3,832 research outputs found

    Interpretation Based on Richness of Experience: Theory Development from a Social-constructivist Perspective (Commentary on J.B. Wagman & D.B. Miller , Nested Reciprocities: The Organism-Environment System in Perception-Action and Development)

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    The view that children’s understanding of mind is constructed through social interaction is consistent with other social-constructivist models. We provide examples of similar claims in research on emotion perception, pretense understanding, autobiographical memory, and event knowledge. Identification of common elements from such socio-cultural perspectives may lead to greater theoretical integration and provide a new framework for exploring human development

    Using Refraction Caustics to Monitor Evaporation of Liquid Drop Lenses

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    Irregularities in the perimeter of a water droplet adhering to a vertical pane of glass cause perturbations in the curvature of the droplet surface. When laser light passes through such a droplet, the perturbations produce a far field refraction caustic, which is a section of the caustic known as the parabolic umbilic in the catastrophe theory classification. As the water evaporates and the droplet surface curvature changes, the section of the parabolic umbilic caustic on the viewing screen also changes. We determine the evolution of curvature of the droplet surface by observing the evolution of the far field caustic and the locations on the droplet responsible for the various features of the caustic

    Using Refraction Caustics to Monitor Evaporation of Liquid Drop Lenses

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    Irregularities in the perimeter of a water droplet adhering to a vertical pane of glass cause perturbations in the curvature of the droplet surface. When laser light passes through such a droplet, the perturbations produce a far field refraction caustic, which is a section of the caustic known as the parabolic umbilic in the catastrophe theory classification. As the water evaporates and the droplet surface curvature changes, the section of the parabolic umbilic caustic on the viewing screen also changes. We determine the evolution of curvature of the droplet surface by observing the evolution of the far field caustic and the locations on the droplet responsible for the various features of the caustic

    Test of the quantumness of atom-atom correlations in a bosonic gas

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    It is shown how the quantumness of atom-atom correlations in a trapped bosonic gas can be made observable. Application of continuous feedback control of the center of mass of the atomic cloud is shown to generate oscillations of the spatial extension of the cloud, whose amplitude can be directly used as a characterization of atom-atom correlations. Feedback parameters can be chosen such that the violation of a Schwarz inequality for atom-atom correlations can be tested at noise levels much higher than the standard quantum limit

    Correlated Prompt Fission Data in Transport Simulations

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    Detailed information on the fission process can be inferred from the observation, modeling and theoretical understanding of prompt fission neutron and γ\gamma-ray~observables. Beyond simple average quantities, the study of distributions and correlations in prompt data, e.g., multiplicity-dependent neutron and \gray~spectra, angular distributions of the emitted particles, nn-nn, nn-γ\gamma, and γ\gamma-γ\gamma~correlations, can place stringent constraints on fission models and parameters that would otherwise be free to be tuned separately to represent individual fission observables. The FREYA~and CGMF~codes have been developed to follow the sequential emissions of prompt neutrons and γ\gamma-rays~from the initial excited fission fragments produced right after scission. Both codes implement Monte Carlo techniques to sample initial fission fragment configurations in mass, charge and kinetic energy and sample probabilities of neutron and γ\gamma~emission at each stage of the decay. This approach naturally leads to using simple but powerful statistical techniques to infer distributions and correlations among many observables and model parameters. The comparison of model calculations with experimental data provides a rich arena for testing various nuclear physics models such as those related to the nuclear structure and level densities of neutron-rich nuclei, the γ\gamma-ray~strength functions of dipole and quadrupole transitions, the mechanism for dividing the excitation energy between the two nascent fragments near scission, and the mechanisms behind the production of angular momentum in the fragments, etc. Beyond the obvious interest from a fundamental physics point of view, such studies are also important for addressing data needs in various nuclear applications. (See text for full abstract.)Comment: 39 pages, 57 figure files, published in Eur. Phys. J. A, reference added this versio

