53 research outputs found

    Perception Paysanne Des Effets Du Changement Climatique Sur La Production Des Noix D’anacardier (Anacardium Occidentale L.) Dans La Commune De Savalou Au Bénin

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    This study aims to analyze the perception of farmers from the effects of climate change on the production of cashew nuts in the town of Savalou. Thus 210 farmers were surveyed in the Municipality of Savalou based on a semi-structured questionnaire. The data collected relate to the socio-cultural characteristics of the planters, their perception of the causes and weather events affecting the performance of the cashew tree and adaptation strategies. The results show that the majority of farmers have age less than 50 years. The age of the plantations, the average yield, density and performance achieved in 2014 varied significantly (P <0.05) from one district to another. Adults and youth sociocultural groups Nago, Mahi, and Ife have seen that climate change is the major constraint in the production of cashew nuts. As for the main climatic parameter affecting the production of cashew, the majority of farmers (80%) in this case, old Ife, Mahi and youth Idaatcha think it is rather the rainfall deficit. Regarding the causes of decline in yield, the analysis shows that the old Mahi and Ife have the perception that the prolonged drought, high winds and wildfires are the main while Idaatcha adults perceived that harmattan and wandering animals are the causes of yield loss. Ploughing followed by mowing in the late rainy season is the main coping strategy to mitigate the effects of climate change on the plantations of cashew. The contribution of research would be to put at the disposal of farmers planting material adapted to climate change

    Usages Et Vulnerabilite De Pterocarpus Santalinoides L'her. Ex De (Papillionoidae), Une Plante Utilisee Dans Le Traitement Des Gastro-Enterites Dans Le Sud Du Benin

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    In West Africa, rural populations depend heavily on woody plant resources to satisfy particular nutritional and therapeutic needs. This study was conducted in South of Benin to identify local knowledge about Pterocarpus santalinoides, and its vulnerability level. Investigations were made using an interview guide followed by observations. 180 professionals were interviewed. It appears from the study that the "African teak" is known as 10 local designations. The species is sought in many areas of use (African medicine, food medicine, carpentry, art, energy and well-being). On medicinal plan, leaves, bark of the trunk and roots are solicited alone or in association with others to treat especially the symptoms related to gastroenteric (diarrhoea, dysentery, vomiting and abdominal cramps). Decoct is the main galenic form adopted for the treatment of these conditions. Considering all the sectors, all its vegetative organs are used. Degree of uses of various organs of this plant is the main causes of its vulnerability. Vulnerability index (Iv) is equal to 2.4. The species is thus identified as vulnerable. It is urgent for its users to adopt a sustainable management approach, in order to preserve African teak

    Physico-chemical properties of crude oil of Khaya senegalensis (Desr.) A. Juss according to bioclimatic zones in Chad

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    The mature seeds of Khaya senegalensis are from 2 to 2.5 cm long and weigh 289 g per 1000 seeds. These seeds contain about 67% oil by weight. This oil, which is fairly rich in oleic acid (66%), is used in West Africa for cooking, for cosmetics, as an insecticide and in traditional medicine. Prospecting to enhance the development of this oil in Chad, the present study aims to determine the physico-chemical properties of this oil according to bioclimatic zones. The density, acidity, peroxide value, moisture content and percentage of impurities were the parameters studied. The results showed that the crude oil of the seeds of K. senegalensis has the qualities close to those of other edible oils. The study also revealed that climate has influenced the physico-chemical parameters of this oil. Further and more research investigations are necessary to guide decisions on the valorisation and large-scale production of this oil. Keywords: Khaya senegalensis, seed crude oil, physico-chemical parameters, valorisation, bioclimatic zone, Cha

    Lantana camara (verbenaceae) : a potential threat to the effectiveness of protected areas to conserve flora and fauna in Benin

