337 research outputs found

    Sistem Informasi Geografis Letak Lokasi Rumah Sakit Dan Apotek Kota Bengkulu Berbasis Android

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    Evolving current technologies such as mobile technology, its One Android smartphone technology, with the advancement of technology information system layout and Apotekpun Hospital location can be searched via the android smartphone. The purpose of this research is aimed to make the mapping location-based services (LBS) android based Bengkulu tour. This application can help the City Health Department to find out where the course layout Hospital and Pharmacy Loca-tions that have been established. The application is built Android using Java programming ADT software Bundle in which there is Eclipse as editor java programming language, as a plugin for the Eclipse ADT, and the SDK for Android based application development interests. The end result of this research is a system information application layout and location of the hospital-based pharmacies android. Information Systems and Location of Hospital Pharmacy Location This facilitates the City and the public health department to locate the location of hospitals and pharmacies in the city of Bengkulu

    Characterization of neurophysiologic and neurocognitive biomarkers for use in genomic and clinical outcome studies of schizophrenia.

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    BackgroundEndophenotypes are quantitative, laboratory-based measures representing intermediate links in the pathways between genetic variation and the clinical expression of a disorder. Ideal endophenotypes exhibit deficits in patients, are stable over time and across shifts in psychopathology, and are suitable for repeat testing. Unfortunately, many leading candidate endophenotypes in schizophrenia have not been fully characterized simultaneously in large cohorts of patients and controls across these properties. The objectives of this study were to characterize the extent to which widely-used neurophysiological and neurocognitive endophenotypes are: 1) associated with schizophrenia, 2) stable over time, independent of state-related changes, and 3) free of potential practice/maturation or differential attrition effects in schizophrenia patients (SZ) and nonpsychiatric comparison subjects (NCS). Stability of clinical and functional measures was also assessed.MethodsParticipants (SZ n = 341; NCS n = 205) completed a battery of neurophysiological (MMN, P3a, P50 and N100 indices, PPI, startle habituation, antisaccade), neurocognitive (WRAT-3 Reading, LNS-forward, LNS-reorder, WCST-64, CVLT-II). In addition, patients were rated on clinical symptom severity as well as functional capacity and status measures (GAF, UPSA, SOF). 223 subjects (SZ n = 163; NCS n = 58) returned for retesting after 1 year.ResultsMost neurophysiological and neurocognitive measures exhibited medium-to-large deficits in schizophrenia, moderate-to-substantial stability across the retest interval, and were independent of fluctuations in clinical status. Clinical symptoms and functional measures also exhibited substantial stability. A Longitudinal Endophenotype Ranking System (LERS) was created to rank neurophysiological and neurocognitive biomarkers according to their effect sizes across endophenotype criteria.ConclusionsThe majority of neurophysiological and neurocognitive measures exhibited deficits in patients, stability over a 1-year interval and did not demonstrate practice or time effects supporting their use as endophenotypes in neural substrate and genomic studies. These measures hold promise for informing the "gene-to-phene gap" in schizophrenia research

    Efektivitas Vct dan Cs dalam Menumbuhkembangkan Sikap terhadap Wirausaha

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    This study was aimed at determining the effectiveness of VCT and CS in developing students' attitudeon entrepreneurship which concerned onstudent's adversity question. The method used was a quasi-experiment. Hypothesis was tested by using two paths variance analysis and independent two samples t-test. The results showed that (1) There was a difference on the students' attitude on entrepreneurship between those who taught by VCT learning model and those who taught by CS learning model. (2) There was an effect of interaction between learning model and adversity question towards entrepreneurship. (3) The students taught by VCT learning model had more positive attitude towards entrepreneurship than those taught by CS learning model for the students who had high adversity question. (4) The students taught by CS learning model had more positive attitude towards entrepreneurship than those taught by VCT learning model for the students who had low adversity qustion.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efektivitas VCT dan CS dalam menumbuhkembangkan sikap terhadap wirausaha siswa dengan memperhatikan kecerdasan adversitas.Metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimen semu.Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan rumus analisis varian dua jalan dan t-test dua sampel independen. Hasil analisis menunjukkan (1) Terdapat perbedaan sikap siswa terhadap wirausaha antara siswa yang pembelajarannya menggunakan model pembelajaran VCT dengan siswa yang pembelajarannya menggunakan model pembelajaran CS. (2) Ada pengaruh interaksi antara model pembelajaran dengan kecerdasan adversitas terhadap wirausaha. (3) Sikap terhadap wirausaha yang pembelajarannya menggunakan model pembelajaran VCT lebih positif dibandingkan dengan siswa yang pembelajarannya menggunakan model pembelajaran CS pada siswa yang memiliki kecerdasan adversitas tinggi. (4) Sikap terhadap wirausaha yang pembelajarannya menggunakan model pembelajaran CS lebih positif dibandingkan dengan siswa yang pembelajarannya menggunakan model pembelajaran VCT pada siswa yang memiliki kecerdasan adversitas rendah