    The Patterns of High-Level Magnetic Activity Occurring on the Surface of V1285 Aql: The OPEA Model of Flares and DFT Models of Stellar Spots

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    Statistically analyzing Johnson UBVR observations of V1285 Aql during the three observing seasons, both activity level and behavior of the star are discussed in respect to obtained results. We also discuss the out-of-flare variation due to rotational modulation. Eighty-three flares were detected in the U-band observations of season 2006 . First, depending on statistical analyses using the independent samples t-test, the flares were divided into two classes as the fast and the slow flares. According to the results of the test, there is a difference of about 73 s between the flare-equivalent durations of slow and fast flares. The difference should be the difference mentioned in the theoretical models. Second, using the one-phase exponential association function, the distribution of the flare-equivalent durations versus the flare total durations was modeled. Analyzing the model, some parameters such as plateau, half-life values, mean average of the flare-equivalent durations, maximum flare rise, and total duration times are derived. The plateau value, which is an indicator of the saturation level of white-light flares, was derived as 2.421{\pm}0.058 s in this model, while half-life is computed as 201 s. Analyses showed that observed maximum value of flare total duration is 4641 s, while observed maximum flare rise time is 1817 s. According to these results, although computed energies of the flares occurring on the surface of V1285 Aql are generally lower than those of other stars, the length of its flaring loop can be higher than those of more active stars.Comment: 44 pages, 10 figures, 5 tables, 2011PASP..123..659

    What causes the irregular cycle of the atmospheric tape recorder signal in HCN?

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    Variations in the mixing ratio of long-lived trace gases entering the stratosphere in the tropics are carried upward with the rising air with the signal being observable throughout the tropical lower stratosphere. This phenomenon, referred to as "atmospheric tape recorder" has previously been observed for water vapor, CO2, and CO which exhibit an annual cycle. Recently, based on Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) and the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS) satellite measurements, the tape recorder signal has been observed for hydrogen cyanide (HCN) but with an approximately two-year period. Here we report on a model simulation of the HCN tape recorder for the time period 2002-2008 using the Chemical Lagrangian Model of the Stratosphere (CLaMS). The model can reproduce the observed pattern of the HCN tape recorder signal if time-resolved emissions from fires in Indonesia are used as lower boundary condition. This finding indicates that inter-annual variations in biomass burning in Indonesia, which are strongly influenced by El Nino events, control the HCN tape recorder signal. A longer time series of tropical HCN data will probably exhibit an irregular cycle rather than a regular biannual cycle. Citation: Pommrich, R., R. Muller, J.-U. Grooss, G. Gunther, P. Konopka, M. Riese, A. Heil, M. Schultz, H.-C. Pumphrey, and K. A. Walker (2010), What causes the irregular cycle of the atmospheric tape recorder signal in HCN?, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L16805, doi:10.1029/2010GL044056

    Microbiome analysis as a platform R&D tool for parasitic nematode disease management

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    The relationship between bacterial communities and their host is being extensively investigated for the potential to improve the host’s health. Little is known about the interplay between the microbiota of parasites and the health of the infected host. Using nematode co-infection of lambs as a proof-of-concept model, the aim of this study was to characterise the microbiomes of nematodes and that of their host, enabling identification of candidate nematode-specific microbiota member(s) that could be exploited as drug development tools or for targeted therapy. Deep sequencing techniques were used to elucidate the microbiomes of different life stages of two parasitic nematodes of ruminants, Haemonchus contortus and Teladorsagia circumcincta, as well as that of the co-infected ovine hosts, pre- and post infection. Bioinformatic analyses demonstrated significant differences between the composition of the nematode and ovine microbiomes. The two nematode species also differed significantly. The data indicated a shift in the constitution of the larval nematode microbiome after exposure to the ovine microbiome, and in the ovine intestinal microbial community over time as a result of helminth co-infection. Several bacterial species were identified in nematodes that were absent from their surrounding abomasal environment, the most significant of which included Escherichia coli/Shigella. The ability to purposefully infect nematode species with engineered E. coli was demonstrated in vitro, validating the concept of using this bacterium as a nematode-specific drug development tool and/or drug delivery vehicle. To our knowledge, this is the first description of the concept of exploiting a parasite’s microbiome for drug development and treatment purposes

