331 research outputs found

    R&D results on a CsI-TTGEM based photodetector

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    The very high momentum particle identification detector proposed for the ALICE upgrade is a focusing RICH using a C4F10 gaseous radiator. For the detection of Cherenkov photons, one of the options currently under investigation is to use a CsI coated Triple-Thick-GEM (CsI-TTGEM) with metallic or resistive electrodes. We will present results from the laboratory studies as well as preliminary results of beam tests of a RICH detector prototype consisting of a CaF2 radiator coupled to a 10x10 cm2 CsI-TTGEM equipped with a pad readout and GASSIPLEX-based front-end electronics. With such a prototype the detection of Cherenkov photons simultaneously with minimum ionizing particles has been achieved for the first time in a stable operation mode

    Qualification Tests of the R11410-21 Photomultiplier Tubes for the XENON1T Detector

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    The Hamamatsu R11410-21 photomultiplier tube is the photodetector of choice for the XENON1T dual-phase time projection chamber. The device has been optimized for a very low intrinsic radioactivity, a high quantum efficiency and a high sensitivity to single photon detection. A total of 248 tubes are currently operated in XENON1T, selected out of 321 tested units. In this article the procedures implemented to evaluate the large number of tubes prior to their installation in XENON1T are described. The parameter distributions for all tested tubes are shown, with an emphasis on those selected for XENON1T, of which the impact on the detector performance is discussed. All photomultipliers have been tested in a nitrogen atmosphere at cryogenic temperatures, with a subset of the tubes being tested in gaseous and liquid xenon, simulating their operating conditions in the dark matter detector. The performance and evaluation of the tubes in the different environments is reported and the criteria for rejection of PMTs are outlined and quantified.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figure

    Resonant Third-Integer Extraction from the PS2

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    For the proposed PS2 accelerator several extraction systems are needed, including a slow third-integer resonant extraction. The requirements are presented together with the conceptual considerations for the sextupole locations and strengths, the separatrices at the extraction elements and the aperture implications for the overall machine. Calculations of the phase space separatrices have been computed with a new code for the physics of slow resonant extraction, which is briefly reviewed. Implications for the extraction equipment design and for the injection-extraction straight section optics are discussed


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    ABSTRACTThe application of Government Accounting Standards in the preparation of financial statements is one indicator of opinion giving by the Supreme Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK-RI). Based on the results of BPK RI 2015 examination of 109 local governments in Indonesia, the efforts made by local governments had not been fully effective, where the results of the examination indicated the problems related to policies, information technology and human resources to support accrual-based financial reporting. The Government of Kepulauan Selayar has only implemented accrual-based accounting in the last two years. This study aimed to analyze the performance of the government of Kepulauan Selayar in overcoming the problems related to the human resources of financial report makers as a consideration to setting strategy priorities to increase human resources readiness that supported the implementation of accrual-based accounting using the method of Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Gap Analysis. To solve human resource problems required strategies i.e. creating a mutation and promotion policy that supported the accrual-based accounting implementation, creating competency on planning documents and human resource training, making planning documents on education needs and accrual basis accounting training, and financial administration officials must be from the alumni of accounting training.Key words: Accrual-Based Financial Reporting, Kepulauan Selayar, IPA, AHPABSTRAKPenerapan Standar Akuntansi Pemerintahan dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan merupakan salah satu indikator pemberian opini oleh Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Republik Indonesia (BPK-RI). Berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan BPK tahun 2015 terhadap 109 Pemda di Indonesia, menyimpulkan bahwa upaya yang telah dilakukan pemerintah daerah belum sepenuhnya efektif, di mana hasil pemeriksaan menunjukkan adanya permasalahan terkait kebijakan, teknologi informasi dan SDM untuk mendukung pelaporan keuangan berbasis akrual. Pemerintah Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar baru mengimplementasikan akuntansi berbasis akrual dalam dua tahun terakhir ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kinerja Pemda Kepulauan Selayar dalam mengatasi masalah terkait SDM pembuat laporan keuangan sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam menetapkan prioritas kebijakan yang dapat menunjang implementasi akuntansi berbasis akrual menggunakan metode Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) dan Gap Analysis, dan merumuskan strategi prioritas peningkatan kesiapan SDM dalam implementasi SAP berbasis akrual menggunakan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Untuk meningkatkan kesiapan SDM memerlukan strategi membuat kebijakan mutasi dan promosi yang mendukung implementasi akuntansi berbasis akrual, Membuat dokumen perencanaan kebutuhan kompetensi dan pelatihan SDM, Membuat dokumen perencanaan kebutuhan diklat penerapan akuntansi berbasis akrual, dan Pejabat Penatausahaan Keuangan Organisasi Perangkat Daerah harus dari alumni diklat akuntansi.Kata Kunci: Laporan Keuangan Berbasis Akrual, Kepulauan Selayar, IPA, AHP

