325 research outputs found

    Estudiar concepcions-idees d'estudiantes en ciències utilitzant teorias d'argumentació

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    Durant les últimes dècades, hi ha hagut un gran interès, en l'àrea de la didàctica de les ciències, per la investigació de les idees prèvies els alumnes en ciències. En el nostre treball no es tracta de trobar i identificar aquestes idees, sinó de trobar el sentit comú en què es basen aquestes idees. Ens proposem trobar esquemes de raonament, o argumentativos, espontanis que es troben detràs d'aquestes concepcions científiques d'estudiantes de Magisteri. El nostre marc analítico s'elabora a partir de la Teoria d'argumentació d'Aristòtil i de teorias més contemporànies com la de Perelman, Toulmin i Walton per a tenir un llistat el més ampli possible dels esquemes d'argumentació del nostre sentit comú actual

    Pots for monks: ceramics and life in the Old Monastery of Baramus (Wadi al-Natrun, Egypt) 4th - 9th c

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    Since 1996, a team from Leiden University, under the direction of Dr. Karel Innemée, carries out archaeological fieldwork in the Wadi al-Natrun, at a site north of the Monastery of Virgin Mary of Baramūs. The systematic excavations have brought to light traces of a twin monastic compound including a central church, a square building and parts of the living quarters of the monks. The pottery dating to the period from the fourth until the ninth century is discussed in the PhD thesis entitled: Pots for Monks. Ceramics and Life in the Old Monastery of Baramūs in the Wādī al-Naṭrūn, Egypt (4th – 9th c.). This research may be regarded as a contribution to the study of Lower Egyptian monasticism, focusing on a particular, earthly, aspect of this movement: the material culture. The various ceramic types found in the site are presented and analysed in an effort to follow the activities taken place in the site during a period of five centuries. The importance of this study lies to the fact that for the first time a ceramic assemblage from a site in the Wādī al-Naṭrūn is published. Hopefully, it inaugurates a series of more elaborate and better reports on ceramic finds that the future fieldwork in the region will bring to light.FdA – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde

    Estudiar concepcions-idees d'estudiantes en ciències utilitzant teorias d'argumentació

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    Durant les últimes dècades, hi ha hagut un gran interès, en l'àrea de la didàctica de les ciències, per la investigació de les idees prèvies els alumnes en ciències. En el nostre treball no es tracta de trobar i identificar aquestes idees, sinó de trobar el sentit comú en què es basen aquestes idees. Ens proposem trobar esquemes de raonament, o argumentativos, espontanis que es troben detràs d'aquestes concepcions científiques d'estudiantes de Magisteri. El nostre marc analítico s'elabora a partir de la Teoria d'argumentació d'Aristòtil i de teorias més contemporànies com la de Perelman, Toulmin i Walton per a tenir un llistat el més ampli possible dels esquemes d'argumentació del nostre sentit comú actual

    A Multi-objective Network Design Model for Post-disaster Transportation Network Management

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    Despite their inherent vulnerability to structural and functional degradation, transportation networks play a vital role in the aftermath of disasters by ensuring physical access to the affected communities and providing services according to the generated needs. In this setting of operational conditions and service needs which deviate from normal, a restructuring of network functions is deemed to be beneficial for overall network serviceability. In such context, this paper explores the planning of post-disaster operations on a network following a hazardous event on one of the network’s nodes. Lane reversal, demand regulation and path activation are applied to provide an optimally reconfigured network with reallocated demand, so that the network performance is maximized. The problem is formulated as a bi-level optimization model; the upper level determines the optimal network management strategy implementation scheme while the lower level assigns traffic on the network. Three performance indices are used for that purpose: the total network travel time (TNTT), the total network flow (TNF) and the special origin-destination pair (OD pair) accessibility. A genetic algorithm coupled with a traffic assignment process is used as a solution methodology. Application of the model on a real urban network proves the computational efficiency of the algorithm; the model systematically produces robust results of enhanced network performance, indicating its value as an operation planning tool

