49 research outputs found

    Communication in Individuals with Rett Syndrome: an Assessment of Forms and Functions

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    In the present study we assessed the forms and functions of prelinguistic communicative behaviors for 120 children and adults with Rett syndrome using the Inventory of Potential Communicative Acts (IPCA) (Sigafoos et al. Communication Disorders Quarterly 21:77–86, 2000a). Informants completed the IPCA and the results were analysed to provide a systematic inventory and objective description of the communicative forms and functions present in each individual’s repertoire. Results show that respondents reported a wide variety of communicative forms and functions. By far most girls used prelinguistic communicative behaviors of which eye contact/gazing was the most common form. The most often endorsed communicative functions were social convention, commenting, answering, requesting and choice-making. Problematic topographies (e.g., self-injury, screaming, non-compliance) were being used for communicative purposes in 10 to 41% of the sample. Exploratory analyses revealed that several communicative forms and functions were related to living environment, presence/absence of epilepsy, and age. That is, higher percentages of girls who showed some forms/functions were found in those who lived at home, who had no epilepsy and who were relatively young

    Frequency of educational computer use as a longitudinal predictor of educational outcomes in young people with specific language impairment

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    Computer use draws on linguistic abilities. Using this medium thus presents challenges for young people with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) and raises questions of whether computer-based tasks are appropriate for them. We consider theoretical arguments predicting impaired performance and negative outcomes relative to peers without SLI versus the possibility of positive gains. We examine the relationship between frequency of computer use (for leisure and educational purposes) and educational achievement; in particular examination performance at the end of compulsory education and level of educational progress two years later. Participants were 49 young people with SLI and 56 typically developing (TD) young people. At around age 17, the two groups did not differ in frequency of educational computer use or leisure computer use. There were no associations between computer use and educational outcomes in the TD group. In the SLI group, after PIQ was controlled for, educational computer use at around 17 years of age contributed substantially to the prediction of educational progress at 19 years. The findings suggest that educational uses of computers are conducive to educational progress in young people with SLI

    Caracterização das habilidades funcionais na síndrome de Rett

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as ĂĄreas de maior comprometimento nas habilidades funcionais na sĂ­ndrome de Rett (SR). Foram avaliadas 64 pacientes que preenchiam os critĂ©rios para a forma clĂĄssica da doença, com idade entre 2 e 26 anos. Foi aplicado o InventĂĄrio de avaliação pediĂĄtrica de incapacidade (PEDI) que contĂ©m 197 itens nas ĂĄreas de autocuidado, mobilidade e função social. Dentre as 73 atividades da ĂĄrea de autocuidado, 52 (71,2%) nĂŁo foram realizadas por qualquer paciente; na mobilidade, dentre as 59 atividades propostas, 8 (13,5%); e na ĂĄrea de função social, dentre as 65 atividades, 50 (76,9%) nĂŁo foram realizadas por paciente alguma. O desempenho mĂ©dio ajustado em escala de 0 a 100 para a ĂĄrea de autocuidado foi de 8,9/100, variando de 0 a 19; na ĂĄrea de mobilidade, foi de 30,2/100, variando de 1 a 44; e na de função social, 5,2/100, com variação de 0 a 14. Foi possĂ­vel verificar fortes correlaçÔes entre a ĂĄrea de autocuidado e as de mobilidade e função social; no entanto, entre as ĂĄreas de mobilidade e função social nĂŁo foi detectada correlação significativa. Infelizmente, devido Ă  gravidade da sĂ­ndrome, o menor comprometimento da mobilidade, comparado ao das ĂĄreas de autocuidado e função social, nĂŁo traz vantagens adaptativas ou maior independĂȘncia Ă s pacientes com SR.The purpose of this study was to determine the areas of greater impairment in functional abilities of patients with Rett syndrome. Sixty-four patients aged 2 to 26 years old, who filled out criteria for the classic form of the disease, were assessed by the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) of which 197 items are grouped in the areas of self-care, mobility, and social function. From the 73 activities in self-care area, 52 (71.2%) were not accomplished by any patient; in mobility area, among the 59 proposed activities, 8 (13.5%); and in social function area, from 65 activities, 50 (76.9%) could not be accomplished. Adjusted mean results in a 0-to-100 scale were: self-care, 8.9/100, varying from 0 to 19; mobility, 30.2/100, varying from 1 to 44; and social function, 5.2/100, varying from 0 to 14. Strong correlations were found between self-care area and mobility and social function areas, but no significant correlation between the latter. Unfortunately, due to the serious impairment of the disease, the fact that mobility is affected to a lesser degree, as compared to self-care and social function, does not bring Rett syndrome patients any adaptive advantage nor greater independence

    Why protective measurement does not establish the reality of the quantum state

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    “Protective measurement” refers to two related schemes for finding the expectation value of an observable without disturbing the state of a quantum system, given a single copy of the system that is subject to a “protecting” operation. There have been several claims that these schemes support interpreting the quantum state as an objective property of a single quantum system. Here we provide three counter-arguments, each of which we present in two versions tailored to the two different schemes. Our first argument shows that the same resources used in protective measurement can be used to reconstruct the quantum state in a different way via process tomography. Our second argument is based on exact analyses of special cases of protective measurement, and our final argument is to construct explicit “휓-epistemic” toy models for protective measurement, which strongly suggest that protective measurement does not imply the reality of the quantum state. The common theme of the three arguments is that almost all of the information comes from the “protection” operation rather than the quantum state of the system, and hence the schemes have no implications for the reality of the quantum state

    Multi-country loss rates of honey bee colonies during winter 2016/2017 from the COLOSS survey

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    Publication history: Accepted - 5 March 2018; Published online - 8 May 2018.In this short note we present comparable loss rates of honey bee colonies during winter 2016/2017 from 27 European countries plus Algeria, Israel and Mexico, obtained with the COLOSS questionnaire. The 14,813 beekeepers providing valid loss data collectively wintered 425,762 colonies, and reported 21,887 (5.1%, 95% confidence interval 5.0–5.3%) colonies with unsolvable queen problems and 60,227 (14.1%, 95% CI 13.8–14.4%) dead colonies after winter. Additionally we asked for colonies lost due to natural disaster, which made up another 6,903 colonies (1.6%, 95% CI 1.5–1.7%). This results in an overall loss rate of 20.9% (95% CI 20.6–21.3%) of honey bee colonies during winter 2016/2017, with marked differences among countries. The overall analysis showed that small operations suffered higher losses than larger ones (p < 0.001). Overall migratory beekeeping had no significant effect on the risk of winter loss, though there was an effect in several countries. A table is presented giving detailed results from 30 countries. A map is also included, showing relative risk of colony winter loss at regional level.The authors are also grateful to various national funding sources for their support of some of the monitoring surveys [including, in the Republic of Serbia, MPNTR-RS, through grant number III46002]. The authors acknowledge the financial support by the University of Graz for open access publication