYA2015-71825, ESP2015-88861, FPA2015-68048, and Centro de Excelencia SEV-2016-0588, SEV-2016-0597, and MDM-2015-0509. Research leading to these results has received funding from the ERC under the EU’s 7th Framework Programme, including grants ERC 240672, 291329, and 30647

    Why should we keep the cerebellum in mind when thinking about addiction?

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    Increasing evidence has involved the cerebellum in functions beyond the sphere of motor control. In the present article, we review evidence that involves the cerebellum in addictive behaviour. We aimed on molecular and cellular targets in the cerebellum where addictive drugs can act and induce mechanisms of neuroplasticity that may contribute to the development of an addictive pattern of behaviour. Also, we analyzed the behavioural consequences of repetitive drug administration that result from activitydependent changes in the efficacy of cerebellar synapses. Revised research involves the cerebellum in drug-induced long-term memory, druginduced sensitization and the perseverative behavioural phenotype. Results agree to relevant participation of the cerebellum in the functional systems underlying drug addiction. The molecular and cellular actions of addictive drugs in the cerebellum involve long-term adaptative changes in receptors, neurotransmitters and intracellular signalling transduction pathways that may lead to the re-organization of cerebellar microzones and in turn to functional networks where the cerebellum is an important nodal structure. We propose that drug induced activity-dependent synaptic changes in the cerebellum are crucial to the transition from a pattern of recreational drug taking to the compulsive behavioural phenotype. Functional and structural modifications produced by drugs in the cerebellum may enhance the susceptibility of fronto-cerebellar circuitry to be changed by repeated drug exposure. As a part of this functional reorganization, drug-induced cerebellar hyper-responsiveness appears to be central to reducing the influence of executive control of the prefrontal cortex on behaviour and aiding the transition to an automatic mode of contro

    Non-local scattering control in coupled resonator networks

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    We demonstrate scattering control of Gaussian-like wave packets propagating with constant envelope velocity and invariant waist through coupled resonator optical waveguides (CROW) via an external resonator coupled to multiple sites of the CROW. We calculate the analytical reflectance and transmittance using standard scattering methods from waveguide quantum electrodynamics and show it is possible to approximate them for an external resonator detuned to the CROW. Our analytical and approximate results are in good agreement with numerical simulations. We engineer various configurations using an external resonator coupled to two sites of a CROW to show light trapping with effective exponential decay between the coupling sites, wave packet splitting into two pairs of identical Gaussian-like wave packets, and a non-local Mach-Zehnder interferometer.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    An evaluation of the prevalence of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in hospital food

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    Los artículos que componen este libro ilustran desde múltiples puntos de vista el concepto de patrimonio biocultural. El contenido de la publicación se estructura en tres espacios sintetizados en las problemáticas asociadas al patrimonio biológico y cultural, el territorio y las disputas territoriales, la construcción identitaria y los problema de carácter socio-históricos de las comunidades afro indoamericanas. Ello permite, por un lado, obtener una aproximación contrastante, holística y compleja de la realidad latinoamericana y por otra lado sumar aportes a un concepto en construcción que no esconde su intencionalidad emancipadora.Agradecimientos; Introducción; PATRIMONIO BIOCULTURAL: Juan Pohlenz Córdova / La disputa por el patrimonio biocultural. Un acercamiento desde Mesoamérica; León Enrique Ávila Romero / La disputa por el patrimonio biocultural, la economía verde y sus impactos en los pueblos indígenas; Bernardo Javier Tobar / Lugares de vida y registros de la memoria biocultural en el Pacífico sur-colombiano; Iskra García Vázquez, Rocío Becerra Montané y Gimena Pérez Ortega / Uso, aprovechamiento social y conservación de las plantas medicinales en México; Kelly Giovanna Muñoz Balcázar / Transformaciones del territorio y el patrimonio biocultural a partir del proceso de industrialización. Recuperación de la finca tradicional en el municipio de Corinto, vereda La Paila; TERRITORIO: Johnny L. Ledezma Rivera / Reflexiones sobre las concepciones y visiones de lo que se entiende por territorio; Sindy Hernández Bonilla / ¿Justicia o legalidad para los q’eqchi’es? Agustín Ávila Romero / Turismo y pueblos indígenas de México: despojo y veredas de apropiación comunitaria; SOCIEDADES AFROINDOAMERICANAS EN MOVIMIENTO Johnny L. Ledezma Rivera / Construcción e implementación de las autonomías indígenas en Bolivia: avances y retrocesos; Stefano Claudio Sartorello / Educar para el arraigo sociocultural. El perfil de egreso de alumn@s indígenas en una propuesta educativa intercultural y bilingüe en Chiapas; Elena Pareja y Virginia Cornalino / La cultura afrodescendiente en la constitución del Estado-nación (1870-1900). La reconstrucción de los mapas de identidad en la frontera uruguayo-brasileña; Karla Chagas y Natalia Stalla / Mano de obra negra en el Estado Oriental: una mirada del trabajo esclavo y libre a través del análisis de casos; Diego E. Piñeiro y Joaquín Cardeillac / Los afro-descendientes en el campo uruguayo; Soledad Figueredo y Matías Carámbula Pareja / Puntos en el mapa: ensayo sobre identidad, inmovilidad y cultura de la población afrodescendiente en el medio rural uruguayo

