60 research outputs found

    Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of humic and fulvic acids after acid hydrolysis

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    Two soil humic acids (HA), a marine sediment HA, and a soil fulvic acid (FA), were fractionated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of denaturing agents before and after 6N HCl hydrolysis. After acid hydrolysis, the intensity of the high molecular size (MS) fraction decreased considerably in all HAs. On the other hand, a new high-MS fraction appeared in the FA after hydrolysis. The electrophoretic data indicate that acid hydrolysis produced a transformation in the humic macromolecule, inducing either depolymerization or condensation, depending on the nature of the humic fraction. Therefore, the advantages and disadvantages of using acid hydrolysis should be carefully considered before this treatment is carried out.Peer Reviewe

    Globalization and regionalization: Institution aspect

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    The urgency of the analyzed problem is due to the fact that regionalization and globalization have a dual nature and depend on the institutional system, which, in turn, affects the establishment of new rules in the economic space in which interact businesses. The purpose of the article is to justify the fact that the institutional aspect of globalization and regionalization is, above all, in the establishment of new rules and norms of the economy that affect all businesses, and one of the key roles is performed by innovation and investment institutions. The main methods in the study of this problem is the dialectical method, which allows identifying trends in the development institutions at the regional level. Results: the article proves that the development of modern market institutions is associated with the stimulation of innovation activity in the regions and the creation of innovation systems in them, the effectiveness of which depends on the degree of interconnectedness and interdependence of the national innovation system, which corresponds to the globalization processes. The data of the article may be useful in determining institutions of the Samara region that promote economic development and competitiveness of the region, as well as practical development of managerial decisions related to improving the efficiency of the use of economic and administrative resources. © 2016 Matveev et al

    Psychological predictors of human hardiness formation

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    The relevance of the researched problem is conditioned by the growing social and psychological tension in the ever-changing post-industrial society and psychoemotional disorders affecting the human lifespan, developing on this background. The goal of the article is to disclose and analyse psychological predictors of hardiness formation, stipulating self-preservation and longevity of human. Identification of personal and reactive anxiety of young people, as well as assessment of their adaptive capacity are the leading methods in the study of this problem, allowing for complex consideration of the factors influencing the hardiness formation. The article discloses and justifies psychological indicators, serving as predictors of contemporary human hardiness, needed to overcome the difficulties of life arising in the course of personality ontogenesis. Article data may be useful for psychologists, psycho-physiologists, teachers and other professionals concerned with support and assistance to people experiencing problems in difficult situations. © 2016 Zeer et al

    Remote visual detection of impacts on the lunar surface

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    We propose a novel method of remotely observing impacts on the airless Moon that may extend the present data base on meteoroids down to 1 m in diameter. Meteorites or comets of radius approximately 1-100 m are burnt away or dispersed in the atmospheres of the Earth and Venus. However, when such objects strike the Moon they deposit their energy in a small initial volume, forming a plasma plume whose visible and infrared radiation may be visible from the Earth. We consider impacts of model SiO2 projectiles on the surface of an SiO2 model Moon

    Characterization and reactivity of soot from fast pyrolysis of lignocellulosic compounds and monolignols

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    peer-reviewedThis study presents the effect of lignocellulosic compounds and monolignols on the yield, nanostructure and reactivity of soot generated at 1250  ° C in a drop tube furnace. The structure of soot was characterized by electron microscopy techniques, Raman spectroscopy and electron spin resonance spectroscopy. The CO2 reactivity of soot was investigated by thermogravimetric analysis. Soot from cellulose was more reactive than soot produced from extractives, lignin and monolignols. Soot reactivity was correlated with the separation distances between adjacent graphene layers, as measured using transmission electron microscopy. Particle size, free radical concentration, differences in a degree of curvature and multi-core structures influenced the soot reactivity less than the interlayer separation distances. Soot yield was correlated with the lignin content of the feedstock. The selection of the extraction solvent had a strong influence on the soot reactivity. The Soxhlet extraction of softwood and wheat straw lignin soot using methanol decreased the soot reactivity, whereas acetone extraction had only a modest effect

