1,113 research outputs found

    MEMS On/off and x2 Optical Switch with Integrated Fiber Alignment Capability

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    An on/off free space optical switch is described in this paper. The device consists of intersecting cantilevers and is electrostatically actuated. A fiber is put onto the cantilevers and by controlling the position of the flber through actuation, switching operation can be achieved. The device is also suitable for inpackage fiber alignment application, where the cantilevers can be used as passive or active fiber alignment microstructure

    WCF processing in the L2 curriculum: A look at type of WCF, type of linguistic item, and L2 performance

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    Whether type of written corrective feedback (WCF) impacts L2 learning has been investigated for decades. While many product-oriented studies report conflicting findings, the paucity of studies adopting both a process-oriented and curricular approach (e.g., Caras, 2019) underscores the call for further research on: a) the processing dimension of L2 writers’ engagement with WCF in this instructed setting (Manchón & Leow, 2020), b) from an ISLA applied perspective (Leow, 2019a; Leow & Manchón, 2022), and c) any potential relationship with subsequent performances. Also, whether type of linguistic item (e.g., morphological vs. syntactic) plays a role in the processing dimension also warrants further probing. This preliminary quasi-experimental study explored the cognitive processes of 10 adult L2 writers with minimal previous exposure to Spanish interacting with WCF (both direct and metalinguistic) on morphological and syntactic errors. Think aloud data gathered from three compositions written within the natural writing conditions of a foreign language curriculum were transcribed, coded for depth of processing (DoP) (Leow, 2015), and correlated with subsequent performances on the target items. The results revealed: 1) a higher DoP for metalinguistic WCF, 2) differences in processing of linguistic items, 3) similar DoP over time, and 4) a beneficial relationship between DoP and subsequent performances. Recommendations for future research underscore the importance of acknowledging variables within the instructed setting that may impact a pure effect of WCF on L2 development

    Time-Scale Domain Characterization of Time-Varying Ultrawideband Infostation Channel

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    The time-scale domain geometrical-based method for the characterization of the time varying ultrawideband (UWB) channel typical of an infostation channel is presented. Compared to methods that use Doppler shift as a measure of time-variation in the channel this model provides a more reliable measure of frequency dispersion caused by terminal mobility in the UWB infostation channel. Particularly, it offers carrier frequency independent method of computing wideband channel responses and parameters which are important for ultrawideband systems. Results show that the frequency dispersion of the channel depends on the frequency and not on the choice of bandwidth. And time dispersion depends on bandwidth and not on the frequency. It is also shown that for time-varying UWB, frame length defined over the coherence time obtained with reference to the carrier frequency results in an error margin which can be reduced by using the coherence time defined with respect to the maximum frequency in a given frequency band. And the estimation of the frequency offset using the time-scale domain (wideband) model presented here (especially in the case of multiband UWB frequency synchronization) is more accurate than using frequency offset estimate obtained from narrowband models

    TempoCave: Visualizing Dynamic Connectome Datasets to Support Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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    We introduce TempoCave, a novel visualization application for analyzing dynamic brain networks, or connectomes. TempoCave provides a range of functionality to explore metrics related to the activity patterns and modular affiliations of different regions in the brain. These patterns are calculated by processing raw data retrieved functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans, which creates a network of weighted edges between each brain region, where the weight indicates how likely these regions are to activate synchronously. In particular, we support the analysis needs of clinical psychologists, who examine these modular affiliations and weighted edges and their temporal dynamics, utilizing them to understand relationships between neurological disorders and brain activity, which could have a significant impact on the way in which patients are diagnosed and treated. We summarize the core functionality of TempoCave, which supports a range of comparative tasks, and runs both in a desktop mode and in an immersive mode. Furthermore, we present a real-world use case that analyzes pre- and post-treatment connectome datasets from 27 subjects in a clinical study investigating the use of cognitive behavior therapy to treat major depression disorder, indicating that TempoCave can provide new insight into the dynamic behavior of the human brain

    Robust multiple frequency multiple power localization schemes in the presence of multiple jamming attacks

