246 research outputs found

    Epidemiology and risk factors for invasive pneumococcal disease in pediatrics: Descriptive, postvaccinal study

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    En 2011 se incorporó la vacuna 13-valente al Calendario Nacional de Inmunización, con aplicación efectiva desde 2012. El objetivo fue describir la epidemiología de la enfermedad y los factores de riesgo observados en pacientes con diagnóstico de enfermedad invasiva neumocócica en la población pediátrica que se atiende en el Hospital “Dr. F. Barreyro” y en el Hospital SAMIC-Oberá entre mayo de 2013 y abril de 2014. Se obtuvieron datos clínicos y epidemiológicos de los pacientes con diagnóstico confirmado y se realizaron técnicas de iología molecular para descartar y/o confirmar casos sospechosos. Se diagnosticaron 23 casos, con picos en invierno y primavera. Predominaron los pacientes mayores de 2 años (82%), los varones (65%) y las neumonías (69,6%). Los neumococos sensibles a penicilina preponderaron en todo el estudio. Se distinguieron dos serotipos (1 y 12F). No observamos prevalencia de factores de riesgo considerados. Es necesario continuar con la vigilancia activa.The 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine was added to the National Immunization Program in 2011, and effectively administered since 2012. The aim of this study was to describe the post–vaccine epidemiology of pneumococcal invasive disease, in the pediatric population who come for consultation at the "Dr. F. Barreyro" and "SAMIC-Oberá" Hospitals, between May-2013 and April-2014. Clinical and epidemiological data were obtained and the suspected cases were confirmed by polymerase chain reaction. Twenty three cases were diagnosed, a seasonal pattern was observed with peaks in winter and spring. Patients older than 2 years old (82%), the masculine gender (65%), and who were diagnosed with pneumonia(69,6%) prevailed. Penicillin-sensitive pneumococci predominated throughout the study. Two serotypes (1 and 12F) were mainly distinguished. We did not observe any prevalence in the factors considered.It is necessary to continue active surveillance.Fil: Benitez, Jesica Deolina. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Martínez, Mónica Elisabeth. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales; Argentina. Provincia de Misiones. Ministerio de Salud de la Provincia de Misiones. Hospital Publico Provincial de Pediatria de Autogestion Dr. Fernando Barreyro; ArgentinaFil: Von Specht, Martha Helena. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Gerlach, Erica. Gobierno de la Provincia de Misiones. Hospital Samic Eldorado; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez, Cristina A.. Gobierno de la Provincia de Misiones. Hospital Samic Eldorado; ArgentinaFil: Grenón, Sandra L.. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales; Argentin

    Электроснабжение установки перекачки нефти п. Пионерный ОАО «Томскнефть»

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    РЕФЕРАТ Выпускная квалификационная работа 149 с., 23 рис., 32 табл., 29 источников, 6 прил. Ключевые слова: нефтепровод, насос, электрооборудование, схема электроснабжения, линия, сеть, электроприемник, нагрузка, оборудование, защита, ток, напряжение, мощность. Объектом исследования является электрическая часть УПН п. Пионерный ОАО «Томскенефть». Цель работы – проектирование схемы электроснабжения предприятия, выбор оборудования. В процессе исследования проводился сбор исходных данных в ходе производственной практики на объекте исследования. В результате была спроектирована схема электроснабжения от подстанции энергосистемы, до конечного электроприемника. Были выбраны кабели и провода, коммутационное оборудование, были сделаны необходимые проверки. Также результатом работы сталESSAY Final qualifying work 149 p., 23 fig., 32 tab., 29 sources, 6 adj. Keywords: oil, pump, electrical equipment, power supply circuit, line, network, power-consuming equipment, load equipment, protection, current, voltage, power. The object of research is the electrical part of UPN claim. Pionerny of "Tomskeneft". The purpose of work - designing enterprise power scheme, the choice of equipment. The study was conducted to collect baseline data in the course of practical training on the subject of the study. As a result, power supply circuit has been designed from the substation grid, appliance, to the end. Were selected cables and wires, switching equipment, the necessary checks have been made. It is also the result of the work became an economic calculation of capital costs for the con

