1,414 research outputs found

    COVID-19 Mortality Risk Prediction Using X-Ray Images

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    The pandemic caused by coronavirus COVID-19 has already had a massive impact in our societies in terms of health, economy, and social distress. One of the most common symptoms caused by COVID-19 are lung problems like pneumonia, which can be detected using X-ray images. On the other hand, the popularity of Machine Learning models has grown exponentially in recent years and Deep Learning techniques have become the state-of-the-art for image classification tasks and is widely used in the healthcare sector nowadays as support for clinical decisions. This research aims to build a prediction model based on Machine Learning, including Deep Learning, techniques to predict the mortality risk of a particular patient given an X-ray and some basic demographic data. Keeping this in mind, this paper has three goals. First, we use Deep Learning models to predict the mortality risk of a patient based on this patient X-ray images. For this purpose, we apply Convolutional Neural Networks as well as Transfer Learning techniques to mitigate the effect of the reduced amount of COVID19 data available. Second, we propose to combine the prediction of this Convolutional Neural Network with other patient data, like gender and age, as input features of a final Machine Learning model, that will act as second and final layer. This second model layer will aim to improve the goodness of fit and prediction power of our first layer. Finally, and in accordance with the principle of reproducible research, the data used for the experiments is publicly available and we make the implementations developed easily accessible via public repositories. Experiments over a real dataset of COVID-19 patients yield high AUROC values and show our two-layer framework to obtain better results than a single Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model, achieving close to perfect classification

    Misbehaviors of Front-Line Research Personnel and the Integrity of Community-Based Research

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    There has been little empirical research into misconduct and misbehavior among community research workers who recruit and collect data in vulnerable and marginalized health populations and are also members of those same communities. We conducted qualitative interviews with community research workers and traditional research assistants to understand the context and consequences of misbehaviors that pose a threat to research ethics and data integrity. In our sample, more community research workers acknowledged engaging in research wrongdoing than did traditional research assistants. These behaviors were most prevalent among community research workers who were not well-integrated into the research team. We suggest best practices for investigators to promote an environment that supports research integrity in research projects that employ community research workers

    Problematique De L\'utilisation Des Engrais Mineraux Dans Les Zones De Production Du Riz : Cas Du Centre-Ouest De La CĂŽte D\'ivoire

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    Dans le but de mettre au point de barĂšmes de fumure minĂ©rale adaptĂ©s aux rĂ©gions et aux variĂ©tĂ©s nouvelles de riz pluvial, une enquĂȘte a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  SaĂŻoua, auprĂšs de 7 associations de riziculteurs dans le Centre Ouest de la CĂŽte d\'Ivoire. Cette enquĂȘte a portĂ© sur les riziculteurs et leur environnement, les caractĂ©ristiques des systĂšmes de culture Ă  base de riz pluvial, la perception et l\'utilisation des engrais chimiques et, enfin, la destination de la production rizicole. Il ressort de l\'enquĂȘte que la production de riz est Ă  dominance destinĂ©e Ă  l\'autoconsommation. La riziculture pluviale, activitĂ© la plus rĂ©pandue dans la rĂ©gion, est pratiquĂ©e Ă  95 % par les femmes. Elle demeure encore itinĂ©rante, avec apparition, localisĂ©e de zones de blocage foncier. Cette situation a entraĂźnĂ© l\'Ă©loignement des parcellesrizicoles des villages et une exploitation continue de certaines parcelles pendant 2, voire 3 ans. les pratiques agricolesont entrainĂ© la nĂ©cessitĂ© de de restaurer les terres cultivĂ©es Ă  travers l\'utilisation des engrais chimiques selon les paysans. Aussi, le souhait des trois quarts des riziculteurs enquĂȘtĂ©s est-il d\'utiliser ces engrais chimiques. Mais, compte tenu du coĂ»t Ă©levĂ© et de la faiblesse du pouvoir d\'achat de la population rurale, les engrais ne sont pas effectivement utilisĂ©s. Les quelques riziculteurs enquĂȘtĂ©s, qui ont dĂ©jĂ  utilisĂ©s les engrais chimiques, ont obtenu les produits par le biais d\'Organisations Non Gouvernementales (ONG) Ă  la faveur de projets agricoles.In order to define appropriate fertilizer rates for new rice varieties in the different areas of rainfed rice production, a survey was conducted in SaĂŻoua, mid-west CĂŽte d\'Ivoire. Seven rice farmer associations were surveyed. Parameters, such as: upland rice-based systems and market chracteristics,as well as farmer social status and perceptions toward mineral fertilizer use were assessed. Results show that : 95 % of rice farmers were women and cropping systems itinerant. This led to land scarcity, remoteness of production sites with respect to thomes, as well as land overuse (3-4 years of continuous cropping on the same land). Mineral fertilizer addition to soil appears to be the solution to this problem. For most farmers (75%), beside fallows systems, chemical fertilizer additions appear to be the only way out to improve soil quality. However, because of high chemical fertilizers cost, which is often out of reach of most farmers, fertilizers are not properly used by farmers and production is aimed at self-consumption. The few farmers who used fertilizers in their plots obtained those amendements from local NGOs through agricultural projects implemented in the area. Keywords: riziculture pluviale, enquĂȘte, engrais chimiques, CĂŽte d\'Ivoire.Agronomie Africaine Vol. 19 (2) 2007: pp. 173-18

    Polymorphismes du gÚne ABCB1 (MDR1) et impacts fonctionnels dans le transport de xénobiotiques - Particularités chez les sujets Noirs Subsahariens

