337 research outputs found

    Lower semicontinuity and relaxation of linear-growth integral functionals under PDE constraints

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    We show general lower semicontinuity and relaxation theorems for linear-growth integral functionals defined on vector measures that satisfy linear PDE side constraints (of arbitrary order). These results generalize several known lower semicontinuity and relaxation theorems for BV, BD, and for more general first-order linear PDE side constrains. Our proofs are based on recent progress in the understanding of singularities of measure solutions to linear PDEs and of the generalized convexity notions corresponding to these PDE constraints

    Dimensional estimates and rectifiability for measures satisfying linear PDE constraints

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    We establish the rectifiability of measures satisfying a linear PDE constraint. The obtained rectifiability dimensions are optimal for many usual PDE operators, including all first-order systems and all second-order scalar operators. In particular, our general theorem provides a new proof of the rectifiability results for functions of bounded variations (BV) and functions of bounded deformation (BD). For divergence-free tensors we obtain refinements and new proofs of several known results on the rectifiability of varifolds and defect measures

    Barriers to Physical Activity Among Patients With Type 1 Diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE—To determine, in an adult population with type 1 diabetes, barriers to regular physical activity using a diabetes-specific barriers measure (the Barriers to Physical Activity in Diabetes [type 1] [BAPAD1] scale) and factors associated with these barriers

    Demografía y crecimiento primario durante la regeneración de tres especies de pino a lo largo de gradientes climáticos

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    13 páginas, 4 figuras y 3 tablasLa regeneración es un proceso crítico en la dinámica de los bosques, que presenta una marcada heterogeneidad temporal y espacial. En este trabajo se pretende avanzar en el conocimiento de las variables bióticas y abióticas que determinan a escala local la presencia, abundancia y crecimiento primario de plántulas de tres especies de pino: Pinus sylvestris, P. nigra y P. uncinata, y determinar el efecto relativo del clima. Para ello se muestrearon 216 parcelas distribuidas a lo largo de gradientes climáticos en siete localidades montañosas. Se censaron las plántulas recién emergidas y el resto de juveniles, y se midieron los crecimientos anuales. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas entre especies con efectos directos e indirectos del clima sobre la demografía y el estado de los juveniles. En las tres especies se apreció que la supervivencia de los juveniles aparecía desplazada hacia altitudes mayores respecto donde se producía el óptimo de la emergencia. Las relaciones locales de competencia y facilitación ejercieron efectos importantes sobre la regeneración de las tres especies, siendo éstos modulados por el clima.Ministerio Español de Innovación y Ciencia Consolider-Montes (CSD2008_00040), Los autores agradecen a toda la gente que hizo posible el trabajo de campo: R. Freire, B. Santamaría, J. Martínez, D. López, R. Ruíz-Puche, E. Molina, L. Ivorra, S. Martín, B. Ros y C. Boubekeur. También el apoyo estadístico de R. Manson.Proyecto europeo BACCARA (CE: FP7-226299, 7FP)Peer reviewe

    Necessary fictions: indigenous claims and the humanity of rights

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    Indigenous right insistently challenges the surpassing arrogations of sovereign right. In so doing, it affirms dimensions of being-together denied or stunted in sovereign modes of political formation. This force of Indigenous right is amplified here through legal and literary instantiations. These, in turn, uncover the continuously created and fictional quality of rights, revealing them to be necessary fictions

    Risk factors for premature aging of placenta: comparative study of perinatal outcomes between grannum grade III placentas and grannum grade I-II placentas

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    Introduction: The placenta aging has been related with intrauterine fetal growth, low maternal age, Caucasian, multiparity, hypertensive states and smoking habit. Grannum P. classification is the most used for its assessment. The association between grade III placenta (G3P) and ex-smoking or smokeexposed pregnants has not been studied Main outcome: To asses if smoking, being an ex-smoker or a passive-smoker is a risk factor for developing grade III placenta, as well as if there is a smoking-free period of time to avoid the effect of smoking over placenta Material and methods: A retrospective case-control study of single pregnancies followed-up at the Obstetric Ultrasound Unit between January 2013 and January 2014. Placental grading according to Grannum classification was stablished through abdominal approach between 34-36 weeks of gestation and two groups were established: grade III placenta and grade I-II placenta (G1-2P) Maternal and paternal characteristics, type of delivery and perinatal outcomes were collected Results: Baseline characteristics were similar between the two groups. In G3P the incidence of hypertensive disease of pregnancy was higher(p=0,0107). The percentage was similar for premature birth, 1st and 5th minute Apgar, type of delivery and cesarean due to risk of loss of fetal wellbeing. A lower neonatal weight was found in G3P, at the same median days at delivery, with a mean difference of 148,156(p=0,008313. Regarding weight percentile, it was found a p35 in G3P and a p47,5 in G1- 2P(p=0,08235) 15% of the total pregnant were smokers. In G3P group it was found a higher frequency of smokers and ex-smokers since 1st trimester of pregnancy (p=0.0001), as well as pregnant non-smokers with an smoking partner(p=0,0001). There was an strong evidence for association between pregnant smokers and smoking partners(p=0,0001). No difference was found regarding to neonatal weight comparing smokers, ex-smokers and ex-smokers since 1st trimester of pregnancy. The length of pregnancy was lower between G3P pregnant smokers compared to G1-2P pregnant smokers, with a mean difference of 8 days (p=0,00091) Conclusions: There is a strong evidence for association between smoking during pregnancy, quitting smoking at the beginning of the pregnancy or being a passive smoker with development of G3P Some pregnant smokers don`t develop premature aging of placenta, it could be due to either other parameters or a later aging (data were collected between 34-36 weeks). The association between quitting smoking at the beginning of the pregnancy and not having a smoking partner reduces the risk of developing G3

