396 research outputs found

    La importancia del juego en el desarrollo motriz del ni?o en la edad preescolar de la instituci?n educativa exalumnas de la presentaci?n de Ibagu? Tolima

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    66 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEste proyecto de investigaci?n fue realizado con el fin de conocer las dificultades motrices de las estudiantes de preescolar de la Instituci?n Educativa Exalumnas de la Presentaci?n de la ciudad de Ibagu?, en los aspectos l?dicos deportivos, desarrollo psicol?gico, social y aprendizajes. Pretendiendo aplicar estrategias pedag?gicas donde el juego sea la herramienta para el desarrollo motriz de la edad preescolar. Es as?, que este trabajo de investigaci?n descriptivo tiene como finalidad definir, clasificar y caracterizar el objeto de estudio sobre la importancia del juego en el desarrollo de las ni?as, d?ndonos como resultado una muestra cualitativa, observacional donde se registrar el comportamiento habitual de los educandos. De igual forma nos basamos en autores como Piaget que nos muestra el juego y los juguetes como "materiales ?tiles" para el desarrollo psicomotor, sensorio motor, cognitivo, del pensamiento l?gico y del lenguaje en el ni?o y Vigotsky que habla del juego como instrumento y recurso socio-cultural, el papel gozoso de ser un elemento impulsor del desarrollo mental del ni?o, facilitando el desarrollo de las funciones superiores del entendimiento tales como la atenci?n o la memoria voluntaria. Como resultados esperados se busca que por medio del juego se puedan desarrollar dichas habilidades motrices de las ni?as de la instituci?n educativa exalumnas de la presentaci?n teniendo en cuenta lo anteriormente nombrado y con el apoyo de directivos docentes y dem?s entes que nos pueden brindar su colaboraci?n y aportes para la realizaci?n de dicho proyecto.This research project was carried out with the purpose of knowing the motor difficulties of the preschool students of the Educational Institution Exalumnas of the Presentation of Ibague city, in the sporting aspects, psychological, social development and learning. Pretending to apply pedagogical strategies where the game is the tool for the motor development of the preschool age. Thus, this descriptive research aims to define, classify and characterize the object of study on the importance of game in the development of girls, giving us as a result a qualitative, observational sample where the usual behavior of learners. Likewise, we are based on authors such as Piaget who shows us the game and toys as "useful materials" for the psychomotor, sensory motor, cognitive development of logical thinking and language in the child and Vigotsky that speaks of the game as an instrument and Socio-cultural resource, the joyful role of being a driving force of the child's mental development, facilitating the development of higher functions of understanding such as attention or voluntary memory. As expected results it is sought that through the game can be developed such motor skills of the girls of the educational institution exalumnas of the presentation taking into account the aforementioned and with the support of teaching directors and other entities that can provide their collaboration and contributions for the realization of this project. Keywords: Motor, game, learning, strategy, development, psychological, socia

    Bromatological and organoleptic quality of organic waste silages of coffee-musaceous production system

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    P?ginas 47-52El presente estudio se realiz? en el Laboratorio de Ecofisiolog?a Animal de la Universidad del Tolima (Ibagu?, Colombia). El objetivo fue analizar la calidad nutricional mediante las caracter?sticas bromatol?gicas y organol?pticas de ensilajes de residuos org?nicos del agroecosistema caf? y mus?ceas. Se prepar? un ensilaje con cada uno de los residuos org?nicos (caf?, hoja de pl?tano y v?stago de pl?tano), se le adiciono 5% de melaza como fuente energ?tica. Las unidades de an?lisis estaban representadas por microsilos de 5 Kg empacadas en bolsa de polietileno calibre 6. Se evaluaron 4 tiempos de fermentaci?n (1, 7, 14 y 21 d?as). Semanalmente se evaluaron las siguientes variables: pH, temperatura, materia seca, cenizas. Al final del proceso se evalu? el porcentaje de prote?na, FDN, FDA y Lignina. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la temperatura m?xima que se registr? al inicio fue de 26 ?C y se estabilizo a los 23,3 ?C a trav?s del tiempo, el valor m?s bajo de pH registrado fue el ensilaje de cereza de caf? (3,8), el ensilaje de hoja de pl?tano en el tiempo 4 de fermentaci?n presento el porcentaje de prote?na m?s alto (14,45%), seguido de los ensilajes de cereza de caf? (11,65%) y v?stago de pl?tano (5,25%). En la evaluaci?n organol?ptica se realiz? un an?lisis mediante estad?stica descriptiva donde se evidenci? que todos los ensilajes presentaron caracter?sticas aceptables dentro de los par?metros de calidad en las caracter?sticas de color, olor, humedad y textura.ABSTRACT. This study was carried out in the Laboratory of Animal Ecophysiology, University of Tolima (Ibague, Colombia). The objective was to analyze the nutritional quality through bromatological and organoleptic characteristics of organic waste silages of coffee and musaceous agroecosystem. Silages were prepared with each of the organic wastes (coffee, banana leaves and banana stems) 5% molasses was added as an energy source. The units of analysis were represented by 5 kg microsilos packed in 6 gauge polyethylene bags. 4 fermentation times were evaluated (1, 7, 14 and 21 days). The following variables were evaluated weekly: pH, temperature, dry matter, ash. At the end of the process the percentage of protein, NDF, and lignin FDA were evaluated. The results show that the highest temperature recorded at the beginning was 26 ? C and stabilized at 23,3 ?C over time, the lowest value reported was the silage pH of coffee (3,8), the banana leaf silage on fermentation time 4 presented the highest protein content (14,45 %), followed by coffee silages (11,65%) and banana stem (5,25%). The sensory evaluation was analyzed using descriptive statistics which showed that all silages showed characteristics within acceptable quality parameters on the characteristics of color, smell, humidity and texture

