1,626 research outputs found

    Thomas S. Kuhn's Lowell Lectures

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    For more information about this item, visit https://archivesspace.mit.edu/repositories/2/archival_objects/190184Before he wrote The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Thomas Kuhn wrote The Quest for Physical Theory--a series of eight lectures that examine the nature of scientific knowledge, how it is created, and how it changes through time. Commissioned as public lectures in 1951 by Boston's Lowell Institute, The Quest for Physical Theory adopts the historical approach Kuhn would later refine in Structure. He surveys the history of physics from Aristotle to Newton, of atomism from antiquity to modern chemistry, and he examines the concepts of fields and subtle fluids as creative metaphors that guide research. In the last four lectures, he turns to logic and philosophy, psychology, and theories of language to explain the workings of "creative science" that are typically ignored by textbooks and many influential philosophers of science

    Riesterrente: Politik ohne Marktbeobachtung

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    Unfaire Vertriebsmethoden, begrenzte Offenlegung von Kosten, zweifelhafte Beratungen, unzureichende und unverständliche Verbraucherinformation sowie erfolglose Beschwerden attestieren insbesondere Verbraucherorganisationen der Riesterrentenversicherung und ihrem privatwirtschaftlichen Vertrieb auch noch fast ein Jahrzehnt nach der Einführung der staatlich geförderten privaten Altersvorsorge. Demgegenüber stellt die Bundesregierung diesem Riesterprodukt ein mit wenigen Abstrichen durchweg positives Gesamturteil aus: Die Transparenz für den Verbraucher sei gegeben, weitere als die bereits eingeleiteten regulierenden Eingriffe durch den Gesetzgeber seien nicht erforderlich. Offenbar entspringt die Kritik der Verbraucherorganisationen aber nicht einer kollektiven Einbildung, denn es gibt Hinweise, dass die Anbietervielfalt dem Verbraucher letztlich nicht ausreichend zugute kommt. So sind Kosten und Leistungen kaum zu überprüfen und zu vergleichen. Dafür, dass es um ein Produkt geht, das von der Politik als eine tragende Säule der Altersvorsorge mit zunehmendem Gewicht eingeführt wurde, muss die Datenlage als eklatant unzureichend bezeichnet werden. Eine umfassende Marktbeobachtung und eine begleitende Evaluierung des Riestermarktes sind überfällig.Behavioral economics and finance, Consumer market observation, State-aided private oldage provision, Product quality

    Perspectives for sustainable consumption: An exploratory study of the discourses and practices of Cordoba's citizens (Argentina)

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    This paper addresses some of the perceptions, beliefs, and experiences related to sustainable consumption habits of citizens of Córdoba (Argentina). We focus on three main areas of consumption: food, housing, and mobility. The study examines the discourses of 59 citizens in seven focus groups with seven to nine persons each. Six groups combine age ranges (18-29, 30-49, and 50-70 years old), socioeconomic status (high-medium and low-medium), and gender. A seventh group is composed of citizens who participate actively in environmental organisations with a mix of ages, SES and genders. We conduct a content analysis using ATLAS.ti software. The results of this study indicate that the participants in general have difficulty spontaneously associating their consumption practices with environmental problems. Three results are prominent: First, the role of meat consumption for sustainability is almost unnoticed by most participants; this is noteworthy given the overconsumption of meat in Argentina. Second, we find little knowledge about water-saving appliances while a high rate of individual water consumption in Córdoba is in fact alarming. Third, respondents do not consider environmental aspects when choosing their everyday modes of mobility. Based on these initial findings, we sketch the research and data needed to advance knowledge of sustainable consumption in Argentina and Latin America from a psychological and other behavioural science perspectives, as well as implications for policies aiming to address environmental degradation

    Reactions to uncertainty and the accuracy of diagnostic mammography.