    Expression and clinical significance of Glucose Regulated Proteins GRP78 (BiP) and GRP94 (GP96) in human adenocarcinomas of the esophagus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Glucose regulated proteins (GRPs) are main regulators of cellular homeostasis due to their role as molecular chaperones. Moreover, the functions of GRPs suggest that they also may play important roles in cancer biology. In this study we investigated the glucose regulated proteins GRP78 (BiP) and GRP94 (GP96) in a series of human esophageal adenocarcinomas to determine their implications in cancer progression and prognosis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues of primary resected esophageal (Barrett) adenocarcinomas (n = 137) and corresponding normal tissue were investigated. mRNA-gene expression levels of GRP78 and GRP94 were determined by quantitative real-time RT-PCR after mRNA extraction. Protein expression analysis was performed with immunohistochemical staining of the cases, assembled on a tissue micorarray. The results were correlated with pathologic features (pT, pN, G) and overall survival.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>GRP78 and GRP94 mRNA were expressed in all tumors. The relative gene expression of GRP78 was significantly higher in early cancers (pT1m and pT1sm) as compared to more advanced stages (pT2 and pT3) and normal tissue (p = 0.031). Highly differentiated tumors showed also higher GRP78 mRNA levels compared to moderate and low differentiated tumors (p = 0.035). In addition, patients with higher GRP78 levels tended to show a survival benefit (p = 0.07). GRP94 mRNA-levels showed no association to pathological features or clinical outcome.</p> <p>GRP78 and GRP94 protein expression was detectable by immunohistochemistry in all tumors. There was a significant correlation between a strong GRP78 protein expression and early tumor stages (pT1m and pT1sm, p = 0.038). For GRP94 low to moderate protein expression was significantly associated with earlier tumor stage (p = 0.001) and less lymph node involvement (p = 0.036). Interestingly, the patients with combined strong GRP78 and GRP94 protein expression exclusively showed either early (pT1m or pT1sm) or advanced (pT3) tumor stages and no pT2 stage (p = 0.031).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We could demonstrate an association of GRP78 and GRP94 mRNA and protein expression with tumor stage and behaviour in esophageal adenocarcinomas. Increased expression of GRP78 may be responsible for controlling local tumor growth in early tumor stages, while high expression of GRP78 and GRP94 in advanced stages may be dependent from other factors like cellular stress reactions due to glucose deprivation, hypoxia or the hosts' immune response.</p

    The IFN-γ-Inducible GTPase, Irga6, Protects Mice against Toxoplasma gondii but Not against Plasmodium berghei and Some Other Intracellular Pathogens

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    Clearance of infection with intracellular pathogens in mice involves interferon-regulated GTPases of the IRG protein family. Experiments with mice genetically deficient in members of this family such as Irgm1(LRG-47), Irgm3(IGTP), and Irgd(IRG-47) has revealed a critical role in microbial clearance, especially for Toxoplasma gondii. The in vivo role of another member of this family, Irga6 (IIGP, IIGP1) has been studied in less detail. We investigated the susceptibility of two independently generated mouse strains deficient in Irga6 to in vivo infection with T. gondii, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Leishmania mexicana, L. major, Listeria monocytogenes, Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Plasmodium berghei. Compared with wild-type mice, mice deficient in Irga6 showed increased susceptibility to oral and intraperitoneal infection with T. gondii but not to infection with the other organisms. Surprisingly, infection of Irga6-deficient mice with the related apicomplexan parasite, P. berghei, did not result in increased replication in the liver stage and no Irga6 (or any other IRG protein) was detected at the parasitophorous vacuole membrane in IFN-γ-induced wild-type cells infected with P. berghei in vitro. Susceptibility to infection with T. gondii was associated with increased mortality and reduced time to death, increased numbers of inflammatory foci in the brains and elevated parasite loads in brains of infected Irga6-deficient mice. In vitro, Irga6-deficient macrophages and fibroblasts stimulated with IFN-γ were defective in controlling parasite replication. Taken together, our results implicate Irga6 in the control of infection with T. gondii and further highlight the importance of the IRG system for resistance to this pathogen

