1,819 research outputs found

    Efecto de tratamientos enzim?tico, microondas y ultrasonido en la extracci?n de grasa de semilla de mango (Mangifera Indica L.)

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    73 P?ginasSe evalu? el efecto de los tratamientos de ultrasonido, microondas y enzim?tico como procesamiento previo al m?todo por prensado para aumentar el rendimiento de extracci?n de la grasa de semilla de mango. Se trabajaron dos variedades de mango Kala Alphonso y Mariquita. Las muestras fueron expuestas a ultrasonido durante 1 h, con una amplitud de 100 % y ciclo de 1 s. El tratamiento con microondas se evalu? a una potencia de 100 W durante 15 y 30 min con intervalos de 5 min evitando la evaporaci?n del agua destilada. En el tratamiento con enzimas se incub? la muestra a 45?C durante 4 h. Los rendimientos se calcularon con base al contenido inicial de aceite determinados por el m?todo Soxhlet para cada variedad 12,0 % para Kala Alphonso y 11,35 % Mariquita. Los resultados mostraron que la semilla Kala Alphonso tratada con enzima present? mayor rendimiento de extracci?n con 33,36 % en comparaci?n con Mariquita (25,99 %). Con el tratamiento de ultrasonido, la variedad Kala Alphonso obtuvo el mayor rendimiento de extracci?n (16,02 %). En el tratamiento con microondas no se logr? obtener unas condiciones de procesamiento donde la exposici?n a la energ?a electromagn?tica no afectara la estructura de la semilla y se pudiera extraer grasa de semilla de mango. De igual forma se realizaron pruebas de extracci?n de componentes grasos por el m?todo de extrusi?n, donde no se obtuvo la separaci?n de la grasa de la semilla, por lo anterior puede explicarse en que este tipo de procesamiento es m?s eficaz cuando se trabaja con semillas con mayor contenido de aceite. Las pruebas de calidad determinaron que la grasa extra?da presenta caracter?sticas similares a grasas industriales, lo que permitir?a su posible futura aplicaci?n en diferentes industrias.ABSTRACT It was evaluated the ultrasound, microwaves and enzymatic treatment effects as previous processing to the press method in order to increase mango seed fat extraction performance. Two varieties of mango, Kala Alphonso and Mariquita, were subjected to different treatments. The samples were exposed to ultrasound waves during 1 h, with 100 % amplitude and 1 s cycle. The microwave treatment was evaluated at minimal power (100 W) during 15 and 30 min with 5 min intervals for avoiding distilled water evaporation. In the treatment with enzymes, the sample was incubated at 45?C during 4 h. The yield was analyzed based on the initial oil content measured by Soxhlet method, 12,0 % for Kala Alphonso and 11,35 % for Mariquita. The results showed that Kala Alphonso seed treated with enzyme had a higher yield with 33,36 % compared to Mariquita with 25,99 %. In the ultrasound treatment, the Kala Alphonso variety had the higher extraction performance (16,02 %). In the microwave treatment was not possible to obtain processing conditions that exposure to electromagnetic energy will not affect the seed structure and the extraction of fat mango kernel. It was also made fat extraction tests by the extrusion method, however it was not possible to obtain fat separation, this can be explained that extrusion processing is most effective with higher oil content seeds. The quality results showed that fat mango seed presented characteristics similar to other industrial fats, so it is possible used in different industries considering its high unsaturated fatty acid content. The mechanical press extraction is an efficient process for obtaining mango seed fat but it is required previous treatments, however this is a real possibility in order to add value to an industrial sub-product.INTRODUCCI?N 12 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 15 2. JUSTIFICACI?N 16 3. OBJETIVOS 17 3.1 GENERAL 17 3.2 ESPECIFICOS 17 4. MARCO TE?RICO 18 4.1 GENERALIDADES DEL MANGO 18 4.1.1 Producci?n y Comercializaci?n del Mango 18 4.1.2 Subproductos del Procesamiento del Mango 20 4.2 COMPOSICI?N DE LA SEMILLA 21 4.2.1 Compuestos Grasos de la Semilla de Mango 21 4.3 M?TODOS DE EXTRACCI?N 25 4.3.1 M?todos Soxhlet o con Disolventes 25 4.3.2 M?todo de Extracci?n por Prensado 25 4.3.3 Extracci?n Asistida por Microondas 25 4.3.4 Extracci?n Asistida con Ultrasonido 26 4.3.5 Actividad Enzim?tica 26 4.4 ESTADO DEL ARTE 26 5. METODOLOG?A 32 5.1 CARACTERIZACION DE LA SEMILLA DE MANGO 32 5 5.1.1 M?todo de Extracci?n por Soxhlet 34 5.2 PRUEBAS DE HIDRATACI?N DE LA SEMILLA DE MANGO 35 5.2.1 Hidrataci?n con Vapor de Agua 36 5.2.2 Hidrataci?n Semillas en Remojo 36 5.2.3 Hidrataci?n con Vapor en Autoclave 36 5.3 TRATAMIENTOS PREVIOS DE EXTRACCI?N 37 5.3.1 Tratamiento por Microondas 37 5.3.2 Tratamiento por Ultrasonido 37 5.3.3 Tratamiento Enzim?tico 38 5.4 M?TODOS DE EXTRACCI?N 39 5.4.1 M?todo de Extracci?n por Prensado 39 5.4.2. M?todo de Extracci?n por Extrusi?n 41 5.5 DETERMINACI?N DE LA CALIDAD 42 5.6 DISE?O EXPERIMENTAL 42 5.6.1 An?lisis de Resultados 43 6. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSI?N 44 6.1 RENDIMIENTO DE EXTRACCION POR SOXHLET 44 6.1.1 An?lisis Proximal 44 6.1.2 Perfil de ?cidos Grasos 45 6.2 PRUEBAS DE HIDRATACI?N DE LA SEMILLA DE MANGO 46 6.3 TRATAMIENTOS PREVIOS DE EXTRACCI?N POR PRENSADO 48 6.3.1 Tratamiento por Microondas 48 6.3.2 Tratamiento con Ultrasonido y Enzima 49 6.4 DETERMINACI?N DE LA CALIDAD 52 6.5 RENDIMIENTO DE EXTRACCI?N POR EXTRUSI?N 56 7. CONCLUSIONES 58 RECOMENDACIONES 60 6 REFERENCIAS 6