    Institutional aspect of the Russian economy regional development

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    The urgency of the issue under research takes place due to the fact that the institutional system forms prerequisites for economic development of regions and affects the rate of economic growth and welfare of the population not only at the local, but also at the federal level. The article reveals the peculiarities of the institutional aspect of regional development, gives recommendations on the improvement of institutions to smooth the unevenness of regional development. As a scientific and methodological basis, the methods of analysis and synthesis are used in the work, which allow to reveal the features of regional institutions at the present stage. The use of statistical data reflecting the main characteristics of Russian regions made it possible to reveal that regions develop unevenly both in time and in space. The reasons for this are insufficient performance efficiency of institutions, which duplicates the powers of federal and regional authorities, the state’s participation in realizing ownership rights in the private property system, insufficient protection of property rights, bureaucratic procedures, and financial problems in the Russian economy. The above-mentioned shortcomings in the system of regional institutes reduce the competitiveness of regions, and reduce the volume of investments, which leads to further strengthening of their uneven development, and exacerbating the issue of income differences of the population. The authors believe that in order to improve the system of regional institutions and overcome the asymmetry, it is necessary to systematize resources, develop differentiated interaction at the regional and federal levels, and evaluate the effectiveness of the decisions made with the help of leading indicators in business cycle phases

    Пациент с болью в спине: возможности терапии

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    Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common clinical syndromes associated with the high rate of temporary disability and sizable material costs. The choice of adequate therapy for LBP requires that primary diseases that can be responsible for the occurrence of pain should be excluded. While choosing an analgesic, there must be a balance between its efficacy and the possible risk for undesirable side effects. One of the drugs that have proven effective in treating patients with LBP is ketoprofen (ketonal), the diversity of whose formulations allows maximally individualized therapy.Боль в нижней части спины (БНС) – один из наиболее распространенных клинических синдромов, ассоциированный с высокой частотой временной утраты трудоспособности и значительными материальными затратами. Выбор адекватной терапии пациентов с БНС требует исключения первичных заболеваний, способных обусловить возникновение боли. При выборе противоболевого препарата необходимо соблюдать баланс между эффективностью и возможным риском развития нежелательных побочных эффектов. Одним из препаратов, хорошо зарекомендовавших себя при лечении пациентов с БНС, является кетопрофен (кетонал), разнообразие лекарственных форм которого позволяет проводить максимально индивидуализированную терапию


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    The morphology and IR absorption spectra of dried drops of the blood plasma from patients with brain tumors of different grades have been studied. The structural peculiarities of these drops have been revealed. The possibilities to use the structural features of dried drops and of their IR absorption spectra as a source of additional information facilitating correct diagnosis have been assessed. The developed methods enable to control the appointed treatment and to elucidate a dynamics of the developing pathology.Изучена морфология и спектры ИК поглощения высохших капель плазмы крови больных с опухолью головного мозга различной степени. Выявлены структурные особенности высохших капель. Оценены возможности использования структурообразования высохшей капли и спектров ИК поглощения в качестве дополнительной информации при постановке и уточнении диагноза. Разработанные методики позволяют контролировать назначенное лечение и уточнять динамику развития патологии

    Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of chernozem humic acid and their fractions obtained by coupled size exclusion chromatography-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SEC-PAGE)

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    A humic acid extracted from a chernozem soil was fractionated combining size exclusion chromatography and polyacrylamide electrophoresis (SEC-PAGE). Three fractions named A, B, and C+D, with different electrophoretic mobilities and molecular sizes (MS), were obtained and subsequently characterized by thermochemolysis and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). The data confirmed that fraction A, with the higher MS, was more aliphatic than fractions B and C+D and, in turn, fractions with lower MS (B and C+D) denoted an enrichment in lignin residues. These structural features explain conformational changes when varying the pH in the humic fraction A and indicated that combination of the two techniques is a good approach for characterizing humic substances.Peer Reviewe

    Evaluation of Suwannee River NOM electrophoretic fractions by RP-HPLC with online absorbance and fluorescence detection.

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    International audienceReversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) with online absorbance and fluorescence detections was used for the evaluation of Suwannee River natural organic matter (SRNOM) and its fractions A, B, and C+D, obtained by conventional size exclusion chromatography–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SEC-PAGE) setup, for which the electrophoretic mobility (EM) and the absorptivity varied in the order C+D > B > A, and the molecular size (MS) in the opposite order. Analysis of SRNOM and its fractions in part of their relative irreversible adsorption on C18-column and relative distribution of eluted from the column matter on hydrophobic and hydrophilic peaks showed that hydrophobicity of fractions decreased in order: A > B > C+D. The online fluorescence detection showed that SRNOM and its fractions contained at least three groups of humic substances (HS)-like fluorophores with emission maxima at 435, 455–465, and 455/420 nm and two protein-like fluorophores with emission maxima at around 300 and 340 nm. The HS-like fluorophore with emission maximum at 435 nm was located in the hydrophilic peak in all the samples. Those with maxima at 455–465 nm were detected in hydrophobic peaks of fractions A and B. SEC-PAGE setup followed by RP-HPLC allowed us to develop new approach of SRNOM separation on less heterogeneous compounds mixture for their further study and structural identification