3,748 research outputs found

    Fast-to-Alfv\'en mode conversion mediated by Hall current. II Application to the solar atmosphere

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    Coupling between fast magneto-acoustic and Alfv\'en waves can be observe in fully ionized plasmas mediated by stratification and 3D geometrical effects. In Paper I, Cally & Khomenko (2015) have shown that in a weakly ionized plasma, such as the solar photosphere and chromosphere, the Hall current introduces a new coupling mechanism. The present study extends the results from Paper I to the case of warm plasma. We report on numerical experiments where mode transformation is studied using quasi-realistic stratification in thermodynamic parameters resembling the solar atmosphere. This redresses the limitation of the cold plasma approximation assumed in Paper I, in particular allowing the complete process of coupling between fast and slow magneto-acoustic modes and subsequent coupling of the fast mode to the Alfv\'en mode through the Hall current. Our results confirm the efficacy of the mechanism proposed in Paper I for the solar case. We observe that the efficiency of the transformation is a sensitive function of the angle between the wave propagation direction and the magnetic field, and of the wave frequency. The efficiency increases when the field direction and the wave direction are aligned for increasing wave frequencies. After scaling our results to typical solar values, the maximum amplitude of the transformed Alfv\'en waves, for a frequency of 1 Hz, corresponds to an energy flux (measured above the height of peak Hall coupling) of 103\sim10^3 Wm2\rm W\,m^{-2}, based on an amplitude of 500 ms1\rm m\,s^{-1} at β=1\beta=1, which is sufficient to play a major role in both quiet and active region coronal heating

    Basic Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Manual

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    The purpose of this publication is to systematize the knowledge necessary to make Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) or Cardiorespiratory Resuscitation (CRR) known to nursing health specialists, which translates as a set of temporary and internationally standardized maneuvers assigned to ensure the oxygenation of the vital organs when the blood circulation of an individual stops suddenly, independently of the cause of the Cardiorespiratory arrest (CRA). This knowledge is found correctly delimited in The Basic Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Manual, which especially emphasizes the step-by-step methodology and techniques to follow for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). This is a basic work that cannot be overlooked by health care specialists, the society, and the public in general, because of the high probability that this situation will present at some moment in life. Thus, it is recommended to be prepared to help some person in an emergency situation. The manual is an excellent consultation work for health professionals. Given that what is expressed in this work is fundamental for life, and its objective is to make known the relevant information concerning the knowledge of CPR

    Lime amendment effects on physico-chemical and chemical fluctuations of flooded soils

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    Rice growth in wetlands or paddy soils is economically important in Latin America.Lime amendment is becoming a conventional practice for rice production in this area. A field study was conducted to compare changes induced by liming paddy soils in Corrientes (Argentina). Three different treatments were considered: a control plot, with no lime addition, and two amended plots with 625 kg/ha and 1250 kg/ha rates of dolomite application. Before flooding and at two week intervals during ten weeks after flooding, the following soil physico-chemical and chemical parameters were measured in each of the treatments: Eh, pH, NH 4+-N, extractable Mn and Fe and P. In all the three treatments two weeks after flooding a sharply Eh fall and simultaneously a sharply pH rise was observed. Lime addition showed a clear trend to lower Eh values, all over the waterlogging study period. However, the initial differences in pH between the control plot and plots amended with dolomite vanished at the end of the ten weeks experience. Before flooding, high NH4+-N differences between treatments were also observed. In the control plot, the trend during anaerobiosis was to increase the low initial NH 4+- N level, whereas the high NH4+-N content at the beginning of the experience in the amended plots was somewhat reduced. Extractable Mn and Fe increased as a function of flooding duration and lime addition increased the extractability of these two elements, so that at the end of the experience Mn and Fe levels were much higher in dolomite amended plots than in control. Olsen- extractable P was also initially higher in the amended plots than in the control plot and after flooding no unique fluctuation trend was observed

    Sensitivity plots for WIMP modulation searches

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    Prospects of WIMP searches using the annual modulation signature are discussed on statistical grounds, introducing sensitivity plots for the WIMP-nucleon scalar cross section.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, talk given at TAUP'99, september 199

    Síntesis estratigráfica del Terciario del borde Sur de la Cuenca del Ebro: unidades genéticas

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    In the southern margin of the Ebro Basin eigth Tectosedimentary Units (TSU) have been defined by means of the application of tectosedimentary analysis. These units are limited by sedimentary breaks which can be recognized in the whole studied area. The sedimentary breaks are genetically related to diastrophic evolution, and they are shown as angular or syntectonic unconformities at the basin margins. Each TSU has aparticular sequential evolution, generally complex, but with a similar trend in the entire area. For each unit the litologic composition, evolution, boundaries and chronostratigraphy are established. The three first units are placed in the Palaeogene, the fourth one includes the Palaeogene-Neogene boundary and the four last ones are Neogene in age. The chronostratigraphic interval of each one is, respectively: Thanetian-Bartonian, Bartonian-Priabonian, Priabonian-Lower Oligocene, Upper Oligocene-Agenian, Agenim-Middle Aragonian, Middle Aragonim-Upper Aragonian, Upper Aragonian-Upper Vallesian, and Turolian. Finally the equivalences between the Tectosedimentary Units and the cartographic units defiiied by other authors have been establised

    The Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay: The Case for Germanium Detectors

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    An overview of the current status of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay is presented, emphasizing on the case of Germanium Detectors.Comment: 5 figures, Invited contribution at the XXX International Meeting on Fundamental Physics, IMFP2002, February 2002, Jaca, Spain. To appear in Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl

    Necesidades, intereses, barreras y atributos de un profesor investigador

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    Este trabajo da cuenta del proceso que se realizó durante un año, acerca de encontrar los elementos que constituyen a un profesor investigador, como las necesidades, intereses barreras y atributos, para lo cual se realizaron tres estudios de caso a tres profesoras de matemáticas de educación básica y media de Bogotá, realizando observaciones y entrevistas para recolectar información que posteriormente se analizarla y llegar a algunas conclusiones acerca de dichos elementos