    Oval Domes: History, Geometry and Mechanics

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    An oval dome may be defined as a dome whose plan or profile (or both) has an oval form. The word Aoval@ comes from the latin Aovum@, egg. Then, an oval dome has an egg-shaped geometry. The first buildings with oval plans were built without a predetermined form, just trying to close an space in the most economical form. Eventually, the geometry was defined by using arcs of circle with common tangents in the points of change of curvature. Later the oval acquired a more regular form with two axis of symmetry. Therefore, an “oval” may be defined as an egg-shaped form, doubly symmetric, constructed with arcs of circle; an oval needs a minimum of four centres, but it is possible also to build polycentric ovals. The above definition corresponds with the origin and the use of oval forms in building and may be applied without problem until, say, the XVIIIth century. Since then, the teaching of conics in the elementary courses of geometry made the cultivated people to define the oval as an approximation to the ellipse, an “imperfect ellipse”: an oval was, then, a curve formed with arcs of circles which tries to approximate to the ellipse of the same axes. As we shall see, the ellipse has very rarely been used in building. Finally, in modern geometrical textbooks an oval is defined as a smooth closed convex curve, a more general definition which embraces the two previous, but which is of no particular use in the study of the employment of oval forms in building. The present paper contains the following parts: 1) an outline the origin and application of the oval in historical architecture; 2) a discussion of the spatial geometry of oval domes, i. e., the different methods employed to trace them; 3) a brief exposition of the mechanics of oval arches and domes; and 4) a final discussion of the role of Geometry in oval arch and dome design

    Should first-line empiric treatment strategies cover coagulase-negative staphylococcal infections in severely malnourished or HIV-infected children in Kenya?

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    BACKGROUND: Bloodstream infection is a common cause of morbidity in children aged andlt;5 years in developing countries. In studies reporting bacteremia in Africa, coagulase-negative Staphylococci (CoNS) are commonly isolated. However, it is currently unclear whether children who are highly susceptible to infection because of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) or HIV should be treated with antimicrobials specifically to cover CoNS. We aimed to determine the clinical significance of CoNS amongst children admitted to a rural hospital in Kenya in relation to nutritional and HIV status. METHODS: Systematically collected clinical and microbiological surveillance data from children aged 6-59 months admitted to Kilifi County Hospital (2007-2013) were analysed. Multivariable regression was used to test associations between CoNS isolation from blood cultures and SAM (MUAC andlt;11.5cm or nutritional oedema (kwashiorkor)), and HIV serostatus; and among children with SAM or HIV, associations between CoNS isolation and mortality, duration of hospitalization and clinical features. RESULTS: CoNS were isolated from blood culture in 906/13,315 (6.8%) children, of whom 135/906 (14.9%) had SAM and 54/906 (6.0%) were HIV antibody positive. CoNS isolation was not associated with SAM (MUACandlt;11.5cm (aOR 1.11, 95% CI 0.88-1.40) or kwashiorkor (aOR 0.84, 95% CI 0.48-1.49)), or a positive HIV antibody test (aOR 1.25, 95% CI 0.92-1.71). Among children with SAM or a positive HIV antibody test, CoNS isolation was not associated with mortality or prolonged hospitalization. CONCLUSION: In a large, systematic study, there was no evidence that antimicrobial therapy should specifically target CoNS amongst children with SAM or HIV-infection or exposure

    Risk factors in hospital deaths in severely malnourished children in Kampala, Uganda

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    BACKGROUND: Although the risk factors for increased fatality among severely malnourished children have been reported, recent information from Africa, during a period of HIV pandemic and constrained health services, remains sketchy. The aim of this study has been to establish the risk factors for excess deaths among hospitalized severely malnourished children of below five years of age. METHOD: In 2003, two hundred and twenty consecutively admitted, severely malnourished children were followed in the paediatric wards of Mulago, Uganda's national referral and teaching hospital. The children's baseline health conditions were established by physical examination, along with haematological, biochemical, microbiological and immunological indices. RESULTS: Of the 220 children, 52 (24%) died, with over 70% of the deaths occurring in the first week of admission. There was no significant difference by sex or age group. The presence of oedema increased the adjusted odds-ratio, but did not reach significance (OR = 2.0; 95% CI = 0.8 – 4.7), similarly for a positive HIV status (OR = 2.6, 95% CI = 0.8 – 8.6). Twenty four out of 52 children who received blood transfusion died (OR = 5.0, 95% CI = 2 – 12); while, 26 out of 62 children who received intravenous infusion died (OR = 4.8, 95% CI = 2 – 12). The outcome of children who received blood or intravenous fluids was less favourable than of children who did not receive them. Adjustment for severity of disease did not change this. CONCLUSION: The main risk factors for excess hospital deaths among severely malnourished children in Mulago hospital include blood transfusion and intravenous infusion. An intervention to reduce deaths needs to focus on guideline compliance with respect to blood transfusions/infusions