2 research outputs found
The Decembrists and Dissidence: Myth and Anti-Myth from the 1960s–1980s
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2009
- Field of study
The geophysical signature of terrestrial impact craters
- Author
- Aaloe
- Ackermann
- Alvarez
- Anderson
- Angenheister
- Barlow
- Basilevsky
- Beals
- Beals
- Brenan
- Brown
- Buschbach
- Bylund
- Chao
- Cisowski
- Cisowski
- Clark
- Clark
- Clark
- Coles
- Coles
- Corner
- Currie
- Currie
- Dabizha
- Dabizha
- Dabizha
- Dence
- Dence
- Dence
- Dent
- Dyrelius
- Elming
- Elo
- Elo
- Elo
- Ernstson
- Ernstson
- Ernstson
- Ernstson
- Ezeji-Okoye
- Feldman
- Feldman
- Florenskii
- Forsyth
- Fox
- Fudali
- Fudali
- Fudali
- Fudali
- Fudali
- Gardner
- Girdler
- Grant
- Green
- Grieve
- Grieve
- Grieve
- Grieve
- Grieve
- Grieve
- Grieve
- Gupta
- Gurov
- Halliday
- Halls
- Hargraves
- Hartung
- Henkel
- Henkel
- Hildebrand
- Innes
- Innes
- Iseri
- Jansa
- Joesting
- Jones
- Juhlin
- Kumar
- Kuster
- Langan
- Larochelie
- Lauren
- Lyons
- M. Pilkington
- Mareschal
- Masaitis
- Maslov
- Melosh
- Millman
- O'Neil
- Offield
- Pedersen
- Penfield
- Perrier
- Pesonen
- Pike
- Pilon
- Plante
- Pohl
- Pohl
- Pohl
- Pohl
- Pohl
- Pohl
- Pohl
- Popelar
- R. A. F. Grieve
- Regan
- Reimold
- Reimold
- Robertson
- Robertson
- Roddy
- Sander
- Sappenfield
- Sawatzky
- Sawatzky
- Schultz
- Scott
- Shoemaker
- Shoemaker
- Shoemaker
- Short
- Slawson
- Smith
- Stanfors
- Stearns
- Steinemann
- Sweeney
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Tudor
- Van Lopik
- Vishevsky
- Wasilewski
- Wickman
- Williams
- Wilson
- Young
- Zhang
- Publication venue
- 'American Geophysical Union (AGU)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1992
- Field of study