256 research outputs found

    Quantifying Economic Losses due to Milk Fever in Dairy Farms

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    Milk fever, a metabolic disease, affects dairy animals usually within one or two days after calving, resulting in a huge reduction in milk production and thus becomes economically most important. This study, conducted in five milkshed districts of Tamil Nadu, has estimated the economic losses arising from milk fever, based on the data collected from a random sample of 557 milk fever affected bovines (516 cows and 41 she buffaloes) during 2005-08. For assessing economic losses caused by milk fever, cost of medicines, veterinarian’s fee, cost of additional labour utilized, loss due to reduction in milk output, cost of animals dead and culled have been considered. The prevalence of milk fever has been found 13.67 per cent in cows and 11.99 per cent in buffaloes across the study districts. The total loss has been found as Rs 1,068 per affected cow and Rs 665 per buffalo. Taking into account the observed prevalence of milk fever, the population of milch cows and buffaloes and the per animal loss due to milk fever has been estimated to be of Rs 40.62 crore in the state, which is a substantial damage to the dairy farming community. Some suggestions for prevention and management of milk fever have been given in the study.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Deep Learning based Densenet Convolution Neural Network for Community Detection in Online Social Networks

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    Online Social Networks (OSNs) have become increasingly popular, with hundreds of millions of users in recent years. A community in a social network is a virtual group with shared interests and activities that they want to communicate. OSN and the growing number of users have also increased the need for communities. Community structure is an important topological property of OSN and plays an essential role in various dynamic processes, including the diffusion of information within the network. All networks have a community format, and one of the most continually addressed research issues is the finding of communities. However, traditional techniques didn't do a better community of discovering user interests. As a result, these methods cannot detect active communities.  To tackle this issues, in this paper presents Densenet Convolution Neural Network (DnetCNN) approach for community detection. Initially, we gather dataset from Kaggle repository. Then preprocessing the dataset to remove inconsistent and missing values. In addition to User Behavior Impact Rate (UBIR) technique to identify the user URL access, key term and page access. After that, Web Crawling Prone Factor Rate (WCPFR) technique is used find the malicious activity random forest and decision method. Furthermore, Spider Web Cluster Community based Feature Selection (SWC2FS) algorithm is used to choose finest attributes in the dataset. Based on the attributes, to find the community group using Densenet Convolution Neural Network (DnetCNN) approach. Thus, the experimental result produce better performance than other methods

    A Comparative study of Siriraj and Greek Score in Differentiating Acute Ischemic Stroke from Hemorrhagic Stroke

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    BACKGROUND: Stroke is an important cause of death and disability in India, with a prevalence of 262/1000000 in rural areas and 424/100000 in urban areas. Classifying stroke in to Ischaemic and Haemorrhagic stroke as early as possible is very essential to start treatment. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 120 patients with features of Anterior circulation stroke admitted to our hospital and the data collected is used to compute Siriraj and Greek stroke score. RESULTS: Analysis of Siriraj and Greek stroke scores shows accuracy of 62.3% and 79.2% in detecting Infarct respectively. Both scores shows 91.5 % accuracy in detecting Haemorrhage. CONCLUSION: Both the scores can be used to rule out Haemorrhage in rural set-ups where immediate radiographing is not available. When both the scores are used simultaneously, accuracy increases. Still, CT Brain is the investigatory modality whenever it is available

    A research in sustainable competitive positional advantage of english dailies in Tamilnadu (India)

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    The aim of this study is to identify and to describe the sustainable competitive positional advantage of various English Dailies in Tamilnadu (India) in general. Cost leaderships (price) and the differentiations based on demographics, psychographics, reading activity, opinion and interest are particularly considered. In order to reach this scope a theory of sustainable competitive positional advantage is proposed, in the context of print media in India

    Low-Frequency Radio Observations of the "Quiet" Corona During the Descending Phase of Sunspot Cycle 24

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    We carried out a statistical study of the "quiet" solar corona during the descending phase of the Sunspot Cycle 24 (i.e., January 2015 to May 2019) using data obtained with the Gauribidanur RAdioheliograPH (GRAPH) at 53 and 80 MHz simultaneously. Our results show that the equatorial (east-west) diameters of the solar corona at the above two frequencies shrunk steadily. The decrease was found to be due to a gradual reduction in the coronal electron density (N-e). Independent estimates ofN(e)in the equatorial region of the "background" corona using white-light coronagraph observations indicate a decline consistent with our findings.Peer reviewe

    Design of single switch-boosted voltage current suppressor converter for uninterrupted power supply using green resources integration