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    BackgroundReactions to uncertainty in clinical medicine can affect decision making.ObjectiveTo assess the extent to which radiologists' reactions to uncertainty influence diagnostic mammography interpretation.DesignCross-sectional responses to a mailed survey assessed reactions to uncertainty using a well-validated instrument. Responses were linked to radiologists' diagnostic mammography interpretive performance obtained from three regional mammography registries.ParticipantsOne hundred thirty-two radiologists from New Hampshire, Colorado, and Washington.MeasurementMean scores and either standard errors or confidence intervals were used to assess physicians' reactions to uncertainty. Multivariable logistic regression models were fit via generalized estimating equations to assess the impact of uncertainty on diagnostic mammography interpretive performance while adjusting for potential confounders.ResultsWhen examining radiologists' interpretation of additional diagnostic mammograms (those after screening mammograms that detected abnormalities), a 5-point increase in the reactions to uncertainty score was associated with a 17% higher odds of having a positive mammogram given cancer was diagnosed during follow-up (sensitivity), a 6% lower odds of a negative mammogram given no cancer (specificity), a 4% lower odds (not significant) of a cancer diagnosis given a positive mammogram (positive predictive value [PPV]), and a 5% higher odds of having a positive mammogram (abnormal interpretation).ConclusionMammograms interpreted by radiologists who have more discomfort with uncertainty have higher likelihood of being recalled

    Characterization of RAPD markers in Vitis

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    A study was initiated to investigate the possibility of using RAPD markers in related populations of Vitis. We also sought to design primers that could amplify translation initiation sites (Kozak sequence) as a mean to maximize the production of RAPD markers from single copy DNA sequences in the genome. RAPD bands were labeled and used as probes on blots with either genomic DNA or RAPD products from cvs Aurore, Cayuga White, Horizon and Illinois 547-1. Reamplification of excised RAPD products produced either several bands of smaller size, a single band of smaller size or a single band of the same size as the original band. Among 16 probes hybridized to genomic DNA blots, three probes, including one from the Kozak primer amplification, hybridized to 1-2 bands, 5 probes hybridized to 3-8 bands and 8, including two from a Kozak primer reaction, to more than 10 bands on the genomic DNA blots. Twelve RAPD bands were also probed on RAPD blots derived from the RAPD reaction that produced each probe. Three of those probes hybridized to 1-2 bands, 8 hybridized to 3-8 and one hybridized to more than 10 bands indicating the presence of probe sequences in more than one RAPD band as amplified with the same primers. This result and the observations on reamplification of RAPD bands support the hypothesis that some of the longer RAPD fragments harbor internal priming sites that are either not amplified unless the reaction mixture is saturated with longer other primers indicating amplification from the same sequence but different sized repetitive DNA. RAPD reactions were also run with 16 primers on parental DNA of 2 crosses used in genetic mapping (Cayuga White x Aurore and Horizon x Illinois 547-1). These reactions rated 140 bands; 100 bands were shared by both populations, including 47 polymorphic bands. Ten polymorphic bands in Cayuga White x Aurore and 22 in Horizon x Illinois 547-1 were population specific. The RAPD analysis as well as hybridization of RAPD markers to the genomic blots suggest that linkage analysis could be used in related segregating populations with carefully chosen markers. Tagging single copy regions with Kozak-sequence-derived primers may be possible, but the low number of probes tested and lack of DNA sequence information prevents any definite conclusions

    Nachhaltiger Konsum: Aufgabe der "Neuen Verbraucherpolitik?"

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    "Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit neueren Entwicklungen im Politikfeld Verbraucherpolitik. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, inwiefern es sich bei der so genannten 'Neuen Verbraucherpolitik' inhaltlich materiell und institutionell-formell um einen Neubeginn handelt. Das 'Neue', so wird argumentiert, ergibt sich zum einen aus neuen Herausforderungen (Globalisierung, Europäisierung, Aufgabe der Nachhaltigen Entwicklung u.a.), zum anderen aus einem veränderten Selbstverständnis der Politik als aktive wirtschafts- und lebensqualitätsfördernde Querschnittspolitik. Die Förderung nachhaltiger Konsummuster als verbraucherpolitisches Ziel wird diskutiert." (Autorenreferat

