22 research outputs found

    Prenatal Nutritional Intervention Reduces Autistic-Like Behavior Rates Among Mthfr-Deficient Mice

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    The causes and contributing factors of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are poorly understood. One gene associated with increased risk for ASD is methylenetetrahydrofolate-reductase (MTHFR), which encodes a key enzyme in one carbon (C1) metabolism. The MTHFR 677C > T polymorphism reduces the efficiency of methyl group production with possible adverse downstream effects on gene expression. In this study, the effects of prenatal and/or postnatal diets enriched in C1 nutrients on ASD-like behavior were evaluated in Mthfr-deficient mice. Differences in intermediate pathways between the mice with and without ASD-like behaviors were tested. The findings indicate that maternal and offspring Mthfr deficiency increased the risk for an ASD-like phenotype in the offspring. The risk of ASD-like behavior was reduced in Mthfr-deficient mice supplemented with C1 nutrients prenatally. Specifically, among offspring of Mthfr+/- dams, prenatal diet supplementation was protective against ASD-like symptomatic behavior compared to the control diet with an odds ratio of 0.18 (CI:0.035, 0.970). Changes in major C1 metabolites, such as the ratios between betaine/choline and SAM/SAH in the cerebral-cortex, were associated with ASD-like behavior. Symptomatic mice presenting ASD-like behavior showed decreased levels of GABA pathway proteins such as GAD65/67 and VGAT and altered ratios of the glutamate receptor subunits GluR1/GluR2 in males and NR2A/NR2B in females. The altered ratios, in turn, favor receptor subunits with higher sensitivity to neuronal activity. Our study suggests that MTHFR deficiency can increase the risk of ASD-like behavior in mice and that prenatal dietary intervention focused on MTHFR genotypes can reduce the risk of ASD-like behavior

    A single-embryo, single-cell time-resolved model for mouse gastrulation

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    Mouse embryonic development is a canonical model system for studying mammalian cell fate acquisition. Recently, single-cell atlases comprehensively charted embryonic transcriptional landscapes, yet inference of the coordinated dynamics of cells over such atlases remains challenging. Here, we introduce a temporal model for mouse gastrulation, consisting of data from 153 individually sampled embryos spanning 36 h of molecular diversification. Using algorithms and precise timing, we infer differentiation flows and lineage specification dynamics over the embryonic transcriptional manifold. Rapid transcriptional bifurcations characterize the commitment of early specialized node and blood cells. However, for most lineages, we observe combinatorial multi-furcation dynamics rather than hierarchical transcriptional transitions. In the mesoderm, dozens of transcription factors combinatorially regulate multifurcations, as we exemplify using time-matched chimeric embryos of Foxc1/Foxc2 mutants. Our study rejects the notion of differentiation being governed by a series of binary choices, providing an alternative quantitative model for cell fate acquisition

    The intrinsic and extrinsic effects of TET proteins during gastrulation

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    Mice deficient for all ten-eleven translocation (TET) genes exhibit early gastrulation lethality. However, separating cause and effect in such embryonic failure is challenging. To isolate cell-autonomous effects of TET loss, we used temporal single-cell atlases from embryos with partial or complete mutant contributions. Strikingly, when developing within a wild-type embryo, Tet-mutant cells retain near-complete differentiation potential, whereas embryos solely comprising mutant cells are defective in epiblast to ectoderm transition with degenerated mesoderm potential. We map de-repressions of early epiblast factors (e.g., Dppa4 and Gdf3) and failure to activate multiple signaling from nascent mesoderm (Lefty, FGF, and Notch) as likely cell-intrinsic drivers of TET loss phenotypes. We further suggest loss of enhancer demethylation as the underlying mechanism. Collectively, our work demonstrates an unbiased approach for defining intrinsic and extrinsic embryonic gene function based on temporal differentiation atlases and disentangles the intracellular effects of the demethylation machinery from its broader tissue-level ramifications

    Erratum to: 36th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

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    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.1186/s13054-016-1208-6.]

    Structural and functional substrates of tetanus toxin in an animal model of temporal lobe epilepsy

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    The effects of tetanus toxin (TeNT) both in the spinal cord, in clinical tetanus, and in the brain, in experimental focal epilepsy, suggest disruption of inhibitory synapses. TeNT is a zinc protease with selectivity for Vesicle Associated Membrane Protein (VAMP; previously synaptobrevin), with a reported selectivity for VAMP2 in rats. We found spatially heterogeneous expression of VAMP1 and VAMP2 in the hippocampus. Inhibitory terminals in stratum pyramidale expressed significantly more VAMP1 than VAMP2, while glutamatergic terminals in stratum radiatum expressed significantly more VAMP2 than VAMP1. Intrahippocampal injection of TeNT at doses that induce epileptic foci cleaved both isoforms in tissue around the injection site. The cleavage was modest at 2 days after injection and more substantial and extensive at 8 and 16 days. Whole-cell recordings from CA1 pyramidal cells close to the injection site, made 8–16 days after injection, showed that TeNT decreases spontaneous EPSC frequency to 38 % of control and VAMP2 immunoreactive axon terminals to 37 %. In contrast, TeNT almost completely abolished both spontaneous and evoked IPSCs while decreasing VAMP1 axon terminals to 45 %. We conclude that due to the functional selectivity of the toxin to the relative sparing of excitatory synaptic transmission shifts the network to pathogenically excitable state causing epilepsy. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00429-013-0697-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Early hydrocephalus in Listeria meningitis: Case report and review of the literature

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    Listeria monocytogenes is a gram-positive bacterium with a predilection to infect the central nervous system, often affecting immunocompromised or elderly patients. The most common manifestations are meningitis and rhomboencephalitis. We report two cases of Listeria meningitis complicated by acute hydrocephalus several days after presentation and we further review the literature of similar cases. We conclude that acute hydrocephalus is a significant, not often recognized, complication of Listeria meningitis, usually occurring several days from onset when coverage did not include anti-Listeria antimicrobials. In high risk patients, meningitis combined with acute hydrocephalus is suggestive of LM infection. Keywords: Listeria monocytogenes meningitis, Hydrocephalu

    Tissue multicolor STED nanoscopy of presynaptic proteins in the calyx of held

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    The calyx of Held, a large glutamatergic terminal in the mammalian auditory brainstem has been extensively employed to study presynaptic structure and function in the central nervous system. Nevertheless, the nanoarchitecture of presynaptic proteins and subcellular components in the calyx terminal and its relation to functional properties of synaptic transmission is only poorly understood. Here, we use stimulated emission depletion (STED) nanoscopy of calyces in thin sections of aldehyde-fixed rat brain tissue to visualize immuno-labeled synaptic proteins including VGluT1, synaptophysin, Rab3A and synapsin with a lateral resolution of approximately 40 nm. Excitation multiplexing of suitable fluorescent dyes deciphered the spatial arrangement of the presynaptic phospho-protein synapsin relative to synaptic vesicles labeled with anti-VGluT1. Both predominantly occupied the same focal volume, yet may exist in exclusive domains containing either VGluT1 or synapsin immunoreactivity. While the latter have been observed with diffraction-limited fluorescence microscopy, STED microscopy for the first time revealed VGluT1-positive domains lacking synapsins. This observation supports the hypothesis that molecularly and structurally distinct synaptic vesicle pools operate in presynaptic nerve terminals

    36th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine : Brussels, Belgium. 15-18 March 2016.

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