    La grafomotricidad en el proceso de aprendizaje de los ni?os de 5 a?os de la instituci?n t?cnica Sumapaz Sede Santa Clara

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    64 p. Recurso Electr?nico?Este proyecto atenido como objetivo principal, Establecer como el proceso de aprendizaje en los ni?os de 5 a?os, a trav?s diversas estrategias, desarrollando actividades que aporten a mejorar las destrezas de las manos, los dedos y su posici?n corporal para que tengan una buena motricidad al escribir y desarrollar las habilidades b?sicas para la iniciaci?n a la escritura, basada en el desarrollo de procesos motores b?sicos como: tipos y conservaciones de trazos, precisi?n en el uso de instrumentos y el desarrollo de habilidades grafomotoras. El t?rmino grafomotricidad en el nivel inicial es esencialmente un acto mot?rico que tiene por finalidad educar y corregir la ejecuci?n de los movimientos b?sicos que intervienen en la escritura. Estrada, R. (2006) aporta diciendo que la grafomotricidad es una fase previa a la escritura ya que supone el entrenamiento para la realizaci?n de movimientos b?sicos que forman parte de la correcta direccionalidad y trazado de las letras. Se puede afirmar que la grafomotricidad es una posibilidad que se plantea en este proyecto como una alternativa metodol?gica para facilitar el proceso de la escritura en los ni?os de la instituci?n educativa t?cnica sumapaz sede santa clara. Palabras claves: grafomotricidad, iniciaci?n en la escrituraThis project is considered as main objective, to establish learning strategies in the children of 5 years of the technical educational institution sumapaz seed Santa Clara headquarters, through diverse activities, developing exercises that contribute to improve the skills of the hands, the fingers and their body position To have a good motor skills in writing and develop the basic skills for initiation to writing, based on the development of basic motor processes such as types and conservations of strokes, precision in the use of instruments and the development of graphing skills. The term grafomotricidad in the initial level is essentially a motor act that has as purpose to educate and to correct the execution of the basic movements that take part in the writing. Estrada, R. (2006) contends that grafomotricidad is a pre-writing phase since it involves training for the realization of basic movements that are part of the correct directionality and layout of the letters. It is possible to affirm that the grafomotricidad is a possibility that arises in this project as a methodological alternative to facilitate the process of writing in the children of the technical educational institution sumapaz seed Santa Clara Keywords: grafomotricidad, initiation in the writin

