2,164 research outputs found

    L4Fe2As2Te1-xO4-yFy (L = Pr, Sm, Gd): a layered oxypnictide superconductor with Tc up to 45 K

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    The synthesis, structural and physical properties of iron lanthanide oxypnictide superconductors, L4Fe2As2Te1-xO4 (L = Pr, Sm, Gd), with transition temperature at ~ 25 K are reported. Single crystals have been grown at high pressure using cubic anvil technique. The crystal structure consists of layers of L2O2 tetrahedra separated by alternating layers of chains of Te and of Fe2As2 tetrahedra: -L2O2-Te-L2O2-Fe2As2-L2O2-Te-L2O2- (space group: I4/mmm, a ~ 4.0, c ~ 29.6 {\AA}). Substitution of oxygen by fluorine increases the critical temperature, e.g. in Gd4Fe2As2Te1-xOyF4-y up to 45 K. Magnetic torque measurements reveal an anisotropy of the penetration depths of ~31.Comment: 8 figures, 4 table

    Modeling the Gas Flow in the Bar of NGC 1365

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    We present new observations of the strongly-barred galaxy NGC 1365, including new photometric images and Fabry-Perot spectroscopy, as well as a detailed re-analysis of the neutral hydrogen observations from the VLA archive. We find the galaxy to be at once remarkably bi-symmetric in its I-band light distribution and strongly asymmetric in the distribution of dust and in the kinematics of the gas in the bar region. The velocity field mapped in the H-alpha line reveals bright HII regions with velocities that differ by 60 to 80 km/s from that of the surrounding gas, which may be due to remnants of infalling material. We have attempted hydrodynamic simulations of the bar flow to estimate the separate disk and halo masses, using two different dark matter halo models and covering a wide range of mass-to-light ratios (Upsilon) and bar pattern speeds (Omega_p). None of our models provides a compelling fit to the data, but they seem most nearly consistent with a fast bar, corotation at sim 1.2r_B, and Upsilon_I simeq 2.0 +- 1.0, implying a massive, but not fully maximal, disk. The fitted dark halos are unusually concentrated, a requirement driven by the declining outer rotation curve.Comment: 43 pages, 15 figures, accepted to appear in Ap

    Antimatter cosmic rays from dark matter annihilation: First results from an N-body experiment

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    [Abridged]. We take advantage of the galaxy-like 3D dark matter map extracted from the HORIZON Project results to calculate the positron and antiproton fluxes from dark matter annihilation, in a model-independent approach as well as for dark matter particle benchmarks relevant at the LHC scale (from supersymmetric and extra-dimensional theories). Such a study is dedicated to a better estimate of the theoretical uncertainties affecting predictions, while the PAMELA and GLAST satellites are currently taking data which will soon provide better observational constraints. We discuss the predictions of the antiproton and positron fluxes, and of the positron fraction as well, as compared to the current data. We finally discuss the limits of the Nbody framework in describing the dark matter halo of our Galaxy.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures. Backgrounds included and additional comments and figures on the positron fraction. Accepted for publication in PR

    Circumnuclear Gas in Seyfert 1 Galaxies: Morphology, Kinematics, and Direct Measurement of Black Hole Masses

