1,516 research outputs found

    Linear response of light deformed nuclei investigated by self-consistent quasiparticle random-phase-approximation

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    We present a calculation of the properties of vibrational states in deformed, axially--symmetric even--even nuclei, within the framework of a fully self--consistent Quasparticle Random Phase Approximation (QRPA). The same Skyrme energy density and density-dependent pairing functionals are used to calculate the mean field and the residual interaction in the particle-hole and particle-particle channels. We have tested our software in the case of spherical nuclei against fully self consistent calculations published in the literature, finding excellent agreement. We investigate the consequences of neglecting the spin-orbit and Coulomb residual interactions in QRPA. Furthermore we discuss the improvement obtained in the QRPA result associated with the removal of spurious modes. Isoscalar and isovector responses in the deformed 2426{}^{24-26}Mg, 34^{34}Mg isotopes are presented and compared to experimental findings

    Peranan Orang Tua dalam Mengatasi Kenakalan Remaja Akibat Meminum Alkhohol Cap Tikus (Studi Kasus di Desa Talawaan Kecamatan Talawaan Kabupaten Minahasa Utara)”

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    Kids Teens who commit crimes were generally lacking self-control, or the control ofabusing themselves instead, and likes to enforce its own rules without regard to the presence of others in thevicinity. The incidence of such behaviour can also be caused by factors in socialization; they often hang outwith friends without looking at his background. And in general, these children very selfish, and likesto abuse or even exaggerate the price themselves. On the basis of a sense of glad they did it without regardto the effects that will be accepted. In rural areas, many acts of juvenile delinquency are very differentwith that occurs in urban areas, one of the causes of juvenile delinquency in rural areas is the drinking ofliquor among other drinks which high levels of alcohol such as the rat Stamp. Based on the backgroundof the issue that became a goal in this research is to know the role of parents in addressing the rateof juvenile delinquency as a result of the rat Stamp liquor in the village of Talawaan.The methods used in this research is qualitative research methods. In this study to understand aphenomenon in social context by nature with emphasis on the process ofdeep communication interaction between researchers with the phenomena examined. Techniquesof collection and processing of data in the research carried out in the form,namely: Observation/observation. Interview. Primary data and secondary data, the study documents.Results of the study prove that the forms of delinquency are experienced by teens affected by lackof parental control, the influence of the environment both in the school environment aswell as social environments, as well as the impact of globalization, among others, the influence of the massmedia such as television, Computer Media, and others. Results of the study prove that the forms of juveniledelinquency are extremely diverse and complex, where the offences and crimes committedby teenagers have already violated the rules and values of decency that occurred in the community suchas violating legal norms and customs

    The accuracy of the motor imagery and the ball reception in children

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    Estudios recientes observaron que las imágenes motrices se desarrollan de forma entrelazada con el desarrollo de las habilidades motrices en niños. La finalidad de este estudio es analizar en qué medida la imagen motriz de los elementos necesarios para resolver un problema motor (la recepción de un balón), se relaciona con los niveles de habilidad en niños (3 - 9 años). La muestra estuvo formada por 215 participantes (87 chicos y 118 chicas), (M = 5,94, DT = 1,47). Se ha utilizado una metodología mixta: dibujos, indicaciones gestuales, verbalización del pensamiento y una prueba práctica de recepción de balón. El MANOVA reveló diferencias significativas en las capacidades meta-cognitivas y motrices en función de las etapas de desarrollo. Un análisis de ecuaciones estructurales reveló que las capacidades meta-cognitivas median la relación entre las etapas de desarrollo y la habilidad de recepción de móviles. Se discuten sus repercusiones en el aprendizaje motorRecent studies have found that motor imaginery is developed linked to the development of motor skills in children. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the motor imaginery of the principal elements to solve a motor problem (ball reception) relates to the motor skill levels in children (3-9 years). The sample consisted of 215 participants (87 boys and 118 girls), (M = 5.94, SD = 1.47).We used a mixed methodology: drawings, gestural prompts, verbalization of thought and a practical test of ball reception. The MANOVA revealed significant differences in the meta-cognitive abilities and motor function of the developmental stages. A structural equation analysis revealed that meta-cognitive abilities mediate the relationship between the stages of development and the ability in the reception of moving objects. Their implications in motor learning are discusse

    Amplified Arctic Surface Warming and Sea Ice Loss Due to Phytoplankton and Colored Dissolved Material

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    Optically active water constituents attenuate solar radiation and hence affect the vertical distribution of energy in the upper ocean. To understand their implications, we operate an ocean biogeochemical model coupled to a general circulation model with sea ice. Incorporating the effect of phytoplankton and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) on light attenuation in the model increases the sea surface temperature in summer and decreases sea ice concentration in the Arctic Ocean. Locally, the sea ice season is reduced by up to one month. CDOM drives a significant part of these changes, suggesting that an increase of this material will amplify the observed Arctic surface warming through its direct thermal effect. Indirectly, changing advective processes in the Nordic Seas may further intensify this effect. Our results emphasize the phytoplankton and CDOM feedbacks on the Arctic ocean and sea ice system and underline the need to consider these effects in future modeling studies to enhance their plausibility

    Modeling of the Rheological Properties of Asphalt Binder and Asphalt Mortar Containing Recycled Asphalt Material

