64 research outputs found

    Implications of differing input data sources and approaches upon forest carbon stock estimation

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    Site index is an important forest inventory attribute that relates productivity and growth expectation of forests over time. In forest inventory programs, site index is used in conjunction with other forest inventory attributes (i.e., height, age) for the estimation of stand volume. In turn, stand volumes are used to estimate biomass (and biomass components) and enable conversion to carbon. In this research, we explore the implications and consequences of different estimates of site index on carbon stock characterization for a 2,500-ha Douglas-fir-dominated landscape located on Eastern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. We compared site index estimates from an existing forest inventory to estimates generated from a combination of forest inventory and light detection and ranging (LIDAR)-derived attributes and then examined the resultant differences in biomass estimates generated from a carbon budget model (Carbon Budget Model of the Canadian Forest Sector (CBM-CFS3)). Significant differences were found between the original and LIDAR-derived site indices for all species types and for the resulting 5-m site classes (p < 0.001). The LIDAR-derived site class was greater than the original site class for 42{\%} of stands; however, 77{\%} of stands were within +/-1 site class of the original class. Differences in biomass estimates between the model scenarios were significant for both total stand biomass and biomass per hectare (p < 0.001); differences for Douglas-fir-dominated stands (representing 85{\%} of all stands) were not significant (p = 0.288). Overall, the relationship between the two biomass estimates was strong (R(2) = 0.92, p < 0.001), suggesting that in certain circumstances, LIDAR may have a role to play in site index estimation and biomass mapping

    Litterfall, litter decomposition and associated nutrient fluxes in Pinus halepensis: influence of tree removal intensity in a Mediterranean forest

