1,018 research outputs found

    Corporate incentives for obtaining higher level of carbon assurance: seeking legitimacy or improving performance?

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    Purpose - With the growing attention around carbon emissions disclosure, the demand for external carbon assurance on emissions reports has been increasing by stakeholders as it provides additional credibility and confidence. This study investigates the association between the higher level of external carbon assurance and improvement in a firm's carbon emissions. It provides an understanding of corporate incentives for obtaining a higher level of carbon assurance, particularly in relation to carbon performance enhancements. Design/methodology/approach - Data are collected from 170 US companies for the period 2012-2017, and are analysed using a change analysis. Generalized method of moment (GMM) is used to address endogeneity. Findings - Following the rationales taken by legitimacy and ‘outside-in’ management views, our findings reveal that a higher level of carbon assurance (i.e. reasonable assurance) marginally improves firms’ carbon performance (i.e. reported carbon emissions). This is consistent with ‘outside-in’ management view suggesting that a higher level of assurance could be utilised as a tool for accessing more information about stakeholders’ needs and concerns, which can be useful in enhancing carbon performance. Research limitations/implications - Our findings are generalizable to US firms and may not extend to other contexts. Practical implication – The implication of this study for companies is that a high level of sustainability assurance is a useful tool to access detailed information about stakeholder concerns, of which internalisation can help to marginally improve carbon performance. For policymakers, the insights into and enhanced understanding of the incentives for obtaining carbon assurance can help policymakers to develop effective policies and initiatives for carbon assurance. Considering the possible improvements in carbon performance when obtaining a high level of sustainability verification, governments need to consider mandating carbon assurance. Originality/value – This study extends the existing studies of assurance in sustainability context as well as in carbon context by explaining why companies voluntarily get expensive external verification (i.e. higher level of assurance) of their carbon emissions disclosure. This study responds to calls in the literature for empirical research investigating the association between environmental performance and external assurance with a focus on level of assurance

    Stemming the tide: Does climate risk affect M&A performance?

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    We examine the effect of climate change risks (CCR) on firms' decision of engaging in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and M&A performance. In this study we use the responses by firms on ‘climate change-related risks and opportunities’ of the CDP survey and 1,372 deals of listed US firms during 2010-2020. Consistent with risk vulnerability theory, our evidence indicates that firms with higher CCR have a lower probability of engaging in M&As. After controlling for possible endogeneity, our results also indicate that if acquirers with higher climate change risks choose to engage in M&A, it significantly reduces the announcement returns. These findings suggest that extant measures of climate change risks should be rethought when evaluating M&A efficiency. More broadly, our paper provides causal evidence that managers need to integrate CCR into their formal risk management systems to avoid unsuccessful M&As

    Penelitian Pengaruh Naphthenic Oil Dan Carbon Black Terhadap Sifat Kekerasan Lis Kaca Mobil

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    This research have a purpose to know influence naphthenic oil and car bon black about properties hardness weather st rip for auto mobile. Compound wea ther strip for auto mobile make for Natural Rubber (RSS) and sintetic rubber (SBR 1502) with in creasing ingrediens such plasticizer, activator, filler, anti oxidant, accelerator and vulkanizing agent. Compount formula making variation naphthenic oil 3,5 and 7 part along with carbon black 45,50 and 55 part result hardness test with value 67 shore A for compount with naphthenic oil 7 part and carbon black 50 part and after perform make in to fill requrements SNI 1490 – 89 A weather strip auto mobile. INTISARI Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh naphthenic oil dan carbon black terhadap sifat kekerasan lis black mobil. Kompon lis kaca mobil dibuat dari karet alam (RSS) dan karet sintetik (SBR 1502) dengan ditambahkan bahan-bahan pembantu (ingredient) seperti bahan pelunak, pengaktif pengisi, anti oksidan, pencepat dan zat pemvulkanisasi, formula kompon dibuat dengan memvariasikan naphthenic oil 3,5 dan 7 bagian serta carbon black 45,50 dan 55 bagian diperoleh hasil uji kekerasan dengan nilai 67 share A dari kompon dengan naphthenic oil 7 bagian dan carbon black 50 bagian dan setelah dilakukan pembuatan di industri menengah atau batas dan industri kecil, hasil uji kekerasannya memenuhi persyaratan SNI-1490-89A. Lis karet kaca kendaraan bermotor

    Pengaruh Kadar Aspal Efektif dan Tebal Selimut Aspal Terhadap Proporsi Rongga pada Campuran Laston: Influence of Effective Asphalt Content and Film Thickness on Voids Proportion of Asphalt Concrete

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    In the mixing process between asphalt and aggregate, absorption of asphalt by the aggregate occurs through the pores of the aggregate. The volume of asphalt not absorbed by the aggregate can be defined as effective asphalt content which determines the percentage of airspaces in the compacted mix. The proportion of voids formed in the mixture contributes to the durability of the mixture against temperature and climate conditions. This study aims to examine the effect of effective asphalt content and the asphalt film thickness on the voids proportion in asphalt mixture. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the particle size distribution of the aggregate affects the total surface area of the aggregate in the mixture and the pores of the aggregate affect the effective percent of asphalt content. Aggregate with a small grain size produced a larger total surface area of aggregate. Meanwhile the use of aggregate with small pores produced a higher effective percent of asphalt content. The higher the effective asphalt content and the asphalt film thickness, the larger the voids in mineral aggregate and the voids filled with bitumen. In contrast, the voids in the mixture decreases with increase the effective asphalt content and the asphalt film thickness. In all the voids proportions analyzed, the effective asphalt content and the asphalt film thickness have a very significant effect

