517 research outputs found

    Multinomial logistic regression in worker’s health

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    In European countries, namely in Portugal, it is common to hear some people mentioning that they are exposed to excessive and continuous psychosocial stressors at work. This is increasing in diverse activity sectors, such as, the Services sector. A representative sample was collected from a Portuguese Services’ organization, by applying a survey (internationally validated), which variables were measured in five ordered categories in Likert-type scale. A multinomial logistic regression model is used to estimate the probability of each category of the dependent variable general health perception where, among other independent variables, burnout appear as statistically significant

    Improving supply chain practices in a luxury fashion company in the Middle East and the Near East

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    Supply chain practices have a high impact on a company’s ability to compete in the market as well as in its profitability. The positioning of its inventory and its supply chain practices determine the ability to react to changes in demand, as well as the ability to fulfil customer’s requests. Cultural characteristics as well as long term practices can influence both its efficiency and effectiveness. The purpose of this paper is to analyse supply chain practices and its impact in supply chain performance in the luxury fashion industry, which represents a market not widely studied in the supply chain management literature. Particularly, this paper aims at exploring a supply chain of luxury fashion products operating in the Middle East and the Near East while assessing the efficiency and effectiveness gains from supply chain adjustments. Data was collected using direct observation and semi-structured interviews at the office of the company for the Middle East and the Near East. Findings show that the main constraint to improve customer service is lack of visibility and long lead times, which lead retailers to frequent shortage gaming practices. Analysis and managerial recommendations lead to position decoupling points, reduce lead times and simultaneously reduce customer complaints and the bullwhip effect while improving visibility and forecasting practices.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Instability in spatial evolutionary games

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    We investigate the aspects that influence the instability of spatial evolutionary games, namely the Prisoner's Dilemma and the Snowdrift games. In this paper instability is defined as the proportion of strategy changes in the asymptotic period of the evolutionary process. The results show that with the Prisoner's Dilemma, when the level of noise present in the decision process is very low, the instability decreases as the synchrony rate decreases. With the Snowdrift this pattern of behavior depends strongly on the interaction topology and arises only for random and scale-free networks. However, for large noise values, the instability in both games depends only on the proportion of cooperators present in the population: it increases as the proportion of cooperators approaches 0.5. We advance an explanation for this behavior

    Lymphopenia in Patients Submitted to Assisted Ventilation Due to Aggravated Chronic Respiratory Failure: a Prospective Study

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    Objectivo: avaliar e caracterizar a linfopenia em doentes admitidos numa unidade de cuidados intensivos para suporte ventilatório por exacerbação de insuficiência respiratória crónica e eventual relação com a gravidade da doença. Material e métodos: estudo prospectivo com 6 meses de duração e mais 6 meses de seguimento após alta da unidade. Incluídos 24 doentes, 22 homens, com APACHE II médio de 19,7, 3 dos quais com possibilidade de seguimento após a alta. Foram colhidas análises para determinação das subpopulações linfocitárias na admissão e a cada 7 dias de ventilação mecânica. Excluídos doentes com sinais de infecção ou imunossupressão prévia, à excepção dos corticóides. Resultados: a linfopenia foi encontrada em 79,2 % dos doentes com depleção de todas as subpopulações linfocitárias sendo mais expressiva a depleção de linfócitos B CD19+. Esta linfopenia não se relacionou com os níveis séricos de cortisol, e apesar de se relacionar com uma maior gravidade clínica não esteve associada a uma maior mortalidade. O registo evolutivo no internamento mostrou tendencialmente uma recuperação da linfopenia. Conclusões: a linfopenia é frequente em doentes ventilados por exacerbação de doença respiratória crónica. Trata-se de uma linfopenia não selectiva, que recupera ao longo do internamento, mais acentuada ao nível dos linfócitos B CD19+. Estes doentes apresentam índices de gravidade maior mas sem diferenças na mortalidade. O seguimento ambulatório destes doentes mostrou-se difícil e foi inconclusivo

    Sympatric threatened Iberian leuciscids exhibit differences in Aeromonas diversity and skin lesions’ prevalence