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    The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10342-015-0893-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users[EN] Our knowledge about the influence of silvicultural treatments on nutrient cycling processes in Mediterranean forests is still limited. Four levels of tree removal were compared in an Aleppo pine forest in eastern Spain to determine the effects on litterfall, litter decomposition and the associated nutrient fluxes after 12 years. Removal treatments included clearfelling, two shelterwood intensities (60 and 75 % of basal area removed) and untreated controls. Twelve years later, the basal area removed still explained 60 % of litterfall mass variance and 60 % of C, 52 % of N, 45 % of P, 17 % of K, 47 % of Ca and 60 % of Mg return variances. Litter decomposed somewhat more slowly in clearfellings compared to controls (p = 0.049), accumulated more Ca and released less K compared to the other three treatments. This was explained by contamination with mineral particles due to the poorly developed O horizon in clearfellings. We conclude that the management practices reduced the nutrient return via litterfall, but the nutrient release through decomposition seems poorly sensitive to canopy disturbance. In order to accurately quantify the harvesting impacts on nutrient cycling in this Mediterranean forest system, it is necessary to measure the litterfall of the understory layer.This work has been supported by a fellowship from the Generalitat Valenciana, Conselleria de Educacion, Formacion y Empleo awarded to L. Lado-Monserrat (BFPI/2008/041). Silvicultural treatments were carried out by the Mediterranean Centre for Environmental Studies (CEAM) through programme "I + D en relacion con la restauracion de la cubierta vegetal y otros aspectos de investigacion forestal". Dataloggers and probes were provided by the Generalitat Valenciana through Project "Efecto de diferentes sistemas de aclareo de masa forestal sobre la disponibilidad de agua, nutrientes y la regeneracion de la masa arborea y arbustiva en parcelas de pinar" (GV06/126). We acknowledge Joana Oliver, Ruth M. Tavera and Daniel Fortanet for their help in the laboratory and in the field. The authors wish to thank Francisco Galiana for his assistance, including help in fieldwork and providing information about the experimental design of the silvicultural treatments. Thanks also go to Rafael Herrera from the Centro de Ecologia, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas, Caracas, Venezuela and two anonymous reviewers for critically reviewing the manuscript.Lado Monserrat, L.; Lidón, A.; Bautista, I. (2015). Litterfall, litter decomposition and associated nutrient fluxes in Pinus halepensis: influence of tree removal intensity in a Mediterranean forest. European Journal of Forest Research. 134(5):833-844. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10342-015-0893-zS8338441345Almagro M, Martínez-Mena M (2012) Exploring short-term leaf-litter decomposition dynamics in a Mediterranean ecosystem: dependence on litter type and site conditions. Plant Soil 358:323–335Alvarez A, Gracia M, Vayreda J, Retana J (2012) Patterns of fuel types and crown fire potential in Pinus halepensis forests in the Western Mediterranean Basin. For Ecol Manage 270:282–290Austin AT, Vivanco L (2006) Plant litter decomposition in a semi-arid ecosystem controlled by photodegradation. Nature 442:555–558Bates JD, Svejcar TS, Miller RF (2007) Litter decomposition in cut and uncut western juniper woodlands. J Arid Environ 70:222–236Binkley D (2008) Three key points in the design of forest experiments. For Ecol Manage 255:2022–2023Blair JM, Crossley DA Jr (1988) Litter decomposition, nitrogen dynamics and litter microarthropods in a southern Appalachian hardwood forest 8 years following clearcutting. J Appl Ecol 25:683–698Blanco JA, Zavala MA, Imbert JB, Castillo FJ (2005) Sustainability of forest management practices: evaluation through a simulation model of nutrient cycling. For Ecol Manage 213:209–228Blanco JA, Imbert JB, Castillo FJ (2006) Influence of site characteristics and thinning intensity on litterfall production in two Pinus sylvestris L. forests in the western Pyrenees. For Ecol Manage 237:342–352Blanco JA, Imbert JB, Castillo FJ (2008) Nutrient return via litterfall in two contrasting Pinus sylvestris forests in the Pyrenees under different thinning intensities. For Ecol Manage 256:1840–1852Blanco JA, Imbert JB, Castillo FJ (2011) Thinning affects Pinus sylvestris needle decomposition rates and chemistry differently depending on site conditions. Biogeochemistry 106:397–414Caldentey J, Ibarra M, Hernández J (2001) Litter fluxes and decomposition in Nothofagus pumilio stands in the region of Magallanes, Chile. For Ecol Manage 148:145–157Christensen JH, Krishna Kumar K, et al. (2013) Climate phenomena and their relevance for future regional climate change. In: Stocker TF, Qin D, Plattner G-K et al (Eds.) Climate change 2013: the physical science basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USACortina J, Vallejo VR (1994) Effects of clearfelling on forest floor accumulation and litter decomposition in a radiata pine plantation. For Ecol Manage 70:299–310Entry JA, Rose CL, Cromack K Jr (1991) Litter decomposition and nutrient release in ectomycorrhizal mat soils of a Douglas fir ecosystem. Soil Biol Biochem 23:285–290Fabbio G, Merlo M, Tosi V (2003) Silvicultural management in maintaining biodiversity and resistance of forests in Europe—the Mediterranean region. J Environ Manage 67:67–76Galiana F, Pérez-Badía R, Camarero E, Estruch V, Currás R (2001) Estimación de la Radiación solar incidente en pinares de Pinus halepensis sometidos a tratamientos selvícolas de cortas finales. In: Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de Medio Ambiente (Ed.) Actas del III Congreso Forestal Español. Junta de Andalucía. Granada (Original in Spanish)García-Plé C, Vanrell P, Morey M (1995) Litter fall and decomposition in a Pinus halepensis forest on Mallorca. J Veg Sci 6:17–22González Utrillas N, González Pérez E, Galiana F (2005) Variación del crecimiento diametral de la masa de pinar de carrasco en cortas finales experimentales, en los montes de Tuejar y Chelva (Valencia). IV Congreso Forestal Español. Zaragoza. Soc. Esp. Cien. For. (Original in Spanish)Guo LB, Sims REH (1999) Litter decomposition and nutrient release via litter decomposition in New Zealand eucalypt short rotation forests. Agric Ecosyst Environ 75:133–140GVA (1995) Mapa de Suelos de la Comunidad Valenciana. Chelva (666). Proyecto LUCDEME (Icona), Centro de Investigaciones sobre Desertificación y Conselleria d’Agricultura i Mig Ambient. Generalitat Valenciana. Valencia, Spain. (Original in Spanish)Hennessey TC, Dougherty PM, Cregg BM, Wittwer RF (1992) Annual variation in needle fall of a loblolly pine stand in relation to climate and stand density. For Ecol Manage 51:329–338Inagaki Y, Kuramoto S, Torii A, Shinomiya Y, Fukata H (2008) Effects of thinning on leaf-fall and leaf-litter nitrogen concentration in hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endlicher) plantation stands in Japan. 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For Ecol Manage 269:206–213Navarro FB, Romero-Freire A, Del Castillo T, Foronda A, Jiménez MN, Ripoll MA, Sánchez-Miranda A, Hutsinger L, Fernández-Ondoño E (2013) Effects of thinning on litterfall were found after years in a Pinus halepensis afforestation area at tree and stand levels. For Ecol Manage 289:354–362Olson JS (1963) Energy storage and the balance of producers and decomposers in ecological systems. Ecology 44:322–331Pérez Cueva AJ (1994) Atlas Climático de la Comunidad Valenciana. Colección Territori nº 4. Generalitat Valenciana. Conselleria d’Obres Publiques, Urbanisme i Transport, ValenciaPetritsch R, Hasenauer H, Pietsch SA (2007) Incorporating forest growth response to thinning within biome-BGC. For Ecol Manage 242:324–336Prescott CE (1997) Effects of clearcutting and alternative silvicultural systems on rates of decomposition and nitrogen mineralization in a coastal montane coniferous forest. 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    Soil biota in boreal urban greenspace : Responses to plant type and age

