236 research outputs found

    Designing and Building Client-Server Based Student Admission Applications

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    Admission of New Students is a routine activity organized by the Educational Institution. Early Childhood Education (PAUD) is included in out-of-school education in the age range of two to five years, the goal is to help improve physical and spiritual growth and development so that children have the readiness to enter further education. Admission of New Students to Al-Qudwah is still done using prospective students visiting Al-Qudwah and filling out the registration form with paper. New Student Admission Application at Al Quwah aims to promote the school to the community at large and can also be registered without parents of prospective students visiting educational institutions. This application makes it easy for parents of prospective students to find out the facilities and infrastructure and the information available on Al Quwah. We built this application using HTML and PHP programming languages with the PHP MySQL database and using the waterfall method

    Hydrodynamique et qualité des eaux souterraines dans le bassin sédimentaire de Douala (Cameroun): cas des aquifères sur formations Quaternaires et Tertiaires

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    La ville de Douala souffre de l’insuffisance de l’alimentation en eau potable et les populations se retournent vers les eaux des puits et forages sans garantie de qualité. Cette étude contribue à établir une relation entre la lithologie, la qualité et la dynamique des eaux souterraines. Les prospections cartographique, hydrologique, hydrogéologique et géoélectrique, les implantations et suivi de l’exécution des forages ainsi que des analyses physico-chimiques et bactériologiques des eaux ont été réalisés. La lithologie du bassin entre 0 et 100 m de profondeur comprend les alluvions, des sables, argiles et grès en alternance. Les donnéesgéophysiques et de foration montrent deux principaux aquifères: les nappes superficielles (de 0 à 17 m) et les nappes profondes (de 20 à 73 m). La minéralisation influencée par l’interaction eau-roche et la mer, évolue en moyenne entre 336,99 mg/l et 129,95 mg/l dans les nappes superficielles ; 180,08 mg/l et 71,64 mg/l dans les nappes profondes respectivement à Douala 4ème et Douala 3ème. L’hydrochimie montre une évolution des eaux du faciès bicarbonaté calcique au faciès chloruré et sulfaté calcique et magnésien sans liaison avec l’âge des formations. Les analyses bactériologiques des eaux montrent que les nappes profondes sont de bonne qualité, tandis que les nappes superficielles abritent des coliformes totaux, coliformes et streptocoques fécaux. Les eaux des nappes superficielles évoluent d’une qualité assez bonne à médiocre à Douala 4ème (33 à 2651 UFC/100 ml; 10 à 1700 UFC/100 ml et 26 à 2868 UFC/100 ml respectivement pour les coliformes totaux, coliformes etstreptocoques fécaux) ou suspecte à Douala 3ème (46 à 462 UFC/100 ml; 12 à 350 UFC/100 ml et 71 à 362 UFC/100 ml respectivement pour les coliformes totaux, coliformes et streptocoques fécaux)

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) Pemberian Kredit di Adira Quantum Multifinance Cabang Tasikmalaya Metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW)

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    Sejauh ini beberapa mekanisme pengambilan keputusan pemberian kredit masih dikerjakan secara pencatatan serta penilaian yang dilakukan tiap petugas dilapangan tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan, maka perlu untuk membangun suatu sistem yang dapat membantu Perusahaan memberikan keputusan secara tepat dan sesuai. Untuk membantu penentuan dalam menetapkan seseorang yang layak menerima kredit maka dibutuhkan sebuah sistem pendukung keputusan (SPK). Begitupun yang dilakukan PT Adira Quantum Multifinance Cabang Tasikmalay diperlukan alat bantu SPK dengan menggunakan metode Simple Additivr Weight (SAW), sesuai dengan permasalahan yang ditemukan disini adalah banyaknya yang mengajukan kredit membuat pihak Perusahaan menjadi sulit dan proses yang lama karena proses dengan keputusan dengan cara sistem pencatatan untuk menentukan yang berhak sesuai kriteria-kriteria yang sudah ditentukan. Metode perancangan yang dilakukan menggunakan metode System Depelovement Life Cycle (SDLC) dengan model waterfall. Sehingga Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) ini sangat relevan untuk digunakan di PT Adira Quantum Multifinance Cabang Tasikmalaya, dan sistem selanjutnya dapat dikembangkan dengan lebih multi fungsi bagi Perusahaan

