373 research outputs found

    Aggregate ranking of the world's leading universities

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    The paper presents a methodology for calculating the aggregate global university ranking (Aggregated Global University Ranking, or AGUR), which consists of an automated presentation of the comparable lists of names for different universities from particular global university rankings and a simple procedure of aggregating particular global university rankingsyesBelgorod State Universit

    Construction IF-scoring rule within the framework of new generation of metric citations

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    Basing on the scoring rule approach, there was designed a citation metrics, allowing for not only the number of author’s articles published and their citations but also the impact factors of journals in which the articles were published as well as the impact factors of journals with articles citing the autho

    Methodology for failure analysis of complex technical systems and prevention of their consequences

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    The paper presents a study on the methodology of failures and their possible consequences analysis. Analysis of failures and their consequences is carried out for newly developed or modernized products and it is one of main activities in the reliability assurance system. The methodology is applied to the analysis of all designed systems, starting from the earliest stage of development, in order to evaluate the approach to development and compare the advantages of the design solution. The considered analysis of failures and their consequences of components is a part of the complex analysis of reliability of the whole product. Depending on the complexity of the design and the available data, a particular approach may be chosen for the analysis. In one case, it is a structural approach, in which a list of individual elements and their possible failures is compiled. In another case, it is the functional approach, which is based on the statement that each element must perform a number of functions that can be classified as solutions. The results provide a scheme for conducting the analysis and finding solutions to prevent them. The conclusions say that the level of detail determines the level at which failures are postulated

    Влияние геометрии облучения на тяжесть острого радиационного поражения

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    The aim of this study was to demonstrate how the severity of radiation damage in the case of bone marrow syndrome due to acute irradiation depends on the non-uniform irradiation of the body. We used the calculation method that involves the evaluation of organism mortality as a function of bone marrow cells colony survival vs dose for different radiation profiles. It was presumed that the probability of the death for the organism is the same for the same value of survival level of the bone marrow cells regardless of the dose distribution by mass of the organ. The dose of uniform irradiation that is equivalent to the dose for the L-th case of non-uniform irradiation is calculate based on the survival level of the total marrow cells. After that the probability of the death of the organism is estimated according to the dose response curve. Dose distribution in bone marrow of computational MIRD-5-type stylized model adult man for different geometries of exposure by point source of 137Cs was evaluated. Larger non-uniformity of the dose distribution in the bone marrow at the same dose in free air in the site of human location causes a greater probability of survival due to a greater proportion of bone marrow cells that have preserved the possibility of reproduction. The values of mean 50% lethal dose for cases of approximately uniform irradiation of the body surface (point source at a distance 10m) and sharply non-uniform irradiation (point source at a distance of 0.5 m) differ approximately by the factor of 1.7 – 2.5 depending on direction of irradiation. Additionally the values of conversion coefficients from the reading of an individual dosimeter to the value of an effective dose for various geometries of irradiation of emergency workers from the 137Cs point source were calculated. The average value of the conversion coefficient from personal dose to effective dose for the considered exposure situations is 0.7 Sv Cy-1 and the 90% confidence interval is 0.49 – 0.99 Sv Gy-1.Статья посвящена демонстрации того, как тяжесть радиационного поражения при остром облучении в случае костномозгового синдрома зависит от неоднородности облучения организма. В статье использовали метод расчета, при котором смертность организма оценивалась на основе функции выживания клеток костного мозга в зависимости от распределения в нем поглощенной дозы. Предполагалось, что вероятность смерти для организма одинакова для одного и того же значения уровня выживания клеток костного мозга независимо от распределения дозы по массе органа. Доза однородного облучения, эквивалентная дозе L-го случая неравномерного облучения, рассчитывалась на основе доли выживших клеток красного костного мозга. После этого вероятность смерти организма в случае костномозгового синдрома оценивалась с использованием зависимости смертности от поглощенной дозы в клетках красного костного мозга при их равномерном облучении. Рассчитывалось распределение поглощенной дозы в красном костном мозге для математической модели MIRD-5 тела взрослого человека для разных геометрий облучения от точечного источника 137Cs. Бóльшая неравномерность распределения дозы в костном мозге при одинаковой дозе в свободном воздухе в месте расположения фантома обусловливала бóльшую вероятность выживания из-за большей доли клеток костного мозга, которые сохранили способность к воспроизведению. Значения средней 50% летальной дозы для случаев приблизительно равномерного облучения поверхности фантома MIRD-5 (точечный источник на расстоянии 10 м) и резко неоднородного облучения (точечный источник на расстоянии 0,5 м) различались в 1,7–2,5 раза в зависимости от направления падения излучения. Кроме того, были рассчитаны значения коэффициентов перехода от показаний индивидуального дозиметра к эффективной дозе для различных геометрий облучения аварийных работников гамма-излучением точечного источника 137Cs. Среднее значение коэффициента перехода от дозы, зарегистрированной индивидуальным дозиметром, к эффективной дозе для рассматриваемых ситуаций облучения составило 0,70 Sv Gy-1 при 90% доверительном интервале 0,49–0,99 Sv Gy-1

