487 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional MRI assessment of regional wall stress after acute myocardial infarction predicts postdischarge cardiac events

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    PURPOSE: To determine the prognostic significance of systolic wall stress (SWS) after reperfused acute myocardial infarction (AMI) using MRI. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 105 patients underwent MRI 7.8 +/- 4.2 days after AMI reperfusion. SWS was calculated by using a three-dimensional (3D) MRI approach to left ventricular (LV) wall thickness and to the radius of curvature. Between hospital discharge and the end of follow-up, an average of 4.1 +/- 1.7 years after AMI, 19 patients experienced a major cardiac event, including cardiac death, nonfatal reinfarction or heart failure (18.3%). RESULTS: The results were mainly driven by heart failure outcome. In univariate analysis the following factors were predictive of postdischarge major adverse cardiac events: 1) at the time of AMI: higher heart rate, previous calcium antagonist treatment, in-hospital congestive heart failure, proximal left anterior descending artery (LAD) occlusion, a lower ejection fraction, higher maximal ST segment elevation before reperfusion, and ST segment reduction lower than 50% after reperfusion; 2) MRI parameters: higher LV end-systolic volume, lower ejection fraction, higher global SWS, higher SWS in the infarcted area (SWS MI) and higher SWS in the remote myocardium (SWS remote). In the final multivariate model, only SWS MI (odds ratio [OR]: 1.62; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.01-2.60; P = 0.046) and SWS remote (OR: 2.17; 95% CI: 1.02-4.65; P = 0.046) were independent predictors. CONCLUSION: Regional SWS assessed by means of MRI a few days after AMI appears to be strong predictor of postdischarge cardiac events, identifying a subset of at risk patients who could qualify for more aggressive management

    In vitro and in vivo evaluation of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles coated by bisphosphonates: the effects of electrical charge and molecule length.

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    Physicochemical coating properties are often considered to be determining factors for in vivo characteristics of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, used as contrast agent in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). To investigate the electrical charge (modified by zero, one or two ammonium groups) and the molecule length (3, 5 or 7 methylene chains) effects of bisphosphonate-type coatings, we assessed the complement activation, in vivo plasma and tissue relaxation time alterations of intravenously injected small iron oxide nanoparticles (<25 nm) on male healthy Wistar rats. The presence of ammonium groups induces a weak activation of the complement whatever the size and the concentration of particles, whereas hydroxyethylenebisphosphonate (HEBP)-coated particles are poor complement activators only at the lowest concentration. In vivo, HEBP-coated nanoparticles have the greatest prolonged relaxation time effects, despite their higher negative electrical charge, contrary to two ammonium bearing coatings. No significant differences were observed between mono-ammonium molecular coatings

    Characterization and detection of experimental rat gliomas using magnetic resonance imaging

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    Two different experimental rat brain tumours (F98 glioma and 9L glioma) were characterized using T1 and T2, apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and magnetization transfer ratio (MTR). Even though both tumours appeared homogenous at the early stage of growth, significant differences were measured for all parametric images between tumours and normal brain tissue. Irrespective of the sequence used, tumour lesion/normal parenchyma contrast for the non-infiltrative 9L was twice that of the infiltrative F98 glioma. The use of spin preparation via an inversion pulse in a fast spin echo sequence increases contrast by a factor of 20-30

    A Critical Success Factor Framework for Implementing Sustainable Innovative and Affordable Housing: A Systematic Review and Bibliometric Analysis

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    The actualization of affordable housing remains a challenge. This challenge is exacerbated by the increasing societal demand for the incorporation of sustainability principles into such housing types to improve levels of occupant health and well-being whilst avouching the desired levels of affordability. Innovative technologies and practices have been described as beneficial to the effectuation of sustainable affordable housing. However, knowledge concerning the deployment of innovative technologies and practices in sustainable affordable housing (sustainable, innovative, affordable housing—SIAH) delivery remains nascent. Consequently, there is a lack of a common ontology among stakeholders concerning how to realize SIAH. This study aims to contribute toward the development of this body of knowledge through the establishment of the critical success factors (CSFs) for effective SIAH implementation. To achieve this objective, a systematic review and bibliometric analysis focusing on a juxtaposition of sustainable, innovative and affordable housing concepts was carried out based on the relevant literature. This led to the identification and clustering of CSFs for these housing concepts at individual levels and as a collective (SIAH). The findings of the study consisted of the establishment of four distinct yet interrelated facets through which SIAH can be achieved holistically, namely, housing design, house element, housing production method and housing technology. A total of 127 CSFs were found to be aligned to these facets, subsequently clustered, and conclusively used for the development of a SIAH CSF framework. The most frequently occurring CSFs with predominant interconnections were the utilization of energy-efficient systems/fittings, tenure security, a comfortable and healthy indoor environment, affordable housing price in relation to income and using water-efficient systems/fittings CSFs, and establishing the emergent SIAH CSF framework. The framework in this study is useful in the documentation of SIAH features for construction projects and further studies into SIAH CSFs

    A Comparison of Algorithms for the Construction of SZ Cluster Catalogues

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    We evaluate the construction methodology of an all-sky catalogue of galaxy clusters detected through the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect. We perform an extensive comparison of twelve algorithms applied to the same detailed simulations of the millimeter and submillimeter sky based on a Planck-like case. We present the results of this "SZ Challenge" in terms of catalogue completeness, purity, astrometric and photometric reconstruction. Our results provide a comparison of a representative sample of SZ detection algorithms and highlight important issues in their application. In our study case, we show that the exact expected number of clusters remains uncertain (about a thousand cluster candidates at |b|> 20 deg with 90% purity) and that it depends on the SZ model and on the detailed sky simulations, and on algorithmic implementation of the detection methods. We also estimate the astrometric precision of the cluster candidates which is found of the order of ~2 arcmins on average, and the photometric uncertainty of order ~30%, depending on flux.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A: 14 pages, 7 figures. Detailed figures added in Appendi

    A Stokes-based spectro-polarimetric analysis of the amplified spontaneous emission in a semiconductor optical amplifier

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    Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers (SOAs), key devices for future all-optical communication systems, are inherently polarisation-dependent, which is a major drawback for most networks applications. In spite of numerous studies carried out in order to design polarisation-insensitive structures, no complete spectro-polarimetric characterization of a SOA has been published so far. In particular, the spectral and polarimetric behaviour of the Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE), acting as a partly polarized broadband source, is of interest, since ASE draws from the same carrier reservoir as the amplified signal. In this paper, we present a full spectro-polarimetric characterization of ASE emitted from a commercial, strained-bulk SOA within the frame of the Stokes formalism. This formalism not only allows a determination of the degree of polarisation (DOP) of ASE directly from its Stokes vector, but also gives access to a full, spectrally resolved characterization of its polarized fraction with respect to the bias current applied to the SOA. The way the state of polarisation of that fraction is governed by the dependence of the material gain upon polarisation is spectrally resolved, quantified, and discussed. The same study is performed when a polarized signal is injected into the SOA