    Studi Pengaruh Magnetisasi Sistem Dipol Terhadap Karakteristik Kerosin

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    Dipole Magnetization Effect to Kerosene Characteristics. Investigation of kerosene characteristics has been done byex-situ dipole magnetization. The results show that magnetization technique can be able to influence kerosenecharacteristics. Polarity and viscosity of the kerosene are observed by measuring refractive index and viscosity. An hourof 4330 Gauss flux magnetic will increase refractive index from 1.447 to 1.449 and decrease the viscosity from 1.278 to1.256. Those changing support de-clustering occurrence and polarity increment of kerosene molecule. Gaschromatography and infrared result show that those changing do not alter kerosene structure and composition

    Level of Motivation and Adoption of Innovation at Pig Farming in Southwest Sumba Regency

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    The development of pig farming aims to support the economy of the people in the Southwest Sumba Regency. Pigs in this area have a very high cultural value, so they have promising potential and prospects in the future. The problem is that the maintenance system is still semi-extensive and tends to be traditional. This situation can be related to the motive in trying and efforts to adopt an innovation. This study aimed to analyze the level of motivation and the factors that influence the adoption of innovation in raising pigs. The research method used a survey method with direct observation in the field. They are determining the area using the multistage cluster random sampling method obtained from sample sub-districts, namely Tambolaka District (Tambolaka City and Wee Londa) and South Wewewa District (Tena Teke Village and Delo). The research material was 120 pig farmers taken by purposive random sampling. The measured variables include the motivation to raise livestock using a Likert scale and factors influencing innovation adoption using multiple linear regression tests. The software used is Eviews 10. The study results show that: 1) Most of the pig breeders in Southwest Sumba Regency are based on high economic, social, and entertainment motives in pig farming. 2) The regression results show that the variables that have a significant effect on the level of adoption with a prob value below the significant level of 0.05 are the variables of motivation and access to information. While the variables that have no significant effect on the level of innovation adoption with a prob value above the significant level of 0.05 are the variables of age, education level, family dependents, livestock experience, number of livestock, and accessibility. This study concludes that business motives and adoption of innovations affect the success or failure of pig-rearing businesses in the Southwest Sumba district

    Aplikasi Pengenalan Tarian dan Lagu Tradisional Indonesia Berbasis Multimedia

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    Keaneka ragaman adat dan budaya di Iindonesia sebagai warisan nenek moyang yang tidak ternilai harganya merupakan salah satu cerminan masyarakat Indonesia sebagai makhluk bermoral, berakal dan berperasaan. Keanekaragaman adat dan budaya Indonesia seperti upacara adat, kesenian, tari-tarian, senjata tradisional, lagu-lagu daerah dan pakaianadat memiliki nilai-nilai moral yang dapat dijadikan landasan dan diimplementasikan di kehidupan nyata. Dalam upaya melestarikan budaya Indonesia perlu adanya pengenalan tentang adat dan budaya Indonesia terhadap putra dan putri bangsa sejak usia dini agar budaya nusantara tetap lestari dan tidak hilang bahkan punah, terutama tari-tarian dan lagu nusantara yang selalu menjadi kekuatan dan ciri khas dari budaya Indonesia di mata dunia. Membangun multimedia interaktif merupakan inovasi yang tepat dalam memperkenalkan budaya Indonesia. Metode dalam pengembangan aplikasi ini menggunakan Interactive Multimedia System Design & Development Cycle secara khusus memberikan pembahasan mengenai tahapan pengembangan dan perancangan untuk sistem multimedia interaktif, hasil dari pembuatan aplikasi di uji terlebih dahulu dengan white box testing sebelum di publikasikan


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    A Glu-1Dx5 allele, encoding for a high molecular weight glutenin sub unit Dx5, has been experimentally proven to be a major determinant for dough elasticity and functionality of bread wheat. Considering its important role, this gene has been successfully transferred to rice cv Fatmawati using particle bombardment. Some promising lines derived from consecutive generations have been obtained, however early biosafety assessment for transgenic plant is required in order to scientifically evaluate the equality of transgenic rice lines to their counterpart.Two promising lines (T3-19 and T3-20) which are supposed to be homozygous were subjected to weediness and biochemical evaluation. The evaluation of invasiveness as a measure of weediness was carried out in biosafety containment of BB Biogen, Bogor by growing a mixture of transgenic and non­transgenic. Biochemical testing was evaluated for nitrogen, carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamin, ash, minerals (Ca and Mg), and 17 amino acids. Weediness testing revealed that competitiveness of transgenic rice plants grown in screen house as well as biosafety containment was equal with those of non transgenic plants, suggesting that transgenic rice plants have not high potency to be invasive. Transgenic rice seed had equal nutritive value with those of counterpart. These results indicate that transgenic rice plants (seeds) are substantially equivalent to non transgenic original lines except for the presence of Glu-1Dx5 gene.Keywords: Glutenin, Invasiveness, Nutrient composition, Transgenic rice