    Different Approaches to the Development of Online Learning in Higher Education

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    The relevance of the study is substantiated by the intensive transition of the educational process to the digital environment. In this context, methods and principles of teaching, which are necessary to meet the society needs in modern education, are changing and developing. The authors reveal the issue of the global economy transformation, focusing on digital environments (digitalization). It is highlighted that digitalization contributes to the increasing demand for personnel and the necessity to improve the education system. The analysis of the theoretical features of online education is conducted, methods of its organization are identified, and modern requirements for teaching in higher education are determined. The key concepts that are the basis for the study are clarified. Approaches to the classification of online course formats and their other essential features are generalized. The authors introduce the classification of online learning in terms of time (synchronous, asynchronous) and the classification according to the degree of the educational process integration with online technologies. Additionally, the character of participants’ interaction (web support, blended learning, and fully online learning) is generalized. A review of online courses models by the format of participants’ interaction is carried out (model of online repository courses, xMOOC, cMOOC, hMOOC, ahMOOC, SPOC). The processes of online learning implementation, including e-learning and distance learning technologies in higher education have been revealed. The experience of the development of the first online courses at M. K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University is described. As a part of the study, the main approaches to the development of online learning in higher education are identified. The authors of the study focus on the work of the advanced training courses for the academic staff as the opportunity for professional competencies development in the context of online education

    Reconstruction of the Expansion of Siberian Larch into the Mountain Tundra in the Polar Urals in the 20th—Early 21st Centuries

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    This paper presents results of analyzing the second half of the 20th–early 21st century changes in lateral spatial structure of Larix sibirica Ledeb. population in the upper treeline ecotone located on the Rai-Iz massif (Polar Urals, Russia). The GIS layers characterizing distribution of Siberian larch trees and undergrowth together with their crowns was produced for a 7.32 square kilometer area based on aerial images recognition. Using statistical models, we assessed probabilities for assigning trees to age intervals of 1–10, 11–40, and 40+ years based on the average radius of tree crown projection. These maps and layer showing locations of trees that grew in the upper part of the ecotone, and died during the Little Ice Age, allow for assessing specifics of forest cover proliferation at different parts of upper treeline ecotone, and comparing current location of the trees with one from the past. The proposed method for probability-based recognition of Siberian larch tree generations in the upper treeline ecotone using average crown radius can be used to reconstruct time and spatial forest dynamics at the upper growth boundaries for time spans up to 100 years and more. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.FEUG-2020-0013, FEUG-2021-0009Funding: This research was collaboratively funded by the Russian Ministry for Science and Education (projects No. FEUG-2020-0013, No. FEUG-2021-0009). An approach to the selection of generations of trees by crown diameter was developed within the framework of the project of the Russian Ministry for Science and Education No. FEUZ-2021-0014