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    Funding: This research was supported by CIISA - Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar em Sanidade Animal, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade de Lisboa, Project UIDB/00276/2020 (funded by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia IP) and by MARE (MARE-ISPA), MARE/UIDB/MAR/04292/2020 and strategic project MARE/UIDP/MAR/04292/2020 (also funded by FCT). MLG thanks funding by the University of Lisbon (PhD fellowship C10571K). TAM thanks partial support by CEAUL (funded by FCT, Portugal, through the project UIDB/00006/2020).Assessments regarding health aspects of Iberian leuciscids are limited. There is currently an information gap regarding effects of infectious diseases on these populations and their role as a possible conservation threat. Moreover, differences in susceptibility to particular agents, such as Aeromonas spp., by different species/populations is not clear. To understand potential differences in Aeromonas diversity and load, as well as in the prevalence and proportion of skin lesions, in fishes exposed to similar environmental conditions, an observational study was implemented. Using a set of 12 individuals belonging to two sympatric Iberian leuciscid species (Squalius pyrenaicus and Iberochondrostoma lusitanicum), the skin lesion score in each individual was analyzed. Furthermore, a bacterial collection of Aeromonas spp. isolated from each individual was created and isolates’ load was quantified by plate counting, identified at species level using a multiplex-PCR assay and virulence profiles established using classical phenotypic methods. The similarity relationships of the isolates were evaluated using a RAPD analysis. The skin lesion score was significantly higher in S. pyrenaicus, while the Aeromonas spp. load did not differ between species. When analyzing Aeromonas species diversity between fishes, different patterns were observed. A predominance of A. hydrophila was detected in S. pyrenaicus individuals, while I. lusitanicum individuals displayed a more diverse structure. Similarly, the virulence index of isolates from S. pyrenaicus was higher, mostly due to the isolated Aeromonas species. Genomic typing clustered the isolates mainly by fish species and skin lesion score. Specific Aeromonas clusters were associated with higher virulence indexes. Current results suggest potential differences in susceptibility to Aeromonas spp. at the fish species/individual level, and constitute important knowledge for proper wildlife management through the signalization of at-risk fish populations and hierarchization of conservation measures.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Molecular epidemiology, virulence traits and antimicrobial resistance signatures of Aeromonas spp. in the critically endangered Iberochondrostoma lusitanicum follow geographical and seasonal patterns

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    This research was supported by CIISA—Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar em Sanidade Animal, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade de Lisboa, Project UIDB/00276/2020 (funded by FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia IP) and by MARE (MARE-ISPA), MARE/UIDB/MAR/04292/2020 and strategic project MARE/UIDP/MAR/04292/2020 (also funded by FCT). M.L.G. thanks funding by the University of Lisbon (PhD fellowship C10571K). T.A.M. and C.S.M. thank partial support by CEAUL (funded by FCT, Portugal, through the project UIDB/00006/2020).Despite the fact that freshwater fish populations are experiencing severe declines worldwide, our knowledge on the interaction between endangered populations and pathogenic agents remains scarce. In this study, we investigated the prevalence and structure of Aeromonas communities isolated from the critically endangered Iberochondrostoma lusitanicum, a model species for threatened Iberian leuciscids, as well as health parameters in this species. Additionally, we evaluated the virulence profiles, antimicrobial resistance signatures and genomic relationships of the Aeromonas isolates. Lesion prevalence, extension and body condition were deeply affected by location and seasonality, with poorer performances in the dry season. Aeromonas composition shifted among seasons and was also different across river streams. The pathogenic potential of the isolates significantly increased during the dry season. Additionally, isolates displaying clinically relevant antimicrobial resistance phenotypes (carbapenem and fluroquinolone resistance) were detected. As it inhabits intermittent rivers, often reduced to disconnected pools during the summer, the dry season is a critical period for I. lusitanicum, with lower general health status and a higher potential of infection by Aeromonas spp. Habitat quality seems a determining factor on the sustainable development of this fish species. Also, these individuals act as reservoirs of important antimicrobial resistant bacteria with potential implications for public health.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Aeromonas spp. prevalence, virulence and antimicrobial resistance in an ex situ program for threatened freshwater fish – a pilot study with protective measures