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    Plant functional type influences the abundance and distribution of soil biota. With time, as root systems develop, such effects become more apparent. The relationship of plant type and time with the structure and abundance of soil microbial and invertebrate communities has been widely investigated in a variety of systems. However, much less is known about long-term soil community dynamics within the context of urban environments. In this study, we investigated how soil microbes, nematodes and earthworms respond to different plant functional types (lawns only and lawns with deciduous or evergreen trees) and park age in 41 urban parks in southern Finland. As non-urban controls we included deciduous and evergreen trees in 5 forest sites. We expected that microbial biomass and the relative abundance of fungi over bacteria would increase with time. We also expected major differences in soil microbial and nematode communities depending on vegetation: we hypothesized that i) the presence of trees, and evergreens in particular, would support a greater abundance of fungi and fungal-feeding nematodes over bacteria and bacterial-feeding nematodes and ii) the fungi to bacteria ratio would be lowest in lawns, with deciduous trees showing intermediate values. In contrast to our predictions, we showed that old deciduous trees, rather than evergreens, supported the highest fungal abundances and fungal-feeding nematodes in the soil. Consistent with our predictions, microbial biomass in urban park soils tended to increase with time, whereas - in contrast to our hypotheses - fungal-feeding nematode abundance declined. Even in the oldest parks included in the current study, microbial biomass estimates never approximated those in the minimally managed natural forests, where biomass estimates were three times higher. Anecic earthworm abundance also increased with time in urban parks, whereas abundances of fungal-feeding, plant-feeding and omnivorous nematodes, as well as those of epigeic and endogeic earthworms remained constant with time and without any distinct differences between urban parks and the control forests. Our findings highlight that although urban park soils harbor diverse soil communities and considerable microbial biomass, they are distinct from adjacent natural sites in community composition and biomass.Peer reviewe

    The C:N:P:S stoichiometry of soil organic matter

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    The formation and turnover of soil organic matter (SOM) includes the biogeochemical processing of the macronutrient elements nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and sulphur (S), which alters their stoichiometric relationships to carbon (C) and to each other. We sought patterns among soil organic C, N, P and S in data for c. 2000 globally distributed soil samples, covering all soil horizons. For non-peat soils, strong negative correlations (p < 0.001) were found between N:C, P:C and S:C ratios and % organic carbon (OC), showing that SOM of soils with low OC concentrations (high in mineral matter) is rich in N, P and S. The results can be described approximately with a simple mixing model in which nutrient-poor SOM (NPSOM) has N:C, P:C and S:C ratios of 0.039, 0.0011 and 0.0054, while nutrient-rich SOM (NRSOM) has corresponding ratios of 0.12, 0.016 and 0.016, so that P is especially enriched in NRSOM compared to NPSOM. The trends hold across a range of ecosystems, for topsoils, including O horizons, and subsoils, and across different soil classes. The major exception is that tropical soils tend to have low P:C ratios especially at low N:C. We suggest that NRSOM comprises compounds selected by their strong adsorption to mineral matter. The stoichiometric patterns established here offer a new quantitative framework for SOM classification and characterisation, and provide important constraints to dynamic soil and ecosystem models of carbon turnover and nutrient dynamics

    Soil organic matter: a sustainability indicator for wildfire control and bioenergy production in the urban/forest interface.

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    This work was presented at the “North America Forest Soils Conference, Montana 2013”, in the “New Technologies in Soil Research” session.Incluye material complementarioMany rural communities in British Columbia (western Canada) are increasingly at risk from wildfire as temperatures rise and droughts become more frequent. In addition, these communities are also faced with rising fuel costs, and a growing demand for heat as their populations increase. The fact these communities are surrounded by forests presents an opportunity to combine community wildfire risk abatement with bioenergy development. Here we show how the ecological model FORECAST was linked with GIS and economic models to create a freely available on-line tool (FIRST Heat) to help other communities make their own screening-level ecological assessments of combining wildfire risk control with district heating systems. The tool incorporates an ecological sustainability index based on the relative change in soil organic matter (SOM) after 50 years of management compared to initial levels. Two thresholds were defined: 10% SOM lost as “warning” level, and 20% SOM lost as “critical” level. The tool was able to adequately capture the influences of ecological zone, stand age, site quality, and intensity of forest management on SOM losses. Stands in the sub-boreal and arid interior were significantly more exposed to SOM losses than in other ecological zones, as well as soils in old-growth forests. Stands in poor sites were significantly more sensitive to forest management than young and fertile sites. All things considered, our results show the suitability of incorporating ecological models and SOM thresholds in user-friendly decision-support tools to successfully transfer scientific knowledge on forest soils to local stakeholders and decision makers