    Implementaci?n de herramientas did?cticas y tecnol?gicas para mejorar el nivel de aprendizaje de la trigonometr?a

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    192 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente trabajo tiene por objeto dar a conocer c?mo el uso de herramientas did?cticas tecnol?gicas aportan de manera constructiva a la formaci?n de los estudiantes; esta investigaci?n se llev? a cabo con estudiantes del grado D?cimo de la instituci?n educativa Colegio Tolimense de la ciudad de Ibagu? con el fin de enfocar m?s la atenci?n y el inter?s del estudiante hacia el aprendizaje de la trigonometr?a con cambios en la did?ctica de los profesores del ?rea. El implementar nuevas herramientas did?cticas y tecnol?gicas en las aulas, surge del inter?s de observar, conocer y analizar las pr?cticas docentes y de analizar que s? se incrementa el rendimiento acad?mico en la asignatura de trigonometr?a; es por ello que la investigaci?n es avalada por la Instituci?n Educativa Colegio Tolimense; la cual invierte en tecnolog?a en el a?o 2015, haciendo una gran inversi?n y equipando los salones de los grados d?cimo y once con tableros inteligentes, la sala de sistema con computadores personales e Internet permanente. Para alcanzar el objetivo de estudio de esta investigaci?n, se recolect? la informaci?n pertinente empleando encuestas, aplicando pruebas en las aulas de clase, entrevistando y observando los comportamientos de estudiantes de grado d?cimo a la hora de enfrentarse a unas nuevas tecnolog?as para aprender a resolver problemas trigonom?tricos, en donde se evidenciaran las apreciaciones tanto de estudiantes y profesores sobre el impacto de usar las herramientas did?cticas para el aprendizaje de la trigonometr?a.paper is intended to give Hall a meet as the use of educational Technology Tools constructively contribute to the training of students; this research was carried out with the Tenth grade students of School College of Tolima in Ibague But in order to focus the attention and interest of students towards learning trigonometry with changes in the teaching of Teachers area. The implement new educational and technological tools in the classroom, it stems from the interest to observe, learn and analyze teaching practices and analyzing yes increases academic performance in the subject of trigonometry ; which is why research is supported by the Educational Institution Tolimense College ; which invests in technology in 2015 , making a great investment and equipping the halls of the tenth and eleven degrees with smart boards , the living system for personal computers and permanent Internet. To achieve the objective of this research study, the relevant information was collected using surveys, applying tests in classrooms, interviewing and observing the behavior of sophomores when faced with a new technology to learn to solve problems trigonometry, where the findings of both students and teachers about the impact of using the educational tools for learning trigonometry become apparent. Key Words: Teaching Tools, Technologies, Learning trigonometry, New Technologies applied to Education

    Implementaci?n de t?cnicas gr?fico-pl?sticas como estrategia pedag?gica para el fortalecimiento de la motricidad fina en los ni?os y ni?as del nivel de preescolar.