    Contrasting carbonate depositional systems for Pliocene cool-water limestones cropping out in central Hawke's Bay, New Zealand

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    Pliocene limestone formations in central Hawke's Bay (eastern North Island, New Zealand) accumulated on and near the margins of a narrow forearc basin seaway within the convergent Australia/Pacific plate boundary zone. The active tectonic setting and varied paleogeographic features of the limestone units investigated, in association with probable glacioeustatic sea-level fluctuations, resulted in complex stratigraphic architectures and contrasting types of carbonate accumulation on either side of the seaway. Here, we recognise recurring patterns of sedimentary facies, and sequences and systems tracts bounded by key physical surfaces within the limestone sheets. The facies types range from Bioclastic (B) to Siliciclastic (S) end-members via Mixed (M) carbonate-siliciclastic deposits. Skeletal components are typical cool-water associations dominated by epifaunal calcitic bivalves, bryozoans, and especially barnacles. Siliciclastic contents vary from one formation to another, and highlight siliciclastic-rich limestone units in the western ranges versus siliciclastic-poor limestone units in the eastern coastal hills. Heterogeneities in facies types, stratal patterns, and also in diagenetic pathways between eastern and western limestone units are considered to originate in the coeval occurrence in different parts of the forearc basin of two main morphodynamic carbonate systems over time

    Interactions of Change in Nutrition After AI on Plasma Metabolites, Steroid Hormone Production, and Uterine Environment

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    Objective The objective was to evaluate the impact of nutritional changes post artificial insemination (AI) on plasma metabolites, steroid hormones, and uterine environment. Study Description Beef heifers (n = 43) were randomly assigned to two dietary treatment groups (High = 161.5% or Low = 77.5% of maintenance energy) for 14 d after AI (post-AI). Post-AI dietary treatments continued until uteri were flushed for embryo recovery (d 14 post-AI). Blood samples were collected on d -3, 0 (day of AI), 3, 6, 9, 12, and 14 for analysis of plasma glucose, proteins, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs), and cholesterol using colorimetric assays. Plasma collected on d 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 14 was analyzed for progesterone concentrations by radioimmunoassay. Uterine flushes were analyzed for mineral concentrations of Mg, P, S, K, Ca, Cu, Zn, Se, Mn, Co, B, Cr, and Fe by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). Plasma progesterone, NEFAs, protein, glucose and cholesterol (repeated measures) and uterine mineral concentrations were analyzed using the MIXED procedures in SAS. Plasma NEFA concentrations differed between treatments (P = 0.03) with heifers on the low diet treatment having elevated NEFA concentrations. Plasma NEFA concentrations weren’t affected by embryo recovery (P \u3e 0.10), treatment by embryo recovery (P \u3e 0.10), and treatment by embryo recovery by day (P \u3e 0.10). Plasma progesterone, glucose, protein, and cholesterol concentrations were not influenced by treatment (P \u3e 0.10), embryo recovery (P \u3e 0.10), treatment by embryo recovery (P \u3e 0.10), and treatment by embryo recovery by day (P \u3e 0.10). Uterine mineral concentrations were affected by embryo presence for Mg (P = 0.02) and S (P = 0.01) a tendency for Ca (P = 0.08) with decreased concentrations in uterine flushes when an embryo was recovered. A tendency for increased concentration of Mn (P = 0.06) was observed in uterine flushes when an embryo was recovered. Additionally, treatment tended to impact Fe concentrations (P = 0.09), with heifers on the restricted diet having reduced uterine Fe concentrations. In conclusion, changing plane of nutrition post-AI had an effect on NEFA plasma concentrations, but no effect on plasma progesterone, protein, glucose, and cholesterol concentrations. The presence of an embryo however affected uterine mineral concentrations