    Nutrient-cycling microbes in Coastal Douglas-fir forests: Regional-scale correlation between communities, in situ climate, and other factors

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    Microbes such as fungi and bacteria play fundamental roles in litter-decay and nutrient-cycling; however their communities may respond differently than plants to climate change. The structure (diversity, richness and evenness) and composition of microbial communities in climate transects of mature Douglas-fir stands of coastal British Columbia rainshadow forests was analysed, in order to assess in situ variability due to different temperature and moisture regimes. We compared DGGE profiles of fungi (18S-FF390/FR1), nitrogen-fixing bacteria (NifH-universal) and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AmoA) PCR amplicons in forest floor and mineral soil samples from three transects located at different latitudes, each transect spanning the Coastal Western Hemlock and Douglas-fir biogeoclimatic zones. Composition of microbial communities in both soil layers was related to degree days above 0°C (2725 - 3489), while pH (3.8 - 5.5) best explained shifts in community structure. At this spatial scale, climatic conditions were likely to directly or indirectly select for different microbial species while local site heterogeneity influenced community structure. Significant changes in microbial community composition and structure were related to differences as small as 2.47% and 2.55°C in mean annual moisture and temperature variables, respectively. The climatic variables best describing microbial composition changed from one functional group to the next; in general they did not alter community structure. Spatial distance, especially associated with latitude, was also important in accounting for community variability (4 - 23%); but to a lesser extent than the combined influence of climate and soil characteristics (14 - 25%). Results suggest that in-situ climate can independently account for some patterns of microbial biogeography in coastal Douglas-fir forests. The distribution of up to 43% of nutrient-cycling microorganisms detected in forest soils responded to smaller abiotic gradients than host trees

    Comparison of geospatial and ground-based methods for determining post-harvest dispersed woody residues.

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    Postharvest woody residues are measured to estimate billable waste, bioenergy potential, fuel loadings, and carbon budgets. In fall 2014, a waste and residue survey (WRS) established twenty-nine 0.4 ha plots in the dispersed residue stratum on two cutblocks on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, and measured woody residue “logs” ≥ 10 cm inside-bark diameter and ≥ 20 cm in length. A line-intersect sampling (LIS), in spring 2015, measured all woody debris ≥ 10 cm diameter outside bark (DOB) on 18 plots. High-resolution (2 cm) photography was acquired in summer 2015, orthophotomosaics were prepared and analyzed for residue “logs” ≥ 10 cm DOB in 29 plots using semi-automated “log” delineation (SLD) and manual heads-up “log” digitization (MLD). After adjustment for bark thickness, SLD values were still higher than WRS values, due to inclusion of non-log pieces, though MLD values were not. LIS values were not different from WRS values once adjusted for bark thickness, transect overlaps, and decayed or non-log pieces excluded. The LIS and preharvest forest cover species composition differed from the WRS. While the SLD geospatial method can census ≥ 10 cm diameter residues in entire cutblocks, it was biased. Field-based methods may be required to correct SLD bias and measure species composition to determine bark thickness and wood densities to calculate biomass from residue volumes.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Combining Area-Based and Individual Tree Metrics for Improving Merchantable and Non-Merchantable Wood Volume Estimates in Coastal Douglas-Fir Forests

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    Forest management practices can increase climate change mitigation potential through applications focused on carbon budgets. One such application involves utilizing non-merchantable material (i.e., logging residues typically piled and burned) for bio-energy. However, limited remote sensing data is available for estimating wood residues until after timber has been harvested, at which point recovery of residual wood is of little financial interest. This research utilizes a hybrid method to develop models that provide pre-harvest estimates of the amount of merchantable and non-merchantable material that would result from harvesting and investigates the scalability and transferability of such measures to the harvest block level. Models were trained using 38 plots across two sites dominated by Douglas-fir, then expanded to ten harvest blocks, and transferred to eight blocks from two sites without training data before being compared against multiple independent block-level estimates. Model results showed root mean square errors of 35% and 38% for merchantable and non-merchantable volumes, respectively. Merchantable volume estimates in blocks with training had average absolute differences from the harvest scale (9&ndash;34%) similar to transferred blocks without training (15&ndash;20%). Non-merchantable model results were also similar in both trained and transferred harvest blocks, with the pre-harvest model results having lower differences from the post-harvest geospatial versus field surveys. The results from this study show promise for hybrid methods to improve estimates of merchantable wood volume compared to conventional forest cover data approaches, and provide the ability to predict non-merchantable volumes within the range of accuracy of post-harvest residue survey methods
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