94 research outputs found

    Development of a 20-ton capacity open ocean aquaculture feed buoy

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    A design for a 20-ton capacity buoy was developed to feed fish in up to four submerged cages at an exposed site south of the Isles of Shoals, New Hampshire. The buoy was designed to contain all the equipment necessary to accomplish the feed dispensing tasks as well as have the strength and stability to remain on location in a variety of sea states. New feed handling and distribution systems were developed and tested. To evaluate seakeeping response a Froude scaled physical model was constructed and tested at the Ocean Engineering wave/tow tank at the University of New Hampshire. Construction of the buoy in New Brunswick near the Bay of Fundy is nearing completion, and deployment is scheduled for the summer of 2007

    Host immunity to repeated rabies virus infection in big brown bats

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    Bats are natural reservoirs for the majority of lyssaviruses globally, and are unique among mammals in having exceptional sociality and longevity. Given these facets, and the recognized status of bats as reservoirs for rabies viruses (RABVs) in the Americas, individual bats may experience repeated exposure to RABV during their lifetime. Nevertheless, little information exists with regard to within-host infection dynamics and the role of immunological memory that may result from abortive RABV infection in bats. In this study, a cohort of big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) was infected intramuscularly in the left and right masseter muscles with varying doses [10−0.1–104.9 median mouse intracerebral lethal doses (MICLD50)] of an E. fuscus RABV variant isolated from a naturally infected big brown bat. Surviving bats were infected a second time at 175 days post-(primary) infection with a dose (103.9–104.9 MICLD50) of the same RABV variant. Surviving bats were infected a third time at either 175 or 305 days post-(secondary) infection with a dose (104.9 MICLD50) of the same RABV variant. When correcting for dose, similar mortality was observed following primary and secondary infection, but reduced mortality was observed following the third and last RABV challenge, despite infection with a high viral dose. Inducible RABV-neutralizing antibody titres post-infection were ephemeral among infected individuals, and dropped below levels of detection in several bats between subsequent infections. These results suggest that long-term repeated infection of bats may confer significant immunological memory and reduced susceptibility to RABV infection

    Antigenic and genetic characterization of a divergent African virus, Ikoma lyssavirus

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    In 2009, a novel lyssavirus (subsequently named Ikoma lyssavirus, IKOV) was detected in the brain of an African civet (Civettictis civetta) with clinical rabies in the Serengeti National Park of Tanzania. The degree of nucleotide divergence between the genome of IKOV and those of other lyssaviruses predicted antigenic distinction from, and lack of protection provided by, available rabies vaccines. In addition, the index case was considered likely to be an incidental spillover event, and therefore the true reservoir of IKOV remained to be identified. The advent of sensitive molecular techniques has led to a rapid increase in the discovery of novel viruses. Detecting viral sequence alone, however, only allows for prediction of phenotypic characteristics and not their measurement. In the present study we describe the in vitro and in vivo characterization of IKOV, demonstrating that it is (1) pathogenic by peripheral inoculation in an animal model, (2) antigenically distinct from current rabies vaccine strains and (3) poorly neutralized by sera from humans and animals immunized against rabies. In a laboratory mouse model, no protection was elicited by a licensed rabies vaccine. We also investigated the role of bats as reservoirs of IKOV. We found no evidence for infection among 483 individuals of at least 13 bat species sampled across sites in the Serengeti and Southern Kenya

    Human polyomaviruses in children undergoing transplantation, United States, 2008-2010

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    Immunocompromised patients are at risk for disease caused by infection by some polyomaviruses. To define the prevalence of polyomaviruses in children undergoing transplantation, we collected samples from a longitudinal cohort and tested for the 9 known human polyomaviruses. All were detected; several were present in previously unreported specimen types

    A phase 1/2 open label nonrandomized clinical trial of intravenous 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin for acute liver disease in infants with Niemann-Pick C1

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    Introduction: Niemann-Pick C (NPC) is an autosomal recessive disease due to defective NPC1 or NPC2 proteins resulting in Methods: Infants received intravenous 2HPBCD twice a week for 6 weeks, followed by monthly infusion for 6-months. Primary outcome measure was reduction of plasma (3β,5α,6β-trihydroxy-cholan-24-oyl) glycine (TCG), a bile acid generated from cholesterol sequestered in lysosome. Results: Three participants completed this protocol. A fourth patient received intravenous 2HPBCD under an emergency investigational new drug study but later expired from her underlying condition. The three protocol patients are living and have improved liver enzymes and TCG. No patient has experienced a drug-related adverse event. Conclusion: Intravenous 2HPBCD was tolerated in three infants with liver disease due to NPC

    Total Serum Bilirubin within 3 Months of Hepatoportoenterostomy Predicts Short-Term Outcomes in Biliary Atresia

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    OBJECTIVES: To prospectively assess the value of serum total bilirubin (TB) within 3 months of hepatoportoenterostomy (HPE) in infants with biliary atresia as a biomarker predictive of clinical sequelae of liver disease in the first 2 years of life. STUDY DESIGN: Infants with biliary atresia undergoing HPE between June 2004 and January 2011 were enrolled in a prospective, multicenter study. Complications were monitored until 2 years of age or the earliest of liver transplantation (LT), death, or study withdrawal. TB below 2 mg/dL (34.2 μM) at any time in the first 3 months (TB <2.0, all others TB ≥ 2) after HPE was examined as a biomarker, using Kaplan-Meier survival and logistic regression. RESULTS: Fifty percent (68/137) of infants had TB < 2.0 in the first 3 months after HPE. Transplant-free survival at 2 years was significantly higher in the TB < 2.0 group vs TB ≥ 2 (86% vs 20%, P < .0001). Infants with TB ≥ 2 had diminished weight gain (P < .0001), greater probability of developing ascites (OR 6.4, 95% CI 2.9-14.1, P < .0001), hypoalbuminemia (OR 7.6, 95% CI 3.2-17.7, P < .0001), coagulopathy (OR 10.8, 95% CI 3.1-38.2, P = .0002), LT (OR 12.4, 95% CI 5.3-28.7, P < .0001), or LT or death (OR 16.8, 95% CI 7.2-39.2, P < .0001). CONCLUSIONS: Infants whose TB does not fall below 2.0 mg/dL within 3 months of HPE were at high risk for early disease progression, suggesting they should be considered for LT in a timely fashion. Interventions increasing the likelihood of achieving TB <2.0 mg/dL within 3 months of HPE may enhance early outcomes

