98 research outputs found


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    Manganese and its compounds are broadly used in industry. The performed environmental analysis testifies that manganese, as vital microelement, actively participates in biological processes taking place in a human organism. Nevertheless manganese compounds are very toxic and therefore there is a vast risk of poisonings by manganese. We have elaborated a method of extracting manganese compounds with biological objects and air. The detection and quantitative determination of manganese in biological material, biological liquids and in air were performed by a photocolorimetric method and by means of qualitative reactions.Манган і його сполуки широко використовуються у промисловості. Проведений токсикологічний аналіз засвідчив, що Манган є життєво необхідним мікроелементом організмів, бере активну участь в біологічних процесах. Однак, сполуки мангану є дуже токсичними і, тому, існує велика небезпека отруєнь сполуками мангану. Нами розроблена методика виділення сполук мангану з біологічних об’єктів та повітря. Проведено виявлення і кількісне визначення мангану в біологічному матеріалі, біологічних рідинах і в повітрі фотоколориметричним методом і за допомогою якісних реакцій

    Teacher’s labour as a tool of forming human capital of higher school graduates

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    The relevance of the research problem is determined by the intensity of modernization of Russian education, which includes the integration of Western technologies, traditions of the Soviet education and modern requirements to higher education in Russia. The aim of the article lies in justification of one of the most important for Russian education problem of the links between the teacher’s labour and quality of education of higher school graduate. A leading approach to the study of this problem is practice-oriented approach to the training of highly qualified specialists. The following results of the study were obtained: the situation in modern Russian education over the past decade was described, taking into account the change of educational paradigm; the idea that the accumulation of human capital by worker of higher school results in achieving the best results in the formation of students’ competences is justified; the methodology of control the level of formation of competences of university students as a result of the teacher’s labour is presented; the system of evaluating the level of formation of competences of students and graduates of the university is developed, indicators of which, obtained in its implementation in practice, can find application in the evaluation of the results of work of the teaching staff of the University. The article can be useful for researches in the field of education, teachers, postgraduates, undergraduates and students of pedagogical education. © 2016 Dorozhkin et al

    Factors promoting larch dominance in central Siberia: fire versus growth performance and implications for carbon dynamics at the boundary of evergreen and deciduous conifers

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    The relative roles of fire and climate in determining canopy species composition and aboveground carbon stocks were investigated. Measurements were made along a transect extending from the dark taiga zone of Central Siberia, where Picea and Abies dominate the 5 canopy, into the Larix zone of Eastern Siberia. We test the hypotheses that the change in canopy species composition is based (1) on climate-driven performance only, (2) on fire only, or (3) on fire-performance interactions. We show that the evergreen conifers Picea obovata and Abies sibirica are the natural late-successional species both in Central and Eastern Siberia, provided there has been no fire for an 10 extended period of time. There are no changes in the climate-driven performance of the observed species. Fire appears to be the main factor explaining the dominance of Larix. Of lesser influence were longitude, hydrology and active-layer thickness. Stand-replacing fires decreased from 300 to 50 yr between the Yenisei Ridge and the upper Tunguska. Repeated non-stand-replacing surface fires eliminated the regenera15 tion of Abies and Picea. With every 100 yr since the last fire, the percentage of Larix decreased by 20 %. Biomass of stems of single trees did not show signs of age-related decline. Relative diameter increment was 0.41±0.20% at breast height and stem volume increased linearly over time with a rate of about 0.36 tCha−1 yr−1 independent of age class and 20 species. Stand volumes reached about 130 tCha−1 (equivalent to about 520m3 ha−1). Individual trees of Larix were older than 600 yr. The maximum age and biomass seemed to be limited by fungal rot of heart wood. 60% of old Larix and Picea and 30% of Pinus sibirica trees were affected by stem rot. Implications for the future role of fire and of plant diseases are discussed.JRC.H.3-Forest Resources and Climat

    Problems of soil boning in Zaporizhzhia region in modern land resources assessment

