397 research outputs found

    The Other of the Other and Unregulated Territories in the Urban Periphery: Gecekondu Violence in the 2000s With a Focus on the Esenler Case, Istanbul

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.This article investigates the broader question of collective urban violence in "peripheral" (squatter) neighborhoods in the capitalist semi-periphery. Based upon a specific case, namely, the Karabayr neighborhood in Esenler, Istanbul, it aims to identify the potential sources of conflict and the conditions under which they turn into violence. To achieve this goal, first a review of the changing relationship of peripheral neighborhoods with the state is offered in a historical perspective. Then, the Karabayr neighborhood and the recent violence it experienced are briefly described, based on the information that appeared in the press and the Internet. And this is followed by a discussion of the possible causes of conflict and violence in the context of the changing conditions in the urban periphery in the 2000s. The transformation of peripheral land into commodity, the increasing physical proximity of residential groups due to land scarcity and building density, the asymmetric position of different residential groups with the state, and the unguarded socialization of the youth explain the increasing tendency towards violence in the urban periphery. In this process, the urban periphery emerges as "unregulated territories" that inhabit the "Other of the Other". © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Seismic anisotropy inferred from direct <i>S</i>-wave-derived splitting measurements and its geodynamic implications beneath southeastern Tibetan Plateau

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    The present study deals with detecting seismic anisotropy parameters beneath southeastern Tibet near Namcha Barwa Mountain using the splitting of direct S waves. We employ the reference station technique to remove the effects of source-side anisotropy. Seismic anisotropy parameters, splitting time delays, and fast polarization directions are estimated through analyses of a total of 501 splitting measurements obtained from direct S waves from 25 earthquakes ( ≥  5.5 magnitude) that were recorded at 42 stations of the Namcha Barwa seismic network. We observe a large variation in time delays ranging from 0.64 to 1.68 s, but in most cases, it is more than 1 s, which suggests a highly anisotropic lithospheric mantle in the region. A comparison between direct S- and SKS-derived splitting parameters shows a close similarity, although some discrepancies exist where null or negligible anisotropy has been reported earlier using SKS. The seismic stations with hitherto null or negligible anisotropy are now supplemented with new measurements with clear anisotropic signatures. Our analyses indicate a sharp change in lateral variations of fast polarization directions (FPDs) from consistent SSW–ENE or W–E to NW–SE direction at the southeastern edge of Tibet. Comparison of the FPDs with Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements, absolute plate motion (APM) directions, and surface geological features indicates that the observed anisotropy and hence inferred deformation patterns are not only due to asthenospheric dynamics but are a combination of lithospheric deformation and sub-lithospheric (asthenospheric) mantle dynamics. Direct S-wave-based station-averaged splitting measurements with increased back-azimuths tend to fill the coverage gaps left in SKS measurements

    Medya Okuryazarlık Düzeyi ile Finansal Okuryazarlık Düzeyi Arasındaki İlişkinin Tespitine Yönelik Ampirik Bir Çalışma

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı finansal okuryazarlık düzeyi ile medya okuryazarlığı düzeyi arasındaki ilişkiyi tespit etmektir. Söz konusu amaç doğrultusunda; çalışmada, Doğan (2018)’ın iki farklı boyuttan oluşan finansal okuryazarlık ölçeği ile Koç ve Barut (2016)’un üç farklı boyuttan oluşan medya okuryazarlık ölçekleri birleştirilerek kullanılmıştır. Araştırma, üniversite öğrencileri üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiş olup 302 katılımcı araştırmaya dahil olmuştur. Çalışma sonucunda, finansal okuryazarlık düzeyi ile medya okuryazarlık düzeyi arasında istatiksel olarak anlamlı ve pozitif yönlü ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Bu ilişki her iki ölçeğin tüm alt boyutlarında geçerlidir. Ayrıca katılımcıların kendisini girişimci olarak tanımlamasının finansal okuryazarlık düzeyini etkilediği, buna karşın katılımcıların alacak oldukları kararlarda ebeveynlerinin etkili olup olmamasının finansal okuryazarlık düzeyleri üzerinde herhangi bir etkisinin olmadığı yine çalışma sonucunda tespit edilmiştir

    Çevre Dostu Otomobil Satın Alma Davranışlarının Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma1 A Research on the Determination of Environmentally Friendly Car Purchasing Behaviors

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    Çevre ile ilgili endişelerin giderek artması ve hükümetler ve sivil toplum örgütlerinin de bu farkındalığı artırma çabaları sonucunda çevre hassasiyeti önemli bir konu haline gelmiştir. Bu noktada işletmeler, çevreye duyarlı tüketicilerin beklentilerini karşılayabilmek için çevreyi koruyan, doğal kaynakların kullanımına özen gösteren ve geri dönüştürülebilen ürünlerin tasarımı ve üretimine yönelmişlerdir. İşletmeler açısından çevre dostu ürünler meydana getirme aşamasında en önemli konu çevre bilincine sahip tüketicilerin davranışlarını analiz etmek ve bu doğrultuda stratejiler geliştirmektir. Bu sayede işletmeler çevreye duyarlı tüketicilerin isteklerine cevap verebilecek ve gelirlerini artırabileceklerdir. Bu çalışmada öncelikle tüketici davranışları, satın alma karar süreçleri ve çevreci tüketici davranışları konuları açıklanmıştır. Çalışmanın uygulama kısmında ise tüketicilerin çevre dostu otomobil satın alma davranışlarının belirlenmesi amacıyla Selçuk Üniversitesi akademisyenlerine uygulanan anket çalışması ile ilgili bilgiler paylaşılmıştır. Anket çalışması ile elde edilen bulgulara göre, çevre hassasiyeti olan ve geleneksel otomobillerin çevreye verdiği zararın farkında olan tüketicilerin, çevre dostu otomobil satın alma niyetlerinin yüksek olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Environmental concerns have become an important issue as environmental concerns have increased steadily and governments and NGOs have sought to increase this awareness. Businesses at this point have turned to the design and production of recyclable products that protect the environment, car e for the use of natural resources and meet the expectations of environmentally conscious consumers. In terms of establishing environmentally friendly products, the most important issue is to analyze the behaviors of consumers who have environmental consciousness and to develop strategies in this direction. On this account, businesses will be able to respond to the wishes of the environmentally conscious consumers and increase their income. In this study, firstly, consumer behavior, buying decision processes and environmental consumer behavior are explained. In the application part of the study, information about the questionnaire study applied to the Selçuk University academicians are shared. According to the findings of the questionnaire survey, it was understood that consumers who are sensitive to environment and aware of the damage caused by traditional cars have a high intention to buy environmentally friendly cars