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    Introduction. Uninterrupted power supply is the major requirement in the areas since it involves human lives. In the current scenario the demand and price of fossil fuels is increasing rapidly and availability also is not sufficient to the needs, an alternative identification to power generation is solar and wind energies. The purpose of designing an aimed, single switch boosted voltage and current suppressor (SS-BVCS) converter topology that interfaces both the wind and solar hybrid model. The method involves in the proposed chopper converter is derived by simply merging a switch and a pair of diodes and CLC filter which is used in realization of zero voltage switching for the main switch and a reversing diode to extract high voltage gain. The designed SS-BVCS converter topology can able to have a tight self-control on two power-processing paths. The novelty of the SS-BVCS converter module is designed to ensure maximum throughput, feeding to the load with high quality uninterrupted output, by boosting the DC voltage to a required amount and thereby supressing the current. Practical value obtained by the developed model utilizes both the sources for supply to the load individually or combined based on the extraction availability of the feeder. Also, the proposed SS-BVCS module delivers with efficient lesser component count and gaining maximum power from the harvest of green energy.Вступ. Джерело безперебійного живлення є основною вимогою в галузях, що пов'язані з людськими життями. У поточній ситуації, коли попит та ціна на викопне паливо швидко зростають, а їх доступність також недостатня для задоволення потреб, альтернативною технологією виробництва електроенергії є сонячна та вітрова енергія. Метою є розробка цільової топології перетворювача з підвищеною напругою та пригнічувачем струму з одним перемикачем (SS-BVCS), яка взаємодіє як з вітровою, так і з гібридною моделлю сонячної енергії. Метод включає запропонований перетворювач переривника, отриманий шляхом простого злиття перемикача, пари діодів і CLC-фільтра, який використовується для реалізації перемикання при нульовому напрузі для основного ключа і реверсивного діода для вилучення високого коефіцієнта посилення по напрузі. Розроблена топологія перетворювача SS-BVCS може забезпечити жорсткий самоконтроль на двох ланцюгах обробки енергії. Новизна модуля перетворювача SS-BVCS призначена для забезпечення максимальної пропускної здатності, живлення навантаження з якісним безперебійним виходом шляхом підвищення напруги постійного струму до необхідної величини і, таким чином, придушення струму. Практична цінність, отримана завдяки розробленій моделі, дозволяє використовувати як джерела живлення навантаження окремо, так і комбіновано залежно від можливості відбору фідера. Крім того, запропонований модуль SS-BVCS забезпечує ефективне використання меншої кількості компонентів та отримання максимальної потужності за рахунок збирання зеленої енергії

    Pulsed electric field and combination processing of mango nectar: effect on volatile compounds and HMF formation

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    Mango nectar is a commercially familiar and preferred product. The traditional processing of mango nectar has been by thermal processing which resulted in the alteration of the flavour of the product due to the effect of high temperature. The thermal processing of the nectar also resulted in the production of byproducts of non-enzymatic browning such as 5- hydroxy methyl furfural (HMF). These process induced effects, affect both the nutritive and sensory attributes of the fruit product, making it less preferable. With the growing interest and awareness about the benefits of alternative non-thermal technologies, such as pulsed electric field (PEF), the present work was proposed to use PEF to minimize the loss of volatiles and formation of HMF. The study involves thermal (96 ºC for 300 s and 600 s), PEF (24 µs, 120 Hz and 38 kV/cm) and combination processing (PEF + Thermal (96 ºC for 90 s)) of mango nectar. The effect of these treatments on the volatile composition of mango nectar has been analysed using GC-MS technique. The reduction in the volatile compounds was significant (p 0.05) different from unprocessed sample, proving the fresh-like character of the product

    Enantioselective hyperporous molecularly imprinted thin film polymers

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    Significant enantioselective recognition has been achieved through the introduction of long range ordered and highly interconnected 300 nm diameter pores in molecularly imprinted polymer matrices.Peer reviewe

    Formulation and evaluation of herbal face cream with green tea extract

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    Face cream is a semi-solid preparation for improving skin colour. The purposes of the present research work was to formulate and evaluate herbal face cream with green tea extract, turmeric, aloe vera gel as a skin toner. Herbal creams offer several advantages over synthetic creams. The majority of existing creams which has prepared from drugs of synthetic origin and gives extras fairness to face, but it has several side effects such as itching or several allergic reactions. Herbal creams do not have any of these side effects, without side effects it gives the nourishment to skin. Method carried out to prepare herbal cream was vanishing cream formulation. Firstly, oil phase was prepared, Secondly aqueous phase was prepared. Then aqueous phase was added into the oil phase at 700 c with continuous stirring. Now, once the transfer was completed it was allowed to come at room temperature all the while being stirred. Perfume was added at last just before the finished product was transferred to suitable container. The above prepared herbal cream was evaluated with parameters such as pH, homogeneity by visual and by touch, appearance (colour), rub out (spread ability, wetness), washability, consistency and emolliency. The study suggests that the composition of extract and the base of the cream F1 are more stable and safe