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    Localization of the wireless sensor network is a vital area acquiring an impressive research concern and called upon to expand more with the rising of its applications. As localization is gaining prominence in wireless sensor network, it is vulnerable to jamming attacks. Jamming attacks disrupt communication opportunity among the sender and receiver and deeply impact the localization process, leading to a huge error of the estimated sensor node position. Therefore, detection and elimination of jamming influence are absolutely indispensable. Range-based techniques especially Received Signal Strength (RSS) is facing severe impact of these attacks. This paper proposes algorithms based on Combination Multiple Frequency Multiple Power Localization (C-MFMPL) and Step Function Multiple Frequency Multiple Power Localization (SF-MFMPL). The algorithms have been tested in the presence of multiple types of jamming attacks including capture and replay, random and constant jammers over a log normal shadow fading propagation model. In order to overcome the impact of random and constant jammers, the proposed method uses two sets of frequencies shared by the implemented anchor nodes to obtain the averaged RSS readings all over the transmitted frequencies successfully. In addition, three stages of filters have been used to cope with the replayed beacons caused by the capture and replay jammers. In this paper the localization performance of the proposed algorithms for the ideal case which is defined by without the existence of the jamming attack are compared with the case of jamming attacks. The main contribution of this paper is to achieve robust localization performance in the presence of multiple jamming attacks under log normal shadow fading environment with a different simulation conditions and scenarios

    Using amplify-and-forward relay for coverage extension in indoor environments

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    Cooperative communication is a promising method for increasing the capacity and extending the coverage between a base station (BS) and a mobile user (MU) by using relays to exploit cooperative diversity. However, the existing literature mainly focuses on theoretical performance evaluation without experimental validation and, thus, fails to address the effects on real-world radio signal propagation. This research, therefore, aims to develop a prototype amplify-and-forward (AF) relay using software-defined radio (SDR) to evaluate the real-world performance of such a relay in improving coverage. The proposed relay is developed using the LabVIEW software and programmed on a National Instruments-Universal Software Radio Peripheral 2922 (NI-USRP 2922) SDR platform. The major merit of this entire communication setup is less expensive as the system uses a reprogrammable hardware. The measurements are performed indoors, and the signal strength or received power at the MU in cases with and without the relay is recorded. The results show that the received power performance and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the user improve significantly when the AF relay is deployed compared to when direct link point-to-point transmission without the relay is used

    Characterization of Electromagnetic Valveless Micropump

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    This paper presents an electromagnetically-actuated micropump for microfluidic application. The system comprises two modules; an electromagnetic actuator module and a diffuser module. Fabrication of the diffuser module can be achieved using photolithography process with a master template and a PDMS prepolymer as the structural material. The actuator module consists of two power inductors and two NdFeB permanent magnets placed between the diffuser elements. The choice of this actuation principle merits from low operating voltage (1.5 Vdc) and the flow direction can be controlled by changing the orientation of the magnet vibration. Maximum volumetric flow rate of the fabricated device at zero backpressure is 0.9756 µLs-1 and 0.4659 µLs-1 at the hydrostatic backpressure of 10 mmH2O at 9 Hz of switching speed

    A role for exercise in attenuating unhealthy food consumption in response to stress

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    It is well established that both acute and chronic stress can be detrimental to health and wellbeing by directly increasing the risk of several chronic diseases and related health problems. In addition, stress may contribute to ill-health indirectly via its downstream effects on individuals' health-related behaviour, such as promoting the intake of unhealthy palatable foods high in fat and sugar content. This paper reviews (a) the research literature on stress-models; (b) recent research investigating stress-induced eating and (c) the potential physiological and psychological pathways contributing to stress-induced eating. Particular attention is given to (d) the role of physical exercise in attenuating acute stress, with exploration of potential mechanisms through which exercise may reduce unhealthy food and drink consumption subsequent to stressor exposure. Finally, exercise motivation is discussed as an important psychological influence over the capacity for physical exercise to attenuate unhealthy food and drink consumption after exposure to stressors. This paper aims to provide a better understanding of how physical exercise might alleviate stress-induced unhealthy food choices

    Charging management protocol for near field communication charging

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    The current multiplicity of mobile communication devices has provided an impetus for the research into new mechanisms to supplement battery charge. Wireless charging is a solution that serves to eliminate the cable requirements of typical battery charging implementations. Numerous wireless charging implementations are based on inductive coupling, similar to existing non-radiative short range communication systems. This study proposes incorporating a charge management protocol into the existing Near Field Communication Interface and Protocol-1 (NFCIP-1) specification to achieve NFC-enabled wireless charging. To this end, the original NFCIP-1 protocol has been modified through a time-sharing arrangement to support a charging task within the protocol cycle. Simulations of the modified protocol cycle were implemented using an appropriate battery model and charging algorithm. Numerical results show that the modified protocol is able to charge the target battery with minimum communication overhead. Satisfactory performance is also observed for charging up to 2 target devices in a single session