24 research outputs found

    Horizons: Nuclear Astrophysics in the 2020s and Beyond

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    Nuclear Astrophysics is a field at the intersection of nuclear physics and astrophysics, which seeks to understand the nuclear engines of astronomical objects and the origin of the chemical elements. This white paper summarizes progress and status of the field, the new open questions that have emerged, and the tremendous scientific opportunities that have opened up with major advances in capabilities across an ever growing number of disciplines and subfields that need to be integrated. We take a holistic view of the field discussing the unique challenges and opportunities in nuclear astrophysics in regards to science, diversity, education, and the interdisciplinarity and breadth of the field. Clearly nuclear astrophysics is a dynamic field with a bright future that is entering a new era of discovery opportunities.Comment: 96 pages. Submitted to Journal of Physics

    Horizons: nuclear astrophysics in the 2020s and beyond

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    Nuclear astrophysics is a field at the intersection of nuclear physics and astrophysics, which seeks to understand the nuclear engines of astronomical objects and the origin of the chemical elements. This white paper summarizes progress and status of the field, the new open questions that have emerged, and the tremendous scientific opportunities that have opened up with major advances in capabilities across an ever growing number of disciplines and subfields that need to be integrated. We take a holistic view of the field discussing the unique challenges and opportunities in nuclear astrophysics in regards to science, diversity, education, and the interdisciplinarity and breadth of the field. Clearly nuclear astrophysics is a dynamic field with a bright future that is entering a new era of discovery opportunities

    Мініатюрний порожнинний фільтр EBG, заповнений глиноземом 96 % для додатків V-діапазону

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    Метою представленої роботи є дослідження міліметрової 3D прямокутної металевої порожнини, заповненої діелектричною підкладкою з глинозему 96 % (Al2O3), придатної для мікрохвильової інтегральної схеми (MIC), із значенням відносної діелектричної проникності 9,4 і тангенсом кута діелектричних втрат 0,006 для проектування малогабаритних фільтрів. Загальний об'єм конструкції становить 1,45x1,45x1 мм3. Ця порожнина розглядається як смуговий фільтр, що працює в діапазоні частот 60 ГГц і призначений для додатків LTCC (system-in-package applications). На відміну від цього, фільтр представляє ефективну систему EBG з режекторною смугою на рівні – 10 дБ частоти 3,4 ГГц в діапазоні частот з центром на 57 ГГц, коли в порожнину завантажуються періодичні металеві наскрізні отвори, які утворюють зв'язані резонатори. Вибір діелектричної підкладки, металевих наскрізних отворів, їх розміри та тип дозволяють забезпечити оптимальні характеристики, пропускну здатність 4,3 ГГц, рівень передачі – 21 дБ на центральній частоті, низькі внесені втрати – 0,9 дБ та добротність Q. Отримані результати є дуже багатообіцяючими для застосування у малих елементах V-діапазону та мм-хвиль.The aim of the research, presented in this paper, is to investigate millimeter 3D rectangular metallic cavity filled with alumina 96 % dielectric substrate (Al2O3) suitable for microwave integrated circuit (MIC), with 9.4 relative permittivity value, and 0.006 dielectric tangent losses, for the design of small size filters. The total volume of the structure is 1.45 x 1.45 x 1 mm3. This cavity is considered as a band-pass filter operating in the range of 60 GHz frequency and intended for LTCC (system-in-package applications). In contrast, the filter presents an efficient EBG system with a rejection band at – 10 dB of 3.4 GHz within the frequency band centered at 57 GHz when the cavity is loaded with periodic metallic via (stems) that form coupled resonators. The choice of the dielectric substrate, metallic via, their dimensions and their type, enable to provide optimal characteristics, bandwidth of 4.3 GHz, transmission level of – 21 dB at centered frequency, low insertion losses of – 0.9 dB and Q factors. Obtained results are very promising for V-Band and mm-wave small-cell applications

    Supercritical extraction of essential oil from Juniperus communis L. needles: Application of response surface methodology

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    International audienceThe extraction of oil from Juniperus communis needles was investigated using supercritical CO2. The extraction was carried out varying the pressure in the range of 10–30 MPa, the temperature within 308–328 K, with a solvent flow rate fixed at 0.42 kg h−1, and a mean particle diameter equal to 0.5 mm or less than 0.315 mm. The operating parameters have been optimized using the response surface methodology where a second order polynomial expression was used to express the oil recovery, and the results were satisfactory. The maximum oil recovery relative to the initial mass was 6.55 wt%. It was obtained for an extraction under 328 K, 30 MPa and a particle diameter less than 0.315 mm. Selected samples of extracts were analyzed using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and the results show that the most concentrated compounds were germacrene D and 1-octadecene