    Neurobiology of social attachments

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    Many types of social attachments can be observed in nature. We discuss the neurobiology of two types (1) intraspecific (with a partner) and (2) parental (with the offspring). Stimuli related to copulation facilitate the first, whereas pregnancy, parturition and lactation facilitate the second. Both types develop as consequence of cohabitation. These events seem to stimulate similar neural pathways that increase (1) social recognition, (2) motivation, reward; and (3) decrease fear/anxiety. Subregions of the amygdala and cortex facilitate social recognition and also disinhibition to decrease rejection responses. The interrelationship between MeA, BNST, LS may mediate the activation of NAcc via the mPOA to increase motivation and reward. Cortical areas such as the ACC discriminate between stimuli. The interaction between OT and D2-type receptors in NAcc shell facilitates intraspecific attachment, but D1-type appears to facilitate parental attachment. This difference may be important for maternal females to direct their attention, motivation and expression of attachment toward the appropriate target.Cuerpo Académico UV-CA-28 Neurociencias. Grant SEP-CONACYT (167773) to GACA

    Caracterización anual del metabolismo de las acículas de Pinus pinaster (Aiton) mediante procedimientos transcriptómicos y metabolómicos

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    El presente trabajo pretende iniciar una serie de estudios sobre el metabolismo nitrogenado en árboles adultos de la conífera Pinus pinaster (Aiton) en condiciones naturales. Durante un año completo se ha caracterizado el metabolismo de las acículas de árboles de P. pinaster que crecen en el paraje natural de Los Reales de Sierra Bermeja, Estepona (Málaga). Para ello se han seguido dos aproximaciones diferentes. En primer lugar se ha analizado la expresión génica mediante el empleo de un microarray para genes de P. pinaster desarrollado en nuestro laboratorio. Por otra parte se ha observado la acumulación de los distintos metabolitos en las acículas a lo largo del año mediante H1-NMR. Para la determinación de los metabolitos presentes en las muestras se ha generado una base de datos de espectros H1-NMR de 90 metabolitos. Para el análisis de los datos se han empleado herramientas estadísticas de clustering. Una de las principales técnicas que se han empleado para el análisis de las muestras ha sido el análisis de las redes de co-expresión de genes (WGCNA). Los resultados de los análisis de los datos sugieren que las acículas de P. pinaster presentan diferentes niveles de actividad a lo largo del año pudiéndose dividir en dos períodos principales, uno ligado al otoño y al invierno y el otro a la primavera y al verano

    Effect of oregano oil dietary supplementation on production parameters, height of intestinal villi and the antioxidant capacity in the breast of broiler

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    Oregano additives could contain growth stimulating compounds for poultry, however, a great variation attributed to their main components is observed. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of oregano oil dietary supplementationon the productive variables, the height of the intestinal villi and the accumulation of antioxidant compounds in the breast of broilers. In total, 480 broilers were reared from 1 to 42 d of age and since the first day of life were allocated into four treatments, each with four replications of 30 birds. The formulated diet was based on corn and soybean meal and 0, 100, 200 or 400 mg of oregano oilper kg of feed were incorporated in the diets of treatment 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion andmortality rates were weekly recorded. At 21 and 42 days of age the intestinal villi height and antioxidant capacity in the chicken breast were measured. Oregano oil used contained 43.17% and 29.16% of thymol and carvacrol, respectively. Feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion rate and mortality were not affected by oregano oil dietary supplementation. The height of intestinal villi increased with the level of oregano oil supplementation (P<0.05). However, the size of the intestinal villi was greater in the duodenum compared to the other parts (P<0.05), and jejunum and ileum had the same height. Antioxidant capacity of chicken breast at the 6th week was increased in the group that was dietary supplemented with 400 mg of oregano oil per kg of feed