    Variabilitas Harian Komunitas Ikan Padang Lamun Perairan Tanjung Tiram-Teluk Ambon dalam [Daily Variability Of Fish Community In Sea Grass Beds Of Tanjung Tiram-Inner Ambon Bay]

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di perairan Tanjung Tiram , Teluk Ambon Dalam selama bulan Juli-Agustus 2012, untuk membandingkan kelimpahan dan struktur komunitas ikan padang lamun berdasarkan perbedaan siang dan malam hari. Ikan dikoleksi dengan metode sapuan menggunakan pukat pantai yang ditarik pada hamparan padang lamun sebanyak enam kali (masing-masing tiga kali mewakili siang dan malam hari). Hasil penelitian mendapatkan total jumlah individu ikan sebanyak 5593 individu dari 72 spesies dan 35 famili. Siganus canaliculatus mendominasi struktur komunitas ikan baik pada siang maupun malam hari, Ostorhinchus lateralis aktif pada malam hari, dan Aeoliscus strigatus yang aktif pada siang hari. Terdapat variasi struktur komunitas ikan antara siang dan malam, dengan nilai dominansi selalu lebih tinggi pada malam hari. Sebaliknya, keanekaragaman selalu tinggi pada siang hari dan keseragaman spesies lebih stabil pada siang hari. Variabilitas kelimpahan dan struktur komunitas ikan antara siang dan malam hari selain berkaitan dengan sifat nokturnal dan diurnal, juga dipengaruhi fluktuasi parameter oseanografi. Suhu, salinitas, oksigen terlarut, dan pH berpengaruh positif, sedangkan kekeruhan perairan berpengaruh negatif terhadap kelimpahan ikan di ekosistem padang lamun

    Biology of Diachasmimorpha longicaudata, A Parasitoid of Carambola Fruit Fly, (Diptera; Tephritidae)

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    The life cycle study of Diachasmimorpha longicaudata, a larval parasitoid of Bactrocera (B) sp. near Bactrocera dorsalis A, was conducted in the laboratory (26°C± 1.5°). There were 4 larval stages based on the size of the mouthhook. The first larval moult occurred in the newly formed pupanum of the host. The entire developmental periods for males and females were 16.3 ± 0.8 day and 17.5 ± 0.8 days, respectively. The average reproductive capacity per female during the life-span was 92 ± 4.5 eggs

    Collaborative and Cooperative Learning in Malaysian Mathematics Education

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    Collaborative and cooperative learning studies are well recognized in Malaysian mathematics education research. Cooperative learning is used to serve various ability students taking into consideration of their level of understanding, learning styles, sociological backgrounds that develop students' academic achievement and skills, and breeze the social harmony among students of different ethnic backgrounds. Besides academic achievement, process skills and values are required to extend the social harmony among students in today's multiethnic schools. Therefore, teachers are expected to find the pedagogy that enables students to learn academic knowledge and professional skills to face the challenges in their everyday lives. The Malaysian scholars, based on the findings of their cooperative learning studies, emphasized the use of cooperative learning as an effective pedagogy with the aim to improve students' mathematics achievement and communication skills. This paper describes the role of collaborative and cooperative learning to the development of students' mathematics achievement along with their communication skills and with significant integration of values in Malaysian mathematics education

    Perception of Farmers Towards Small Scale Feed Mill in Terms of Socio-economic Factors in Sindenreng Rappang Regency

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    The aim of the study was to analyze farmers' perception towards small scale feed mill in terms of socio-economic factors. The study was conducted with purposive sampling. Data were analyzed descriptively and likert scale analysis. The results showed that the perception of farmer laying on the socio-economic factors of the small scale feed mill is quite good and positive to support the sustainability of small and medium scale enterpris

    The Protection of Consumer Rights for Aviation Safety and Security in Indonesia and Malaysia

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    Indonesia and Malaysia have a good potency for cooperation in aviation industry. It can be seen in the establishing two aviation companies namely PT. Indonesia Air Asia and Malindo which both are low-cost carrier. These aviation industries are categorized as low-cost carrier, however safety and security are absolute factors because these are rights for consumers. This article will describe further about safety and security standard; protecting the rights for consumers in connection with safety aviation in Indonesia and Malaysia from the Consumer Protection Law and the Aviation Law. As a result of the research shows that safety standard passenger for air transportation in airport covers information and safety facility in the shape of availability of the emergency safety tools (fires, accidents and natural disasters); information, area and health facility; and healthcare workers. Moreover, safety standards for passenger in an aircraft include information and safety facility in the shape of availability information and the emergency safety tools for passenger in an aircraft. The protection for consumer rights for safety flight in Indonesia as follows: aviation industry has obligation to fulfill minimum standard of safety and security; consumers must be safety from false information which raises concern; aircraft operation which endanger of the passenger; and consumer protection in operating the electronic device which endanger flight. On the other hand, the law of consumer rights in Malaysia relating to aviation are ruled under the Aviation Law as a result of the Warsaw Convention 1929. In conclusion, the verdict of consumer rights related to security aviation begins when the passenger enter to an aircraft, in the aircraft, and by the time they get off the plane