    C-hypergroupoids obtained by special binary relations

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    AbstractIn this paper we deal with the partial or non-partial C-hypergroupoids which are associated with special binary relations defined on H, such as Reflexive, Symmetric, Cyclic and Transitive. Basic properties are investigated and various characterizations are given. The main tool to study the previous special classes of hypergroupoids is the fundamental relation β∗ (i.e. the smallest equivalence relation such that the quotient of a hypergroupoid (partial or not) is a groupoid (partial or not)

    eCAD System Design - Applications in Architecture

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    The rapid advances in learning technologies, computer modeling, multimedia and spatial sciences, as well as the availability of many powerful graphics PCs and workstations, make 3-D modeling-based methods for personalized e-learning with eCAD (modeling) functionality feasible. Personalized eCAD learning is a new term in engineering, environment and architecture education, related to the development of learning educational units (3-D learning objects) with re-usable digital architecture functionality, and introduced to literature for the first time within this paper. In particular, for university education courses in eCAD, digital architecture, design computing and CAAD (reagarding spatial information systems, architectures, monuments, cultural heritage sites, etc.), such a e-learning methodolgy must be able to derive spatial, pictorial, geometric, spatial, topological, learning and semantic information from the target object (a 3-D model) or scene (a 3-D landscape environment) or procedure (a 3-D simulation approach to a phenomenon), in such a way that it can be directly used for e-learning purposes regarding the spatial topology, the history, the architecture, the structure and the temporal (time-based) 3-D geometry of the projected object, scene or procedure. This paper is about the system design of such a e-learning method. For this purpose, the requirements, objectives and pedagogical extensions are presented and discussed. Finaly, a practical project is used to demonstrate the functionality and the performance of the proposed methodology in architectur

    Mesenchymal/Stromal Gene Expression Signature Relates to Basal-Like Breast Cancers, Identifies Bone Metastasis and Predicts Resistance to Therapies

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    BACKGROUND: Mounting clinical and experimental evidence suggests that the shift of carcinomas towards a mesenchymal phenotype is a common paradigm for both resistance to therapy and tumor recurrence. However, the mesenchymalization of carcinomas has not yet entered clinical practice as a crucial diagnostic paradigm. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: By integrating in silico and in vitro studies with our epithelial and mesenchymal tumor models, we compare herein crucial molecular pathways of previously described carcinoma-derived mesenchymal tumor cells (A17) with that of both carcinomas and other mesenchymal phenotypes, such as mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), breast stroma, and various types of sarcomas. We identified three mesenchymal/stromal-signatures which A17 cells shares with MSCs and breast stroma. By using a recently developed computational approach with publicly available microarray data, we show that these signatures: 1) significantly relates to basal-like breast cancer subtypes; 2) significantly relates to bone metastasis; 3) are up-regulated after hormonal treatment; 4) predict resistance to neoadjuvant therapies. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results demonstrate that mesenchymalization is an intrinsic property of the most aggressive tumors and it relates to therapy resistance as well as bone metastasis

    The Antioxidant Potential of the Mediterranean Diet in Patients at High Cardiovascular Risk: An In-Depth Review of the PREDIMED

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading global cause of death. Diet is known to be important in the prevention of CVD. The PREDIMED trial tested a relatively low-fat diet versus a high-fat Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) for the primary prevention of CVD. The resulting reduction of the CV composite outcome resulted in a paradigm shift in CV nutrition. Though many dietary factors likely contributed to this effect, this review focuses on the influence of the MedDiet on endogenous antioxidant systems and the effect of dietary polyphenols. Subgroup analysis of the PREDIMED trial revealed increased endogenous antioxidant and decreased pro-oxidant activity in the MedDiet groups. Moreover, higher polyphenol intake was associated with lower incidence of the primary outcome, overall mortality, blood pressure, inflammatory biomarkers, onset of new-onset type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), and obesity. This suggests that polyphenols likely contributed to the lower incidence of the primary event in the MedDiet groups. In this article, we summarize the potential benefits of polyphenols found in the MedDiet, specifically the PREDIMED cohort. We also discuss the need for further research to confirm and expand the findings of the PREDIMED in a non-Mediterranean population and to determine the exact mechanisms of action of polyphenols