    Midlife women, bone health, vegetables, herbs and fruit study. The Scarborough Fair study protocol

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    BACKGROUND: Bone loss is accelerated in middle aged women but increased fruit/vegetable intake positively affects bone health by provision of micronutrients essential for bone formation, buffer precursors which reduce acid load and phytochemicals affecting inflammation and oxidative stress. Animal studies demonstrated bone resorption inhibiting properties of specific vegetables, fruit and herbs a decade ago. Objective: To increase fruit/vegetable intake in post menopausal women to 9 servings/day using a food specific approach to significantly reduce dietary acid load and include specific vegetables, fruit and herbs with bone resorbing inhibiting properties to assess effect on bone turnover, metabolic and inflammatory markers. METHODS/DESIGN: The Scarborough Fair Study is a randomised active comparator controlled multi centre trial. It aimed to increase fruit and vegetable intake in 100 post menopausal women from ≤ 5 servings/day to ≥ 9 servings/day for 3 months. The women in the dietary intervention were randomly assigned to one of the two arms of the study. Both groups consumed ≥ 9 servings/day of fruit/vegetables and selected herbs but the diet of each group emphasised different fruit/vegetables/herbs with one group (B) selecting from a range of vegetables, fruit and culinary herbs with bone resorbing inhibiting properties. 50 women formed a negative control group (Group C usual diet). Primary outcome variables were plasma bone markers assessed at baseline, 6 weeks and 12 weeks. Secondary outcome variables were plasma inflammation and metabolic markers and urinary electrolytes (calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium) assessed at baseline and 12 weeks. Dietary intake and urine pH change also were outcome variables. The dietary change was calculated with 3 day diet diaries and a 24 hour recall. Intervention participants kept a twice weekly record of fruit, vegetable and herb intake and urine pH. DISCUSSION: This study will provide information on midlife women’s bone health and how a dietary intervention increasing fruit and vegetable/herb intake affects bone, inflammatory and metabolic markers and urinary electrolyte excretion. It assesses changes in nutrient intake, estimated dietary acid load and sodium: potassium ratios. The study also explores whether specific fruit/vegetables and herbs with bone resorbing properties has an effect on bone markers. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ACTRN 1261100076394

    Building Better Collections Through Relationships: Sharing Expertise During Collection Downsizing

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    Boise State University’s Albertsons Library undertook a substantial collection downsizing project in 2017. A survey tool was developed to investigate whether this project would strengthen working relationships between technical services staff and librarians. The survey would allow us to assess the process and its outcomes and gain insight into the emotions of those participating in the project. Survey results showed librarians and staff members had different experiences during the project. Librarians experienced more anxiety during the process than staff. More staff than librarians felt that there was a barrier to sharing their expertise due to their job role. Perceptions of technical services and librarians were not significantly changed throughout the process, although survey comments indicated an increased collegiality among staff and librarians as a result of the project. The comments of the survey respondents revealed that a high-level strategy for weeding and a shared understanding of objectives and best practices would have given the project more cohesion, supported buy-in, and increased participation. Using a survey such as this prior to undertaking a large-scale weeding process would help identify communication preferences, areas where training is needed, and best practices to use for the project. A similar survey after the project would evaluate the success of implantation from the perspective of library employees

    Organisational determinants of Employer Image: A case of the Tourism Industry in Poland

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    Growing recognition of the importance of the customer-employee interaction in the tourism service delivery has led to the need to increase efforts to attract and retain qualified and committed personnel. The objective of the paper is to analyze the dimensions of the company employment image in the tourism industry and to identify organizational factors which influence the perception of the tourism organization attractiveness as a workplace by potential employees. The study was conducted on the group of 351 undergraduates and graduates enrolled in tourism and hospitality studies in Poznan. Research revealed that students do not believe that careers in tourism will offer them values they expect. It was also found that tourism company employment image is affected by company size, level of internationalization, chain affiliation, ownership type, and type of services offered

