76 research outputs found

    Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder Among Nurses in Emergency Department: a Systematic Review

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    Background: Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders (CRSD) is a sleep pattern disorder that can be caused by a shift work system, especially the night shift. This disorder can cause various cardiovascular diseases, psychological, decreased concentration, even Alzheimer's. Some professions that demand high precision such as nurses who work with night shifts in the Emergency Room are very vulnerable to CRSD and if not handled, it can lead to work negligence. The purpose of this review is to review CRSD due to work shifts, possible risks to the ED nurse and how to overcome them.Subjects and Method: This article uses CRSD-related reviews published from 2000-2018 from various databases: PubMed, PMC Central and Elsevier open-access. The search was conducted on 1-14 July 2018 with keywords: "Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders", "treatment AND CRSD", "the effect of CRSD", "CRSD AND nursing, and" CRSD in night workers ".Results: Based on the 20 articles reviewed, CRSD is a sleep pattern disorder that can be caused by endogenous factors and exogenous factors. One exogenous factor is a disturbance due to working time with the shift work disorders (SWD) system. There are several ways to overcome CRSD due to working hours, including: taking a nap before work, modifying the environment by avoiding light if going to sleep, but approaching light if you have to wake up, resetting your sleep schedule, and giving melatonin.Conclusions: CRSD due to work disorders is called SWD which can be overcome by rearranging sleep, modifying the environment to fit the circadian rhythm, and consuming melatonin if needed.Keywords: Circadian rhythm sleep disorders, shift work disorders, nursesCorrespondence: Arief Wahyudi Jadmiko. Study Program of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Jakarta. Email: [email protected] Journal of Medicine (2018), 3(1): 27-32https://doi.org/10.26911/theijmed.2018.03.01.0

    Justification of Filter Selection for Robot Balancing in Conditions of Limited Computational Resources

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    The paper considers the problem of mathematical filter selection, used for balancing of wheeled robot in conditions of limited computational resources. The solution based on complementary filter is proposed

    Computational fact checking from knowledge networks

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    Traditional fact checking by expert journalists cannot keep up with the enormous volume of information that is now generated online. Computational fact checking may significantly enhance our ability to evaluate the veracity of dubious information. Here we show that the complexities of human fact checking can be approximated quite well by finding the shortest path between concept nodes under properly defined semantic proximity metrics on knowledge graphs. Framed as a network problem this approach is feasible with efficient computational techniques. We evaluate this approach by examining tens of thousands of claims related to history, entertainment, geography, and biographical information using a public knowledge graph extracted from Wikipedia. Statements independently known to be true consistently receive higher support via our method than do false ones. These findings represent a significant step toward scalable computational fact-checking methods that may one day mitigate the spread of harmful misinformation

    Qualidade de Vida e Atitudes dos Idosos Face à Velhice

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    A problemática do envelhecimento tem assumido, nos últimos anos, uma crescente importância na consciência coletiva da população, tornando-se cada vez mais importante compreender a população idosa e a sua realidade. Posto isto, foi realizado um estudo quantitativo e correlacional, que teve como objectivo avaliar a qualidade de vida e atitudes face à velhice de idosos, bem como a relação entre estas e as variáveis sociodemográficas e familiares. Foram inquiridos 100 idosos, com mais de 65 anos e sem deficit cognitivo . Para a recolha de dados utilizou-se uma entrevista estruturada, constituída dados sóciodemográficos do idoso, WHOQOL-AGE (Caballero, Miret, Power, Chatterji, Tobiasz-Adamczyk, Koskinen, Leonardi, Olaya, Haro &Ayuso-Mateos, 2013) e o AAQ ( Laidlaw, Power, Schmidt and the WHOQOL-OLD Group, 2007). Dos resultados destacamos os seguintes: A amostra é constituída por 52% de idosos do sexo masculino tendo uma média de idades de 74,7 (DP=6,8). È no fator Perdas Psicossociais e no Desenvolvimento Psicológico que os idosos têm uma melhor atitude face ao envelhecimento. É no item “Tem dinheiro suficiente para satisfazer as suas necessidades?” que os idosos apresentam uma menor qualidade de vida. Não ter doença diagnosticada e ser do sexo masculino permitem ter melhores atitudes face ao envelhecimento. A Qualidade de Vida está relacionada com a idade, com o estado de saúde e com a intensidade de preocupação da família. Constatou-se que os idosos que não estão institucionalizados apresentam uma melhor qualidade de vida e uma melhor atitude face à velhice. Quem não precisa de ajudas técnicas para se movimentar apresenta uma melhor qualidade de vida. Diferenças nas atitudes face ao envelhecimento consoante a residência onde habita são significativas nas mudanças físicas e no desenvolvimento psicológico sendo que os idosos que não vivem em lares têm uma atitude mais positiva em ambos os fatores. / Over the past few years the issue of aging has played a growing importance in the population`s collective consciousness becoming increasingly important to understand the elderly population and this reality. Therefore a quantitative correlational study was performed to assess the quality of life of seniors and their attitudes towards old age, and the relationship between these and the socio-demographic and family factors. 100 seniors with more than 65 years and without cognitive deficit were surveyed. For data collection we used a structured interview consisting of sociodemographic data of the elderly, WHOQOL-AGE (Caballero Miret Power Chatterji Tobiasz-Adamczyk Koskinen Leonardi Olaya Ayuso-Mateos & Haro 2013) and AAQ (Laidlaw Power Schmidt and the WHOQOL-OLD Group 2007). We highlight: The sample is composed of 52% of males with a mean age of 74.7 (SD = 6.8). It is in the factor Psychosocial Losses and Psychological Development that elderly people have a better attitude towards aging. It is in the item "Do you have enough money to meet your needs?" that seniors show less quality of life. Not having illness and being male allows having better attitudes towards aging. Quality of Life is related to age, health condition and the intensity of family concerns. It was observed that the elderly who are not institutionalized have a better quality of life and a better attitude towards old age. Who does not need assistive devices to move around has a better quality of life. Differences in attitudes towards aging, according to residency, are significant in physical changes and psychological development, thus verifying that elderly who do not live in nursing homes have a more positive attitude in both factors

    Epistemic vs non-epistemic criteria to assess Wikipedia articles: evolution of young people perceptions

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    This paper tackles the problem of information credibility assessment by users, focusing on Wikipedia articles. We consider both epistemic and non-epistemic criteria. We conducted a study using a questionnaire where 841 French young people aged from 11 to 25 years participated and we analysed the results considering the level of education as a variable. We found that the higher the level of education is, the more young people mention epistemic credibility criteria and the less they indicate non-epistemic criteria. We draw some recommendation for information literacy

    Mapping recent information behavior research: an analysis of co-authorship and cocitation networks

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    There has been an increase in research published on information behavior in recent years, and this has been accompanied by an increase in its diversity and interaction with other fields, particularly information retrieval (HR). The aims of this study are to determine which researchers have contributed to producing the current body of knowledge on this subject, and to describe its intellectual basis. A bibliometric and network analysis was applied to authorship and co-authorship as well as citation and co-citation. According to these analyses, there is a small number of authors who can be considered to be the most productive and who publish regularly, and a large number of transient ones. Other findings reveal a marked predominance of theoretical works, some examples of qualitative methodology that originate in other areas of social science, and a high incidence of research focused on the user interaction with information retrieval systems and the information behavior of doctors