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    99 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEn la formaci?n integral del ni?odesde los primeros a?os de la vida, es fundamental el desarrollo de la actividad creativa, la expresi?n gr?fico -pl?stica y la imaginaci?n, toda vez que constituye una actividad que promueve el desarrollo de la motricidad, el pensamiento cr?tico y la capacidad de proposici?n, como elementos fundamentales que le permiten al ni?o conocer, interactuar y transformar su entorno. Como parte del proceso de investigaci?n formativa que dispone el Programa de Licenciatura en Pedagog?a Infantil de la Universidad del Tolima, se llev? a cabo un proyecto enfocado hacia la implementaci?n de una propuesta pedag?gica que promueva el dise?o y la ejecuci?n de t?cnicas gr?fico? pl?sticascomo estrategia para el fortalecimiento de la motricidad fina en los ni?os y ni?as en nivel preescolar. El proyecto parte de la necesidad de permitir a los ni?os del nivel preescolar de la Instituci?n Educativa T?cnica La Sagrada Familia - Sede Versallesacceder a otros lenguajes a trav?s de actividades de su inter?s y agrado como espintar, modelar,rasgar, recortar, ensartar o dibujar, que se convierten en estrategias estimuladoras de su potencial creativo y creador, y a la vez fortalecen habilidades que son fundamentales para un adecuado desarrollo y desempe?o de su motricidad fina.Atrav?s del Proyecto Pedag?gico de Aula: Manitos creativas y juguetonas, se logra apropiar por los docentes, los padres de familia y los ni?os la expresi?n gr?fico ? pl?stica como una estrategia que fortalece la motricidad fina, a la vez que ofrece la instalaci?n de ambientes propicios para el aprendizaje desde el espacio preescolar. Palabras claves: Gr?fico - pl?stico, arte, motricidad fina, aprendizaje, expresi?n creativa.In the integral formation of the child from the first years of life, the development of the creative activity, the graphic expression - plastic and the imagination, since it constitutes an activity that promotes the development of the motor, critical thinking and the capacity for proposition, as fundamental elements that allow the child to know, interact and transform their environment. As part of the process of formative research provided by the Graduate Program in Pedagogy for Children at the University of Tolima, a project was carried out focusing on the implementation of a pedagogical proposal that promotes the design and execution of graphic techniques such as strategy for the strengthening of fine motor skills in preschool children. The project starts from the need to allow children of the pre-school level of the Educational Institution The Sagrada Familia - Versailles Headquarters to access other languages through activities of their interest and enjoyment such as painting, modeling, ripping, trimming, strumming or drawing , Which become strategies that stimulate their creative and creative potential, and at the same time strengthen skills that are fundamental for an adequate development and performance of their fine motor skills.Through the Pedagogical Project of Classroom: Creative and playful hands, it is possible to appropriate for teachers, parents and children the graphic - plastic expression as a strategy that strengthens fine motor skills, while offering the installation of environments Conducive to learning from preschool. Key Words:Graphic - plastic, art, fine motor skills, learning, creative expression

    Estimulaci?n y motivaci?n hacia el gusto y deleite por la literatura infantil

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    127 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa educaci?n inicial tiene como prop?sito fundamental establecer las bases que le permitan al ser humano desarrollarse y fortalecerse integralmente. Bowlby, (1998) establece en su teor?a del apego el v?nculo que se desarrolla en la primera infancia entre los individuos y sus cuidadores. El presente estudio centra su atenci?n en el escaso proceso de acompa?amiento y motivaci?n hacia la literatura infantil en los ni?os y ni?as de 5 a?os del Centro de Desarrollo Infantil de la Fundaci?n Colegio los Pitufos del programa de primera infancia del Instituto Colombiano de bienestar familiar I.C.B.F. CDI. 7 de Agosto. Debido a esta problem?tica, nace la propuesta de implementar una estrategia l?dico-pedag?gica de acompa?amiento, que les permita a los padres de familia, adquirir herramientas apropiadas de acercamiento a los ni?os y ni?as hacia la lectura, y as? propender por un mejor h?bito de lectura. El desarrollo metodol?gico de esta investigaci?n propone un enfoque cualitativo, donde se fundamenta un dise?o metodol?gico de Investigaci?n Acci?n con el tipo de investigaci?n descriptiva. Con dicha metodolog?a se espera tener como resultado un mejor acompa?amiento por parte de los padres y que esto se vea reflejado de manera positiva en su inter?s por la lectura infantil. Con el estudio se ha llegado a comprobar que el h?bito lector de los ni?os ha mejorado notablemente, por la puesta en escena de una estrategia pedag?gica. De la misma manera, ha surgido efecto en la relaci?n docente ?ni?o y padre de familia. Palabras claves: comunicaci?n escolar, acompa?amiento, h?bito lector, estrategia pedag?gica, estimulaci?n, motivaci?n.The basic purpose of initial education is to establish the basis for human beings to integrally develop and strengthen. Bowlby, (1998) establishes, in his attachment theory, the bond that develops in early infancy between individuals and their caregivers. The present study focuses on the limited process of accompaniment and motivation towards children?s literature in 5-year-old children of the Child Development Center Los Pitufos Foundation School of the early childhood program of the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare ICBF CDI 7 de Agosto. Due to this problem, the proposal to implement a ludic-pedagogical strategy of accompaniment is born, which allows parents to acquire appropriate tools to bring children closer to reading, and thus to promote better reading habits. The methodological development of this research proposes a qualitative approach, with an Action Research descriptive methodological design. This methodology is expected to result in better accompaniment by parents that is positively reflected in their interest in children literature. This study allowed to verify that children reading habits have remarkably improved, by the staging of a pedagogical strategy. In the same way, there has been an effect on the teacher-child-parent relationship. Keywords: school communication, accompaniment, reading habit, pedagogical strategy, stimulation, motivation