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    Invasive plant species are today among the biggest threats to integrity of many ecosystems including that of the protected areas. Climate change may exacerbate the negative effects of invasive plant species. Here, we used the Maximum Entropy model to project habitat suitability for Lantana camara L., an invasive plant species under current and future climates in the national protected areas network of Benin. The models were run using bioclimatic data and data on soil type. Nineteen percent of the total land in the protected areas network was highly suitable for L. camara under current climate. Highly suitable areas under current and future climates cover about 65 % of the Pendjari Biosphere Reserve, the major wildlife sanctuary in Benin. Other bio-reserves such as W National Park, Lama, Agoua, Dogo-Kétou, Atchérigbé, Mékrou and Kouandé Forest Reserves were also suitable for the species. Presence of L. camara in the protected areas represents a great potential threat to the global food webs being conserved. Based on these results, areas with highly suitable habitats are at high risk of invasion by L. camara, and should be accorded high priority when formulating appropriate management strategies.Keywords: Invasive species ; Climate change ; Habitat suitability ; Protected areas ; West AfricaLantana camara et les aires protegees au BeninLes espèces invasives font de nos jours partie des plus importantes menaces aux quelles font face les écosystèmes y compris les aires protégées. Les changements climatiques peuvent amplifier leurs effets négatifs. Dans la présente étude, nous avons utilisé un algorithme de modélisation de niche écologique, le Maximum Entropy pour analyser la susceptibilité des habitats à être colonisés par Lantana camara L., une plante invasive, sous les conditions climatiques actuelles et futures dans les aires protégées du Bénin. Les modèles ont été établis en utilisant des données bioclimatiques et des données relatives aux types de sol. Dans les conditions climatiques actuelles, 19 % de la superficie totale du réseau des aires protégées est significativement favorable à L. camara. Sous les conditions climatiques actuelles et futures, 65 % de la réserve de biosphère de Pendjari, le plus important sanctuaire de faune sauvage du Bénin, est hautement favorable à l’espèce. D’autres bio-réserves telles que le Parc National W et les reserves forestières de Lama, Agoua, Dogo-Kétou, Atchérigbé, Mékrou et Kouandé ont aussi des habitats favorable à l’espèce. En nous fondant sur ces résultats, les zones favorables sont à haut risque d’invasion par L. camara et  devraient être priorisées lors de la formulation de stratégies préventives appropriées.Mots clés: Espèces envahissantes ; Changements Climatiques ; Habitats favorables ; Aires protégées, Afrique de l’Ouest

    Impact of Climate Change on Priority Plant Species Conservation in The Forests Under ONAB (the National Wood Office of Benin) Management

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    The sustainable conservation of forest resources in a context of climate change and population growth would be compromised in their current form of exploitation by rural communities. The objective of this study is to assess the impact of climate change on the dynamics of habitats favorable to species of conservation priority in the forests under ONAB management as these species are heavily used by the populations living along the shores of these forests. The study will consist of: Khaya senegalensis, Afzelia africana, Khaya grandifoliola, Pterocarpus erinaceus, Anogeissus leiocarpa, Milicia excelsa, Albizia zygia, Vitex doniana, Antidesma laciniatum and Bombax costatum. Techniques based on the principle of maximum entropy (Maxent) combined with GIS were used to project the favorable habitats of these ten species under current and future climatic conditions (Horizon 2050). Species occurrence data were collected and combined with bioclimatic data derived from the Worldclim database and the edaphic (soil) variable. Two climate models were used for future projections (CNRM-CM5, HadGEM-ES models) under the IPCC A2 scenario, and the partial ROC approach was used for the evaluation of the predictions of ecological niche models. Variables such as cec2 (cation exchange capacity, horizon 5-15cm), bio17 (precipitation of the driest quarter), bio12 (annual precipitation), bio3 (isothermality), bio6 (minimum temperature of the coldest month) and bio7 (annual thermal amplitude) were found to be the most relevant respectively for the distribution of Khaya grandifoliola, Albizia zygia, Anogeissus leiocarpa, Antidesma laciniatum, Afzelia africana and Khaya senegalensis. Under current conditions, only 7% of the Beninese territory would be very favorable to the conservation of Khaya senegalensis and the CNRM-CM5 model predicts an increase of 27.5% and 13.2% respectively of these very favorable and moderately favorable areas by 2050 through conversion of unfavorable areas (7.4%). On the other hand, this model predicts an opposite trend at the level of Afzelia africana where it predicts a decrease of 8.1% and 1.8% respectively of the very favorable and moderately favorable areas and an increase of 5.1% of the unfavorable areas. Ecological niche modeling has basically revealed the conversion of some currently unfavorable habitats into very favorable habitats for conservation (this is the case of Khaya grandifoliola, Khaya senegalensis and Vitex doniana) and the extension of some habitats unfavorable to conservation (Anogeissus leiocarpa, Bombax costatum, and Pterocarpus erinaceus) by 2050. This study provides scientific support for planning and is a decision support tool for the conservation of these species at the socio-economic level