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    (Abridged) The two-dimensional distribution and kinematics of the molecular, ionized, and highly ionized gas in the nuclear regions of Seyfert 1 galaxies have been measured using high spatial resolution (~0''.09) near-infrared spectroscopy from NIRSPEC with adaptive optics on the Keck telescope. Molecular hydrogen, H2, is detected in all nine Seyfert 1 galaxies and, in the majority of galaxies, has a spatially resolved flux distribution. In contrast, the narrow component of the BrG emission has a distribution consistent with that of the K-band continuum. In general, the kinematics of H2 are consistent with thin disk rotation, with a velocity gradient of over 100 km/s measured across the central 0''.5 in three galaxies, and across the central 1''.5 in two galaxies. The kinematics of BrG are in agreement with the H2 rotation, except in all four cases the central 0''.5 is either blue- or redshifted by more than 75 km/s. The highly ionized gas, measured with the [Ca VIII] and [Si VII] coronal lines, is spatially and kinematically consistent with BrG in the central 0''.5. Dynamical models have been fitted to the two-dimensional H2 kinematics, taking into account the stellar mass distribution, the emission line flux distribution, and the point spread function. For NGC 3227 the modeling indicates a black hole mass of Mbh = 2.0{+1.0/-0.4} x 10^7 Msun, and for NGC 4151 Mbh = 3.0{+0.75/-2.2} x 10^7 Msun. In NGC 7469 the best fit model gives Mbh < 5.0 x 10^7 Msun. In all three galaxies, modeling suggests a near face-on disk inclination angle, which is consistent with the unification theory of active galaxies. The direct black hole mass estimates verify that masses determined from the technique of reverberation mapping are accurate to within a factor of three with no additional systematic errors.Comment: 43 pages, including 47 figures; Accepted for publication in ApJ. All 2-D maps (in high resolution) are available at http://www.astro.ucla.edu/~ehicks . Minor changes to the text and updated reverberation mapped black hole mass estimates; the conclusions are unchange

    Setting the normalcy level of HI properties in isolated galaxies

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    Studying the atomic gas (HI) properties of the most isolated galaxies is essential to quantify the effect that the environment exerts on this sensitive component of the interstellar medium. We observed and compiled HI data for a well defined sample of ~ 800 galaxies in the Catalog of Isolated Galaxies, as part of the AMIGA project (Analysis of the ISM in Isolated GAlaxies, http://amiga.iaa.es), which enlarges considerably previous samples used to quantify the HI deficiency in galaxies located in denser environments. By studying the shape of 182 HI profiles, we revisited the usually accepted result that, independently of the environment, more than half of the galaxies present a perturbed HI disk. In isolated galaxies this would certainly be a striking result if these are supposed to be the most relaxed systems, and has implications in the relaxation time scales of HI disks and the nature of the most frequent perturbing mechanisms in galaxies. Our sample likely exhibits the lowest HI asymmetry level in the local Universe. We found that other field samples present an excess of ~ 20% more asymmetric HI profiles than that in CIG. Still a small percentage of galaxies in our sample present large asymmetries. Follow-up high resolution VLA maps give insight into the origin of such asymmetries.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Conference 'Galaxies in Isolation: Exploring Nature vs. Nurture', Granada, 12-15 May 2009. To be published in the ASP Conference Serie

    The SKA view of the Neutral Interstellar Medium in Galaxies

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    Two major questions in galaxy evolution are how star-formation on small scales leads to global scaling laws and how galaxies acquire sufficient gas to sustain their star formation rates. HI observations with high angular resolution and with sensitivity to very low column densities are some of the important observational ingredients that are currently still missing. Answers to these questions are necessary for a correct interpretation of observations of galaxy evolution in the high-redshift universe and will provide crucial input for the sub-grid physics in hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy evolutions. In this chapter we discuss the progress that will be made with the SKA using targeted observations of nearby individual disk and dwarf galaxies.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, to appear as part of 'Neutral Hydrogen' in Proceedings 'Advancing Astrophysics with the SKA (AASKA14)', PoS(AASKA14)12

    A ~ 12 kpc HI extension and other HI asymmetries in the isolated galaxy CIG 340 (IC 2487)