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    This study aims to prove the existence of factors that influence the absorption of the expenditure budget at Badan Keuangan dan Aset Daerah Kota Kupang through filling out a questionnaire for employees at the agency. The focus of this research is on the analysis of factors that influence budget absorption using the aspects of planning documents, human resource factors, and procurement documents.This type of research is causality research, namely a research design designed to examine the possibility of a causal relationship between variables. The data analysis technique used in this research is multiple linear regression with the help of the SPSS 16 programThe results of this study indicate that there is a positive and significant effect of planning documents, human resources (HR), and procurement documents on budget absorption at Badan Keuangan dan Aset Daerah Kota Kupang. The significance level of the planning document variable (0.006) is less than the significant level (0.05); it can be concluded that hypothesis 1 is accepted. The level of significance of the human resources variable (0.025) is less than the significant level (0.05); it can be concluded that hypothesis 2 is accepted. The significance level of the procurement document variable (0.001) is less than the significant level (0.05), it can be concluded that hypothesis 3 is accepted


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    Abstract. This article aims to understand the approach used by Faith Based Organization (FBO) in the tackling and handling program of HIV and AIDS, in relation to the  prevention, infection, as well as the treatment in social-cultural perspective. The data collecting is done through profound interview and observation in two research areas: North-Beach Areas (Pantai Utara), Central Java and Denpasar, Bali. Both locus were chosen and compared based on the differences in socio-cultural formation, particularly in the religious background majority which in control of the social life. It is found that the involvement of both the institution and religious leaders in the countermeasures of HIV and AIDS has a strategical value either directly or indirectly. The involvement of religious organizations in these two areas, even though differ in effectiveness, scale of implementation, problems encountered, value approach, intervention and organizational attachment, and the social-cultural construction of the society has adduced changes in discourse and practices related to the HIV and AIDS issues, either in the circle of the religious leaders and the community in general. The North-Beach area in Central Java which only for the past five years go through with the countermeasures program of HIV and AIDS formally, structurally, direct, and organizational by FBO in this case Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), has the effectivity and acceptance for different people and slower that what has happened in Bali, where the FBO tends to be involved through non-organizational network.Keywords: HIV, AIDS, ODHA, Religion, Moslem, Hindu-Bali, FBO, NU, BanjarAbstrak. Artikel ini bertujuan memahami pendekatan yang dilakukan Lembaga Berbasis Keagamaan atau Faith Based Organization (FBO) dalam program penanggulangan dan penanganan HIV dan AIDS, baik terkait dengan pencegahan, penularan maupun perawatan dalam perspektif sosial-budaya. Pengumpulan data dilakukan lewat wawancara mendalam dan observasi di dua wilayah penelitian, yaitu: daerah Pantai Utara, Jawa Tengah dan Denpasar, Bali. Kedua lokus dipilih dan dibandingkan dengan alasan memiliki formasi sosio-kultural berbeda terutama dalam latar belakang agama mayoritas penduduk yang mengatur kehidupan bermasyarakat. Ditemukan bahwa pelibatan lembaga dan tokoh keagamaan dalam penanggulangan HIV dan AIDS punya nilai strategis, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Pelibatan organisasi keagamaan di dua daerah ini, sekalipun berbeda dalam hal efektifitas, skala pelaksanaan, masalah yang dihadapi, pendekatan nilai, intervensi dan keterikatan organisasional serta konstruksi sosial-budaya masyarakat telah menunjukkan adanya perubahan wacana dan praktek terkait dengan isu HIV dan AIDS, baik di kalangan pemuka agama dan masyarakat luas. Daerah Pantai Utara Jawa Tengah yang kurang-lebih baru saja lima tahun melaksanakan program penanganan HIV dan AIDS secara formal, struktural, langsung dan organisasional oleh FBO dalam hal ini Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), memiliki efektifitas dan penerimaan di kalangan masyarakat yang berbeda serta lebih lambat daripada yang terjadi di Bali, dimana FBO cenderung dilibatkan lewat jejarang non-organisasional.Kata Kunci: HIV, AIDS, ODHA, Agama, Islam, Hindu-Bali, FBO, NU, Banja
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