1,798 research outputs found

    Al-quran dan Keberpihakan Kepada Kaum Duafa

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    Al-Qur'an merupakan kitab petunjuk sekaligus regulasi yang mengatur seluruh aspek kehidupan. Kendati masalah-masalah yang dibicarakan terkadang bersifat global yang membutuhkan uraian dan kajian lebih lanjut. Eksistensi al-Qur'an sebagai firman Allah seharusnya selalu diposisikan sebagai acuan dalam merespon dan memberikan solusi terhadap persoalan-persoalan kemanusiaan

    Role of anti-Mullerian Hormone and Gamma-‎glutamyl-transpepetidase in the Sera and ‎Seminal Plasma in Infertile Men in Baghdad

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    شملت هذه الدراسة (79) مريضاّ مصاباّ بالعقم الاولي والثانوي ، بالاضافة الى (32) شخصاّ سليماّ تم اعتبارهم مجموعة سيطرة، تراوحت اعمار المجموعتين بين (18 -49) سنة للفترة من شباط 2015 الى حزيران 2015  في منطقة الرصافة لمحافظة بغداد. ركزت هذه الدراسة على تشخيص السائل المنوي للرجال المرضى والاصحاء عيانياّ ومجهرياّ اعتماداّ على معايير منظمة الصحة العالمية لعام 2010. تم قياس الهرمون المضاد لقناة مولر  في السائل المنوي للمرضى والاصحاء وكذلك في مصولهم ، بالاضافة الى قياس تركيز الكاماكلوتاميل ترانس ببتايديز في السائل المنوي ومصول المرضى والاصحاء .             لوحظ وجود انخفاض معنوي (0.05 >p) في مستوى الهرمون المضاد لقناة مولر في مجموعة قليلي النطف عند مقارنتها بمجاميع العقم الاخرى . كما شوهد ارتفاعا في هذا الهرمون (0.05 >p )لمجموعة العقم التي تعاني من قلة الحركة والمجموعة التي تعاني من تشوهات في الشكل  بالمقارنة مع مجاميع الذكور طبيعية النطف .                اما في ما يتعلق بمستوى الكاما-كلوتاميل ترانس ببتايديز ، فقد اظهرت مجموعة الذكور طبيعية النطف زيادة معنوية (0.05 >p) في مستوى انزيم (GGT) في مصول المرضى مقارنة مع مجاميع العقم الاخرى . في حين هناك انخفاض معنوي (0.05>p) لمستوى الانزيم في مصول المرضى مشوهي اشكال النطف بالمقارنة مع مستواه في مجاميع العقم الاخرى.  لوحظ انخفاضه معنويا ( 0.05 >p ) في مستوى هذا الانزيم لمجموعة قليلي العدد بالمقارنة مع تركيزه في مجاميع العقم الاخرى .The study was carried out through the period from February /2015 to June 2015, for estimation the concentration of anti-Mullerian hormone ( AMH) in the seminal plasma & sera of infertile males compared with healthy group as control , also the gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase level were measured in the seminal plasma and sera of patients and healthy , (79 ) infertile male and ( 32 ) healthy , with age ranged from( 18 – 49 ) year for both groups . The diagnosis done by macroscopic and microscopic examination of semen according to W.H.O. standard criteria. A significant decrement (P (0.05 > was observed for male with oligozoospermia as compared to other groups of male infertility factor.  There was significance elevation (P (0.05>for male complaining from teratozoospermic as compared to normozoospermic , oligozoospermic  and a zoospermia. Similarly, significant Increment (P (0.05 >in seminal plasma (AMH) for male suffering from oligozoospermia compared to other groups. Meanwhile teratozoospermic patients showed significant increment P 0.05 >as compared with other infertile groups. Also azoospermic patients revealed significant reduction P 0.05 >in the concentration of seminal plasma AMH compared with other infertile group. Normozoospermic male showed a significant (P > 0.05) elevation in the concentration of GGT when compared with other infertile groups . Teratozoospermic patientsshowed a significant decrement (P( 0.05 >  in the concentration of GGT . A stheuozoopermic patients showed significant elevation (p ≤ 0.05) of concentration of seminal fluid GGT, while oligozoospermia  patients significant decrement (P (0.05 >as compared with other infertile group

