280 research outputs found

    Aspectos epidemiológicos del dolor en pacientes con cefalea tensional

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    Fundamento. La cefalea tensional es la más prevalente de las cefaleas primarias tanto en atención primaria, como en medicina del trabajo o en las consultas de neurología, con importantes repercusiones en la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Para efectuar un tratamiento de fisioterapia, es necesario conocer las características de la cefalea y su posible etiología, valorar los aspectos que pueden ser modificados, seleccionando así el más eficaz. El objetivo es analizar los aspectos epidemiológicos de la cefalea tensional en una muestra de pacientes, características de su dolor, diferencias sociodemográficas observadas e intensidad de sus crisis de dolor. Métodos. La muestra está formada por 84 pacientes diagnosticados de cefalea tensional, de entre 18-65 años, evaluados mediante entrevista clínica estructurada. No-validada, con selección previa y participación voluntaria. Resultados y Conclusiones. De los 84 pacientes, todos ellos cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y respondieron a la entrevista, el 81% eran mujeres con edad media de 39,76 años (dt 11,38). El 36,9% siente dolor en la zona occipital, el 35,7% en la zona interparietal y el 27,4% en la región frontal. El 97,6% padecían dolor bilateralmente, el 81% refirieron dolor no pulsátil, y de severidad media a moderada el 92,9%. En el 71,4% el dolor no aumentaba con la actividad física. La intensidad media del dolor fue de 6,49 (dt 1,69). La mitad de los pacientes refirieron que el dolor se desencadena por la tos, al sonarse, al esfuerzo, o con la ingesta de alcohol. El mayor factor de agravación es el estrés (70,2%), aliviándoles la relajación en el 50% de los casos. La cefalea tensional es más frecuente en las mujeres, con edades en torno a los 40 años y con antecedentes familiares de cefaleas primarias. El dolor es de características holocraneales por lo general, aunque con predominio de irradiación en la zona occipital e interparietal, afectan con intensidad media, se agravan por el estrés, y se alivian con las técnicas de relajación y con el sueño.Background. Tension-type headache is the most prevalent type of primary headaches, both in primary health care and occupational medicine or in neurology consultations, with important repercussions on patients’ quality of life. To carry out a physiotherapy treatment, it is necessary to know the characteristics of the headache and its probable etiology, and take into account the aspects that can be modified, in order to choose the most effective treatment. The objective is to analyse the epidemiological aspects of tension-type headache in a sample of patients, characteristics of their pain, observed socio-demographic differences and intensity of their pain crises. Methods. The sample is made up of 84 patients diagnosed with tension-type headache, assessed through structured clinical interview. Not validated, with previous selection and voluntary participation. Results and Conclusions. Out of 84 patients, all of them met the inclusion criteria and replied to the interview), 81% were women, with mean age of 39,76 years (sd 11,38); 36,9% feeling pain in the occipital region, 35,7% in the interparietal area and 27.4% in the frontal region. 97,6% suffered from bilateral pain, 81% described non-throbbing pain, and 92,9% related pain of medium to moderate severity. In 71,4% of cases pain did not increase with physical activity. The average intensity of pain was 6,49 (sd 1,69). Half the patients related that the pain was triggered off by cough, during exertion and when blowing their nose, or with alcohol intake. The biggest aggravation factor was stress (70,2%), and patients were relieved by relaxation techniques in 50% of cases. Tension-type headache is more frequent in women, with approximate mean age of 40 years and with history of primary headaches in their family. The generalised characteristics of the pain affect with medium intensity pain to the whole head, with more predominance in interparietal and occipital regions, gets worse with stress and is relieved by relaxation and sleep

    Debromination and Reusable Glass Fiber Recovery from Large Waste Circuit Board Pieces in Subcritical Water Treatment

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    The great economic, social, and environmental interest that favors an effective management of the recycling of waste printed circuit boards (WCBs) encourages research on the improvement of processes capable of mitigating their harmful effects. In this work, the debromination of large WCBs was first performed through a hydrothermal process employing potassium carbonate as an additive. A total of 32 runs were carried out at 225 °C, various CO32–/Br– anionic ratios of 1:1, 2:1, 4:1, and 6:1, treatment times from 30 to 360 min, proportion of submerged WCBs in the liquid of 100, 50, and 25% that corresponded with the use of three WCB sizes of 20 mm × 16.5 mm, 20 mm × 33 mm, and 80 mm × 33 mm, respectively, and solid/liquid ratios of 1:2 and 1:1 g/mL without other metallic catalysts. A debromination efficiency of 50 wt % was reached at only 225 °C (limited by mechanical reasons) and 360 min, using a CO32–/Br– anionic ratio of 4:1 and a solid/liquid ratio of 1:2 for a large WCB with only 25% of its volume submerged in the liquid. This means conservation of water and energy compared to previous studies. A muffle furnace was used later to thermally treat a total of 101 debrominated samples, at constant temperature or following a temperature scaling program. An estimated decrease in resistance to rupture of glass fibers of only around 50% was accomplished by following a temperature scaling program up to 475 °C, obtaining clean glass fibers of large size. The simple techniques proposed to obtain reusable glass fibers from WCBs as large as the size of the reactor allows (as it might be in their original size) could significantly improve interest in the industry.Support for this work was granted by the PID2019-105359RB-I00 project and the scholarship BES-2017-080382 from the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain and project UAUSTI20-05 from the University of Alicante

