99 research outputs found

    How present aerosol pollution from North America impacts North Atlantic climate

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    This paper describes the potential effects of present-day aerosol pollution from North America (USA, Canada) on the climate of the North Atlantic region. The study has been performed by applying the comprehensive atmospheric general circulation model ECHAM5-HAM, which is coupled to a mixed-layer ocean with an embedded thermodynamic sea ice module. The model includes a microphysical aerosol model (HAM), which allows for the assessment of aerosol impacts on climate. Sulphate, black and organic carbon, sea salt and mineral dust are considered as aerosol species. Two equilibrium simulations with two different aerosol pollutant scenarios are compared for each season. We investigate the effect on radiation, temperature, hydrological quantities and dynamics, when human-induced aerosol emissions from North America were omitted. The decrease of both direct and indirect aerosol effects induces a positive change in top of the atmosphere (TOA) radiative fluxes resulting in an overall warming in the whole region. Our results demonstrate the vulnerability especially of the Arctic to the reduction in aerosol load. For fall we find an increase in precipitation over the North Atlantic, associated with a tendency to a larger number of cyclones with high-pressure gradients and a higher frequency in storm days

    Hydrological extremes in the Aksu-Tarim River Basin : Mid-latitude dynamics

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    Analyses of precipitation (1961–2010) from 39 meteorological stations in the Tarim River Basin revealed a trend from dryer towards wetter conditions induced by an increase of the number of wet extremes. A first (1961–1986) and second (1987–2010) period are the basis for a dynamical analysis of changing drought and wetness extremes which are closely related to cyclonic activity over the European continent and circulation anomalies in the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes. Wave train, cyclone tracks, water flux and potential vorticity (PV) front analysis of the wet and dry months show the following result: (1) The extreme wet and dry cases in winter and summer are characterized by distinguished wave train patterns upstream of the Tarim River Basin. All wave trains originate in the Atlantic–European sector pointing towards wave train dynamics as one possible mechanism underlying the connection patterns observed. (2) The selected extreme cases show that exceptional precipitation events can be connected to characteristic cyclone tracks and a PV front in the upper troposphere even if cyclone tracks never cross the Tarim Basin. Extremely wet winters are characterized by cyclone tracks close to the western and northern boundary of the Tarim Basin whereas, during extremely dry winters, such cyclone tracks are absent. Wet summers are characterized by long-lived cyclonic anomalies at the north western corner of the Tarim River Basin [see also (3)]. During dry summers such anomalies are absent. (3) On a more local level the hydrological extreme events are linked to special dynamical structures of the upper tropospheric PV front. In winter strong (extreme) precipitation is connected to a strong non-linear wave development or a wave-breaking event over the Tarim River Basin. Together with non-linear wave development moisture and precipitation areas are advected towards the Tarim River Basin. In dry winters the upper tropospheric PV front is much more zonally oriented and wave-breaking is less frequent. Strong precipitation events are connected to strong breaking events and to the formation of long-lived nearly stationary cyclones over or north of the Tarim River Basin during extremely wet summer months

    Annual Report 2005 - Institute of Nuclear and Hadron Physics

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    Preface The Forschungszentrum Rossendorf (FZR) at Dresden is a multidisciplinary research center within the Wissenschafts-Gemeinschaft G. W. Leibniz (WGL), one of the German agencies for extra-university research. The center is active in investigations on the structure of matter as well as in the life sciences and in environmental research. The Institute of Nuclear and Hadron Physics (IKH) within the FZR avails for its research the coupling of radiation to matter in subatomic dimensions as well as to tissue, to cells, and to their components. Its research in the field of Subatomic Physics is part of the FZR-program Structure of Matter and its investigations concerning the interaction of Biostructures and Radiation contribute to the bf Life Science program of the FZR. In this field the IKH exploits possibilities for transfer and introduction of experimental and theoretical techniques from particle and nuclear physics to projects in radiobiology and biophysics. Much of this kind of interdisciplinary transfer is connected to the Radiation Source ELBE at the FZR. With its superconducting accelerator for relativistic electrons this large installation provides photons in the wide wavelength range from fm to mm - i.e. bremsstrahlung for the investigation of photonuclear processes, hard X-rays for radiobiological and other studies and infrared light for research on the structural dynamics of biomolecules. The investigation of radiation-induced processes not only dominates the projects in nuclear astrophysics as pursued at ELBE, it also is a central theme of the experimental and theoretical research performed by the IKH in close connection to the heavy ion synchrotron SIS and the upcoming FAIR facility at Darmstadt. ELBE also will deliver compact bunches of secondary neutrons and fission fragments; both offer new possibilities in laboratory studies related to the cosmic breeding of the chemical elements thus complementing the astrophysics-motivated studies with bremsstrahlung photons..