    The determinants of food choice

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    Health nudge interventions to steer people into healthier lifestyles are increasingly applied by governments worldwide, and it is natural to look to such approaches to improve health by altering what people choose to eat. However, to produce policy recommendations that are likely to be effective, we need to be able to make valid predictions about the consequences of proposed interventions, and for this, we need a better understanding of the determinants of food choice. These determinants include dietary components (e.g. highly palatable foods and alcohol), but also diverse cultural and social pressures, cognitive-affective factors (perceived stress, health attitude, anxiety and depression), and familial, genetic and epigenetic influences on personality characteristics. In addition, our choices are influenced by an array of physiological mechanisms, including signals to the brain from the gastrointestinal tract and adipose tissue, which affect not only our hunger and satiety but also our motivation to eat particular nutrients, and the reward we experience from eating. Thus, to develop the evidence base necessary for effective policies, we need to build bridges across different levels of knowledge and understanding. This requires experimental models that can fill in the gaps in our understanding that are needed to inform policy, translational models that connect mechanistic understanding from laboratory studies to the real life human condition, and formal models that encapsulate scientific knowledge from diverse disciplines, and which embed understanding in a way that enables policy-relevant predictions to be made. Here we review recent developments in these areas.</p

    Childhood Obesity, Sustainable Development, and Behavioral Economics

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    To understand the rising prevalence of obesity in affluent societies, it is necessary to take into account the growing obesity infrastructure, which over past decades has developed into an obesogenic environment. This infrastructure is a direct reflection of the mainstream economic growth paradigm that the literature on consumer culture characterizes as chronic overconsumption. This study examines the effects of one of the constituent factors of consumer societies and a key contributory factor to childhood obesity: commercial food communication targeted to children and its impact on their food knowledge and food preferences. Because evaluations of traditional information- and education-based interventions suggest that they may not sustainably change food patterns, we combine insights from behavioral economics and traditional consumer behavior theory to formulate seven hypotheses, which we then test using a subsample from the IDEFICS study. The results reveal not only that advertising has divergent effects on children’s food knowledge and preferences but that food knowledge is unrelated to food preferences, a finding that has important implications for future research and public policy

    Suicide methods in Europe: a gender-specific analysis of countries participating in the "European Alliance Against Depression"

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    Objective: To identify the most frequent gener-specific suicide methods in Europe. Design: Proportions of seven predominant suicide methods utilised in 16 countries participating in the European Alliance Against Depression (EAAD)were reported in total and cross-nationally. Relative risk (RR)relating to suicide methods and gender was calculated. To group countries by pattern of suicide methods, hierarchical clustering was applied. Setting and participants: Data on suicide methods for 119 122 male and 41 338 female cases in 2000-4/5 from 16 EAAD countries, covering 52% of European population were obtained. Results: Hanging was the most prevalent suicide method among both males (54.3%) and females (35.6%). For males, hanging was followed by firearms (9.7%) and poisoning by drugs (8.6%); for females, by poisoning by drugs (24.7%)and jumping from a high place (14.5%). Only in Switzerland did hanging rank as second for males after firearms. Hanging ranked first among females in eight countries, poisoning by drugs in five and jumping from a high place in three. In all countries, males had a higher risk than females of using firearms and hanging and a lower risk of poisoning by drugs, drowning and jumping. Grouping showed that countries might be divided into five main groups among males; for females, grouping did not yield clear results. Conclusions: Research on suicide methods could lead to the development of gender-specific intervention strategies. Nevertheless, other approaches, such as better identification and treatment of mental disorders and the improvement of toxicological aid should be put in place

    The Adrenal Gland: Central Relay in Health and Disease

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    Diseases of the adrenal gland are as important for the general practitioner as for the endocrine specialist. The high prevalence of some adrenal endocrinopathies, such as adrenal incidentalomas (1-2% of the population) and primary aldosteronism (6% of hypertensives), which affect millions of patients, makes adrenal diseases a relevant health issue. The high morbidity and mortality of some of the rarer adrenal diseases, i. e., Addison's disease and Cushing's syndrome (Table 1), make early detection and appropriate treatment such a challenge for the health care system
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