257 research outputs found

    Correlation between Crystallographic Alignment of Self-induced GaN Nanowires and Features of Si(111) Nitridation

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    Formation and spatial ordering of self-induced GaN nanowires grown by molecular beam epitaxy on a spatially pre-nitridazed Si(111) substrate have been studied. It was found the close correlation between Si substrate nitridation parameters and crystallographic alignment of NWs. Conditions for NWs nucleation and in- plane orientation are predefined by a structural anisotropy of silicon nitride nanolayer. Mechanism of NWs orderly emergence suggested. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3540


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    Video systems for surveillance of medium and large objects and these systems hardware (street IP-cameras, servers, data storage devices, operator devices) are surveyed. The issues of image processing, surveillance systems development tendencies and tasks requiring solution are covered.Рассматриваются системы видеонаблюдения средних и крупных объектов, используемое обо-рудование. Освещаются вопросы обработки изображений, тенденции развития видеосистем, очер-чивается круг проблем, требующих решения

    Correlation between luminescent characteristics and phase composition of ZnS:Cu powder prepared by self-propagating high temperature synthesis

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    a b s t r a c t The powder-like ZnS:Cu grown by self-propagating high temperature synthesis from the mixture of Zn, S and CuCl is investigated before and after annealing at 800 1C by photoluminescence (PL) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. It is found that after synthesis the ZnS:Cu powder consists of a mixture of cubic and hexagonal ZnS phases as well as crystalline Cu x Zn 1 À x solid solution. PL spectrum shows a wide PL band which is the superposition of green and blue Cu-related bands as well as self-activated one. It is shown that annealing at 800 1C gives rise to three processes, controlled by the heating time to annealing temperature: (i) phase transformation of ZnS hexagonal phase to cubic one; (ii) oxidation processes resulting in ZnO formation; (iii) the non-monotonic changes of Cu x Zn 1 À x phase composition and decrease of its content. These changes are accompanied by the non-monotonic variation of the blue to green Cu-related PL band intensities ratio which correlates with the variation of Cu x Zn 1 À x phase composition. The model that explains the changes of ZnS:Cu PL characteristics by indiffusion of Zn and Cu from Cu x Zn 1 À x phase is proposed. The anisotropic character of ZnS phase transformation and oxidation process is found


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    An improvement of the method by J.C.S. Jacques, C.R. Jung and S.R. Musse for background removal and video sequences shadow detection is proposed.Предлагаетсяспособ улучшения метода удаления фона Ж.К.С. Жака, К.Р. Юнга, С.Р. Муса в полутоновых изображениях видеопоследовательностей, позволяющийудалять фон для объектов различного размера и монотонных поверхностей

    Increase in the Synthesis of Polyfructan in the Cultures of Chicory “Hairy Roots” with Plant Natural Growth Regulators

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    Experiments were conducted to study the benefit of using the new plant growth regulators (PGRs) Ivin, Emistim, Biolan and Charkor in nutrient medium ½ MS for intensification of biomass growth and the increased synthesis of polyfructan (PF) in the cultures of chicory “hairy roots” (Cichorium intybus L.), obtained by Аgrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation,. The best indexes of increased specific quantities of PF are observed after using Biolan at a concentration of 5.0 μL/L (up to 130 mg/g dry mass of roots) and Emistim at a concentration 2.5 µL/L (up to 220 mg/g dry mass of roots). The greatest stimulation of root growth activity was expressed on using the growth regulators Emistim, Ivin and Charkor, in concentrations between 2.5 and 10.0 µL/L, considerably raising the total quantity of PF: compared with the control the use of regulator Emistim showed a rise of up to 35 times, regulator Ivin showed an increase of up to 28 times and regulator Charkor showed an increase up to 7.0-7.5 times. The results thus obtained definitely prove the benefit of applying these regulators to increase the biomass growth and PF synthesis in the culture of chicory «hairy roots»

    Assessing the Impact of EEE Standard on Energy Consumed by Commercial Grade Network Switches