    Knowledge of diversity of wild palms (arecaceae) in the Republic of Benin: finding gaps in the national inventory by combining field and digital accessible knowledge

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    —Despite efforts by researchers worldwide to assess the biodiversity of plant groups, many locations on Earth remain poorly surveyed, resulting in inadequate or biased knowledge. Robust estimates of inventory completeness could help alleviate the problem. This study aimed to identify areas representing gaps in current knowledge of African palms, with a focus on Benin (West Africa). We assessed the completeness of knowledge of African palms, targeting geographic distance and climatic difference from well-known sites. Data derived from intensive fieldwork were combined with independent data available online. Inventory completeness indices were calculated and coupled with other criteria. Results showed a high overall value for inventory completeness, as well as an even distribution of well-known areas across the country. However, poorly-known areas were identified, which were in remote locations with low accessibility. This study illustrates how biodiversity survey and inventory efforts can be guided by existing knowledge. We strongly recommend the combination of digital accessible knowledge and fieldwork, coupled with expert knowledge, to obtain a better picture of inventory completeness in tropical ecosystems

    Climate-Smart Agriculture In Benin: Need Assessment Report

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    Agriculture in Africa must undergo a major transformation in the coming decades in order to meet the interrelated challenges of achieving food security, reducing poverty, and addressing climate change without depleting the natural resource base. Although agriculture is an important part of Africa's economy, employing more than 60% of the population and contributing between 25% and 34% of GDP, productivity is low and food insecurity is high. Currently, about 48% of Africa's population, or approximately 450 million people, live in extreme poverty on less than US$1.25 per day; 63% of the continent's poor live in rural areas and depend on agriculture for their livelihoods (World Bank, 2015). At the same time, the continent is experiencing rapid population growth and urbanization. Half of the projected 2.4 billion increase in the world's population between 2013 and 2050 will occur in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), and 56 percent of Africa's population is expected to live in urban areas by 2025 (UNODAES, 2013 and 2014). Meeting future food demand will require a large increase in supply. With these challenges, agricultural practices on the African continent cannot continue as usual. African agriculture must therefore transform itself to improve food and nutrition security for an expanding population and to provide a basis for economic growth and poverty. reduction

    Social Perceptions of Forest Ecosystem Services in the Democratic Republic of Congo

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    The forests of the Albertine Rift are known for their high biodiversity and the important ecosystem services they provide to millions of inhabitants. However, their conservation and the maintenance of ecosystem service delivery is a challenge, particularly in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Our research investigates how livelihood strategy and ethnicity affects local perceptions of forest ecosystem services. We collected data through 25 focus-group discussions in villages from distinct ethnic groups, including farmers (Tembo, Shi, and Nyindu) and hunter-gatherers (Twa). Twa identify more food-provisioning services and rank bush meat and honey as the most important. They also show stronger place attachment to the forest than the farmers, who value other ecosystem services, but all rank microclimate regulation as the most important. Our findings help assess ecosystem services trade-offs, highlight the important impacts of restricted access to forests resources for Twa, and point to the need for developing alternative livelihood strategies for these communities
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