    Different Approaches to the Development of Online Learning in Higher Education

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    The relevance of the study is substantiated by the intensive transition of the educational process to the digital environment. In this context, methods and principles of teaching, which are necessary to meet the society needs in modern education, are changing and developing. The authors reveal the issue of the global economy transformation, focusing on digital environments (digitalization). It is highlighted that digitalization contributes to the increasing demand for personnel and the necessity to improve the education system. The analysis of the theoretical features of online education is conducted, methods of its organization are identified, and modern requirements for teaching in higher education are determined. The key concepts that are the basis for the study are clarified. Approaches to the classification of online course formats and their other essential features are generalized. The authors introduce the classification of online learning in terms of time (synchronous, asynchronous) and the classification according to the degree of the educational process integration with online technologies. Additionally, the character of participants’ interaction (web support, blended learning, and fully online learning) is generalized. A review of online courses models by the format of participants’ interaction is carried out (model of online repository courses, xMOOC, cMOOC, hMOOC, ahMOOC, SPOC). The processes of online learning implementation, including e-learning and distance learning technologies in higher education have been revealed. The experience of the development of the first online courses at M. K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University is described. As a part of the study, the main approaches to the development of online learning in higher education are identified. The authors of the study focus on the work of the advanced training courses for the academic staff as the opportunity for professional competencies development in the context of online education

    Different Approaches to the Development of Online Learning in Higher Education

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    The relevance of the study is substantiated by the intensive transition of the educational process to the digital environment. In this context, methods and principles of teaching, which are necessary to meet the society needs in modern education, are changing and developing. The authors reveal the issue of the global economy transformation, focusing on digital environments (digitalization). It is highlighted that digitalization contributes to the increasing demand for personnel and the necessity to improve the education system. The analysis of the theoretical features of online education is conducted, methods of its organization are identified, and modern requirements for teaching in higher education are determined. The key concepts that are the basis for the study are clarified. Approaches to the classification of online course formats and their other essential features are generalized. The authors introduce the classification of online learning in terms of time (synchronous, asynchronous) and the classification according to the degree of the educational process integration with online technologies. Additionally, the character of participants’ interaction (web support, blended learning, and fully online learning) is generalized. A review of online courses models by the format of participants’ interaction is carried out (model of online repository courses, xMOOC, cMOOC, hMOOC, ahMOOC, SPOC). The processes of online learning implementation, including e-learning and distance learning technologies in higher education have been revealed. The experience of the development of the first online courses at M. K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University is described. As a part of the study, the main approaches to the development of online learning in higher education are identified. The authors of the study focus on the work of the advanced training courses for the academic staff as the opportunity for professional competencies development in the context of online education

    On the superfluidity of classical liquid in nanotubes

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    In 2001, the author proposed the ultra second quantization method. The ultra second quantization of the Schr\"odinger equation, as well as its ordinary second quantization, is a representation of the N-particle Schr\"odinger equation, and this means that basically the ultra second quantization of the equation is the same as the original N-particle equation: they coincide in 3N-dimensional space. We consider a short action pairwise potential V(x_i -x_j). This means that as the number of particles tends to infinity, NN\to\infty, interaction is possible for only a finite number of particles. Therefore, the potential depends on N in the following way: VN=V((xixj)N1/3)V_N=V((x_i-x_j)N^{1/3}). If V(y) is finite with support ΩV\Omega_V, then as NN\to\infty the support engulfs a finite number of particles, and this number does not depend on N. As a result, it turns out that the superfluidity occurs for velocities less than min(λcrit,h2mR)\min(\lambda_{\text{crit}}, \frac{h}{2mR}), where λcrit\lambda_{\text{crit}} is the critical Landau velocity and R is the radius of the nanotube.Comment: Latex, 20p. The text is presented for the International Workshop "Idempotent and tropical mathematics and problems of mathematical physics", Independent University of Moscow, Moscow, August 25--30, 2007 and to be published in the Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2007, vol. 15, #

    Sn delta-doping in GaAs

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    We have prepared a number of GaAs structures delta-doped by Sn using the well-known molecular beam epitaxy growth technique. The samples obtained for a wide range of Sn doping densities were characterised by magnetotransport experiments at low temperatures and in high magnetic fields up to 38 T. Hall-effect and Shubnikov-de Haas measurements show that the electron densities reached are higher than for other delta-dopants, like Si and Be. The maximum carrier density determined by the Hall effect equals 8.4x10^13 cm^-2. For all samples several Shubnikov-de Haas frequencies were observed, indicating the population of multiple subbands. The depopulation fields of the subbands were determined by measuring the magnetoresistance with the magnetic field in the plane of the delta-layer. The experimental results are in good agreement with selfconsistent bandstructure calculations. These calculation shows that in the sample with the highest electron density also the conduction band at the L point is populated.Comment: 11 pages text (ps), 9 figures (ps), submitted to Semicon. Science Tech