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    HI kinematic asymmetries are common in late-type galaxies irrespective of environment, although the amplitudes are strikingly low in isolated galaxies. As part of our studies of the HI morphology and kinematics in isolated late-type galaxies we have chosen several very isolated galaxies from the AMIGA sample for HI mapping. Here we present GMRT 21-cm HI line mapping of CIG 340 which was selected because its integrated HI spectrum has a very symmetric profile, Aflux = 1.03. Optical images of the galaxy hinted at a warped disk in contrast to the symmetric integrated HI spectrum profile. Our aim is to determine the extent to which the optical asymmetry is reflected in the resolved HI morphology and kinematics. GMRT observations reveal significant HI morphological asymmetries in CIG 340 despite it's overall symmetric optical form and highly symmetric HI spectrum. The most notable HI features are: 1) a warp in the HI disk (with an optical counterpart), 2) the HI north/south flux ratio = 1.32 is much larger than expected from the integrated HI spectrum profile and 3) a ~ 45" (12 kpc) HI extension, containing ~ 6% of the detected HI mass on the northern side of the disk. We conclude that in isolated galaxies a highly symmetric HI spectrum can mask significant HI morphological asymmetries. The northern HI extension appears to be the result of a recent perturbation (10^8 yr), possibly by a satellite which is now disrupted or projected within the disk. This study provides an important step in our ongoing program to determine the predominant source of HI asymmetries in isolated galaxies. For CIG 340 the isolation from major companions, symmetric HI spectrum, optical morphology and interaction timescales have allowed us to narrow the possible causes the HI asymmetries and identify tests to further constrain the source of the asymmetries.Comment: 10 page

    Study of the mixed state of La_{1.83}Sr_{0.17}CuO_{4} by means of muon-spin rotation and magnetization experiments in a low magnetic field

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    Muon-spin rotation (muSR) experiments are often used to study the magnetic field distribution in type-II superconductors in the vortex state. Based on the determination of the magnetic penetration depth it is frequently speculated---also controversially---about the order-parameter symmetry of the studied superconductors. This article reports on a combined muSR and magnetization study of the mixed state in the cuprate high-temperature superconductor La_{1.83}Sr_{0.17}CuO_{4} in a low magnetic field of 20 mT applied along the c axis of a single crystal. The macroscopic magnetization measurements reveal substantial differences for various cooling procedures. Yet, indicated changes in the vortex dynamics between different temperature regions as well as the results of the microscopic muSR experiments are virtually independent of the employed cooling cycles. Additionally, it is found that the mean magnetic flux density, locally probed by the muons, strongly increases at low temperatures. This can possibly be explained by a non-random sampling of the spatial field distribution of the vortex lattice in this cuprate superconductor caused by intensified vortex pinning.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Halo Geometry and Dark Matter Annihilation Signal

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    We study the impact of the halo shape and geometry on the expected weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) dark matter annihilation signal from the galactic center. As the halo profile in the innermost region is still poorly constrained, we consider different density behaviors like flat cores, cusps and spikes, as well as geometrical distortions. We show that asphericity has a strong impact on the annihilation signal when the halo profile near the galactic center is flat, but becomes gradually less significant for cuspy profiles, and negligible in the presence of a central spike. However, the astrophysical factor is strongly dependent on the WIMP mass and annihilation cross-section in the latter case.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, PR

    Superconductivity and magnetism in RbxFe2-ySe2: Impact of thermal treatment on mesoscopic phase separation

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    An extended study of the superconducting and normal-state properties of various as-grown and post-annealed RbxFe2-ySe2 single crystals is presented. Magnetization experiments evidence that annealing of RbxFe2-ySe2 at 413 K, well below the onset of phase separation Tp=489 K, neither changes the magnetic nor the superconducting properties of the crystals. In addition, annealing at 563 K, well above Tp, suppresses the superconducting transition temperature Tc and leads to an increase of the antiferromagnetic susceptibility accompanied by the creation of ferromagnetic impurity phases, which are developing with annealing time. However, annealing at T=488K=Tp increases Tc up to 33.3 K, sharpens the superconducting transition, increases the lower critical field, and strengthens the screening efficiency of the applied magnetic field. Resistivity measurements of the as-grown and optimally annealed samples reveal an increase of the upper critical field along both crystallographic directions as well as its anisotropy. Muon spin rotation and scanning transmission electron microscopy experiments suggest the coexistence of two phases below Tp: a magnetic majority phase of Rb2Fe4Se5 and a non-magnetic minority phase of Rb0.5Fe2Se2. Both microscopic techniques indicate that annealing the specimens just at Tp does not affect the volume fraction of the two phases, although the magnetic field distribution in the samples changes substantially. This suggests that the microstructure of the sample, caused by mesoscopic phase separation, is modified by annealing just at Tp, leading to an improvement of the superconducting properties of RbxFe2-ySe2 and an enhancement of Tc.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure
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