    Improving efficiency and feasibility of subcritical water debromination of printed circuit boards E-waste via potassium carbonate adding

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    Waste printed circuit boards (WCBs) were debrominated under hydrothermal treatment, using potassium carbonate as an alkaline additive to improve debromination efficiency (DE). Two different high-pressure reactors were used: a 1-L stirred reactor, where the evolution of the DE was followed over time at a low CO32−/Br− ratio (1:25), and an elementary 0.1-L non-stirred reactor, used to find the optimal parameters and to simplify the hydrothermal debromination (HTD) process. Considering both reactors, experiments were conducted changing the temperature (200 °C, 225 °C, 250 °C, 275 °C), and also the CO32−/Br− anionic ratio (1:50, 1:25, 1:10, 1:5, 1:2.5, 1:1, 2:1, 4:1) and the solid/liquid ratio (1:10, 1:5, 1:2) in the case of the 0.1-L reactor. No metallic catalyst was required. A maximum DE of about 98.9 wt % was reached in the agitated vessel at 275 °C after 4 h, with an additive/bromine ratio of 1:25. Similar DE (99.6 wt %) was also achieved in the non-stirred reactor at only 225 °C and after 2 h, using an additive/bromine ratio of 4:1 and a solid/liquid ratio of only 1:2. Concerning the solid phase behaviour during debromination, only 5 % of the net calorific value (NCV) was lost after a complete HTD treatment of WCB.Support for this work was granted by CTQ2016-76608-R project and the scholarship BES-2017-080382 from the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (Spain)

    Plastia sustitutiva del LCA con tendones de la pata de ganso cuadruples

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    Se han estudiado retrospectivamente 44 casos de pacientes a los que se les realizó por vía artrocóspica una plastia sustitutiva intraticular de reconstrucción del LCA, con tendones de Semitendinoso y Recto Interno antólogos, en 4 fascículos. La edad media de los pacientes fue de 25 años. Los resultados a corto plazo (2 años) obtenidos con KT-1000 a 30 Ib han sido excelente-bueno en 40 casos y aceptable en 4 casos. Cuatro casos referían sensación de inestabilidad. Los test de Lachman y Pívot-Shift fueron positivos en 3 casos. Con el test de Lysholm se obtuvo resultado excelente-bueno en 36 casos, regular en 6 y malo en 2 casos. Este tipo de plastia presenta una baja morbilidad de la zona dadora del injerto, comparativamente con la plastia HTH patelar antóloga, y sin alteración del aparato extensor.A retrospective study of 44 patients, who underwent an arthroscopically assisted ACL (anterior cruciata ligament) reconstruction with quadrupled semitendinosus/gracilis tendon autografts was performed. The mean age was 25 years. Short term outcomes of knee stability (2 years follow-up) with KT-1000 arthrometer at 30 pounds were excellent or good in 40 cases and acceptable in 4. Pain or joint swelling were not found. Instability complaints were found in 4 cases. Lachman and Pivot-shift were found positive in 3 cases. Lysholm questionnaire scores were excellent or good in 36 cases, fair in 6 cases and per in two cases, the donor site morbidity associated with hamstring harvest seems to be minimal compared with bonepatellar tendon-bone autograft without impairment of the extensor mechanism

    A Win–Win Combination to Inhibit Persistent Organic Pollutant Formation via the Co-Incineration of Polyvinyl Chloride E-Waste and Sewage Sludge

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    Persistent organic pollutant inhibition in the combustion process of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) by prior addition of an inhibitor is currently being studied, reducing the emission of pollutants, and thus reducing the large amount of waste PVC destined for landfill. In this work, the use of sewage sludge (SS) as an alternative to chemical inhibitors to improve the quality emissions of the incineration of polyvinyl chloride waste (PVC e-waste) was studied and optimized. Different combustion runs were carried out at 850 °C in a laboratory tubular reactor, varying both the molar ratio Ri (0.25, 0.50, 0.75) between inhibitors (N + S) and chlorine (Cl) and the oxygen ratio λ (0.15, 0.50) between actual oxygen and stoichiometric oxygen. The emissions of several semivolatile compounds families such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorobenzenes (ClBzs), and polychlorophenols (ClPhs), with special interest in the emissions of the most toxic compounds, i.e., polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-PCBs), were analyzed. A notable decrease in PCDD/F and dl-PCB formation was achieved in most of the experiments, especially for those runs performed under an oxygen-rich atmosphere (λ = 0.50), where the addition of sludge was beneficial with inhibition ratios Ri ≥ 0.25. An inhibition ratio of 0.75 showed the best results with almost a 100% reduction in PCDD/F formation and a 95% reduction in dl-PCB formation.Support for this work was granted by CTQ2016-76608-R project and the scholarship BES-2017-080382 from the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (Spain). GC-MS/QQQ used in the analysis was supported by Project IDIFEDER/2018/004 by the Generalitat Valenciana (Spain)

