92 research outputs found

    Time window-dependent effect of perinatal maternal protein restriction on insulin sensitivity and energy substrate oxidation in adult male offspring

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    Epidemiological and experimental evidence suggests that a suboptimal environment during perinatal life programs offspring susceptibility to the development of metabolic syndrome and Type 2 diabetes. We hypothesized that the lasting impact of perinatal protein deprivation on mitochondrial fuel oxidation and insulin sensitivity would depend on the time window of exposure. To improve our understanding of underlying mechanisms, an integrative approach was used, combining the assessment of insulin sensitivity and untargeted mass spectrometry-based metabolomics in the offspring. A hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp was performed in adult male rats born from dams fed a low-protein diet during gestation and/or lactation, and subsequently exposed to a Western diet (WD) for 10 wk. Metabolomics was combined with targeted acylcarnitine profiling and analysis of liver gene expression to identify markers of adaptation to WD that influence the phenotype outcome evaluated by body composition analysis. At adulthood, offspring of protein-restricted dams had impaired insulin secretion when fed a standard diet. Moreover, rats who demonstrated catch-up growth at weaning displayed higher gluconeogenesis and branched-chain amino acid catabolism, and lower fatty acid β-oxidation compared with control rats. Postweaning exposure of intrauterine growth restriction-born rats to a WD exacerbated incomplete fatty acid β-oxidation and excess fat deposition. Control offspring nursed by protein-restricted mothers showed peculiar low-fat accretion through adulthood and preserved insulin sensitivity even after WD-exposure. Altogether, our findings suggest a testable hypothesis about how maternal diet might influence metabolic outcomes (insulin sensitivity) in the next generation such as mitochondrial overload and/or substrate oxidation inflexibility dependent on the time window of perinatal dietary manipulation

    Вплив різних видів анестезіологічного забезпечення на неспецифічну ланку імунітету вагітних під час кесарева розтину

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    Компоненты хирургической операции – операционная травма, стресс, общая анестезия, кровопотеря, антибактериальная – терапия приводят к снижению защиты иммунной системы и развитию вторичной иммунной недостаточности. В результате операционно-анестезиологического стресса в организме больного возникает состояние иммунодепрессии, которое необходимо нивелировать путем выбора анестетиков, минимально угнетающих иммунные реакции. Такой подход дает возможность разработать и внедрить в клиническую практику оптимальные методы анестезии у беременных. Проведенное исследование показало, что операционный стресс негативно влияет на неспецифический иммунитет беременных. В зависимости от вида анестезии проявления негативного влияния будет различным. Установлено, что спинальная анестезия сопровождается минимальным влиянием на фагоцитарную активность лейкоцитов, а общая анестезия имеет депрессивное влияние, которое сопровождается более пяти дней.Components surgery . surgical trauma, stress, general anesthesia, blood loss, antibiotic . therapy leads to a decrease in defense of the immune system and the development of secondary immune deficiency. As a result of operational and anesthetic stress in the patient.s body a state of immunosuppression, which is necessary to level by selecting the anesthetic minimally depressing the immune response. This approach provides an opportunity to develop and introduce into clinical practice the best methods of anesthesia in pregnant women. The study showed that operational stress affects the nonspecific immunity of pregnant women. Depending on the type of anesthesia, manifestations of the negative impact will be different. Established that spinal anesthesia with a minimum influence on the phagocytic activity of leukocytes and general anesthesia has a depressive effect which is accompanied by more than five days