    Sequential targeted exome sequencing of 1001 patients affected by unexplained limb-girdle weakness

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    Several hundred genetic muscle diseases have been described, all of which are rare. Their clinical and genetic heterogeneity means that a genetic diagnosis is challenging. We established an international consortium, MYO-SEQ, to aid the work-ups of muscle disease patients and to better understand disease etiology. Exome sequencing was applied to 1001 undiagnosed patients recruited from more than 40 neuromuscular disease referral centers; standardized phenotypic information was collected for each patient. Exomes were examined for variants in 429 genes associated with muscle conditions. We identified suspected pathogenic variants in 52% of patients across 87 genes. We detected 401 novel variants, 116 of which were recurrent. Variants in CAPN3, DYSF, ANO5, DMD, RYR1, TTN, COL6A2, and SGCA collectively accounted for over half of the solved cases; while variants in newer disease genes, such as BVES and POGLUT1, were also found. The remaining well-characterized unsolved patients (48%) need further investigation. Using our unique infrastructure, we developed a pathway to expedite muscle disease diagnoses. Our data suggest that exome sequencing should be used for pathogenic variant detection in patients with suspected genetic muscle diseases, focusing first on the most common disease genes described here, and subsequently in rarer and newly characterized disease genes

    A Novel Immunodominant CD8+ T Cell Response Restricted by a Common HLA-C Allele Targets a Conserved Region of Gag HIV-1 Clade CRF01_AE Infected Thais

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    Background: CD8+ T cell responses play an important role in the control of HIV-1. The extensive sequence diversity of HIV-1 represents a critical hurdle to developing an effective HIV-1 vaccine, and it is likely that regional-specific vaccine strains will be required to overcome the diversity of the different HIV-1 clades distributed world-wide. Unfortunately, little is known about the CD8+ T cell responses against CRF01_AE, which is responsible for the majority of infections in Southeast Asia. Methodology/Principal Findings: To identify dominant CD8+ T cell responses recognized in HIV-1 clade CRF01_AE infected subjects we drew upon data from an immunological screen of 100 HIV-1 clade CRF01_AE infected subjects using IFN-gamma ELISpot to characterize a novel immunodominant CD8+ T cell response in HIV-1 Gag restricted by HLA-Cw*0102 (p24, 277YSPVSILDI 285, YI9). Over 75% of Cw*0102+ve subjects targeted this epitope, representing the strongest response in more than a third of these individuals. This novel CD8 epitope was located in a highly conserved region of HIV-1 Gag known to contain immunodominant CD8 epitopes, which are restricted by HLA-B*57 and -B*27 in clade B infection. Nonetheless, viral escape in this epitope was frequently observed in Cw*0102+ve subjects, suggestive of strong selection pressure being exerted by this common CD8+ T cell response. Conclusions/Significance: As HLA-Cw*0102 is frequently expressed in the Thai population (allelic frequency of 16.8%), this immunodominant Cw*0102-restricted Gag epitope may represent an attractive candidate for vaccines specific to CRF01_AE and may help facilitate further studies of immunopathogenesis in this understudied HIV-1 clade. © 2011 Buranapraditkun et al