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    This research was supported by CIISA - Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar em Sanidade Animal, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade de Lisboa, Project UIDB/00276/2020 (funded by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia IP), by MARE (MARE-ISPA), MARE/UIDB/MAR/04292/2020 and strategic project MARE/UIDP/MAR/04292/2020 (also funded by FCT) and by the Zebra Foundation for Veterinary Zoological Education, Grant “A. hydrophila in Iberochondrostoma lusitanicum”. MLG thanks funding by the University of Lisbon (PhD fellowship C10571K). TAM and CM thank partial support by CEAUL (funded by FCT, Portugal, through the project UIDB/00006/2020).Ex situ breeding programs are important conservation tools for endangered freshwater fish. However, developing husbandry techniques that decrease the likelihood of disease, antimicrobial resistance, and virulence determinants acquisition during this process is challenging. In this pilot study, we conducted a captivity experiment with Portuguese nase (Iberochondrostoma lusitanicum), a critically endangered leuciscid species, to investigate the influence of simple protective measures (i.e., material disinfection protocols and animal handling with gloves) on the dynamics of a potential pathogenic genus, Aeromonas, as well as its virulence profiles and antimicrobial resistance signatures. Our findings show that antimicrobial resistance in Aeromonas spp. collected from I. lusitanicum significantly increased during the extent of the assay (5 weeks), with all isolates collected at the end of the study classified as multidrug-resistant. Additionally, humans handling fishes without protective measures were colonized by Aeromonas spp. The use of protective measures suggested a decreasing trend in Aeromonas spp. prevalence in I. lusitanicum, while bacterial isolates displayed significantly lower virulence index values when virulence phenotypical expression was tested at 22 °C. Despite this study representing an initial trial, which needs support from further research, protective measures tested are considered a simple tool to be applied in ex situ breeding programs for aquatic animals worldwide. Furthermore, current results raise concern regarding antimicrobial resistance amplification and zoonotic transmission of Aeromonas spp. in aquatic ex situ programs.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Depressive symptomatology, temperament and oxytocin serum levels in a sample of healthy female university students

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    Abstract Background Depressive symptomatology is prevalent among female university students with adverse effects on their quality of life and academic performance. Previous research suggested associations between depressive symptomatology and oxytocin levels and between depressive symptomatology and Temperament Traits. Despite this evidence, to the best of our knowledge no research has studied the effects fboth oxytocin serum levels and temperament dimensions on depressivesymptoms in a healthy sample. The present study aimed to analyse the effect of oxytocin levels and temperament traits on depressive symptomatology in healthy female university students. Methods All participants completed the Beck Depression Inventory and the Adult Temperament Questionnaire. Blood samples were collected between 8 and 8H30 a.m. after 12 h of fasting and between 5 and 8 day of the menstrual cycle and serum oxytocin levels were quantified using a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. A hierarchical multiple regression model using a stepwise method was conducted to identify predictors of depression. Results Forty-five women aged between 18 and 25 years old (19.37 ± 1.32 years) volunteered to participate in this study. Depressive symptomatology was negatively associated with oxytocin serum levels and "Negative affect" and positively associated with "Effortful control" and "Activation Control". In the final regression model, only oxytocin level was a predictor (B = − 0.090, p < 0.0001), the model explaining 65.2% of the depression variation. Oxytocin played a mediation role between "Negative affects" and Depressive symptomatology. Conclusions Our results showed that oxytocin level, rather than personality dimensions, was associated with depressive symptomatology. These results highlight the relevance of the discussion on the use of oxytocin as a biological marker of emotional and social symptoms that characterize depression.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pathological findings in the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), stone marten (Martes foina) and raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides), with special emphasis on infectious and zoonotic agents in Northern Germany

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    Anthropogenic landscape changes contributed to the reduction of availability of habitats to wild animals. Hence, the presence of wild terrestrial carnivores in urban and peri-urban sites has increased considerably over the years implying an increased risk of interspecies spillover of infectious diseases and the transmission of zoonoses. The present study provides a detailed characterisation of the health status of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), stone marten (Martes foina) and raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in their natural rural and periurban habitats in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany between November 2013 and January 2016 with focus on zoonoses and infectious diseases that are potentially threatening to other wildlife or domestic animal species. 79 red foxes, 17 stone martens and 10 raccoon dogs were collected from traps or hunts. In order to detect morphological changes and potential infectious diseases, necropsy and pathohistological work-up was performed. Additionally, in selected animals immunohistochemistry (influenza A virus, parvovirus, feline leukemia virus, Borna disease virus, tick-borne encephalitis, canine adenovirus, Neospora caninum, Toxoplasma gondii and Listeria monocytogenes), next-generation sequencing, polymerase chain reaction (fox circovirus) and serum-neutralisation analysis (canine distemper virus) were performed. Furthermore, all animals were screened for fox rabies virus (immunofluorescence), canine distemper virus (immunohistochemistry) and Aujeszky's disease (virus cultivation). The most important findings included encephalitis (n = 16) and pneumonia (n =20). None of the investigations revealed a specific cause for the observed morphological alterations except for one animal with an elevated serum titer of 1:160 for canine distemper. Animals displayed macroscopically and/or histopathologically detectable infections with parasites, including Taenia sp., Toxocara sp. and Alaria alata. In summary, wildlife predators carry zoonotic parasitic disease and suffer from inflammatory diseases of yet unknown etiology, possibly bearing infectious potential for other animal species and humans. This study highlights the value of monitoring terrestrial wildlife following the "One Health" notion, to estimate the incidence and the possible spread of zoonotic pathogens and to avoid animal to animal spillover as well as transmission to humans