    Iber — River modelling simulation tool

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    Para dar respuesta a los requerimientos en materia de aguas definidos en las directrices, reglamentos y recomendaciones existentes en la legislación española, los cuales están mayoritariamente basados en directivas europeas, se ha desarrollado una herramienta de modelización numérica del flujo de agua en lámina libre en 2 dimensiones. La herramienta, llamada Iber, combina un módulo hidrodinámico, un módulo de turbulencia y un módulo de transporte de sedimentos, y utiliza el método de volúmenes finitos para resolver las ecuaciones correspondientes. Al módulo de cálculo se le ha adaptado una interfaz que se basa en el software de preproceso y posproceso GiD, desarrollado por CIMNE. El resultado es una herramienta de modelización numérica del flujo de agua y sedimentos en ríos y estuarios, que utiliza esquemas numéricos avanzados especialmente estables y robustos en cualquier situación pero especialmente adecuados para flujos discontinuos y, en concreto, para cauces torrenciales y regímenes irregulares.The recent requirements of Spanish regulations and directives, on their turn based on European directives, have led to the development of a new two dimensional open channel flow modelling tool. The tool, named Iber, combines a hydrodynamic module, a turbulence module and a sediment transport module, and is based in the finite volume method to solve the involved equations. The simulation code has been integrated in a pre-process and post-process interface based on GiD software, developed by CIMNE. The result is a flow and sediment modelling system for rivers and estuaries that uses advanced numerical schemes, robust and stable, which are especially suitable for discontinuous flows taking place in torrential and hydrologically irregular rivers.Peer Reviewe

    Luminescence characteristics of quartz from Brazilian sediments and constraints for OSL dating

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    This study analyzes the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) characteristics of quartz grains from fluvial, eolian and shallow marine sands of northeastern and southeastern Brazil, with especial focus on the applicability of the single-aliquot regenerative dose (SAR) dating protocol. All analyzed Brazilian sediments presented relatively high OSL sensitivity and good behavior regarding their luminescence characteristics relevant for radiation dose estimation. However, some samples from the Lençóis Maranhenses region in northeastern Brazil showed inadequate OSL sensitivity correction, hampering the implementation of the SAR protocol and their ability to behave as a natural dosimeter. While the shallow marine and eolian samples showed a narrow and reliable dose distribution, the fluvial sample had a wide dose distribution, suggesting incomplete bleaching and natural doses estimates dependent on age models

    La datation des Hominidés fossiles : problèmes et perspectives

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    The dating of homonids prior to Homo Erectus was based till now, on the isotopic geochrono- logy of rocks and minerals of volcanic origin in stratigraphie relationship with fossils. Two methods have been widely used : the dating by potassium-argon and by fission tracks. The dating of volcanic materials : lava flows, tephras combined with remains of hominids presents numerous difficulties essentially linked to various types of contamination and alteration. Two examples provided by the Eastern African Rift illustrate the problems linked to such datings. Recent improvements in the dating methods could contribuate on the one hand to a better use of K-Ar methods and of fission tracks in volcanic materials. And on the other hand, with the introduction of new methods such as thermoluminescence and electron spin resonance dating, it would seem possible to date directly either the fossil bones, or the combined sedimentary materials. This opens up new prospects, especially for all the sites which are not interstratified with volcanic materials.La datation des Hominidés antérieurs à l'Homo Erectus a reposé jusqu'à présent sur la géochronologie isotopique de roches et de minéraux d'origine volcanique en relation stratigraphique avec des fossiles. Deux méthodes ont été largement utilisées, les datations par potassium-argon et par traces de fission de l'uranium. La datation des matériaux volcaniques : coulées de laves, tephras, associés à des restes d 'hominidés présente de nombreuses difficultés liées essentiellement à divers types de contamination et d'altération. Deux exemples pris dans le rift Est-africain illustrent les problèmes liés à ces datations. Des progrès récents dans les méthodes de datation pourraient contribuer d'une part à une meilleure utilisation des méthodes K-Ar et traces de fission pour les matériaux volcaniques. D'autre part, avec l'introduction de nouvelles méthodes de datation par thermoluminescence et résonnance para- magnétique électronique, il semblerait possible de dater directement soit les ossements fossiles eux- mêmes, soit du matériel sédimentaire associé. Ceci ouvre des perspectives nouvelles en particulier pour tous les sites qui ne sont pas interstratifiés avec du matériel volcanique.Poupeau Gérard, Danon J., Baksi A. K. La datation des Hominidés fossiles : problèmes et perspectives. In: Revue d'Archéométrie, n°8, 1984. pp. 45-60

    Fission track plateau-age dating

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    Fission track geochronology of the Hercynian platform in France

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