41 research outputs found

    Quantitative analysis of methyl and propyl parabens in neonatal DBS using LC-MS/MS

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    AIM: Excipients are used to overcome the chemical, physical and microbiological challenges posed by developing formulated medicines. Both methyl and propyl paraben are commonly used in pediatric liquid formulations. There is no data on systemic exposure to parabens in neonates. The European Study of Neonatal Exposure to Excipients project has investigated this. Results & methodology: DBS sampling was used to collect opportunistic blood samples. Parabens were extracted from the DBS and analyzed using a validated LC-MS/MS assay. DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION: The above assay was applied to analyze neonatal DBS samples. The blood concentrations of parabens in neonates confirm systemic exposure to parabens following administration of routine medicines

    Changes in health-related behaviours and mental health in a UK public sample during the first set of COVID-19 public health restrictions

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    Public health restrictions, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, have had potentially wide-ranging, unintended effects on health-related behaviours such as diet and physical activity and also affected mental health due to reduced social interactions. This study explored how health-related behaviours and mental health were impacted in a sample of the UK public during the first set of COVID-19 public health restrictions. Two online surveys were administered in the UK, one within the first three months of the restrictions (Timepoints 1 (T1—involving pre-pandemic recall) and 2/T2) and another ten weeks later (Timepoint 3/T3). Moderate–vigorous physical activity (MVPA), outdoor time, sitting time, screen time and sexual activity were self-reported. Diet was assessed using the Dietary Instrument for Nutrition Education questionnaire. Mental health was measured using the short-form Warwick–Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale and Becks’ Anxiety and Depression Inventories. Differences between timepoints were explored using the Friedman, Wilcoxon signed-rank, McNemar and McNemar–Bowker tests. Two hundred and ninety-six adults (74% under 65 years old; 65% female) provided data across all timepoints. Between T1 and T2, MVPA, time outdoors and sexual activity decreased while sitting, and screen time increased (p < 0.05). Between T2 and T3, saturated fat intake, MVPA, time outdoors, and mental wellbeing increased while sitting, screen time and anxiety symptoms decreased (p < 0.05). This study found that depending on the level of COVID-19 public health restrictions in place, there appeared to be a varying impact on different health-related behaviours and mental health. As countries emerge from restrictions, it is prudent to direct necessary resources to address these important public health issues

    Alzheimer&apos;s disease dataset

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    The below attached files are those pertinent to image classification of brain MRI scans for Alzheimer&apos;s disease prediction. The dataset which contains of four directories and are classified in accordance with that. The classification is performed using Convolutional neural networks and a commendable accuracy rate is acheieved. The architecture and the working framework is charted out in the companion framework.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

    Reversion of an E-coli strain carrying an IS1-activated bgl operon under nonselective conditions is predominantly due to deletions within the structural genes

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    The bgl operon of Escherichia coli, which encodes the genes necessary for transport and catabolism of beta-glucosides, is silent in wild-type cells and is activated by the transposition of IS elements. The silent form of the operon appears to be the stable state. We isolated Bgl(-) revertants of an activated strain after growth under nonselective conditions to understand whether activation of the cryptic operon by IS elements is reversible. Genetic and molecular analyses revealed that a majority of revertants carry deletions of the bgl structural genes, indicating that an irreversible alteration has occurred in the operon. Implications of these results for the evolution and maintenance of cryptic genes are discussed