    Neurodevelopmental Outcome of Young Children with Biliary Atresia and Native Liver: Results from the ChiLDReN Study

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess neurodevelopmental outcomes among participants with biliary atresia with their native liver at ages 12 months (group 1) and 24 months (group 2), and to evaluate variables predictive of neurodevelopmental impairment. STUDY DESIGN: Participants enrolled in a prospective, longitudinal, multicenter study underwent neurodevelopmental testing with either the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, 2nd edition, or Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, 3rd edition. Scores (normative mean = 100 ± 15) were categorized as ≥100, 85-99, and <85 for χ2 analysis. Risk for neurodevelopmental impairment (defined as ≥1 score of <85 on the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, 2nd edition, or Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, 3rd edition, scales) was analyzed using logistic regression. RESULTS: There were 148 children who completed 217 Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, 3rd edition, examinations (group 1, n = 132; group 2, n = 85). Neurodevelopmental score distributions significantly shifted downward compared with test norms at 1 and 2 years of age. Multivariate analysis identified ascites (OR, 3.17; P = .01) and low length z-scores at time of testing (OR, 0.70; P < .04) as risk factors for physical/motor impairment; low weight z-score (OR, 0.57; P = .001) and ascites (OR, 2.89; P = .01) for mental/cognitive/language impairment at 1 year of age. An unsuccessful hepatoportoenterostomy was predictive of both physical/motor (OR, 4.88; P < .02) and mental/cognitive/language impairment (OR, 4.76; P = .02) at 2 years of age. CONCLUSION: Participants with biliary atresia surviving with native livers after hepatoportoenterostomy are at increased risk for neurodevelopmental delays at 12 and 24 months of age. Those with unsuccessful hepatoportoenterostomy are >4 times more likely to have neurodevelopmental impairment compared with those with successful hepatoportoenterostomy. Growth delays and/or complications indicating advanced liver disease should alert clinicians to the risk for neurodevelopmental delays, and expedite appropriate interventions

    Evidence of Endemic Hendra Virus Infection in Flying-Foxes (Pteropus conspicillatus)—Implications for Disease Risk Management

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    This study investigated the seroepidemiology of Hendra virus in a spectacled flying-fox (Pteropus conspicillatus) population in northern Australia, near the location of an equine and associated human Hendra virus infection in late 2004. The pattern of infection in the population was investigated using a serial cross-sectional serological study over a 25-month period, with blood sampled from 521 individuals over six sampling sessions. Antibody titres to the virus were determined by virus neutralisation test. In contrast to the expected episodic infection pattern, we observed that seroprevalence gradually increased over the two years suggesting infection was endemic in the population over the study period. Our results suggested age, pregnancy and lactation were significant risk factors for a detectable neutralizing antibody response. Antibody titres were significantly higher in females than males, with the highest titres occurring in pregnant animals. Temporal variation in antibody titres suggests that herd immunity to the virus may wax and wane on a seasonal basis. These findings support an endemic infection pattern of henipaviruses in bat populations suggesting their infection dynamics may differ significantly from the acute, self limiting episodic pattern observed with related viruses (e.g. measles virus, phocine distemper virus, rinderpest virus) hence requiring a much smaller critical host population size to sustain the virus. These findings help inform predictive modelling of henipavirus infection in bat populations, and indicate that the life cycle of the reservoir species should be taken into account when developing risk management strategies for henipaviruses

    Evidence of Endemic Hendra Virus Infection in Flying-Foxes (Pteropus conspicillatus)—Implications for Disease Risk Management

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    This study investigated the seroepidemiology of Hendra virus in a spectacled flying-fox (Pteropus conspicillatus) population in northern Australia, near the location of an equine and associated human Hendra virus infection in late 2004. The pattern of infection in the population was investigated using a serial cross-sectional serological study over a 25-month period, with blood sampled from 521 individuals over six sampling sessions. Antibody titres to the virus were determined by virus neutralisation test. In contrast to the expected episodic infection pattern, we observed that seroprevalence gradually increased over the two years suggesting infection was endemic in the population over the study period. Our results suggested age, pregnancy and lactation were significant risk factors for a detectable neutralizing antibody response. Antibody titres were significantly higher in females than males, with the highest titres occurring in pregnant animals. Temporal variation in antibody titres suggests that herd immunity to the virus may wax and wane on a seasonal basis. These findings support an endemic infection pattern of henipaviruses in bat populations suggesting their infection dynamics may differ significantly from the acute, self limiting episodic pattern observed with related viruses (e.g. measles virus, phocine distemper virus, rinderpest virus) hence requiring a much smaller critical host population size to sustain the virus. These findings help inform predictive modelling of henipavirus infection in bat populations, and indicate that the life cycle of the reservoir species should be taken into account when developing risk management strategies for henipaviruses