    First observation of Cherenkov rings with a large area CsI-TGEM-based RICH prototype

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    We have built a RICH detector prototype consisting of a liquid C6F14 radiator and six triple Thick Gaseous Electron Multipliers (TGEMs), each of them having an active area of 10x10 cm2. One triple TGEM has been placed behind the liquid radiator in order to detect the beam particles, whereas the other five have been positioned around the central one at a distance to collect the Cherenkov photons. The upstream electrode of each of the TGEM stacks has been coated with a 0.4 micron thick CsI layer. In this paper, we will present the results from a series of laboratory tests with this prototype carried out using UV light, 6 keV photons from 55Fe and electrons from 90Sr as well as recent results of tests with a beam of charged pions where for the first time Cherenkov Ring images have been successfully recorded with TGEM photodetectors. The achieved results prove the feasibility of building a large area Cherenkov detector consisting of a matrix of TGEMs.Comment: Presented at the International Conference NDIP-11, Lyon,July201

    VHMPID: a new detector for the ALICE experiment at LHC

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    This article presents the basic idea of VHMPID, an upgrade detector for the ALICE experiment at LHC, CERN. The main goal of this detector is to extend the particle identification capabilities of ALICE to give more insight into the evolution of the hot and dense matter created in Pb-Pb collisions. Starting from the physics motivations and working principles the challenges and current status of development is detailed.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures. To be published in EPJ Web of Conference

    Qualification Tests of the R11410-21 Photomultiplier Tubes for the XENON1T Detector

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    The Hamamatsu R11410-21 photomultiplier tube is the photodetector of choice for the XENON1T dual-phase time projection chamber. The device has been optimized for a very low intrinsic radioactivity, a high quantum efficiency and a high sensitivity to single photon detection. A total of 248 tubes are currently operated in XENON1T, selected out of 321 tested units. In this article the procedures implemented to evaluate the large number of tubes prior to their installation in XENON1T are described. The parameter distributions for all tested tubes are shown, with an emphasis on those selected for XENON1T, of which the impact on the detector performance is discussed. All photomultipliers have been tested in a nitrogen atmosphere at cryogenic temperatures, with a subset of the tubes being tested in gaseous and liquid xenon, simulating their operating conditions in the dark matter detector. The performance and evaluation of the tubes in the different environments is reported and the criteria for rejection of PMTs are outlined and quantified

    Lowering the radioactivity of the photomultiplier tubes for the XENON1T dark matter experiment

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    The low-background, VUV-sensitive 3-inch diameter photomultiplier tube R11410 has been developed by Hamamatsu for dark matter direct detection experiments using liquid xenon as the target material. We present the results from the joint effort between the XENON collaboration and the Hamamatsu company to produce a highly radio-pure photosensor (version R11410-21) for the XENON1T dark matter experiment. After introducing the photosensor and its components, we show the methods and results of the radioactive contamination measurements of the individual materials employed in the photomultiplier production. We then discuss the adopted strategies to reduce the radioactivity of the various PMT versions. Finally, we detail the results from screening 216 tubes with ultra-low background germanium detectors, as well as their implications for the expected electronic and nuclear recoil background of the XENON1T experiment.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Search for Event Rate Modulation in XENON100 Electronic Recoil Data

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    We have searched for periodic variations of the electronic recoil event rate in the (2-6) keV energy range recorded between February 2011 and March 2012 with the XENON100 detector, adding up to 224.6 live days in total. Following a detailed study to establish the stability of the detector and its background contributions during this run, we performed an un-binned profile likelihood analysis to identify any periodicity up to 500 days. We find a global significance of less than 1 sigma for all periods suggesting no statistically significant modulation in the data. While the local significance for an annual modulation is 2.8 sigma, the analysis of a multiple-scatter control sample and the phase of the modulation disfavor a dark matter interpretation. The DAMA/LIBRA annual modulation interpreted as a dark matter signature with axial-vector coupling of WIMPs to electrons is excluded at 4.8 sigma.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
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