    Adaptive planning in human search

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    How do people plan ahead when searching for rewards? We investigate planning in a foraging task in which participants search for rewards on an infinite two-dimensional grid. Our results show that their search is best-described by a model which searches at least 3 steps ahead. Furthermore, participants do not seem to update their beliefs during planning, but rather treat their initial beliefs as given, a strategy similar to a heuristic called root-sampling. This planning algorithm corresponds well with participants’ behavior in test problems with restricted movement and varying degrees of information, outperforming more complex models. These results enrich our understanding of adaptive planning in complex environments

    Long-Term Influence of the Practice of Physical Activity on the Self-Perceived Quality of Life of Women with Breast Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

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    Background: There is still no consensus on the most suitable interventions for exercise practice in breast cancer survivors. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a two-year physical activity intervention (strength, aqua fitness and aerobic exercise programs) on the self-perceived quality of life and physical functionality of female breast cancer survivors. Methods: A randomized, controlled, experimental trial with a sample of 316 women (63 +/- 7 years), who had been diagnosed with breast cancer. The evaluations were performed using the Rikli & Jones Senior Fitness Test, and the Short Form 12 Health Survey (SF-12). Results: The participants in the strength program showed statistically significant improvements in all the items of the SF-12. The aqua fitness program obtained significant improvements in Physical Functioning and Limitations, Pain and Emotional Limitations, General Health, Vitality, Social Functioning and the physical and mental components of the SF-12. The participants in the aerobic program showed a progressive deterioration of Vitality and Mental Health. Conclusion: When assigning breast cancer survivors to an exercise program, the preferential or predominant activity should include strength exercises. On the other hand, as the second choice, those patients with particularly low levels of Vitality or Physical Limitations will show greater improvement with an aqua fitness program

    Simple model for a quantum wire III. Transmission of finite samples with correlated disorder

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    The effect of a continuous model of correlations upon one-dimensional finite disordered quantum wires modeled by an array of delta-potentials, is analyzed. Although the model proposed is not able to include new truly extended states in the spectrum, the transport properties of a finite sample are noticeably improved due to the existence of states whose localization length is larger than the system size. This enhancement of transmission is maximized for relatively short chains.Comment: 6 pages, 18 figure

    Planning with Information-Processing Constraints and Model Uncertainty in Markov Decision Processes

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    Information-theoretic principles for learning and acting have been proposed to solve particular classes of Markov Decision Problems. Mathematically, such approaches are governed by a variational free energy principle and allow solving MDP planning problems with information-processing constraints expressed in terms of a Kullback-Leibler divergence with respect to a reference distribution. Here we consider a generalization of such MDP planners by taking model uncertainty into account. As model uncertainty can also be formalized as an information-processing constraint, we can derive a unified solution from a single generalized variational principle. We provide a generalized value iteration scheme together with a convergence proof. As limit cases, this generalized scheme includes standard value iteration with a known model, Bayesian MDP planning, and robust planning. We demonstrate the benefits of this approach in a grid world simulation.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    A Bio-Logical Theory of Animal Learning

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    This article provides the foundation for a new predictive theory of animal learning that is based upon a simple logical model. The knowledge of experimental subjects at a given time is described using logical equations. These logical equations are then used to predict a subject’s response when presented with a known or a previously unknown situation. This new theory suc- cessfully anticipates phenomena that existing theories predict, as well as phenomena that they cannot. It provides a theoretical account for phenomena that are beyond the domain of existing models, such as extinction and the detection of novelty, from which “external inhibition” can be explained. Examples of the methods applied to make predictions are given using previously published results. The present theory proposes a new way to envision the minimal functions of the nervous system, and provides possible new insights into the way that brains ultimately create and use knowledge about the world

    An Instanton Picture O.P.E. <A^2> Condensate?