    The effect of bovine serum albumin and fetal calf serum on sperm quality, DNA fragmentation and lipid peroxidation of the liquid stored rabbit semen

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of the bovine serum albumin (BSA) and fetal calf serum (FCS) on sperm quality, DNA fragmentation and lipid peroxidation of liquid stored rabbit semen stored up to 72 h at 5 C. Ejaculates were collected from five New Zealand male rabbits by artificial vagina and pooled at 37 C following evaluation. Each pooled ejaculate was split into three equal experimental groups and diluted to a final concentration of approximately 40 106 sperm/ml (single step dilution), in an Eppendorf tube, with the Tris based extender containing BSA (5 mg/ml), FCS (10%) or no additive (control) at 37 C, cooled to 5 C and stored for up to 72 h. The extender supplemented with BSA and FCS did not improve the percentages of motility and acrosomal abnormality during 48 h compared to the control. The additives BSA and FCS had a significant effect in the maintaining of plasma membrane integrity between 48 and 72 h storage period, compared to the control (P < 0.01). The supplementation of BSA and FCS had a protective effect on motility (P < 0.05), plasma membrane integrity (P < 0.01) and acrosomal integrity (P < 0.01) at 72 h compared to the control. The supplementations with BSA and FCS led to a reduction in DNA damage of rabbit sperm at 48 and 72 h during storage period, compared to the control (P < 0.001). Although supplementation of BSA and FCS caused significant (P < 0.01) decreases in malondialdehyde (MDA) level at 48 h and 72 h, they significantly (P < 0.01) increased the glutathione peroxidase (GPx) antioxidant activity up to 72 h when compared to the control group. In conclusion, BSA and FCS supplementation to liquid stored rabbit semen provide a protection for spermatozoa against cool storage-induced DNA damage and plasma membrane integrity by their antioxidative properties

    An Underactuated Active Transfemoral Prosthesis With Series Elastic Actuators Enables Multiple Locomotion Tasks

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    Robotic lower limb prostheses have the power to revolutionize mobility by enhancing gait efficiency and facilitating movement. While several design approaches have been explored to create lightweight and energy-efficient devices, the potential of underactuation remains largely untapped in lower limb prosthetics. Taking inspiration from the natural harmony of walking, in this article, we have developed an innovative active transfemoral prosthesis. By incorporating underactuation, our design uses a single power actuator placed near the knee joint and connected to a differential mechanism to drive both the knee and ankle joints. We conduct comprehensive benchtop tests and evaluate the prosthesis with three individuals who have above-knee amputations, assessing its performance in walking, stair climbing, and transitions between sitting and standing. Our evaluation focuses on gathering position and torque data recorded from sensors integrated into the prosthesis and comparing these measurements to biomechanical data of able-bodied locomotion. Our findings highlight the promise of underactuation in advancing lower limb prosthetics and demonstrate the feasibility of our knee–ankle underactuated design in various tasks, showcasing its ability to replicate natural movement

    A universal assay for detection of oncogenic fusion transcripts by oligo microarray analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The ability to detect neoplasia-specific fusion genes is important not only in cancer research, but also increasingly in clinical settings to ensure that correct diagnosis is made and the optimal treatment is chosen. However, the available methodologies to detect such fusions all have their distinct short-comings.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We describe a novel oligonucleotide microarray strategy whereby one can screen for all known oncogenic fusion transcripts in a single experiment. To accomplish this, we combine measurements of chimeric transcript junctions with exon-wise measurements of individual fusion partners. To demonstrate the usefulness of the approach, we designed a DNA microarray containing 68,861 oligonucleotide probes that includes oligos covering all combinations of chimeric exon-exon junctions from 275 pairs of fusion genes, as well as sets of oligos internal to all the exons of the fusion partners. Using this array, proof of principle was demonstrated by detection of known fusion genes (such as <it>TCF3:PBX1</it>, <it>ETV6:RUNX1</it>, and <it>TMPRSS2:ERG</it>) from all six positive controls consisting of leukemia cell lines and prostate cancer biopsies.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This new method bears promise of an important complement to currently used diagnostic and research tools for the detection of fusion genes in neoplastic diseases.</p

    Phenotypic and Genotypic Analysis of Hereditary Ataxia Patients in Sakarya City, Turkey

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    Conclusion: Hereditary ataxias are rare neurodegenerative disorders. Large genetic pool, ethnic and local differences complicate diagnosing even further. Our study contributes to the literature by reflecting phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of hereditary SCA patients in our region and reporting rare hereditary ataxia genotypes