43 research outputs found

    Elevated Pontine and Putamenal GABA Levels in Mild-Moderate Parkinson Disease Detected by 7 Tesla Proton MRS

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    Background: Parkinson disease (PD) is characterized by the degeneration of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons. However, postmortem evidence indicates that the pathology of lower brainstem regions, such as the pons and medulla, precedes nigral involvement. Consistently, pontomedullary damage was implicated by structural and PET imaging in early PD. Neurochemical correlates of this early pathological involvement in PD are unknown. Methodology/Principal Finding: To map biochemical alterations in the brains of individuals with mild-moderate PD we quantified neurochemical profiles of the pons, putamen and substantia nigra by 7 tesla (T) proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Thirteen individuals with idiopathic PD (Hoehn & Yahr stage 2) and 12 age- and gender-matched healthy volunteers participated in the study. c-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) concentrations in the pons and putamen were significantly higher in patients (N = 11, off medications) than controls (N = 11, p,0.001 for pons and p,0.05 for putamen). The GABA elevation was more pronounced in the pons (64%) than in the putamen (32%). No other neurochemical differences were observed between patients and controls. Conclusion/Significance: The GABA elevation in the putamen is consistent with prior postmortem findings in patients with PD, as well as with in vivo observations in a rodent model of PD, while the GABA finding in the pons is novel. The more significant GABA elevation in the pons relative to the putamen is consistent with earlier pathological involvement of th

    Structural brain signature of cognitive decline in Parkinson's disease: DTI-based evidence from the LANDSCAPE study

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    Background: The nonmotor symptom spectrum of Parkinson's disease (PD) includes progressive cognitive decline mainly in late stages of the disease. The aim of this study was to map the patterns of altered structural connectivity of patients with PD with different cognitive profiles ranging from cognitively unimpaired to PD-associated dementia. Methods: Diffusion tensor imaging and neuropsychological data from the observational multicentre LANDSCAPE study were analyzed. A total of 134 patients with PD with normal cognitive function (56 PD-N), mild cognitive impairment (67 PD-MCI), and dementia (11 PD-D) as well as 72 healthy controls were subjected to whole-brain-based fractional anisotropy mapping and covariance analysis with cognitive performance measures. Results: Structural data indicated subtle changes in the corpus callosum and thalamic radiation in PD-N, whereas severe white matter impairment was observed in both PD-MCI and PD-D patients including anterior and inferior fronto-occipital, uncinate, insular cortices, superior longitudinal fasciculi, corona radiata, and the body of the corpus callosum. These regional alterations were demonstrated for PD-MCI and were more pronounced in PD-D. The pattern of involved regions was significantly correlated with the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease (CERAD) total score. Conclusions: The findings in PD-N suggest impaired cross-hemispherical white matter connectivity that can apparently be compensated for. More pronounced involvement of the corpus callosum as demonstrated for PD-MCI together with affection of fronto-parieto-temporal structural connectivity seems to lead to gradual disruption of cognition-related cortico-cortical networks and to be associated with the onset of overt cognitive deficits. The increase of regional white matter damage appears to be associated with the development of PD-associated dementia

    Structural and Resting State Functional Connectivity of the Subthalamic Nucleus: Identification of Motor STN Parts and the Hyperdirect Pathway

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    Contains fulltext : 109610.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Deep brain stimulation (DBS) for Parkinson's disease often alleviates the motor symptoms, but causes cognitive and emotional side effects in a substantial number of cases. Identification of the motor part of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) as part of the presurgical workup could minimize these adverse effects. In this study, we assessed the STN's connectivity to motor, associative, and limbic brain areas, based on structural and functional connectivity analysis of volunteer data. For the structural connectivity, we used streamline counts derived from HARDI fiber tracking. The resulting tracks supported the existence of the so-called "hyperdirect" pathway in humans. Furthermore, we determined the connectivity of each STN voxel with the motor cortical areas. Functional connectivity was calculated based on functional MRI, as the correlation of the signal within a given brain voxel with the signal in the STN. Also, the signal per STN voxel was explained in terms of the correlation with motor or limbic brain seed ROI areas. Both right and left STN ROIs appeared to be structurally and functionally connected to brain areas that are part of the motor, associative, and limbic circuit. Furthermore, this study enabled us to assess the level of segregation of the STN motor part, which is relevant for the planning of STN DBS procedures

    Structure-specific amyloid precipitation in biofluids

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    The composition of soluble toxic protein aggregates formed in vivo is currently unknown in neurodegenerative diseases, due to their ultra-low concentration in human biofluids and their high degree of heterogeneity. Here we report a method to capture amyloid-containing aggregates in human biofluids in an unbiased way, a process we name amyloid precipitation. We use a structure-specific chemical dimer, a Y-shaped, bio-inspired small molecule with two capture groups, for amyloid precipitation to increase affinity. Our capture molecule for amyloid precipitation (CAP-1) consists of a derivative of Pittsburgh Compound B (dimer) to target the cross β-sheets of amyloids and a biotin moiety for surface immobilization. By coupling CAP-1 to magnetic beads, we demonstrate that we can target the amyloid structure of all protein aggregates present in human cerebrospinal fluid, isolate them for analysis and then characterize them using single-molecule fluorescence imaging and mass spectrometry. Amyloid precipitation enables unbiased determination of the molecular composition and structural features of the in vivo aggregates formed in neurodegenerative diseases

    Structure-specific amyloid precipitation in biofluids.