    Competencias ciudadanas en la educaci?n inicial

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    100 P?ginasRecurso Electr?nicoEl proyecto de investigaci?n se dio gracias a los aportes de diferentes te?ricos, e investigadores que permitieron reconocer la importancia de las competencias ciudadanas en la educaci?n. Esta propuesta, se desarroll? con ni?@s de nivel transici?n del Colegio Musical La Divina Infancia trav?s de un proceso de investigaci?n formativa y empleando la metodolog?a cualitativa de corte etnogr?fico as? como la Investigaci?n - Acci?n; logrando la caracterizaci?n de discursos y pr?cticas pedag?gicas que circulan en dicha instituci?n. A trav?s de este proceso, se realizaron actividades l?dico-pedag?gicas creadas en base a las necesidades de los ni?os y ni?as; despertando en ellos un gran inter?s, permitiendo as? la participaci?n din?mica y constante de los infantes, facilitando la interacci?n y socializaci?n, creando v?nculos y espacios que permitieran el reconocimiento del otro. De igual manera, se ejecutaron talleres empleando t?cnicas e instrumentos esenciales a la investigaci?n cualitativa, como lo es la observaci?n, la entrevista, Diario de Campo, revisiones documentales e interacci?n con los diferentes miembros de la comunidad educativa, especialmente con los responsables de fortalecer las competencias ciudadanas en los ni?os y ni?as, como lo son los docentes y padres de familia, concientiz?ndolos de la importancia de formar seres humanos con valores ?ticos y morales, los cuales aprendan a convivir en paz y armon?a. El proyecto pretende ofrecer distintas alternativas pedag?gicas para el desarrollo de las competencias ciudadanas en la educaci?n preescolar, como un trabajo conjunto entre escuela y familia, impactando con hechos reales y demostrando que si es posible una educaci?n de calidad.ABSTRACT. The project of research was carried out through the contributions of the different theorists, Pedagogues and researchers that allowed to recognize the importance of the citizenship skills in the Education. This purpose was developed with children of preschool level of the Musical School La Divina Infancia through a process of Formative Research and using the qualitative methodology of ethnographic section as the Research - Action; achieving the characterization of speeches and pedagogical practices that circulate in the above mentioned institution. Through this process, ludic - pedagogical activities were realized which were created on base of the needs of the children; evoking in them a great interest, thus allowing the dynamic and constant participation of the infants, facilitating the interaction and socialization, creating links and spaces which permit the recognition of the other one.INTRODUCCION 14 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 17 1.1 DESCRIPCI?N DEL PROBLEMA 17 1.2 FORMULACI?N DEL PROBLEMA 19 2. OBJETIVOS 20 2.1OBJETIVO GENERAL 20 2.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 20 3. JUSTIFICACI?N 21 4. MARCO REFERENCIAL 24 4.1 ANTECEDENTES 24 4.2 MARCO TEORICO 27 4.2.1 Competencias ciudadanas 27 4.2.2 Grupos competencias ciudadanas 28 Pluralidad, identidad y valoraci?n de diferencias 30 4.2.3 Desde el preescolar, pluralidad, identidad y valoraci?n de diferencias 30 Pluralidad en el preescolar. 31 Identidad en el preescolar. 32 Valoraci?n de las diferencias en el preescolar 33 4.3 MARCO CONTEXTUAL 35 4.4 MARCO LEGAL 43 4.4.1 A nivel internacional 44 4.4.2 A nivel nacional 45 4.4.3 A nivel institucional 49 5. METODOLOG?A 52 5.1 ESTRUCTURA METODOLOGICA 52 5.1.2Descripci?n fase I. Caracterizaci?n de los discursos y pr?cticas pedag?gicas que circulan en la instituci?n educativa de ni?os menores de 7 a?os. 53 5.1.3 Descripci?n fase II. Intervenci?n: los sentidos pedag?gicos de los proyectos de intervenci?n. 57 5.2 AN?LISIS DE RESULTADOS 59 5.2.1 Validez. 60 5.2.2 Confiabilidad 63 5.3 EVALUACI?N Y SEGUIMIENTO 63 5.3.1 Fase 1.Caracterizaci?n de las pr?cticas que se ejercen y de los discursos que circulan sobre la educaci?n de los ni?os y ni?as menores de siete a?os 64 5.3.2 Fase 2.Los sentidos pedag?gicos de los proyectos de intervenci?n. 68 6. EL PROYECTO DE INTERVENCION PEDAGOGICA 73 6.1 ESQUEMA GENERAL 73 6.2 ACTIVIDADES INTEGRADORAS DEL PROYECTO DE INTERVENCION 74 6.2.1 Actividades para directivos y docentes. 74 6.2.2 Actividades para padres de familia. 76 6.2.3 Actividades integradoras para ni?os. 77 6.3EXPERIENCIA PEDAGOGICA 79 CONCLUSIONES 83 RECOMENDACIONES 86 REFERENCIAS 87 ANEXOS 9