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    This book chapter is adapted from [1] and it is closely linked to work published in [2] and [3]. Reducing power consumption of network equipment has been both driven by a need to reduce the ecological footprint of the cloud as well as the im-mense power costs of data centers. As data centers, core networks and conse-quently, the cloud, constantly increase in size, their power consumption should be mitigated. Ethernet, the most widely used access network still remains the biggest communication technology used in core networks and cloud infrastructures. The Energy-Efficient Ethernet or EEE standard introduced by IEEE in 2010, aims to reduce the power consumption of EEE ports by transitioning Ethernet ports into a low power mode when traffic is not present. As statistics show that the average utilization rate of ethernet links is 5 percent on desktops and 30 percent in data centers, the power saving potential of EEE could be immense. This research aims to assess the benefits of deploying EEE and create a power consumption model for network switches with and without EEE. Our measurements show that an EEE port runs at 12-15% of its total power when in low power mode. Therefore, the power savings can exceed 80% when there is no traffic. However, our measure-ments equally show that the power consumption of a single port represents less than 1% of the total power consumption of the switch. The base power consumed by the switch without any port is still significantly high and is not affected by EEE. Experiment results also show that the base power consumption of switches does not significantly increase with the size of the switches. Doubling the size of the switch between 24 and 48 ports increases power consumption by 35.39%. EEE has a greater effect on bigger switches, with a power (or energy) gain on the EEE-enabled 48-port switch compared to 2 x EEE-enabled 24-port switch. On the other hand, it seems to be more energy efficient to use 2 separate 24-port switches (NO EEE) than 2 separate 24-port switches (With EEE)

    Active vitamin D (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D) and bone health in middle-aged and elderly men: the European male aging study (EMAS)

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    <p>Context: There is little information on the potential impact of serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25(OH)2D] on bone health including turnover.</p> <p>Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the influence of 1,25(OH)2D and 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] on bone health in middle-aged and older European men.</p> <p>Design, Setting, and Participants: Men aged 40–79 years were recruited from population registers in 8 European centers. Subjects completed questionnaires that included questions concerning lifestyle and were invited to attend for quantitative ultrasound (QUS) of the heel, assessment of height and weight, and a fasting blood sample from which 1,25(OH)2D, 25(OH)D, and PTH were measured. 1,25(OH)2D was measured using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Bone markers serum N-terminal propeptide of type 1 procollagen (P1NP) and crosslinks (β-cTX) were also measured. Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) of the hip and lumbar spine was performed in 2 centers.</p> <p>Main Outcome Measure(s): QUS of the heel, bone markers P1NP and β-cTX, and DXA of the hip and lumbar spine were measured.</p> <p>Results: A total of 2783 men, mean age 60.0 years (SD 11.0) were included in the analysis. After adjustment for age and center, 1,25(OH)2D was positively associated with 25(OH)D but not with PTH. 25(OH)D was negatively associated with PTH. After adjustment for age, center, height, weight, lifestyle factors, and season, 1,25(OH)2D was associated negatively with QUS and DXA parameters and associated positively with β-cTX. 1,25(OH)2D was not correlated with P1NP. 25(OH)D was positively associated with the QUS and DXA parameters but not related to either bone turnover marker. Subjects with both high 1,25(OH)2D (upper tertile) and low 25(OH)D (lower tertile) had the lowest QUS and DXA parameters and the highest β-cTX levels.</p> <p>Conclusions: Serum 1,25(OH)2D is associated with higher bone turnover and poorer bone health despite being positively related to 25(OH)D. A combination of high 1,25(OH)2D and low 25(OH)D is associated with the poorest bone health.</p&gt

    Active vitamin D (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D) and bone health in middle-aged and elderly men: the European male aging study (EMAS)