    Natural metabolites for parasitic weed management

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    Compounds of natural origin, such as phytotoxins produced by fungi or natural amino acids, could be used in parasitic weed management strategies by interfering with the early growth stages of the parasites. These metabolites could inhibit seed germination or germ tube elongation, so preventing attachment to the host plant, or, conversely, stimulate seed germination in the absence of the host, contributing to a reduction in the parasite seed bank. Some of the fungal metabolites assayed were very active even at very low concentrations, such as some macrocyclic trichothecenes,which at 0.1 ??M strongly suppressed the germination of Orobanche ramosa L. seeds. Interesting resultswere also obtainedwith somenovel toxins, such as phyllostictine A, highly active in reducing germ tube elongation and seed germination both of O. ramosa and of Cuscuta campestris Yuncker. Among the amino acids tested, methionine and arginine were particularly interesting, as they were able to suppress seed germination at concentrations lower than 1mM. Some of the fungal metabolites tested were also able to stimulate the germination of O. ramosa seed

    Optimization of essential oil supercritical extraction from Algerian Myrtus communis L. leaves using response surface methodology

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    International audienceThe present work deals with the application of the supercritical fluid extraction process to extract essential oils from the leaves of an Algerian myrtle plant (Myrtus communis L.). Using the surface response methodology, an optimization of the extraction recovery was carried out, varying the pressure in the range of [10-30 MPa], the temperature within [308-323 K], a solvent flow rate fixed at 0.42 kg h(-1) and a mean particle diameter equal to 0.5 mm or less than 0.315 mm. The maximum value of essential oil recovery relative to the initial mass of leaf powder was 4.89 wt%, and was obtained when the SC-CO2 extraction was carried out under 313 K, 30 MPa and with a particle diameter less than 0.315 mm. A second-order polynomial expression was used to express the oil recovery. The calculated mass of recovered oil using the response surface methodology was very close to the experimental value, confirming the reliability of this technique

    Stoechanones A and B, Phytotoxic Copaane Sesquiterpenoids Isolated from Lavandula stoechas with Potential Herbicidal Activity against Amaranthus retroflexus

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    From the organic extract of Lavandula stoechas, a Mediterranean native plant species, two new phytotoxic copaane sesquiterpenoids were isolated and named stoechanones A and B (1 and 2). They were obtained together with the methyl esters of caffeic and p-coumaric acids and the flavonoid apigenin (3-5, respectively). The structures of stoechanones A and B were determined by spectroscopic (essentially 1D and 2D 1H and 13C NMR and HRESIMS) and chemical methods, and they were characterized as 9,10-dihydroxy-8-isopropyl-1,5-dimethyltricyclo[]dec-4-en-3-one and its 9-O-acetyl derivative. Their relative configurations were assigned by NOESY experiments, and the absolute configurations by comparison of the experimental and DFT-computed ECD spectra. When assayed through Petri dish bioassays, both stoechanones A and B showed phytotoxic effects against seed germination and seedling growth of Amaranthus retroflexus, strongly inhibiting seed germination percentage and radicle and hypocotyl lengths of seedlings. Owing to the herbicidal activity toward A. retroflexus, these two new tricyclic sesquiterpenoids could be proposed and developed as natural bioherbicides in order to increase the control of this problematic weed in the future

    Inuloxins A???D, phytotoxic bi-and tri-cyclic sesquiterpene lactones produced by Inula viscosa: Potential for broomrapes and field dodder management

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    Four phytotoxic bi- and tri-cyclic sesquiterpene lactones, named inuloxins A???D, were isolated together with the known a-costic acid, from the aerial parts of Inula viscosa (family Asteraceae), a widespread Mediterranean plant well known for its content of pharmacologically active metabolites. The structures of inuloxins A???D were established by spectroscopic and chemical methods and determined to be: (4E,7R*,8R*,10S*)-3-oxo-germacra-4,11(13)-dien-8b-12-olide (A), its 11,13-dihydro analogue (B), (5*, 7R*,8R*,10R*)-1,15-methylene-5b-hydroxy-eudesm-1(15),11(13)-dien-8b-12-olide (C), and (7R*,8R*)-1,4-dimethyl-4-hydroxy-secoeudesm-5(10),11(13)-dien-8b-12-olide (D). The S absolute stereochemistry at C-5 of 5-hydroxyhexan-2-yl side chain of inuloxin D was assigned by applying an advanced Mosher???s method. The phytotoxic activity of inuloxins A???D, that of the diazo and monoacetyl derivatives (of inuloxin A and C, respectively), as well as that of a-costic acid was evaluated against two parasitic plant species, i.e. crenate broomrape (Orobanche crenata) and field dodder (Cuscuta campestris). Inuloxins A, C and D were the most active on both parasites and caused up to 100% inhibition of the seed germination. Inuloxin B was less active on Cuscuta and completely inactive against Orobanche. The main metabolite a-costic acid had a suppressive effect on the dodder seed germination but had a stimulating action on the broomrape seed germination. These preliminary results allowed to suppose some structure???activity relationships