    Computing Chemical Potential using the Phase Space Multi-histogram Method

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    We present a new simulation method to calculate the free energy and the chemical potential of hard particle systems. The method relies on the introduction of a parameter dependent potential to smoothly transform between the hard particle system and the corresponding ideal gas. We applied the method to study the phase transition behavior of monodispersed infinitely thin square platelets. First, we equilibrated the square platelet system for different reduced pressures with a usual isobaric Monte Carlo (MC) simulation and obtained a reduced pressure-chemical potential plot. Then we introduce the parametrized potential to interpolate the system between the ideal gas and the hard particles. After selecting the potential, we performed isochoric MC runs, ranging from the ideal gas to the hard particle limit. Through an iterative procedure, we compute the free energy and the chemical potential of the square platelet system by evaluating the volume of the phase space attributed to the hard particles, and then we find the coexistence pressure of the system. Our method provides an intuitive approach to investigate the phase transitions of hard particle systems

    Nanostructured 3D Constructs Based on Chitosan and Chondroitin Sulphate Multilayers for Cartilage Tissue Engineering

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    Nanostructured three-dimensional constructs combining layer-by-layer technology (LbL) and template leaching were processed and evaluated as possible support structures for cartilage tissue engineering. Multilayered constructs were formed by depositing the polyelectrolytes chitosan (CHT) and chondroitin sulphate (CS) on either bidimensional glass surfaces or 3D packet of paraffin spheres. 2D CHT/CS multi-layered constructs proved to support the attachment and proliferation of bovine chondrocytes (BCH). The technology was transposed to 3D level and CHT/CS multi-layered hierarchical scaffolds were retrieved after paraffin leaching. The obtained nanostructured 3D constructs had a high porosity and water uptake capacity of about 300%. Dynamical mechanical analysis (DMA) showed the viscoelastic nature of the scaffolds. Cellular tests were performed with the culture of BCH and multipotent bone marrow derived stromal cells (hMSCs) up to 21 days in chondrogenic differentiation media. Together with scanning electronic microscopy analysis, viability tests and DNA quantification, our results clearly showed that cells attached, proliferated and were metabolically active over the entire scaffold. Cartilaginous extracellular matrix (ECM) formation was further assessed and results showed that GAG secretion occurred indicating the maintenance of the chondrogenic phenotype and the chondrogenic differentiation of hMSCs

    Targeting VIP and PACAP receptor signalling: new therapeutic strategies in multiple sclerosis

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    MS (multiple sclerosis) is a chronic autoimmune and neurodegenerative pathology of the CNS (central nervous system) affecting approx. 2.5 million people worldwide. Current and emerging DMDs (disease-modifying drugs) predominantly target the immune system. These therapeutic agents slow progression and reduce severity at early stages of MS, but show little activity on the neurodegenerative component of the disease. As the latter determines permanent disability, there is a critical need to pursue alternative modalities. VIP (vasoactive intestinal peptide) and PACAP (pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide) have potent anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective actions, and have shown significant activity in animal inflammatory disease models including the EAE (experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis) MS model. Thus, their receptors have become candidate targets for inflammatory diseases. Here, we will discuss the immunomodulatory and neuroprotective actions of VIP and PACAP and their signalling pathways, and then extensively review the structure–activity relationship data and biophysical interaction studies of these peptides with their cognate receptors
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