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    <p>Context: There is little information on the potential impact of serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25(OH)2D] on bone health including turnover.</p> <p>Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the influence of 1,25(OH)2D and 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] on bone health in middle-aged and older European men.</p> <p>Design, Setting, and Participants: Men aged 40–79 years were recruited from population registers in 8 European centers. Subjects completed questionnaires that included questions concerning lifestyle and were invited to attend for quantitative ultrasound (QUS) of the heel, assessment of height and weight, and a fasting blood sample from which 1,25(OH)2D, 25(OH)D, and PTH were measured. 1,25(OH)2D was measured using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Bone markers serum N-terminal propeptide of type 1 procollagen (P1NP) and crosslinks (β-cTX) were also measured. Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) of the hip and lumbar spine was performed in 2 centers.</p> <p>Main Outcome Measure(s): QUS of the heel, bone markers P1NP and β-cTX, and DXA of the hip and lumbar spine were measured.</p> <p>Results: A total of 2783 men, mean age 60.0 years (SD 11.0) were included in the analysis. After adjustment for age and center, 1,25(OH)2D was positively associated with 25(OH)D but not with PTH. 25(OH)D was negatively associated with PTH. After adjustment for age, center, height, weight, lifestyle factors, and season, 1,25(OH)2D was associated negatively with QUS and DXA parameters and associated positively with β-cTX. 1,25(OH)2D was not correlated with P1NP. 25(OH)D was positively associated with the QUS and DXA parameters but not related to either bone turnover marker. Subjects with both high 1,25(OH)2D (upper tertile) and low 25(OH)D (lower tertile) had the lowest QUS and DXA parameters and the highest β-cTX levels.</p> <p>Conclusions: Serum 1,25(OH)2D is associated with higher bone turnover and poorer bone health despite being positively related to 25(OH)D. A combination of high 1,25(OH)2D and low 25(OH)D is associated with the poorest bone health.</p&gt

    Создание трансгенных растений салата, содержащих ген сшитого белка антигенов ESAT6:Ag85B из Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Трансгенні рослини є багатообіцяючим і безпечним інструментом для створення їстівних вакцин. Імунізація, що відбувається внаслідок вживання в їжу рослин, у яких проходить експресія туберкульозних антигенів, є перспективним підходом у боротьбі з туберкульозом. У цій роботі ми повідомляємо про створення трансгенних рослин салату (Lactuca sativa), що містять ген зшитого білка антигенів Mycobacterium tuberculosis ESAT6:Ag85B. Трансгенні рослини були отримані методом трансформації за допомогою Agrobacterium tumefaciens. У роботі були використані вектори, що містять ген esxA, зшитий з геном fbpB. Також вектори містили селективні гени: ген неоміцинфосфотрансферази (nptII) або фосфінотрицин ацетилтрансферази (bar). На селективному середовищі були відібрані трансгенні рослини салату. Наявність селективного та цільового генів у геномі цих рослин була підтверджена за допомогою ПЛР. Трансгенні рослини салату були висаджені в ґрунт в умовах теплиці для проведення наступних досліджень.Transgenic plants are promising and potentially safe tools to produce edible vaccines. Passive immunization by oral delivery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens expressed in transgenic plants seems to be the perspective strategy to combat tuberculosis. In this paper, we discuss the generation of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) transgenic plants carrying the fused gene of Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens ESAT6:Ag85B. By employing Agrobacterium mediated transformation method, transgenic plants are obtained. Vectors containing gene esxA fused with fbpB gene are used. Plasmid vectors also contain selective genes of neomycin phosphotransferase II (nptII) or phosphinothricin acetyl transferase (bar). Stable transgenic plants are selected. By using PCR analysis, we confirm the presence of target and selective genes in plants genome. Rooted plats are transferred to soil in the greenhouse for further experiments.Трансгенные растения являются многообещающим и безопасным инструментом для создания съедобных вакцин. Иммунизация, что происходит в результате употребления в пищу растений, в которых проходит экспрессия туберкулезных антигенов, является перспективным подходом в борьбе с туберкулезом. В этой работе мы сообщаем о создании трансгенных растений салата (Lactuca sativa), содержащих ген сшитого белка антигенов Mycobacterium tuberculosis ESAT6:Ag85B. Трансгенные растения были получены методом трансформации с помощью Agrobacterium tumefaciens. В работе были использованы векторы, содержащие ген esxA, сшитый с геном fbpB. Также векторы содержали селективные гены: ген неомицинфосфотрансферазы (nptII) или фосфинотрицин ацетилтрансферазы (bar). На селективной среде были отобраны трансгенные растения салата. Наличие селективного и целевого генов в геноме этих растений было подтверждено с помощью ПЦР. Трансгенные растения салата были высажены в грунт в условиях теплицы для проведения последующих исследований