    Ectopic synaptic ribbons in dendrites of mouse retinal ON- and OFF-bipolar cells

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    The ectopic distribution of synaptic ribbons in dendrites of mouse retinal bipolar cells was examined by using genetic ablation of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 6 (mGluR6), electron microscopy, and immunocytochemistry. Ectopic ribbons were observed in dendrites of rod and ON-cone bipolar cells in the mGluR6-deficient mouse but not in those of wild-type mice. The number of rod spherules facing the ectopic ribbons in mGluR6-deficient rod bipolar dendrites increased gradually during early growth and reached a plateau level of about 20% at 12 weeks. These ectopic ribbons were immunopositive for RIBEYE, a ribbon-specific protein, but the associated vesicles were immunonegative for synaptophysin, a synaptic-vesicle-specific protein. The presence of ectopic ribbons was correlated with an increase in the roundness of the invaginating dendrites of the rod bipolar cells. We further confirmed ectopic ribbons in dendrites of OFF-cone bipolar cells in wild-type retinas. Of the four types of OFF-cone bipolar cells (T1–T4), only the T2-type, which had a greater number of synaptic ribbons at the axon terminal and a thicker axon cylinder than the other types, had ectopic ribbons. Light-adapted experiments revealed that, in wild-type mice under enhanced-light adaptation (considered similar to the mGluR6-deficient state), the roundness in the invaginating dendrites and axon terminals of rod bipolar cells increased, but no ectopic ribbons were detected. Based on these findings and known mechanisms for neurotransmitter release and protein trafficking, the possible mechanisms underlying the ectopic ribbons are discussed on the basis of intracellular transport for the replenishment of synaptic proteins

    Micro-algae come of age as a platform for recombinant protein production

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    A complete set of genetic tools is still being developed for the micro-alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Yet even with this incomplete set, this photosynthetic single-celled plant has demonstrated significant promise as a platform for recombinant protein expression. In recent years, techniques have been developed that allow for robust expression of genes from both the nuclear and plastid genome. With these advances, many research groups have examined the pliability of this and other micro-algae as biological machines capable of producing recombinant peptides and proteins. This review describes recent successes in recombinant protein production in Chlamydomonas, including production of complex mammalian therapeutic proteins and monoclonal antibodies at levels sufficient for production at economic parity with existing production platforms. These advances have also shed light on the details of algal protein production at the molecular level, and provide insight into the next steps for optimizing micro-algae as a useful platform for the production of therapeutic and industrially relevant recombinant proteins

    Hyperreactive onchocerciasis is characterized by a combination of Th17-Th2 immune responses and reduced regulatory T cells

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    <div><p>Clinical manifestations in onchocerciasis range from generalized onchocerciasis (GEO) to the rare but severe hyperreactive (HO)/sowda form. Since disease pathogenesis is associated with host inflammatory reactions, we investigated whether Th17 responses could be related to aggravated pathology in HO. Using flow cytometry, filarial-specific cytokine responses and PCR arrays, we compared the immune cell profiles, including Th subsets, in individuals presenting the two polar forms of infection and endemic normals (EN). In addition to elevated frequencies of memory CD4<sup>+</sup> T cells, individuals with HO showed accentuated Th17 and Th2 profiles but decreased CD4<sup>+</sup>CD25<sup>hi</sup>Foxp3<sup>+</sup> regulatory T cells. These profiles included increased IL-17A<sup>+</sup>, IL-4<sup>+</sup>, RORC2<sup>+</sup> and GATA3<sup>+</sup>CD4<sup>+</sup> T cell populations. Flow cytometry data was further confirmed using a PCR array since Th17-related genes (IL-17 family members, IL-6, IL-1β and IL-22) and Th2-related (IL-4, IL-13, STAT6) genes were all significantly up-regulated in HO individuals. In addition, stronger <i>Onchocerca volvulus</i>-specific Th2 responses, especially IL-13, were observed <i>in vitro</i> in hyperreactive individuals when compared to GEO or EN groups. This study provides initial evidence that elevated frequencies of Th17 and Th2 cells form part of the immune network instigating the development of severe onchocerciasis.</p></div