    Nanofunctionalised orthopaedic implants

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    Due to an aging population and younger patients presenting with musculoskeletal disorders, there is a need for orthopaedic implants with improved healing rates and longer implant life. Numerous research has developed implant surfaces with micro-topography and biomolecules to imitate the native extra cellular matrix (also known as biomimetic surfaces). This research has utilised such a biomimetic approach by immobilising the cell adhesive peptide, RGD (Arginine-Glycine-Aspartic Acid), to a titanium alloy Ti6Al4V surface. This research polymerised Hyperbranched Polyglycerol (HBPG) from the titanium surface using Ring Opening Multi-Branching Polymerisation (ROMBP). HBPG is a biologically compatible and non-toxic synthetic biopolymer, able to reduce non-specific protein adsorption, increase the titanium surface wetting (hydrophilicity), thereby limiting foreign body reactions. Extensive hydroxyl groups at the periphery of HBPG provides conjugation sites for biomolecule attachment. In this work the RGD peptide was conjugated to the polymer via a siloxane layer. This research developed a novel passivation solution for the preparation of the titanium alloy surface, using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and nitric acid (a passivation mixture not used in the literature). This novel mixture was shown to etch the titanium surface, producing micro and nano surface features, both of which have been shown to improve cellular function in the literature. The hydrogen peroxide/nitric acid solution showed extensive oxidising ability on titanium, leading to the formation of reactable hydroxyl groups. Contact-angle measurements showed that the novel passivating solution produces a hydrophilic surface similar to that of peroxidation for 12-hours, but achieved in only 2-hours. In conjunction with the etching and oxidising abilities of hydrogen peroxide, the nitric acid reacts with the titanium surface, leading to the formation of a protective titanium oxide layer, enhancing corrosion resistance and improving biocompatibility. Biological investigations with the pre-osteoblast cell line MC3T3-E1 showed greater osteoblast cell attachment and adhesion strength, as well as improved bone matrix mineralisation on the passivated titanium surface functionalised with HBPG and the RGD peptide, compared to the raw and passivated titanium surfaces. Antibacterial testing of HBPG revealed substantially reduced bacterial cell colonies on the passivated/polymerised titanium surface, possibly arising from electrostatic and hydrophobic repulsion. This research has successfully developed a new titanium passivation solution (hydrogen peroxide/nitric acid) that can yield a contact-angle of around 35° in just 2-hours, rivalling the Piranha solution. The successful immobilisation of a cyclic RGD (cyclic-RGDfc) to a titanium surface functionalised with HBPG, has been shown in this research to drastically improve mineralised bone matrix production from the MC3T3-E1 cell line. This indicates earlier osseointegration of the implant may be possible, thereby improving patient healing times

    New Controllers Efficient Model-Based Design Method

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    This paper proposes a new simple and efficient model-based time domain P, PI ,PD , and PID controllers design methods for achieving an important design compromise; acceptable stability, and medium fastness of response, the proposed method is based on selecting controllers' gains based on plant's parameters, a simple expressions are proposed for  calculating and soft tuning controller's gain, the proposed controllers design methods were tested for first, second and first order system with time delay, and using MATLAB/simulink software. Keywords: Controller, controller design

    Mechatronics Design of Ball and Beam System: Education and Research

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    The key element in mechatronics design is the concurrent synergetic integration, modeling, simulation, analysis and optimization of multidisciplinary knowledge through the design process from the very start of the design process. Mechatronics engineer is expected to design engineering systems with synergy and integration toward constrains like higher performance, speed, precision, efficiency, lower costs and functionality. This paper proposes the conception and development of ball and beam system based on mechatronics design approach. A complete overall system and subsystems selection, modeling, simulation, analysis, and integration are presented. The proposed mechatronics design and models were created and verified using MATLAB /Simulink software and are intended for research purposes, as well as, application in educational process. Keywords- Mechatronics, Mechatronics design approach, Ball and beam, modeling/simulation


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    For comprehensive study and analysis purposes of most used motion control models and strategies for comparison and analysis purposes, this paper addresses design, modeling, simulation, dynamics analysis and controller selection and design issues of Mechatronics single joint robot arm, where a electric DC motor is used, modeled, simulated and a control system is selected and designed to move a robot arm to a desired output position, θ corresponding to applied input voltage, Vin and satisfying all required design specifications, controller was selected and designed to make the system robust, adaptive and improving the system on both dynamic and steady state performances. This paper is intended for research purposes as well as for the application in educational process


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    To help in facing the two top challenges in developing Mechatronics motion systems, particularly, early identifying system level problems and ensuring that all design requirements are met, this paper presents Mechatronics design of electric machine and corresponding motion control in terms of desired output position or velocity for desired deadbeat response specifications, the design is facilitated using either or both proposed new MATLAB built-in function named deadbeat( ), and new Simulink model, both oriented on Mechatronics design of both electric machine and motion control systems, based on system parameters, shape and dimensions to meet desired deadbeat response with desired settling time. The introduced new MATLAB built-in function determines the coefficients that yield the optimal deadbeat response for desired output speed or angle control of a given electric machine, also calculates transfer functions (open and closed), of used motor, controller, prefilter and overall system, also, plots overall system deadbeat response and all corresponding response curves, finally, calculates main overall system deadbeat response specification, particularly Mp, Ess, Ts. The proposed design, model and function, can be used for various Mechatronics motion control design applications, where the proper selection of actuating machine and design of precise motion control system are of concern