    Tratamiento de las fracturas complejas de fémur mediante enclavado intramedular encerrojado de Brooker-Wills

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    Se realiza un estudio retrospectivo de 19 pacientes con fracturas complejas de fé- mur tratados mediante el clavo bloqueado de Brooker-Wills. La causa más frecuente de dichas fracturas fueron los accidentes de tráfico. Hubo lesiones asociadas en el 63% de los casos. El tiempo medio de seguimiento fue de 27 meses. Nuestros resultados han sido evaluados mediante los criteros de Thorensen, obteniendo un 84% de resultados favorables. Hubo problemas técnicos intraoperatorios en 8 pacientes, la mayoría debidos a la penetración de la cortical femoral distal por una de las aletas. Todas las fracturas consolidaron. La mayor ventaja de este clavo la encontramos en la sencillez del bloqueo distal, lo cual supone una menor exposición a la radiación y un acortamiento del tiempo quirúrgico.A retrospective study of 19 patients with complex fermoral fractures treated with the Brooker-Wills interlocking intramedullary nail is reported. The traffic-accident was the most common cause of these fractures. Associated injuries were found in 63% of cases. The mean time follow-up period was 27 months. Results were assessed according to Thorensen's criteria. We found excellent or good results in 84% of these patients. There were intraoperative technical problems without clinical complications in 8 patients, most of them due to distal femoral cortex penetration with the pins. Union occurred in all fractures. The greatest advantage of this nail comes from the easy insertion of distal pins, providings less exposition to radiation and a shorter operative tim

    Skills acquisition: Transference of cooperative learning experiences from the University to Secondary Education

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    [SPA] La sociedad necesita ciudadanos capaces de adaptarse y cooperar con otros. Estas habilidades necesitan ser desarrolladas, pero hasta qué punto el uso de ciertas metodologías de aprendizaje, tales como el aprendizaje cooperativo (AC), permiten el desarrollo de dichas habilidades es todavía una incógnita. En este trabajo realizamos un ejercicio de transferencia de nuestra experiencia en la aplicación del AC en la Universidad de Murcia a centros de enseñanza secundaria de Murcia. Aunque se trata de un proyecto a largo plazo, el primer análisis de esta experiencia a nivel de enseñanza secundaria nos muestra una mejora en los resultados académicos de los alumnos. A fin de cumplir nuestros objetivos, este estudio se efectúa en dos etapas. En la primera, se aplica el AC a una muestra de 208 estudiantes de tres institutos de Murcia con el objetivo de determinar si se produce una mejora en los resultados académicos en aquellas unidades didácticas impartidas mediante AC frente al uso del método tradicional. El análisis de los resultados muestra un mayor porcentaje de alumnos aprobados (90,38% vs. 50%), así como una mejora en las notas medias en las actividades trabajadas a través del AC (6,71 frente a 4,7). En una segunda etapa, aún en fase de realización y con una nueva muestra de estudiantes, comprobaremos la mejora en las habilidades sociales de los estudiantes y su impacto en la integración de los estudiantes de diferente etnia o raza. [ENG] Society needs citizens able to adapt to and cooperate with others, and these abilities need to be developed. However, how some learning methodologies, such as cooperative learning, help to the development of the abovementioned abilities is still unknown. In this research we transfer our knowledge and experience in cooperative learning methodology in the University of Murcia to a group of secondary schools in Murcia. Although this is a long-term project, the first analyses of this experience in secondary school education show an improvement in students’ academic performance after the implementation of cooperative learning in class. To reach our objectives the paper has been divided into two stages. First, we implemented cooperative learning in a sample of 208 students from three different secondary schools, in order to test if the students get better academic results in those didactic units where the teacher used cooperative learning. Quantitative analysis of the data confirm that students not only got a higher pass rate (90.38% vs. 50%) but also a higher average mark (6.71 vs 4.7). In the second stage, still on process, and with a new sample of students, we will check the students’ social skills improvement and the impact of this methodology on class integration of students from different ethnic and race groups

    Harmonization of quality metrics and power calculation in multi-omic studies

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    Multi-omic studies combine measurements at different molecular levels to build comprehensive models of cellular systems. The success of a multi-omic data analysis strategy depends largely on the adoption of adequate experimental designs, and on the quality of the measurements provided by the different omic platforms. However, the field lacks a comparative description of performance parameters across omic technologies and a formulation for experimental design in multi-omic data scenarios. Here, we propose a set of harmonized Figures of Merit (FoM) as quality descriptors applicable to different omic data types. Employing this information, we formulate the MultiPower method to estimate and assess the optimal sample size in a multi-omics experiment. MultiPower supports different experimental settings, data types and sample sizes, and includes graphical for experimental design decision-making. MultiPower is complemented with MultiML, an algorithm to estimate sample size for machine learning classification problems based on multi-omic data. Multi-omics studies are popular but lack rigorous criteria for experimental design. We define Figures of Merit across omics to comparatively describe their performance, and present new algorithms for sample size calculation in multi-omics experiments aiming either at feature selection or sample classification.Analytical BioScience