37 research outputs found

    A comparison of community and trophic structure in five marine ecosystems based on energy budgets and system metrics

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    As part of the international MENU collaboration, energy budget models for five marine ecosystems were compared to identify differences and similarities in trophic and community characteristics across ecosystems. We examined the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean, the combined Norwegian/Barents Seas in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean, and the eastern Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Comparable energy budgets were constructed for each ecosystem by aggregating information for similar species groups into consistent functional groups across all five ecosystems. Several ecosystem metrics (including functional group production, consumption, and biomass ratios, ABC curves, cumulative biomass, food web macrodescriptors, and network metrics) were examined across the ecosystems. The comparative approach clearly identified data gaps for each ecosystem, an important outcome of this work. Commonalities across the ecosystems included overall high primary production and energy flow at low trophic levels, high production and consumption by carnivorous zooplankton, and similar proportions of apex predator to lower trophic level biomass. Major differences included distinct biomass ratios of pelagic to demersal fish, ranging from highest in the Norwegian/Barents ecosystem to lowest in the Alaskan systems, and notable gradients in primary production per unit area, highest in the Alaskan and Georges Bank/Gulf of Maine ecosystems, and lowest in the Norwegian ecosystems. While comparing a disparate group of organisms across a wide range of marine ecosystems is challenging, this work demonstrates that standardized metrics both elucidate properties common to marine ecosystems and identify key distinctions for fishery management

    Introduction to “Binary Binds”: Deconstructing Sex and Gender Dichotomies in Archaeological Practice

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    YesGender archaeology has made significant strides toward deconstructing the hegemony of binary categorizations. Challenging dichotomies such as man/woman, sex/gender, and biology/culture, approaches informed by poststructuralist, feminist, and queer theories have moved beyond essentialist and universalist identity constructs to more nuanced configurations. Despite the theoretical emphasis on context, multiplicity, and fluidity, binary starting points continue to streamline the spectrum of variability that is recognized, often reproducing normative assumptions in the evidence. The contributors to this special issue confront how sex, gender, and sexuality categories condition analytical visibility, aiming to develop approaches that respond to the complexity of theory in archaeological practice. The papers push the ontological and epistemological boundaries of bodies, personhood, and archaeological possibility, challenging a priori assumptions that contain how sex, gender, and sexuality categories are constituted and related to each other. Foregrounding intersectional approaches that engage with ambiguity, variability, and difference, this special issue seeks to “de-contain” categories, assumptions, and practices from “binding” our analytical gaze toward only certain kinds of persons and knowledges, in interpretations of the past and practices in the present

    1993 ICES coordinated acoustic survey of ICES Division IVa, IVb and VIa

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    Summary: This paper provides a report on the combined acoustic survey of herring stocks in the North Sea and ICES division IVaN in June-July 1993. The surveys were carried out by Norway, Scotland, Denmark and Netherlands and covered the period 29 June to 30 July. The results and distributions of herring by age are given for area by 30 Nmile statistical rectangles. The results are expressed in biomass and numbers of fish. In addition data on ichthyophonus infection rates determined from trawl samples obtained on the survey are reported and the infected numbers and proportions of the population are estimated. A discussion of errors in the estimation of abundance is included in the report

    Life-history genomic regions explain differences in Atlantic salmon marine diet specialization

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    1. Animals employ various foraging strategies along their ontogeny to acquire energy, and with varying degree of efficiencies, to support growth, maturation and subsequent reproduction events. Individuals that can efficiently acquire energy early are more likely to mature at an earlier age, as a result of faster energy gain which can fuel maturation and reproduction. 2. We aimed to test the hypothesis that heritable resource acquisition variation that covaries with efficiency along the ontogeny would influence maturation timing of individuals. 3. To test this hypothesis, we utilized Atlantic salmon as a model which exhibits a simple, hence trackable, genetic control of maturation age. We then monitored the variation in diet acquisition (quantified as stomach fullness and composition) of individuals with different ages, and linked it with genomic regions (haploblocks) that were previously identified to be associated with age-at-maturity. 4. Consistent with the hypothesis, we demonstrated that one of the life-history genomic regions tested (six6) was indeed associated with age-dependent differences in stomach fullness. Prey composition was marginally linked tosix6, and suggestively (but non-significantly) tovgll3genomic regions. We further showed Atlantic salmon switched to the so-called 'feast and famine' strategy along the ontogeny, where older age groups exhibited heavier stomach content, but that came at the expense of running on empty more often. 5. These results suggest genetic variation underlying resource utilization may explain the genetic basis of age structure in Atlantic salmon. Given that ontogenetic diet has a genetic component and the strong spatial diversity associated with these genomic regions, we predict populations with diverse maturation age will have diverse evolutionary responses to future changes in marine food web structures.Peer reviewe