658 research outputs found

    Extended Apriori for association rule mining: Diminution based utility weightage measuring approach

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    The field of Association rule mining is a dynamic area for innovation of knowledge through which uncountable procedures have been expounded. Recently, by including significant components viz. value (utility), volume of items (weight) etc, the researchers have enhanced the quality of association rule mining for industry by bringing out the association designs. In this note, a proficient methodology has been put forward based on weight factor and utility for effective digging out of important association rules. At the very beginning, a traditional Apriori algorithm has been utilized that make use of the anti-monotone property which states that if n items are recurring continuously then n-1 items should also recur by which the scores of weightage(W-Gain), utility(U-Gain) and diminution(D-sum), are derived at. Eventually, we derive a subset of important association rules through which EUW-Score is generated. The tentative outcome demonstrates the effectiveness of the methodology in generating high utility association rules that is profitably used for the business improvement

    Engaging scientists through institutional histories

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    An institutional history is a narrative that records key points about how institutional arrangements – new ways of working – evolve over time creating more effective ways to achieve goals. It can be used to document institutional innovations in projects and to highlight barriers to change. An institutional history draws out and synthesizes lessons for research organizations and partners as well as for others in similar circumstances

    Bacterial flora associated with the selected life stages and organs of farmed giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man)

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    Bacteria associated with different life stages of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man) were analyzed. The gill, hepatopancreas, haemolymph of brood and juveniles as well as the egg, larvae and larval rearing water were sampled to understand the quantity and the quality of bacteria associated with the animals.A total number of 93 representative isolates were identified. The identified bacterial isolates could be distributed in to 14 genera. A mean bacterial total plate count (TPC) of 4.5x105 colony forming units (cfu) g-1 in eggs, 6.0x106 cfu g-1 in larvae and 4.6x105 cfu ml-1 in water were observed. Among all the organs highest TPC of 3.5x107 cfu g-1 were observed in juvenile’s gills. The brood haemolymph was found to be devoid of any bacteria. Identification of isolates representing different colony morphotype indicated that 89.77% of the bacterial population was gram negative dominated by Aeromonas hydrophilla (16.74%), Enterobacter aerogenes (12.09%) and Citrobacter frundii (10.16%). Among Gram-positive bacteria Bacillus, Streptococcus and Micrococcus were identified. Study of quantitative and qualitative aspects of bacterial prevalence with the different life stages of M. rosenbergii would be helpful in identification of disease causing bacteria and therefore in better management of M.rosenbergii culture

    An Enhanced Table Driven Source Routing Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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    Analysis of MANETs led to the research on network layer. Different routing protocols were designed for numerous objectives and purposes. The way data packets are handled with in a multi-hop wireless network refers to Opportunistic data forwarding. During present research, we propose enhanced table-driven source routing protocol. This protocol maintains additional topology information which is different from Distance Vector (DV) routing protocol. The proposed approach will reduce overhead compared to the ancient Distance Vector based protocols. Base on the test results performed using Computer Simulator (Network Simulator 2) observed that the overhead in the proposed solution is just a fraction of the overhead of the standard proactive protocols. Performance of the current solution is better for transportation of higher information compared to existing proactive routing protocols

    Comparative Analysis of Metaheuristic Approaches for Makespan Minimization for No Wait Flow Shop Scheduling Problem

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    This paper provides comparative analysis of various metaheuristic approaches for m-machine no wait flow shop scheduling (NWFSS) problem with makespan as an optimality criterion. NWFSS problem is NP hard and brute force method unable to find the solutions so approximate solutions are found with metaheuristic algorithms. The objective is to find out the scheduling sequence of jobs to minimize total completion time. In order to meet the objective criterion, existing metaheuristic techniques viz. Tabu Search (TS), Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) are implemented for small and large sized problems and effectiveness of these techniques are measured with statistical metric

    Comparative Statistical Analysis of Some Hydrobiological Parameters in Upstream and Downstream of River Asan

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    Today world is facing a number of challenges affecting the availability, accessibility, use and sustainability of its freshwater resources. Water is the most vital resource for living beings because there is no life without water as cellular activities never occur. Water is essential for the socio-economic development of human beings. Industrialization, urbanization, population explosion and green revolution have deteriorated the various sources of water. Keeping these points in mind, this study is designed to comparatively analyze the water quality of river Asan at upstream and downstream sites


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    Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilatarbelakangi oleh permasalahan mitra dengan lomba penulisan karya ilmiah tingkat madrasah dan siswa yang belum memiliki prestasi karya ilmiah, seperti tips menulis proposal penelitian, hasil penelitian ilmiah yang belum dipublikasikan, atau siswa belum melakukannya dengan baik di Madrasah Young Researcher Supercamp (MYRES) dalam rangka Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah. Berikut ini adalah bagaimana pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan: 1) Teknik Pengajaran; 2) Metode Tanya Jawab; dan Metode Simulasi untuk menjelaskan kepada mahasiswa pentingnya kiat-kiat dalam menulis proposal penelitian dan karya ilmiah serta memotivasi mereka, maka dipilihlah metode ceramah. Baik saat menerima petunjuk cara melaksanakan karya ilmiah maupun saat praktik, format pertanyaan dan jawaban sangat penting bagi peserta pelatihan. Metode simulasi ini sangat penting bagi peserta pelatihan karena memberi mereka kesempatan untuk mempraktekkan apa yang telah mereka pelajari. Ini memungkinkan mereka melihat seberapa baik mereka dapat menerapkan kegiatan penulisan ilmiah teknis dan masalah apa yang perlu diperbaiki nanti. Penilaian latihan dilakukan pada saat interaksi dan menjelang akhir persiapan, pada bagian pencapaian target persiapan dan selanjutnya pada pelaksanaan persiapan. Penilaian siklus dan hasil (pencapaian penyusunan target) dilakukan dengan dokumentasi. Sementara itu, kuesioner digunakan untuk menilai berbagai aspek pelaksanaan pelatihan. Dua pendekatan yang digunakan untuk mengukur keberhasilan pemberian bantuan penulisan karya ilmiah adalah: 1) Penilaian selama tindakan, dan (2) penilaian setelah tindakan selesai. Indikator penilaian rata-rata telah melampaui indikator keberhasilan pada pertemuan kedua, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan pendampingan penulisan karya ilmiah dalam rangka persiapan Madrasah Young Researcher Supercamp (MYRES) berhasil ditetapkan sebesar 80%

    Urea and ascorbic acid as ameliorators of cement dust toxicity in Oryza Sativa Var. B.P.T.5204

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    The present study is an attempt to find out the amelioration of urea and ascorbic acid on the inhibitory effect of cement dust on Oryza Sativa (Var. B.P.T.5204). The observations have shown that rice was quite sensitive to cement dust when applied at 3g/m2 daily from three leaf stage until harvest of the crop. The response was analysed in terms of number of leaves, total height, biomass and panicle characters. Urea and ascorbic acid were observed to be quite potent in reverting the inhibitory effect of cement dust. Urea could bring the maximum recovery in shoot and root biomass. These two substances were very useful in reverting the effect of cement dust in terms of height of the plant. Urea increased seed weight upto 35% while ascorbic acid upto 13.4%
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