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    Gluon two- and three-point Green Functions computed in Landau gauge from the lattice show the existence of power corrections to the purely perturbative expressions, that can be explained through an Operator Product Expansion as the influence of a non gauge invariant mass dimension two condensate. The relationship of this condensate with topological properties of QCD, namely instantons, will be studied, giving a first estimate of the contribution of instantons to this condensate based in the direct lattice measure, after a cooling process, of the instanton liquid properties.Comment: Lattice2002(topology) contribution, 3 pages, 2 figure

    Psychiatric comorbidities in Asperger syndrome are related with polygenic overlap and differ from other Autism subtypes

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    There is great phenotypic heterogeneity within autism spectrum disorders (ASD), which has led to question their classification into a single diagnostic category. The study of the common genetic variation in ASD has suggested a greater contribution of other psychiatric conditions in Asperger syndrome (AS) than in the rest of the DSM-IV ASD subtypes (Non_AS). Here, using available genetic data from previously performed genome-wide association studies (GWAS), we aimed to study the genetic overlap between five of the most related disorders (schizophrenia (SCZ), major depression disorder (MDD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD) and anxiety (ANX)), and AS, comparing it with the overlap in Non_AS subtypes. A Spanish cohort of autism trios (N = 371) was exome sequenced as part of the Autism Sequencing Consortium (ASC) and 241 trios were extensively characterized to be diagnosed with AS following DSM-IV and Gillberg's criteria (N = 39) or not (N = 202). Following exome imputation, polygenic risk scores (PRS) were calculated for ASD, SCZ, ADHD, MDD, ANX, and OCD (from available summary data from Psychiatric Genomic Consortium (PGC) repository) in the Spanish trios' cohort. By using polygenic transmission disequilibrium test (pTDT), we reported that risk for SCZ (Pscz = 0.008, corrected-PSCZ = 0.0409), ADHD (PADHD = 0.021, corrected-PADHD = 0.0301), and MDD (PMDD = 0.039, corrected-PMDD = 0.0501) is over-transmitted to children with AS but not to Non_AS. Indeed, agnostic clustering procedure with deviation values from pTDT tests suggested two differentiated clusters of subjects, one of which is significantly enriched in AS (P = 0.025). Subsequent analysis with S-Predixcan, a recently developed software to predict gene expression from genotype data, revealed a clear pattern of correlation between cortical gene expression in ADHD and AS (P < 0.001) and a similar strong correlation pattern between MDD and AS, but also extendable to another non-brain tissue such as lung (P < 0.001). Altogether, these results support the idea of AS being qualitatively distinct from Non_AS autism and consistently evidence the genetic overlap between AS and ADHD, MDD, or SCZ

    Increased Serum Levels of sCD14 and sCD163 Indicate a Preponderant Role for Monocytes in COVID-19 Immunopathology

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    Background: Emerging evidence indicates a potential role for monocytes in COVID-19 immunopathology. We investigated two soluble markers of monocyte activation, sCD14 and sCD163, in COVID-19 patients, with the aim of characterizing their potential role in monocyte-macrophage disease immunopathology. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study of its kind. Methods: Fifty-nine SARS-Cov-2 positive hospitalized patients, classified according to ICU or non-ICU admission requirement, were prospectively recruited and analyzed by ELISA for levels of sCD14 and sCD163, along with other laboratory parameters, and compared to a healthy control group. Results: sCD14 and sCD163 levels were significantly higher among COVID-19 patients, independently of ICU admission requirement, compared to the control group. We found a significant correlation between sCD14 levels and other inflammatory markers, particularly Interleukin-6, in the non-ICU patients group. sCD163 showed a moderate positive correlation with the time lapsed from admission to sampling, independently of severity group. Treatment with corticoids showed an interference with sCD14 levels, whereas hydroxychloroquine and tocilizumab did not. Conclusions: Monocyte-macrophage activation markers are increased and correlate with other inflammatory markers in SARS-Cov-2 infection, in association to hospital admission. These data suggest a preponderant role for monocyte-macrophage activation in the development of immunopathology of COVID-19 patients
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