    Annual Report 2006 - Institute of Radiation Physics

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    Mechanical properties of cell- and microgel bead-laden oxidized alginate-gelatin hydrogels

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    3D-printing technologies, such as biofabrication, capitalize on the homogeneous distribution and growth of cells inside biomaterial hydrogels, ultimately aiming to allow for cell differentiation, matrix remodeling, and functional tissue analogues. However, commonly, only the mechanical properties of the bioinks or matrix materials are assessed, while the detailed influence of cells on the resulting mechanical properties of hydrogels remains insufficiently understood. Here, we investigate the properties of hydrogels containing cells and spherical PAAm microgel beads through multi-modal complex mechanical analyses in the small- and large-strain regimes. We evaluate the individual contributions of different filler concentrations and a non-fibrous oxidized alginate-gelatin hydrogel matrix on the overall mechanical behavior in compression, tension, and shear. Through material modeling, we quantify parameters that describe the highly nonlinear mechanical response of soft composite materials. Our results show that the stiffness significantly drops for cell- and bead concentrations exceeding four million per milliliter hydrogel. In addition, hydrogels with high cell concentrations (≥6 mio ml−1) show more pronounced material nonlinearity for larger strains and faster stress relaxation. Our findings highlight cell concentration as a crucial parameter influencing the final hydrogel mechanics, with implications for microgel bead drug carrier-laden hydrogels, biofabrication, and tissue engineering

    3D printed oxidized alginate-gelatin bioink provides guidance for C2C12 muscle precursor cell orientation and differentiation via shear stress during bioprinting

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    Biofabrication can be a tool to three-dimensionally (3D) print muscle cells embedded inside hydrogel biomaterials, ultimately aiming to mimic the complexity of the native muscle tissue and to create in-vitro muscle analogues for advanced repair therapies and drug testing. However, to 3D print muscle analogues of high cell alignment and synchronous contraction, the effect of biofabrication process parameters on myoblast growth has to be understood. A suitable biomaterial matrix is required to provide 3D printability as well as matrix degradation to create space for cell proliferation, matrix remodelling capacity, and cell differentiation. We demonstrate that by the proper selection of nozzle size and extrusion pressure, the shear stress during extrusion-bioprinting of mouse myoblast cells (C2C12) can achieve cell orientation when using oxidized alginate-gelatin (ADA-GEL) hydrogel bionk. The cells grow in the direction of printing, migrate to the hydrogel surface over time, and differentiate into ordered myotube segments in areas of high cell density. Together, our results show that ADA-GEL hydrogel can be a simple and cost-efficient biodegradable bioink that allows the successful 3D bioprinting and cultivation of C2C12 cells in-vitro to study muscle engineering

    Effects of vertical grid spacing on the climate simulated in the ICON-Sapphire global storm-resolving model

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    Global storm-resolving models (GSRMs) use strongly refined horizontal grids compared with the climate models typically used in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) but employ comparable vertical grid spacings. Here, we study how changes in the vertical grid spacing and adjustments to the integration time step affect the basic climate quantities simulated by the ICON-Sapphire atmospheric GSRM. Simulations are performed over a 45 d period for five different vertical grids with between 55 and 540 vertical layers and maximum tropospheric vertical grid spacings of between 800 and 50 m, respectively. The effects of changes in the vertical grid spacing are compared with the effects of reducing the horizontal grid spacing from 5 to 2.5 km. For most of the quantities considered, halving the vertical grid spacing has a smaller effect than halving the horizontal grid spacing, but it is not negligible. Each halving of the vertical grid spacing, along with the necessary reductions in time step length, increases cloud liquid water by about 7 %, compared with an approximate 16 % decrease for halving the horizontal grid spacing. The effect is due to both the vertical grid refinement and the time step reduction. There is no tendency toward convergence in the range of grid spacings tested here. The cloud ice amount also increases with a refinement in the vertical grid, but it is hardly affected by the time step length and does show a tendency to converge. While the effect on shortwave radiation is globally dominated by the altered reflection due to the change in the cloud liquid water content, the effect on longwave radiation is more difficult to interpret because changes in the cloud ice concentration and cloud fraction are anticorrelated in some regions. The simulations show that using a maximum tropospheric vertical grid spacing larger than 400 m would increase the truncation error strongly. Computing time investments in a further vertical grid refinement can affect the truncation errors of GSRMs similarly to comparable investments in horizontal refinement, because halving the vertical grid spacing is generally cheaper than halving the horizontal grid spacing. However, convergence of boundary layer cloud properties cannot be expected, even for the smallest maximum tropospheric grid spacing of 50 m used in this study.</p
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