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    The composition of soluble toxic protein aggregates formed in vivo is currently unknown in neurodegenerative diseases, due to their ultra-low concentration in human biofluids and their high degree of heterogeneity. Here we report a method to capture amyloid-containing aggregates in human biofluids in an unbiased way, a process we name amyloid precipitation. We use a structure-specific chemical dimer, a Y-shaped, bio-inspired small molecule with two capture groups, for amyloid precipitation to increase affinity. Our capture molecule for amyloid precipitation (CAP-1) consists of a derivative of Pittsburgh Compound B (dimer) to target the cross β-sheets of amyloids and a biotin moiety for surface immobilization. By coupling CAP-1 to magnetic beads, we demonstrate that we can target the amyloid structure of all protein aggregates present in human cerebrospinal fluid, isolate them for analysis and then characterize them using single-molecule fluorescence imaging and mass spectrometry. Amyloid precipitation enables unbiased determination of the molecular composition and structural features of the in vivo aggregates formed in neurodegenerative diseases.HZ is a Wallenberg Scholar supported by grants from the Swedish Research Council (#2018-02532), the European Research Council (#681712), Swedish State Support for Clinical Research (#ALFGBG-720931) and the UK Dementia Research Institute at UCL. DK is supported by grants from the European Research Council (#669237), the Royal Society and UK Dementia Research Institute at Cambridge. We thank the Royal Society for the University Research Fellowship to SFL (UF120277), TNS: National Institutes of Health (R01GM121573). Also, Michael J. Fox Grant to SFL and TNS (grant ID: 10200). JAV is supported by the European Research Council with an ERC Starting Grant (804581)

    Verbal memory declines more in female patients with Parkinson's disease: the importance of gender-corrected normative data

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    Background Data on gender-specific profiles of cognitive functions in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) are rare and inconsistent, and possible disease-confounding factors have been insufficiently considered. Method The LANDSCAPE study on cognition in PD enrolled 656 PD patients (267 without cognitive impairment, 66% male; 292 with mild cognitive impairment, 69% male; 97 with PD dementia, 69% male). Raw values and age-, education-, and gender-corrected Z scores of a neuropsychological test battery (CERAD-Plus) were compared between genders. Motor symptoms, disease duration, l-dopa equivalent daily dose, depression - and additionally age and education for the raw value analysis - were taken as covariates. Results Raw-score analysis replicated results of previous studies in that female PD patients were superior in verbal memory (word list learning, p = 0.02; recall, p = 0.03), while men outperformed women in visuoconstruction (p = 0.002) and figural memory (p = 0.005). In contrast, gender-corrected Z scores showed that men were superior in verbal memory (word list learning, p = 0.02; recall, p = 0.02; recognition, p = 0.04), while no difference was found for visuospatial tests. This picture could be observed both in the overall analysis of PD patients as well as in a differentiated group analysis. Conclusions Normative data corrected for gender and other sociodemographic variables are relevant, since they may elucidate a markedly different cognitive profile compared to raw scores. Our study also suggests that verbal memory decline is stronger in women than in men with PD. Future studies are needed to replicate these findings, examine the progression of gender-specific cognitive decline in PD and define different underlying mechanisms of this dysfunction

    Longitudinal brain atrophy distribution in advanced Parkinson's disease: What makes the difference in cognitive status converters?

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    We investigated the brain atrophy distribution pattern and rate of regional atrophy change in Parkinson's disease (PD) in association with the cognitive status to identify the morphological characteristics of conversion to mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia (PDD). T1-weighted longitudinal 3T MRI data (up to four follow-up assessments) from neuropsychologically well-characterized advanced PD patients (n = 172, 8.9 years disease duration) and healthy elderly controls (n = 85) enrolled in the LANDSCAPE study were longitudinally analyzed using a linear mixed effect model and atlas-based volumetry and cortical thickness measures. At baseline, PD patients presented with cerebral atrophy and cortical thinning including striatum, temporoparietal regions, and primary/premotor cortex. The atrophy was already observed in cognitively normal PD patients (PD-N) and was considerably more pronounced in cognitively impaired PD patients. Linear mixed effect modeling revealed almost similar rates of atrophy change in PD and controls. The group comparison at baseline between those PD-N whose cognitive performance remained stable (n = 42) and those PD-N patients who converted to MCI/PDD (converter cPD-N, n = 26) indicated suggested cortical thinning in the anterior cingulate cortex in cPD-N patients which was correlated with cognitive performance. Our results suggest that cortical brain atrophy has been already expanded in advanced PD patients without overt cognitive deficits while atrophy progression in late disease did not differ from normal aging regardless of the cognitive status. It appears that cortical atrophy begins early and progresses already in the initial disease stages emphasizing the need for therapeutic interventions already at disease onset