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    На основі власних польових досліджень, даних лабораторії моніторингу ґрунтів і якості продукції рослинництва Таврійського державного агротехнологічного університету імені Дмитра Моторного, матеріалів Запорізької філії ДУ «Інститут охорони ґрунтів України», а також аналізу ґрунтових карт, картограм агровиробничих груп ґрунтів, даних фізико-хімічних властивостей і морфологічних ознак ґрунтів представлено якісну оцінку ґрунтів області за районами та здійснено класифікацію їх угрупувань за вмістом гумусу, що дало можливість скласти відповідні карти

    Ocean convergence and the dispersion of flotsam

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    Floating oil, plastics, and marine organisms are continually redistributed by ocean surface currents. Prediction of their resulting distribution on the surface is a fundamental, long-standing, and practically important problem. The dominant paradigm is dispersion within the dynamical context of a nondivergent flow: objects initially close together will on average spread apart but the area of surface patches of material does not change. Although this paradigm is likely valid at mesoscales, larger than 100 km in horizontal scale, recent theoretical studies of submesoscales (less than ∼10 km) predict strong surface convergences and downwelling associated with horizontal density fronts and cyclonic vortices. Here we show that such structures can dramatically concentrate floating material. More than half of an array of ∼200 surface drifters covering ∼20 × 20 km2 converged into a 60 × 60 m region within a week, a factor of more than 105 decrease in area, before slowly dispersing. As predicted, the convergence occurred at density fronts and with cyclonic vorticity. A zipperlike structure may play an important role. Cyclonic vorticity and vertical velocity reached 0.001 s−1 and 0.01 ms−1, respectively, which is much larger than usually inferred. This suggests a paradigm in which nearby objects form submesoscale clusters, and these clusters then spread apart. Together, these effects set both the overall extent and the finescale texture of a patch of floating material. Material concentrated at submesoscale convergences can create unique communities of organisms, amplify impacts of toxic material, and create opportunities to more efficiently recover such material

    The Real-Time Predictive Content of Asset Price Bubbles for Macro Forecasts

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    This paper contributes to the debate of whether central banks can \lean against the wind" of emerging stock or house price bubbles. Against this background, the paper evaluates if new advances in real-time bubble detection, as brought forward by Phillips et al. (2011), can timely detect bubble emergences and collapses. Building on simulations, the paper shows that the detection capabilities of all indicators are sensitive to their exact specifications and to the characteristics of the bubbles in the sample. Therefore, the paper suggests a combination approach of different bubble indicators which helps to account for the uncertainty around start and end dates of asset price bubbles. Additionally, the paper then investigates if the individual and combination indicators carry predictive content for inflation and output growth when the real-time availability of all variables is taken into account. It finds that a combination indicator is best suited to uncover the most common stock and house price bubbles in the U.S. and shows that this indicator improves output forecasts

    Inborn errors of OAS-RNase L in SARS-CoV-2-related multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children

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    Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is a rare and severe condition that follows benign COVID-19. We report autosomal recessive deficiencies of OAS1, OAS2, or RNASEL in five unrelated children with MIS-C. The cytosolic double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-sensing OAS1 and OAS2 generate 2'-5'-linked oligoadenylates (2-5A) that activate the single-stranded RNA-degrading ribonuclease L (RNase L). Monocytic cell lines and primary myeloid cells with OAS1, OAS2, or RNase L deficiencies produce excessive amounts of inflammatory cytokines upon dsRNA or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) stimulation. Exogenous 2-5A suppresses cytokine production in OAS1-deficient but not RNase L-deficient cells. Cytokine production in RNase L-deficient cells is impaired by MDA5 or RIG-I deficiency and abolished by mitochondrial antiviral-signaling protein (MAVS) deficiency. Recessive OAS-RNase L deficiencies in these patients unleash the production of SARS-CoV-2-triggered, MAVS-mediated inflammatory cytokines by mononuclear phagocytes, thereby underlying MIS-C


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    This article discusses the impact of the critical tradition in sociology on social criticism. High relevance of the sociological critical reasoning models in modern social criticism is shown. A drift from critical macrodiagnostics of the modern society to interpretation of local critical discourses in sociology is analyzed. The necessity to restore the regulatory focus of sociological criticism is sunstantiated