713 research outputs found

    Ganglion intraneural del nervio cubital: presentación de un caso

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    Se presenta un caso de un Tumor del Nervio Cubital que suele conocerse en la literatura como Ganglion Intraneural o Quiste mucoide de los nervios, y que es capaz de producir parálisis sensitiva y nerviosa. Se intenta diferenciarlos de los Gangliones sinoviales a través de un estudio de la bibliografía de todas las épocas, considerándose que se trata de degeneraciones del tejido conjuntivo nervioso que conducen a la metaplasia del tejido de sostén endo y perineural con vacuolización de los fibroblastos y producción de sustancia mucoide. En la revisión bibliográfica realizada no se encuentran más de una decena de casos con localización en el miembro superior y en el nervio cubital. Se esbozan los criterios de diagnóstico diferencial con otras minoraciones y lesiones de los nervios y se indica como tratamiento recomendable la exéresis quirúrgica.A case of Ganglion Mucoid Cyst of the Ulnar Nerve producing combined motor and sensory deficit is reported. Inthe bibliographic study is possible to do the differential diagnosis between this specific tumor and the common Ganglia of the tendon sheath. Its origine may be the neural conjuntive tissue degeneration whit subsecuent endo and perineural tissue metaplasia, fibroblastic cyst and production of mucoide substance. There are not more than ten similar cases published in the literature. Its diferential diagnosis and recomended treatment is presented

    Avances en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de las arritmias cardíacas

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    The era of catheter ablation for the treatment of arrhythmias began in 1981 when Dr Scheinman performed the first atrioventricular junction ablation using direct current shocks in a patient with drug refractory atrial fibrillation and an uncontrolled ventricular rate. With the progress of radiofrequency catheter ablation, the range of arrhythmias amenable to catheter ablation and the number of patients that could be treated safely by this procedure expanded enormously. Lastly, although still in an evolutionary phase, catheter ablation to eliminate atrial fibrillation has been demostrated in the past years to be feasible and clinically useful. On the other hand, innovations in technology and pharmacology, and better preventive and diagnostic tools, have provided our patients with an important improvement in their prognosis. The new developments in molecular genetics and biology are likely to change the way we approach a cardiac patient in the future. The diseases are now being deciphered at the most basic level, and the information obtained opens new possibilities not only for better therapeutic and diagnostic measures but also for prevention of the disease

    Biogeomorphological processes in an arid transgressive dunefield as indicators of human impact by urbanization

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    This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ which permits unrestricted re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. This author accepted manuscript is made available following 24 month embargo from date of publication (August 2018) in accordance with the publisher’s archiving policyUrban and tourist developments can have long-lasting impacts on coastal environments and fundamentally alter the evolution of coastal dune systems. This is the case of the Maspalomas dunefield (Gran Canaria, Canary Islands), hosting one of the largest tourist resorts in Spain. The resort was built on top of a sedimentary terrace at 25 m above sea level (El Inglés) in the 1960s, and has subsequently affected local winds and therefore aeolian sediment transport patterns. Buildings on the terrace deflect the winds to the south of the dunefield, where the rate of sediment transport accelerated. A shadow zone appeared to the lee side of the resort with a consequent decrease in wind speed and aeolian sediment transport and an increase in vegetation cover. In this paper, first we characterize the environmental changes around El Inglés terrace in recent decades, and describe the changes in the shadow zone through an analysis of the evolution of sedimentary volumes and vegetation characteristics (density, spatial patterns, and plants communities). A series of historical aerial photographs, recent orthophotos and digital elevation models obtained by digital photogrammetry and LiDAR, as well as fieldwork were used to characterize plant communities and spatial-temporal changes in erosive landforms. Results show changes in the pattern and migration rates of dunes located at the southern edge of the urbanization, as well as the formation of blowouts and large deflation areas, where the vegetation increases in density and number of plant communities. We discuss eco-anthropogenic factors that have produced these environmental changes.This work is a contribution of projects CSO2013-43256-R and CSO2016-79673-R (National R & D & I Plan) co-financed with ERDF funds and a PhD contract of the Canary Islands Agency for Research, Innovation and Information Society and by the European Social Fund (ESF)

    Geometrical dynamics of Born-Infeld objects

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    We present a geometrical inspired study of the dynamics of DpDp-branes. We focus on the usual nonpolynomial Dirac-Born-Infeld action for the worldvolume swept out by the brane in its evolution in general background spacetimes. We emphasize the form of the resulting equations of motion which are quite simple and resemble Newton's second law, complemented with a conservation law for a worldvolume bicurrent. We take a closer look at the classical Hamiltonian analysis which is supported by the ADM framework of general relativity. The constraints and their algebra are identified as well as the geometrical role they play in phase space. In order to illustrate our results, we review the dynamics of a D1D1-brane immersed in a AdS3×S3AdS_3 \times S^3 background spacetime. We exhibit the mechanical properties of Born-Infeld objects paving the way to a consistent quantum formulation.Comment: LaTex, 20 pages, no figure

    Trastuzumab and pertuzumab without chemotherapy in early-stage HER2+ breast cancer: a plain language summary of the PHERGain study

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    This is a summary of a publication about the PHERGain study, which was published in The Lancet Oncology in May 2021. The study includes 376 women with a type of breast cancer called HER2-positive breast cancer that can be removed by surgery. In the study, researchers wanted to learn if participants could be treated with two medicines called trastuzumab and pertuzumab without the need for chemotherapy. To identify HER2-positive tumors with more sensitivity to anti-HER2 therapies, the researchers used a type of imaging called a FDG-PET scan to check how well the treatments were working.Participants took a treatment before surgery, consisting of either chemotherapy (docetaxel and carboplatin) plus trastuzumab and pertuzumab (group A) or trastuzumab and pertuzumab alone (plus hormone therapy if the tumor was hormone receptor-positive; group B). After two cycles of treatment, participants underwent a FDG-PET scan. Participants assigned to group A completed 6 cycles of treatment regardless of 18F-FDG-PET results. Participants in group B continued the same treatment until surgery if their FDG-PET scan showed the treatment was working. While participants who did not show a response started treatment with chemotherapy in addition to trastuzumab and pertuzumab. All participants then had surgery.The results revealed that, of the participants in group B who showed a response using FDG-PET scan, 37.9% achieved a disappearance of all invasive cancer in the breast and axillary lymph nodes. This rate appears to be higher than those reported in previous studies evaluating the same treatment. These participants also had less side effects and improved overall quality of life compared with participants taking chemotherapy plus trastuzumab and pertuzumab.Early monitoring of how well participants respond to treatment by FDG-PET scan seems to identify participants with operable HER2-positive breast cancer who were more likely to benefit from trastuzumab and pertuzumab without the need to have chemotherapy. The PHERGain study is still ongoing and results on long-term survival are expected to be released in 2023. Clinical Trial Registration: NCT03161353 (ClinicalTrials.gov)