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    Abstract The use of recycled materials in asphalt pavements increased significantly over the years, determining well known environmental and economic benefits. Many research agencies and road authorities evaluated the impact of Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP) on pavement performance. Nevertheless, the mechanism governing the interaction between virgin asphalt binder and aged RAP binder is not well understood. In this paper, the effect of RAP on the rheological properties of asphalt binders and mortars is experimentally evaluated, and theoretically modeled with the objective of defining a relationship between the linear viscoelastic (LVE) properties of binders and those of the corresponding mortars. Three asphalt binder types, obtained by blending a hard and a soft binder at three different percentages, were mixed with three different contents of a Selected fraction of Recycled Asphalt Pavement, called SRAP, for preparing the asphalt mortar samples. Dynamic Shear Rheomether tests were performed on binders and mortars to determining the complex modulus over a wide range of temperatures and frequencies. The rheological properties of the compound of virgin and RAP binder were evaluated by using a new approach based on a modified version of the Nielsen model, avoiding the extraction and recovery method. The results were then modelled by using the analogical 2S2P1D model, consisting of one spring, two parabolic and one-dashpot elements combined in series and then assembled together with a second spring in parallel. Based on test results, a simple experimental relationship between the characteristic times of the binder and the percentage of RAP in the mortar was found

    Pola Komunikasi Ibu Single Parent Terhadap Pembentukan Konsep Diri Anak Di Kelurahan Tingkulu

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    Manusia tidak pernah terlepas dari kegiatan berkomunikasi dan komunikasi yang terjadi dimasyarakat diawali dalam sebuah kelompok kecil yaitu keluarga. Komunikasi yang terjadi dalam keluarga menentukan karakter anak, tentang sikap, perilaku, dan emosional anak. Hal yang terpenting dalam komunikasi keluarga adalah menjalin hubungan komunikasi antara orangtua dan anak secara baik dan efektif, sehingga anak dapat memahami orientasi konsep meski dengan latar belakang yang berbeda. Dengan demikian penulis tertarik untuk meneliti tentang Pola Komunikasi Ibu Single Parent Terhadap Pembentukan Konsep Diri Anak di Kelurahan Tingkulu. Kualitatif adalah suatu pendekatan yang juga disebut pendekatan investigasi karena biasanya peneliti mengumpulkan data dengan cara bertatap muka langsung dan berinteraksi dengan orang-orang di tempat penelitian (McMillan & Schumacher, 2003 :10). Dengan demikian, pola komunikasi keluarga pada kondisi orang tua tunggal berbeda-beda. Orientasi konsep juga secara berbeda diterima oleh anak, sehingga konsep diri yang tercermin berbeda-beda. Karena itu penelitian tentang “Pola Komunikasi Ibu Single Parent Dalam Pembentukan Konsep Diri Anak” berfokus kepada bagaimana pola komunikasi ibu single parent dengan anaknya dan bagaimana konsep diri anak

    Multipole strength function of deformed superfluid nuclei made easy

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    We present an efficient method for calculating strength functions using the finite amplitude method (FAM) for deformed superfluid heavy nuclei within the framework of the nuclear density functional theory. We demonstrate that FAM reproduces strength functions obtained with the fully self-consistent quasi-particle random-phase approximation (QRPA) at a fraction of computational cost. As a demonstration, we compute the isoscalar and isovector monopole strength for strongly deformed configurations in 240^{240}Pu by considering huge quasi-particle QRPA spaces. Our approach to FAM, based on Broyden's iterative procedure, opens the possibility for large-scale calculations of strength distributions in well-bound and weakly bound nuclei across the nuclear landscape.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Neutron spectrometry at various altitudes in atmosphere by passive detector technique

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    A new experimental system, constituted by passive detectors, has been developed to measure neutron spectra at various altitudes in the atmosphere. The knowledge of the neutron spectrum is required to evaluate with a good accuracy the neutron contribution to the total dose, due to the cosmic ray exposure, in fact the flux-to-dose conversion factors strongly depend on neutron energy. Moreover, in many dosimetric applications, as the dose evaluation to the aircrew in service on intercontinental flights, the passive system is not only the most convenient but it is often the unique technique. The experimental system is constituted by the passive bubble detector BD100R, polycarbonate foils, polycarbonate bottles, sensitive in low and intermediate neutron energy range, and the bismuth stack, sensitive in the high energy range. Experimental data were obtained in high mountain measurements at Matterhorn (3600 m altitude, 46 N ) and Chacaltaya (5230 m altitude, 16 S), during flights at 12000 m and on board of stratospheric balloons at 38000 m. All the spectra obtained show, as expected, the evaporation peak around 1 MeV and the second direct bump around 100 MeV; the results, different in the neutron flux intensity, confirm the satisfactory sensitivity of this experimental technique

    Nerve growth factor and bromocriptine: a sequential therapy for human bromocriptine-resistant prolactinomas.

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    Nerve growth factor (NGF) administration to athymic mice with transplanted human bromocriptine-resistant prolactinoma, results in the expression of dopamine D-2 receptors in the tumour and restores sensitivity to subsequent treatment with bromocriptine, which then produces normalisation of plasma prolactin and tumour regression. Sequential administration of NGF and bromocriptine thus may be a promising therapy for patients refractory to bromocriptine