    Stres w pracy pielęgniarek a podejmowane zachowania zdrowotne

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    Wstęp. Stres jest czynnikiem powszechnie spotykanym w życiu człowieka. Powstaje na skutek oddziaływania różnego rodzajów stresorów, zdarzeń. Stresowi mogą towarzyszyć negatywne emocje, takie jak: lęk, strach, złość czy agresja. Natomiast skutkiem jego działania mogą być zmiany fizjologiczne i biochemiczne w organizmie człowieka. Cel pracy. Celem pracy była ocena natężenia stresu odczuwanego przez personel pielęgniarski pracujący w oddziałach Intensywnej Terapii oraz wpływ na podejmowane zachowania zdrowotne. Materiał i metody. Badaniem objęto grupę 100 pielęgniarek pracujących na oddziałach Anestezjologii i Intensywnej Terapii Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego w Krakowie. Badanie przeprowadzono przy użyciu kwestionariusza ankiety własnej konstrukcji oraz Inwentarza Zachowań Zdrowotnych (IZZ) i Skali Odczuwanego Stresu PSS-10. Analizę statystyczną wykonano w pro-gramie Stat Soft. W przeprowadzonych analizach za poziom istotności przyjęto wartość p<0,05. Wyniki. Uzyskane wyniki wykazały iż 86% przebadanych pielęgniarek odczuwa stres podczas pracy. Zaobserwowano obecność istotnych statystycznie korelacji między poziomem odczuwanego przez badanych stresu a ogólnym poziomem zachowań zdrowotnych (p=0,002; r=-0,30). Im wyższy poziom stresu od-czuwają pielęgniarki, tym w mniejszym stopniu zwracają uwagę na podejmowane zachowania zdrowotne. Wnioski. Pielęgniarki pracujące na oddziałach Intensywnej Terapii są narażone na oddziaływanie wielu stresogennych bodźców (nagła czy trudna intubacja, reanimacja). Pielęgniarki w wyniku oddziaływania stresu nie przestrzegają prawidłowych zachowań zdrowotnych, co może powodować uszczerbki na ich zdrowiu. Badane osoby głównie przestrzegają zachowania zdrowotne w zakresie prawidłowych nawyków żywieniowych oraz pozytywnego nastawienia psychicznego. Natomiast w niskim stopniu dbają o prawidłowe zachowania profilaktyczne.Introduction. Stress is a common phenomenon in human life. It results from a variety of stressors and experiences. Stress may be accompanied by negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, anger or aggression. The exposure to stress, in turn, may lead to physiological and biochemical changes in human organism. Aim of the study. The objective of the study was to assess the intensity of stress experienced by nursing staff working in intensive care units and to examine its influence on nurses’ health behaviours. Materials and methods. The study was carried out in a group of 100 nurses working in anaesthesiology and intensive care units of the University Hospital in Cracow. The following research tools were applied in the study: a self-designed questionnaire, Health-Related Behaviour Inventory and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10). A statistical analysis was carried out with the application of Stat Soft programme. The significance level in the analyses was assumed at the value of p<0.05. Results. The results of the study show that 86% of the examined nurses experience stress at work. Statistically significant correlations were observed between the intensity of perceived stress and general health behaviours (p=0.002; r=-0.30). The higher stress nurses experience, the less attention they pay to health behaviours. Conclusions. Nurses working in intensive care units are exposed to numerous stress-inducing factors (sudden or difficult intubation, reanimation). As a result of stress nurses do not follow proper health behaviour routines, which may be detrimental to their health. The respondents tend to follow proper health behaviour routines as far as proper eating habits and positive mental attitude are concerned. However, they care very little about proper preventive measures

    The Grizzly, September 2, 2004

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    Governor Ed Rendell Visits Ursinus; Presents $5 Million State Grant for Performing Arts Center • Inside Scoop: What\u27s New at UC • I Am a Gay American : Reactions from the UC Community • Ursinus Safety Concerns: Past, Present, and Future • Dean Levy Announces New Faculty • Opinions: On a Date Between a Man and a Woman, Who Should Pay? • Summer Renovations at the Myrin Library • Jazzman\u27s Opens Cafe in Myrin Library • Fall Sports Outlook 2004: Editor\u27s Predictionshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1562/thumbnail.jp
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