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    Les différences interindividuelles observées dans la réponse aux médicaments sont en partie dues aux polymorphismes du gène ABCB1 codant pour la glycoprotéine-P (P-gp), une protéine de transport des médicaments. Cette revue a pour but de faire le point des connaissances sur les polymorphismes du gène ABCB1, leur relevance fonctionnelle et clinique et de préciser les particularités au sein de la population noire subsharienne. Le rôle du gène (ABCB1)MDR1 dans la variabilité pharmacocinétique ou pharmacodynamique a été démontrée clairement in vitro, dans des modèles animaux et lors d’études cliniques. Le polymorphisme C3435T est associé à une diminution de l’expression protéique de la P-gp et, par voie de conséquence, de son activité. L’existence d’une forte association entre les polymorphismes C3435T et G2677T a suggéré alors que la différence fonctionnelle observée peut être attribuée également au deuxième polymorphisme i.e le G2677T (exon 21). Il a été identifié chez les noirs africains de nouveaux polymorphismes et des haplotypes particuliers. Différnts travaux ont démontré également que le gène ABCB1 intervient dans le suivi thérapeutique des patients mis sous immunosuppresseurs, anticancéreux, antidépresseurs, antirétroviraux ou antihypertenseurs. Des perspectives fort intéressantes en pharmacothérapie avec entre autres l’utilisation de modulateurs de la P-gp sont d’actualité.Mots clés: Pharmacogénétique, glycoprotéine-P, médicaments, substances exogènes, Noirs Subsaharien

    Physical biomarkers of disease progression:on-chip monitoring of changes in mechanobiology of colorectal cancer cells

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    Disease can induce changes to subcellular components, altering cell phenotype and leading to measurable bulk-material mechanical properties. The mechanical phenotyping of single cells therefore offers many potential diagnostic applications. Cells are viscoelastic and their response to an applied stress is highly dependent on the magnitude and timescale of the actuation. Microfluidics can be used to measure cell deformability over a wide range of flow conditions, operating two distinct flow regimes (shear and inertial) which can expose subtle mechanical properties arising from subcellular components. Here, we investigate the deformability of three colorectal cancer (CRC) cell lines using a range of flow conditions. These cell lines offer a model for CRC metastatic progression; SW480 derived from primary adenocarcinoma, HT29 from a more advanced primary tumor and SW620 from lymph-node metastasis. HL60 (leukemia cells) were also studied as a model circulatory cell, offering a non-epithelial comparison. We demonstrate that microfluidic induced flow deformation can be used to robustly detect mechanical changes associated with CRC progression. We also show that single-cell multivariate analysis, utilising deformation and relaxation dynamics, offers potential to distinguish these different cell types. These results point to the benefit of multiparameter determination for improving detection and accuracy of disease stage diagnosis

    “Build a Bridge So You Can Cross It:” A Photo-Elicitation Study of Health and Wellness Among Homeless and Marginally Housed Veterans

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    As part of a photo-elicitation interview study, we aimed to describe homeless and marginally housed Veterans’ experiences with health and wellness, health decisions, and health-related behaviors. Twenty Veterans receiving Veterans Affairs Homeless Patient-Aligned Care Team care took photographs depicting health and wellness, then used their photographs to discuss the same topics in 30-60 minute audio-recorded, semi-structured photo-elicitation interviews. Transcripts were analyzed using template analysis. Veterans described eight dimensions related to their health and wellness; physical, social, and environmental were most commonly discussed, followed by emotional, intellectual, spiritual, occupational, and financial wellness. Photographs contained literal and metaphorical depictions that were positively-oriented, comprehensive, and reflective. Of central importance was overcoming external and internal obstacles to wellness. Photo-narratives may be helpful in educating health care providers and advocating for the needs of homeless and marginally housed Veterans. Integrated primary care services should address the multi-faceted aspects of health and wellness for Veterans

    Introducing a new method for calculating the environmental credits of end-of-life material recovery in attributional LCA

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    Purpose This paper aims to provide an alternative method for calculating the environmental credits associated with material recycling in life cycle assessment (LCA) of waste management systems. The method proposed here is more consistent with the general attributional approach in LCA than the hitherto common practice of simply assuming a 1:1 substitution of primary material production. Methods The formula proposed for estimating the environmental credit is applicable for the recovered materials that are reintroduced into the market (outputs of the recycling facilities), after all process losses in the various stages of the waste management system have been accounted for. It considers the displacement of materials by using the mix of virgin and recycled materials for each individual material that is used in the market for the production of goods. Moreover, it also considers the changes in the inherent properties of the materials undergoing a recycling process (‘down-cycling’), by introducing a quality (Q) factor, affecting the proportion of virgin material that is accounted for. Results and discussion Example applications of the proposed formula to a number of different materials (aluminium, steel, paper and cardboard and plastics) illustrate the range of possible results obtained.. The environmental credit calculated using the proposed formula can be interpreted as an indication of the remaining margin for improvement, since it depends on the existing mix of virgin and recycled materials already on the market, and on the potential of the recycled material to actually replace the primary one on a functional basis. We also discuss the possible use of a material’s Q factor to estimate the maximum allowable % of recycled material in a product consistent with the quality demands of selected applications. Conclusions and recommendations We have introduced here a consistent and unified formula for the evaluation of the credits associated with material recovery of all waste materials in waste management systems (paper, glass, plastics, metals, etc.). Such a formula requires the knowledge of the current average market consumption mixes of primary and secondary materials (or the application-specific average mixes when the final application of the recovered materials is known), and of suitable Q factors for the material(s) that are recycled. As the latter are often not readily available, more research is called for to arrive at a ready-to-use Q factors database
